Bz&Fufonk Vkea .K Lwpuk 2 Ch-Vks - VH-& (Kqyh Fufonk 2 Fyqkqks Esa
Bz&Fufonk Vkea .K Lwpuk 2 Ch-Vks - VH-& (Kqyh Fufonk 2 Fyqkqks Esa
Bz&Fufonk Vkea .K Lwpuk 2 Ch-Vks - VH-& (Kqyh Fufonk 2 Fyqkqks Esa
1. Item rate tenders are invited through the CPP portal by Asstt General Manager (Engg.-Electrical), B. M.
Airport, Ranchi, Telephone No.:- 0651- 6451352 (Bid Manager) on behalf of Chairman, AAI, from the
eligible Contractors for the work of “Operation of Passenger Boarding Bridges with
VDGS at B.M. Airport,Ranchi” at an estimated cost of Rs. 3748728.00 (excluding GST) with
period of completion of 36 (Thirty Six) Months.
Prospective Tenderers are advised to get themselves registered at CPP-portal, obtain ‘Login ID’ &
‘Password’ and go through the instructions available in the Home Page after log in to the CPP portal address or They should also obtain Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC) in parallel which is essentially required for submission of their application. The process
normally takes 03 days time. The tenderer may also take guidance from AAI Help Desk support through
path desk support.
(i) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24x7 Help Desk details are as below:-
Tel: 0120-4200462, 0120-4001002, Mobile: 918826246593
Bidders are requested to kindly mention the URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the subject while
emailing any issue along with the contact details.
For any further technical assistance with regard to functioning of CPP portal the bidder may contact to
the following AAI help desk numbers on all working days only between
2. Following 2 envelopes shall be submitted through on-line at CPP portal by the bidder as per the following
Publishing Date 11.10.2021 From (18:00 Hrs.)
Tender Fee (non refundable , online payment through Rs. 1180/- Non-refundable.
payment gate way on CPP portal )
Envelope-I (Tender processing fee, EMD, Technical Bid and Pre-qualification): Bid containing
A. Tender processing fee, EMD:
i. Tender processing fees of Rs. 1180.00 are to be paid online through payment gateway
provided at the CPP portal. For EMD declaration is to be submitted as per proforma PR-5
B. Technical Bid containing the following: -
(i) Scanned copy of Unconditional Acceptance of AAI’s Tender conditions (Performa given as
per ANNEXURE-1 of page no. PR-1 of Tender Document).
(ii) Scanned copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and GST Registration Certificate.
(iv) Scanned copy of GST ‘Undertaking” on firm letterhead (Performa given on page no. PR-7
of Tender Document)
(v) Tenderer should deploy sufficient plant and machinery as per requirement of work in
consultation with the Engineer-In-Charge (EIC) to achieve the milestones/ targets and overall
completion with the time period. Tenderer shall submit scanned copy of ‘Undertaking’ on
Company’s Letterhead. (Performa given on page no. PR-2 of Tender Document).
(vii) Companies other than proprietary firm shall submit, scanned copy of Authorization letter/
power of attorney along with copy of certificate of Incorporation of the company under
Companies Act showing CIN/LLPIN/Name of Directors of the Company & Copy of Board
Resolution regarding Authority of assign Power of Attorney. Proprietary firm shall submit
scanned copy of Authorization letter/ Power of Attorney only if the tender is processed by a
person other than proprietor.
(viii) Agency should have valid PF & ESI registration (In case EPF & ESI registration are not
available with bidder while submitting tender. Bidder shall submit undertaking to submit EPF
& ESI registration after award of work). Attach performa PR-08 of tender document for
minimum wages.
(x) Firms showin work experience certificate from non-government/non organizations shouls
submit copy of tax dedctilon at sources certificate in support of this for havilng
experience of stipulated value of work.
(xi) PQ Performa dully filled.
C. Qualifying requirements of contractors / tenderer containing the following: -
(i) Agency should have valid Permanent Account Number (PAN), GST Registration and ESI &
EPF/Agreement Registration.
(ii) The tenderer should submit consent letter /agreement from OEM of PBBs to get back to back
support during opeeration of equipment in terms of training safety procedures and awareness of
minor/day to day routine checks & maintenance to keep equipment in good operational
condition without any opportunity of conflict with OEM.
(Note- M/s PT BUkaka Teknik Utama is the OEM of PBBs at B.M. Airport,Ranchi)
(iii) Should have satisfactorily completed (#Phase/Part completion of the scope of work in a
contract shall not be considered, however pre-determined phasing of the work will be
accepted) three works, each of Rs. 1499491.00 Lakhs or two works each of Rs.
1874364.00 Lakhs or one work of Rs. 2998982.00 Lakhs in single contract of similar
nature of work “Operation & Maintenance of PBB with VDGS” during last seven years
ending on last date or extended date of submission of bid.
