Applied Thermodynamics Mech MCQ
Applied Thermodynamics Mech MCQ
Applied Thermodynamics Mech MCQ
S.NO Objective Questions (MCQ /True or False / Fill up with Choices )
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
16. What is the relation between compression ratio (rk) and the efficiency of the L2
Otto cycle?
a) efficiency decreases with increase in compression ratio
b) efficiency increases with increase in compression ratio
c) efficiency does not affected by change in compression ratio
d) none of the above
17. For the compression ratio 8, the efficiency of otto cyyle is L3
a) 56
b) 48
c) 28
d) 32
18. The maximum temperature in the I.C engine cylinder is of the order of L1
a. 500 – 1000 C
b. 1000 – 1500 C
c. 1500 – 2000 C
d. 2000 – 2500 C
19. The output of a diesel engine can be increased without increasing the engine L1
size in following way
a. injecting more fuel
b. increasing flywheel size
c. scavenging
d. supercharging
20. A diesel engine has compression ratio from ____________ L1
a) 6 to 10
b) 10 to 15
c) 16 to 20
d) 25 to 40
21. In Diesel cycle, heat addition takes place at ___________ L1
a) constant temperature
b) constant pressure
c) constant volume
d) none of the mentioned
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
S.NO Objective Questions (MCQ /True or False / Fill up with Choices )
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
25. The efficiency of an ideal regenerative cycle is ____ the Carnot cycle L1
a) greater than
b) equal to
c) less than
d) none of the mentioned
26. When compared with the Rankine cycle, the ideal regenerative cycle has L1
a) less net work output
b) more steam rate
c) more efficient
d) all of the mentioned
27. For a regenerative cycle, which of the following is true? L2
a) efficiency = (Q1-Q2)/Q1
b) efficiency = (Wt-Wp)/Q1
c) steam rate = 3600/(Wt-Wp)
d) all of the mentioned
28. Which of the following is an assumption for heaters? L2
a) they are adequately insulated
b) there is no heat gain from or heat loss to the surroundings
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
29. Feed water heaters are of how many types? L2
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
30. What is the other name of the open heater? L2
a) shell & tube heat exchangers
b) contact type heaters
c) regenerative heat exchangers
d) closed heaters
31. Closed heaters are ______________ heat exchangers. L2
a) parallel flow
b) shell-and-tube
c) counter flow
d) cross- flow
32. If plant efficiency is high, what will be its effect on heater size? L3
a) it remains same
b) it increases
c) it decreases
d) none of the mentioned
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
34. The number of pumps required by a closed heater for pumping the main L2
feedwater stream is?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
35. What is the purpose of using open heaters in steam power plants? L3
a) feedwater purification
b) feedwater esterification
c) feedwater deaeration
d) feedwater carbonisation
36. Why are closed heaters sometimes made vertical? L2
a) to reduce weight of heaters
b) to reduce floor areas for installations
c) to minimize losses due to weight
d) none of the mentioned
37. Enthalpy of reactants is 15 J/Kg and enthalpy of products is 40 J/Kg, what L3
is the heat of reaction?
a) -10 J/Kg
b) 10 J/Kg
c) -25 J/Kg
d) 25 J/Kg
38. Enthalpy of reactants is 50 J/Kg and enthalpy of products is 25 J/Kg, what L3
is the heat of reaction?
a) -10 J/Kg
b) 10 J/Kg
c) -25 J/Kg
d) 25 J/Kg
39. Heat of formations of A, B, C, and D, are 5 J, 10 J, 15 J, and 20 J L3
respectively, what is the heat of reaction A + 4B -> 3C + D?
a) 10 J
b) 20 J
c) 35 J
d) 45 J
40. Heat of formations of A, B, C, and D, are 1 J, 2 J, 3 J, and 4 J respectively, L2
what is the heat of reaction 3A + 4B -> 2C + D?
a) -1 J
b) 1 J
c) 3 J
d) 6 J
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
S.NO Objective Questions (MCQ /True or False / Fill up with Choices )
1. On what basis are fire and water tube boilers are classified? L1
a) Depending the combustion products formed
b) Depending the state of fuel
c) Depending on the steam formation rate
d) Depending tubular heating surface
2. Cornish boiler is an example of which type of boiler? L1
a) Fire tube boiler
b) Water tube boiler
c) Vertical tube boiler
d) Externally fired boiler
3. Stirling boiler is an example of which type of boiler? L1
a) Inclined tube boilers
b) Mobile boiler
c) Fire tube boiler
d) Water tube boiler
4. Which of these is a stationary boiler? L1
a) Locomotive boiler
b) Marine boiler
c) Mobile boiler
d) Babcock-Wilcox boiler
5. Which of these is a mobile boiler? L1
a) Lancashire boiler
b) Stirling boiler
c) Locomotive boiler
d) Cochran boiler
6. What is the steam pressure limit of natural circulation boilers? L1
a) 650bar
b) 180bar
c) 400bar
d) 550bar
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
25. The _________ may have water circulation either by natural means due to L1
difference in density or by external means.
