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Ebook43 pages35 minutes


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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...” (Matthew 28:19). That is Jesus’ command for His followers, but it can be a terrifying task. And what’s the point, if a person is saved by God and not our efforts? Join Jeffrey Stivason, Mark Johnston, David Calhoun, and others as they discuss biblical, Reformed evangelism from years past and for today. With confidence in King Jesus, we may go boldly and bring the Good News to all people, be they across the ocean or down the street.

Release dateMar 7, 2018

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    Evangelism - Jeffrey Stivason


    Theology on the Go

    Jeffrey Stivason, editor

    600 Eden Road • Lancaster • Pennsylvania 17601

    Table of Contents

    1. Why Evanglize? (Michael Roberts)

    2. The Great Missionary Presupposition (Jeffrey Stivason)

    3.Mission Impossible? (Mark Johnston)

    4. Missions in the Old Testament (Tim Bertolet)

    5. John Calvin on Missions (Michael Haykin)

    6. Old Princeton: Her Missionary Outreach



    1. Why Evangelize?

    Michael Roberts [1]


    Because Christ is Lord of all, there is no one throughout the world who is not obligated to render to Jesus the glory that belongs to Him as the crucified, risen, and ascended Savior and Judge. As Christians share the message of salvation, both near and far, the Lord uses their proclamation of the Gospel to save sinners. In the wake of these conversions, worship of the triune God occurs where it did not before.

    Tertullian, writing around A.D. 200, described the situation in his own day: We are but of yesterday, and we have filled every place among you—cities, islands, fortresses, towns, market-places, the very camp, tribes, companies, palace, senate, forum,—we have left nothing to you but the temples of your gods. [2] The Christian Church continues to do that. Like the small mustard seed, the kingdom of God grows as the Gospel is faithfully shared with others wherever Christians are found.

    Why Evangelize? And How?

    In these attempts to communicate with others, however, the response is often hostile and indifferent. So why do it? Why go to all the trouble just to be mocked and rejected the vast majority of the time? Why not spend more of our money and efforts trying to disciple those who are already Christians? Or if we want to have at least something to do with evangelism, why not wait for interested people to come to the Church, rather than experience the persecution that awaits us in going outside it? We could perhaps come up with a number of reasons why we should care about sharing the Gospel with others, but I will mention just two. The first is so simple that it might not be the first reason we give: we are to evangelize because Jesus commands it.

    When R. C. Sproul was a seminary student, he took a class from Dr. John Gerstner, who was a professor of church history. There were about eighteen students in the room, sitting in a semicircle. They were discussing predestination, and Gerstner asked a question, beginning with the student at the opposite end of the semicircle as Sproul: "Now,

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