“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of
completion to the last date of submission of bid.
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work,
date of start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and satisfactory
completion of work.Tenderers showing work experience certificate from non-
government/non-PSU organizations should submit copy of tax deduction at sources
(TDS) certificate(s) along with a certificate issued by registered Chartered Accountant,
clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against the work and TDS
amount for the work.
(iii) Should have annualized average financial turnover of Rs. 1124618.00 Lakhs against
works executed during last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial
year. As a proof, copy of Abridged Balance Sheet along with Profit and Loss Account
Statement of the tenderer should be submitted along with the application.Tenderers
showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet shall be
summarily rejected.
(iv) The tenderers should have a minimum net worth of Rs. 562309.00 Lakhs issued by
certified Chartered Accountants. (Performa given on page no. PR-6 of
Tender Document). Scanned copy of all the Documents of Envelope-I mentioned above
shall be submitted on the CPP Portal.
Refund of EMD
The refund of EMD to tenderers who fail to qualify in the eligibility / technical criteria,
shall be initiated online. For all tenderers who qualify and their financial bids are opened,
their EMD of all such tenderers, except L-1, shall be refunded to their source account.
4. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderers having business relationship.
Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have business relationship
with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s)/ director(s) are common) be allowed to tender for the
same contract as separate competitors. A breach of the condition will render the tenders of both parties
liable to rejection.
5. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website:, shall not tamper/ modify the tender form including
downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tampered / modified in
any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be forfeited and tenderer is liable to be
banned from doing business with AAI.
6. Bids Opening Process is as below: -
Envelope-I (Tender processing fee, EMD declaration , Technical Bid and pre-qualification):
Envelope-I containing documents as per para 2 (A), (B) and (C) (uploaded by the tenderers) shall be
opened on date & time mentioned in Critical Data Sheet. If the bidder has any query related to the Bid
Document of the work, they should use ‘Seek Clarification’ on CPP Portal to seek clarifications. No other
means of communication in this regard shall be entertained.
If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his uploaded documents in
Envelope-I, he will be asked to provide it through CPP Portal or email if required. The tenderer shall
upload the requisite clarification/ documents within time specified by AAI, failing which it shall be
presumed that bidder does not have anything to submit and bid shall be evaluated accordingly.
The intimation regarding acceptance /rejection of their bids will be intimated to the tenderers through
CPP Portal.
Envelope-II (Financial Bid):
Envelope-II containing financial bid of the tenderers found to be meeting the technical criteria and
qualifying requirements shall be opened on date & time mentioned in Critical Data Sheet. (In case the
date and time for opening of Envelope-II (Financial Bid) is required to be changed, the same shall
be intimated through CPP Portal).
7. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons. AAI
also reserves the right to call off tender at any stage without assigning any reason.
8. AAI reserve the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing project (s) is
below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary/Permanent debarment/ black
listing by any department of AAI or central/ State Govt. Depts. / PSUs/ World Bank/ ADB etc. AAI
reserve the right to verify the credential submitted by the tenderers at any stage (before or after the
award of work). If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is found to
be incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer then AAI shall take the
following action:
a) Forfeit the entire amount of EMD submitted by the tenderers.
b) The tenderers shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, including
termination of the contract apart from any other appropriate contractual /legal action.
9. Consortium/JV companies shall not be permitted.
10. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
Asstt. Gen. Manager (Engg.-E)
11. Concession to India Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with DIC/ NSIC/ KVIC/ KVIB/
Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc; to be given as peer the provisions of public Procurement
Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up to date amendment's only, shall be available for Goods & Services
Produced and provided by MSEs for which they are registered (the evaluation of tender will be made on
lowest bidder basis and the work will be awarded to lowest bidder only, as the work can not be parted due to
its nature of work)
MSEs seeking exemption and benefits should enclose attested or self certified true copy of valid Registration
Certificate, giving the details of validity, stores, services etc failing which they run the risk of their bid being
passed over as ineligible for benefits applicable for MSEs. Also bidder is to submit "Bid Security
Declaration" accepting that if they withdraw or modify the their bids during the period of validity etc, they
will be suspended for the time specified in the tender document (as per Office Memorandum dtd: 12.11.2020
by Govet of India, Ministry of Finance). Please note that the tender is being invited for multitasking
specialized jobs / works. Therefore the details to be submitted accordingly in line with the tender.
Mobile No.:
Fax No.:
E-Mail ID:
(i) Tender Fee (Non-refundable, in the Tender fee for an amount of Rs. Yes/no
form of online payment through 1180.00
payment Gateway on CPP Portal)
(ii) EMD Declaration to be submitted as
per proforma PR-5 Yes / No
(iv) Goods & Services Tax (GST) Copy of GST certificate YES/NO
Registration No.