a) Piping
b) Tubes
c) Furnace
d) Boiler
26. In what is water in high pressure boiler circulated through? L1
a) Conduits
b) Cove
c) Channel
d) Tubes
27. Steam condensers help in maintaining high back pressure on the exhaust side L1
of the piston of a steam engine.
a) True
b) False
28. Sub-atmospheric pressure is also called ____ L1
a) Gauge pressure
b) Absolute pressure
c) Vacuum pressure
d) High altitude pressure
29. Discharging condensate to hot well improves plant efficiency because _____. L1
a) condensate is not wasted
b) condensate cools down faster in the hot well
c) feed water for boiler is taken from the hot well
d) it increases the pressure in the hot well
30. Cooling water is sprayed into the exhaust steam in _____ L1
a) steam condensers
b) surface condensers
c) jet condensers
d) jet condensers and high condensers
31. Which of the following statements is TRUE about single-pass condenser? L1
a) It is a type of jet Condenser
b) The flow of water is in one direction only
c) The water flows in one direction through some tubes and returns through the
d) It is not used to condense steam
32. The function of a condenser in a thermal power plant is ___ L1
a) To act as reservoir to receive steam for turbine
b) To condense steam into condensate to be reused again
c) To create vacuum
d) All of the above
33. Which of the following is the correct definition of vacuum efficiency? L1
a) It is the ratio of actual vacuum to atmospheric pressure
b) It is the ratio of atmospheric pressure to actual vacuum
c) It is the ratio of maximum obtainable vacuum to actual vacuum
d) It is the ratio of actual vacuum to maximum obtainable vacuum
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
34. The inlet and outlet temperatures of cooling water to a certain condenser are L3
recorded to be 30°C and 40°C respectively. If the absolute pressure in the
condenser is given to be 0.11 bar, determine efficiency.
a) 45.21%
b) 75.65%
c) 95.32%
d) 56.46%
35. The following data refers to a steam condenser – L3
Inlet temperature of cooling water = 36°C
Absolute pressure inside the condenser = 0.12 bar
efficiency = 78%
Determine the outlet temperature of cooling water.
a) 42.37°C
b) 39.12°C
c) 46.49°C
d) 35.21°C
36. Which condenser is high capacity condenser? L1
a) Jet condenser
b) Surface condenser
c) Both used
d) None of these
37. The vaccum obtained in condenser is depend upon a ......... L1
a) Quanity of steam
b) Temperature of cooling water
c) Capacity of enjector
d) None of these
38. What is the other name of the open heater? L1
a) shell & tube heat exchangers
b) contact type heaters
c) regenerative heat exchangers
d) closed heaters
39. Closed heaters are ______________ heat exchangers. L1
a) parallel flow
b) shell-and-tube
c) counter flow
d) cross- flow
40. Which of these is a disadvantage of open heater? L1
a) simplicity
b) lower cost
c) high heat transfer capacity
d) none of the mentioned
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
S.NO Objective Questions (MCQ /True or False / Fill up with Choices )
1. When a gas is pushed through a pipe, the gaseous molecules are _________ L2
by the pipe’s walls.
a) Attracted
b) Absorbed
c) Deflected
d) Dissipated
2. If the speed of sound is much ________ than that of the gas, the gas density L2
will stay constant.
a) Smaller
b) Larger
c) Equal to
d) Non-existent
3. Isentropic nozzle flow states about the movement of a gas or fluid through a L2
narrow orifice without an increase or decrease in _________.
a) Pressure
b) Energy
c) Displacement
d) Entropy
4. In fluid dynamics, the velocity of the fluid in the stagnation point is L1
a) Zero
b) Infinite
c) Non-existent
d) Negative
5. The stagnation state is obtained after a _____________ to zero velocity. L2
a) Accelerating
b) Decelerating
c) Equilibrium
d) Exponential increase
6. To refrain from separation in subsonic nozzles, the expansion angle must not L2
be more than __
a) 10 degrees
b) 20 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 40 degrees
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
7. Gas flows through the nozzle from an area of _____ pressure (called the L2
chamber) to one of _____ pressure.
