European Steel and Alloy Grades: 70mnmocr8 (1.2824)
European Steel and Alloy Grades: 70mnmocr8 (1.2824)
European Steel and Alloy Grades: 70mnmocr8 (1.2824)
YOU HERE: Steel numbers -> Number 1.28XX OR Steel and cast iron standards -> / EN 4957
70MnMoCr8 ( 1.2824 )
Grade : 70MnMoCr8
Number: 1.2824
0.65 - 0.75 0.1 - 0.5 1.8 - 2.5 max 0.03 max 0.03 0.9 - 1.2 0.9 - 1.4
M e c ha nic a l pr ope r t ie s
M e c ha nis c he Eige ns c ha f t e n
Ca r a c t e r is t ique s m e c a nique s
R eH Minimum yield strength / Mindestwert der oberen Streckgrenze / Limite d�elasticite minimale
R m Tensile strength / Zugfestigkeit / Resistance a la traction
A Minimum elongation / Mindestwert der Bruchdehnung / Allongement minimal
J Notch impact test / Kerbschlagbiegeversuch / Essai de flexion par choc
He a t t r e a t m e nt c ondit ions
+A Soft annealed
+AC Annealed to achieve spheroidization of the carbides
+AR As rolled
+AT Solution annealed
+C Cold drawn / hard
+CR Cold rolled
+FP Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range
+I Isothermal annealing
+LC Cold drawn / soft
Chemical composition of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824). Equivalent grades of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824). Standards of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824).
Properties of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824). Hardness of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824). Strength of 70MnMoCr8 (1.2824). Elongation of
70MnMoCr8 (1.2824).
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