Why On Sunday-O.Palmer Robertson
Why On Sunday-O.Palmer Robertson
Why On Sunday-O.Palmer Robertson
O. Palmer Robertson
It's a good question, you will have to admit. It's also a question that needs
an answer. So what can be said?
Begin by considering the evidence of the Old Testament. The Sabbath in the
Old Testament was not merely a special day that was to be recognized once
a week. It had much richer significance. It pointed forward to the future
"rest" of redemption that God would accomplish for his people. The Sabbath
was not only a reminder of the rest that came after the six days of creation.
It also was celebrated because God had delivered his people from slavery in
God repeated the law for Moses after Israel had wandered in the wilderness
for forty years, just before they entered the land of promise. When God
repeated the law that had been given at Sinai, the Ten Commandments were
the same. Not one of the original ten commandments had been changed. But
another reason for observing the Sabbath was given. At Sinai, God's people
had been told to keep the Sabbath because God had rested after the six
days of creation (Ex. 20:11; cf. Gen. 2:3). But in Transjordan, God told Israel
to keep the Sabbath in view of their redemption from Egypt (Deut. 5:15). Not
only because of creation, but also because of redemption, the people of God
were to rest one day in seven.
So when Israel entered the land of their "rest" under Joshua, they marched
around Jericho for seven days. Then on the seventh day they marched
around the city walls seven times. When they had completed the march
around Jericho the seventh time on the seventh day, the walls came
tumbling down, and the people of God began to enter their rest in Canaan.
The taking of Jericho was a picture of God's people entering into their
In a similar way, the seventy years of Israel's captivity pointed toward the
"rest" of the redemption that was to come to the Promised Land. For the
seventy years of Israel's captivity in Babylon, the land "was enjoying its
sabbath rests" (2 Chron. 36:21).
These Old Testament experiences showed that God's people were looking
forward to the rest, the redemption, that would be accomplished by God's
Messiah one day in the future. They worked six days in the week, looking
forward to the rest that they would experience in the future. They looked to
the land of promise as the place where they would enter into their rest from
all the burdens of life.
A New Perspective
But now redemption has been accomplished. Jesus has come as the
fulfillment of prophecy. By his death and resurrection, he has brought his
people into their redemptive rest. We look back to the salvation that has
been completed through Christ. "It is finished" was his cry from the cross,
and so we know that everything has been done for our deliverance from sin,
death, and all other evils in this world.
1. Jesus Christ arose on the first day of the week (Matt. 28:1). He entered
into his rest from labor, not on Saturday (the seventh day), but on Sunday
(the first day of the week). As Jesus entered into his rest on the first day, so
he encourages us to begin the week by resting in the confidence that he will
provide for all our needs for seven days with only six days of labor.
2. Jesus Christ appeared to his assembled disciples on the first day of the
week, as well as to Mary and to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus
(John 20:10; Luke 24:13). By these appearances on the first day of the week,
the resurrected Lord set a pattern for meeting with his disciples. They
began expecting to meet with him on the day of his resurrection, which is
the first day of the week.
3. Jesus appeared to the assembled disciples one week later on the first
day of the week, with doubting Thomas present this time (John 20:26).
Already a new pattern of assembly for worship was emerging. God's new
covenant people were making it a habit to assemble together on the first
day of the week, the day of Christ's resurrection. Jesus honored these
assemblies by appearing to the disciples at this time, and encouraged their
faith in him as the resurrected Lord.
5. As Paul spread the gospel of Christ among Jews and Gentiles throughout
the world, the first day of the week was used as the time for Christians to
assemble for worship. In Greece, Paul and Luke assembled with the people
of God to break bread and to hear the preaching of God's word on the first
day of the week (Acts 20:7). This was the day that the people of the new
covenant assembled to hear God's word.
6. Paul wrote to the Christians in Corinth to establish the pattern for their
presenting of offerings for the service of the Lord. He ordered the Christians
in Corinth to follow the pattern that had already been set with the churches
in Galatia (1 Cor. 16:1). On the first day of every week they were to
consecrate their offerings to the Lord (1 Cor. 16:2). This schedule for
honoring the Lord had become the pattern for God's people throughout the
churches. The churches were not to present their offerings any time they
wished. Rather, on the first day of each week, all the Corinthian Christians
were to follow the pattern that had already been set among the Galatian
churches. The first day of the week was the designated time for the
presentation of offerings to the Lord.
The Lord's Day
7. The apostle John, now aged and perhaps the only living member of the
original twelve apostles, had been banished to the island of Patmos. In this
circumstance, he could not assemble for worship with the people of God.
But the apostle informs us that "on the Lord's Day" he was "in the Spirit"
(Rev. 1:10). The significance of his being "in the Spirit" seems quite clear.
He had entered into the presence of the Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit,
and was offering his adoration to him.
But what is the meaning of the phrase "on the Lord's Day"? In one sense, it
may be said that every day of the week belongs to the Lord, and so might be
called the "Lord's day." But John is referring to something more specific. He
does not speak merely of "a" day that has been consecrated to the Lord.
Instead he speaks of "the" Lord's Day.
That one day that may be called "the Lord's Day" was the day in which he
proved to the world that he was Lord. On one particular day, Jesus made the
universe understand that he was Lord of all. That day was the day of his
resurrection. On that day, he conquered the last of the sinner's enemies,
which is death. On the first day of the week, he showed that his power could
overcome all enemies, even death itself. That day is "the Lord's Day."
So by the end of the lifetime of the first apostles, Christians knew about one
day of the week that was called "the Lord's Day." On that day, they
celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit. That day became the time for their assembly as they rejoiced in the
resurrection of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Honoring God
From the creation of the world until the coming of Christ, that day was the
last day of the week. People in the days of the Old Testament were looking
forward to the rest that the Savior would bring.
But now Christ has come. He has risen victoriously over all his enemies.
This victory he won on the first day of the week. On this day he meets with
his disciples as they assemble to commune with him.
So we are to celebrate the rest he has won for us. We are to taste and
anticipate his rest by offering our worship on the first day of the week. For it
is the only pattern demonstrated in the Scriptures of the new covenant for
the worship of God's people today.