a) High, low
b) Low, high
c) Same, same
d) Constant, Infinite
8. Converging-diverging nozzle is also known as __________. L1
a) Pascal nozzle
b) Bernouille’s nozzle
c) Toricelli’s nozzle
d) de Laval’ nozzle
9. When the pressure chamber is big, the flow velocities are _____. L1
a) Large
b) Negligible
c) Constant
d) Increasing
10. Nozzle efficiency is described as.... L1
a) Isentropic heat drop/useful heat drop
b) useful heat drop/isentropic heat drop
c) saturation temperature/supersaturation temperature
d) supersaturation temperature/saturation temperature
11. The critical pressure ratio for initially dry saturated steam is... L1
a) 0.528
b) 0.546
c) 0.577
d) 0.582
12. The steam leaves the nozzle at a.... L1
a) High pressure and low velocity
b) High-pressure and high velocity
c) Low pressure and low velocity
d) Low pressure and high velocity
13. In rocket engine the flow in the throat of the nozzle is __________ L1
a) subsonic
b) laminar
c) turbulent
d) none of the mentioned
14. The discharge is maximum when Mach number is L1
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) infinity
15. Which of the following relation is correct? L1
a) (dA)/A = (M + 1)*(dV/V)
b) (dA)/A = (M – 1)*(dV/V)
c) (dA)/A = (M2 + 1)*(dV/V)
d) (dA)/A = (M2 – 1)*(dV/V)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
S.NO Objective Questions (MCQ /True or False / Fill up with Choices )
1. Based on type of flow arrangements gas turbines are classified into ____. L1
a) None of the mentioned
b) Impulse-reaction gas turbine
c) Open cycle gas turbine
d) Axial flow gas turbine
2. Identify the types of Gas turbines ______ L1
a) Turbo jet
b) Turboprop
c) Turbo fan
d) All of the mentioned
3. Gas Turbine Engines, when compared to Reciprocating engines have ___ L1
a) high power to weight ratio
b) low power to weight ratio
c) produce low power
d) none of the mentioned
4. Gas turbines work on _____. L1
a) Otto cycle
b) Dual cycle
c) Brayton cycle
d) Diesel cycle
5. Gas turbine performance majorly depends on __________ L1
a) compressor efficiency
b) calorific value of fuel used
c) nozzle efficiency
d) none of the mentioned
6. Some of the types of combustors available are __ L1
a) annular
b) can Annular
c) silo
d) all of the mentioned___
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
15. Rotary compressors are used where ____ quantities of gas are needed at L2
relatively ____ pressure.
a) large, high
b) large, low
c) small, high
d) small, low
16. Rotary compressor can be classified as L1
a) displacement compressor
b) steady-flow compressor
c) both of the mentioned
d) none of the mentioned
17. In steady-flow compressor, compression occurs by L1
a) transfer of kinetic energy
b) transfer of potential energy
c) trapping air
d) all of the mentioned
18. The rotary positive displacement machines are ____ and compression is ____ L2
a) cooled, isothermal
b) uncooled, isothermal
c) cooled, adiabatic
d) uncooled, adiabatic
19. For a Root blower, as pressure ratio increases, efficiency ____ L1
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains constant
d) none of the mentioned
20. Which of the following is true for a centrifugal compressor? L1
a) rotation of impeller compresses the air
b) diffuser converts part of KE into internal energy
c) typical pressure ratio is around 1.4 to 1
d) all of the mentioned
21. For uncooled rotary compressor, compression process is ____ while ideal L2
process is ____
a) isothermal, adiabatic
b) isentropic, adiabatic
c) adiabatic, isentropic
d) adiabatic, isothermal
22. In _________ air is directly fed to the nozzle. L1
a) burner & ramjet
b) burner
c) ramjet
d) none of the mentioned
23. When 1 kg of jet fuel is produced _______ amount of co2 is released. L2
a) 3kg
b) 3.2kg
c) 3.4kg
d) 3.8kg
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)
33. Rocket engines used for orbital adjustments are also called as ________. L1
a) boost propulsion system
b) primary propulsion system
c) auxiliary rockets
d) strap-on motors
34. For the application of pure torques in three directions, it requires ______ L1
a) 6
b) 3
c) 12
d) 9
35. Which of the following modes of firing thrusters leads to pure modulation? L1
a) Pulsing mode
b) Step input mode
c) Ramp input mode
d) Sinusoidal mode
36. The ratio of work-done per cycle to the stroke volume of the compressor is L1
known as.
a) Compressor capacity
b) Compression ratio
c) Compressor efficiency
d) Mean effective pressure
37. Aeroplanes employe following type of compressor.. L1
a) Radial flow
b) Axial flow
c) Centrifugal
d) Combination of above
38. Compression efficiency is compared against.... L1
a) Ideal compression
b) adiabatic compression
c) both isothermal and adiabatic compression
d) Isothermal compression
39. Compression with intercooler causes ___ L2
a) increase in the compressor work
b) decrease in the compressor work
c) increases the overall efficiency
d) none of the mentioned
40. Using of intercooler and reheating process ________ efficiency. L2
a) increases
b) decreases
c) does not change
d) none of the mentioned
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Prepared By: Prof. Achman Mishra (ME, Deptt.)