(ix) Minimum wages undertaking As per performa given on PR-8 of YES/NO
tender documents on companys letter
(x) Firms showing work experience submit copy of tax dedctilon at YES/NO
certificate from non- sources certificate in support
government/non organizations
shouls submit copy of tax
dedctilon at sources certificate in
support of this for havilng
experience of stipulated value of
(xi) OEM of PBBs Consent YES/NO
Letter/Agreement in respect of
back to back support during
operation and to keep equipment in
good operational condition without
any opportunity of conflict with the
C Qualifying requirements
(i) Work Experience Certificates from Details of similar nature works Completion
clients of having satisfactorily completed during last seven year Certificates
completed works similar nature as showing the nature of work done, the with PO and
mentioned in eNIT. value of work, date of start, date of BOQ
completion as per agreement, actual /Documents in
date of completion and satisfactory support of e-
completion of works as per the e- NIT. Self-
NIT. Completion Certificates should attested copy
have the following details: uploaded
(1) WORK NO:-1
Name of client :-
Name of work :-
Completion Value: -
Date of Start :-
Name of client :-
Name of work :-
Completion Value: -
Date of Start :-
Date of completion as per
agreement :
Actual Date of completion of work
(3) WORK NO:-3
Name of client :-
Name of work :-
Completion Value: -
Date of Start :-
Date of completion as per
agreement :
Actual Date of completion of work
(ii) Annualized average financial Abridged Balance Sheet and Profit & Copy of
turnover details (Abridged Balance Loss account for last three financial Annual
Sheet and Profit & Loss Account) year as per e-NIT. Report i.e.
equivalent to Indian Rupees in Abridged
Lakhs during last three financial Balance Sheet
years minimum amount Rs. and Profit &
1124618.00 Loss Account
for the last
three years.
Annual Financial Turnover
( iii) Minimum net worth of INR Rs. Copy of net worth issued by certified YES/NO
562309.00 chartered accountant. As per performa
given on Page no PR-6 of tender
I (________________________) hereby declare that the documents submitted/ enclosed are true and correct. In
case any document at any stage found fake/incorrect, my EMD may be forfeited & action as deemed fit by AAI
can be taken against me.
Date :
Signature with stamp
Authorized Signatory of the Agency
1. Item rate e-tenders are invited on behalf of the Airports Authority of India for the work as mentioned at Page
No.130 of GCC. The estimated cost of the work is mentioned at Page No. 130 of GCC. This estimate, however, is
given merely as rough guide.
3. The works are required to be completed within the period as mentioned at Page No. 132 of GCC.
4. Not more than one Tender shall be submitted by a contractor or by a firm of contractors. No two or more
concerns in which an individual is interested, as Proprietor and/or partner shall tender for the execution of the same
works. If they do so, all such Tenders shall be liable to be rejected.
5. The Accepting Authority as mentioned at Page No. 131 of GCC shall be the Accepting Officer hereinafter,
referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.\
6. Tender documents consisting of plans, specifications, Schedule(s) of quantities of the various classes of work to
be done, the conditions of contract and other necessary documents will be open for inspection in the office of the
Asstt. General Manager Engg (E), AAI, B.M Airport Ranchi, between hours of 11.00 am & 4.00 pm every day
except Saturday, Sunday and public holidays. Tender document can be downloaded from the NIC CPP e-
tendering portal without paying any tender processing fees. However, to participate in the tender, the Bidders
must pay tender processing fee & EMD as mentioned in NIT.
7. Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before
submitting their Tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of
the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require, working conditions including space
for stacking of materials, installation of T&P, rates of various materials to be incorporated in works, conditions
affecting accommodation and movement of labours etc. and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or effect their Tender. A bidder
shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on
any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
8. Submission of a Tender by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has
made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the works to be done and of conditions and rates at which
stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by Airports Authority of India, local conditions, local material
rates and other factors bearing on the execution of the works.
10. In the case of item rate Tenders only rates quoted shall be considered. Any Tender containing percentage
below/above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected.
11. Tenders shall be uploaded by the bidder upto the date and time as mentioned at Page No. 2 of NIT and shall be
opened on the date and time as mentioned at Page No. 2 of NIT.
12. Against Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) declaration is to be submitted as per proforma PR-5.
13. Notification of Award of contract will be made in writing to the successful Bidder by the Accepting Authority
or his representative. The contract will normally be awarded to the qualified and responsive Bidder offering lowest
evaluated bid in conformity with the requirements of the specifications and contract documents and the Accepting
Authority shall be the sole judge in this regard. The Accepting Authority does not bind himself to accept the lowest
or any tender or to give any reason for his decision.
13.1 A responsive bidder is one who submits the financial bid and accepts all the terms and conditions of the
tender document.
13.2 A major modification is one which affects in any way the quality, quantity and period of completion of the
work or which limits in any way the responsibilities or liabilities of the Bidder or any right of AAI, as required in
the specifications and contract documents. Any modification in the terms and conditions of the Tender which are
not acceptable to AAI shall also be treated as a major modification.
13.3 A Bidders shall submit a responsive bid, failing which his Tender will be liable to be rejected.
13.4 The Accepting Authority reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the Tender and
Bidders shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates.
14. On acceptance of Tender earnest money will be treated as part of the security deposit.
15. Airports Authority of India will return the earnest money where applicable to every unsuccessful bidder except
as provided in the Tender documents.
16. Canvassing in connection with Tenders is strictly prohibited and the Tenders submitted by the bidders who
resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.
17. The Bidders shall not be permitted to tender for works in Airports Authority of India Engineering Department,
responsible for award and execution of contracts, in which his near relative is posted as Manager Finance &
Accounts or Sr. Officer or as an engineer in any capacity. He shall also intimate the names of persons who are
working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any officer in
Airports Authority of India. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be debarred
from Tendering for next 2 years.
18. The contractors shall give a list of AAI employees related to him.
19. No Engineer of Gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in
an Engineering Department of Airports Authority of India/Govt. of India is allowed to work as a contractor for a
period of two years of his retirement from Airports Authority of India/ Government service, without the previous
permission of Airports of India/Govt. of India. The contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any
of his employees is found at any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of Airports
Authority of India/Govt. of India as aforesaid before submission of the Tender or engagement in the contractor’s
20. The Tender for works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety days from the date of opening of
financial bid. If any bidder withdraws his Tender before the said period or makes any modifications in the terms
and conditions of the Tender which are not acceptable to the Department, then Airports Authority of India shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely.
21. On acceptance of the Tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the contractor who would be
responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be communicated to the Engineer-in-Charge.
22. If at any stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is found to be incorrect/false or have
some discrepancy which disqualifies the firm then AAI shall take the following action: a) Forfeit the entire amount
of EMD submitted by the firm. b) The agency shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, apart from any
other appropriate contractual / legal action.
23. The site for the work may be made available in full or parts as decided by Engineer-In-Charge.
24. Last date and time of submission of e-bids (Envelope I & II) is mentioned in NIT.
25. Guideline for quoting rate for BOQ Items
(a) This contract is item rate contract. Hence, bidder has to quote the rate against each item.
(b) BOQ Item no. 47, is for items covered in CPWD - DSR 2018 (E&M) will be executed on actual site
requirement basis. For which an amount Rs. 500000/- has been considered and this amount is mentioned in
quantity column of BOQ.
(c) The rate shall be quoted for this item no. 01 as per example given below.
26. MODE OF SUBMISSION OF TENDERS: Two Envelopes shall be submitted through online at e-tendering
portal by the bidder as mentioned in NIT.
26.1 If the bidder has any query related to the Tender Document of the work, they should use ‘Seek clarification’
tab in e-tendering portal to seek clarifications. No other means of communication in this regards shall be
26.2 If any clarification is needed by AAI from the bidder about the deficiency in his uploaded documents in
Envelope – I, they will be asked to provide it through short fall folder in e-tendering portal. The bidder shall upload
the requisite clarification/documents within specified time of receipt of such request from AAI, failing which
tender will not be considered for the subsequent stages.
26.3 Once the bidder has submitted the digitally signed file of tender document along with unconditional
acceptance as an attachment, he is not permitted to upload any additional file or put any remark(s)/ conditions(s) in/
along with the Tender Document (Except unconditional rebate on quoted rates i.e. header discount (%) if any in
fanatical bid section).
27. In case the condition 26 above is found violated, the tender shall be rejected and AAI shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the entire amount of earnest money.
29. The successful Tender/contractor, on acceptance of his Tender by the Accepting Authority, shall within 30 days
from the date of award of work sign the contract consisting of Notice Inviting Tenders, General Conditions of
Contract, Special/additional condition, General and technical specifications, Tender conditions as issued at the time
of invitation of Tender and acceptance thereof with any correspondence leading there to.
30. The Accepting Authority reserves the right to allow the public enterprises purchase preference facilities as
admissible under the existing policy on the date of opening of tender.
31. Prices: - Rates quoted shall be Indian rupees excluding GST however inclusive of all taxes and duties what so
ever viz. custom duty in case of imported items, entry tax, taxes levied by local bodies labour, tools & plants,
packing, freight/transportation of items from factory to site, insurance up to site, loading, unloading, hoisting
arrangement for installation, fee(s) payable for statuary license/approvals from concern department etc. The lowest
tender shall be decided on the basis of net cost to AAI which is excluding GST.