European Steel and Alloy Grades: G-Nicr50Nb (2.4680)
European Steel and Alloy Grades: G-Nicr50Nb (2.4680)
European Steel and Alloy Grades: G-Nicr50Nb (2.4680)
YOU HERE: Steel numbers -> Number 2.46XX OR Steel and cast iron standards -> / EN 10295
G-NiCr50Nb ( 2.4680 )
Grade : G-NiCr50Nb
Number: 2.4680
Density: 8 g/cm ³
max 1 max 0.1 max 1 max 0.5 max 0.02 max 0.02 48 - 52 max 0.5 max 0.16 1 - 1.8 Ni: bal
M e c ha nic a l pr ope r t ie s
M e c ha nis c he Eige ns c ha f t e n
Ca r a c t e r is t ique s m e c a nique s
R eH Minimum yield strength / Mindestwert der oberen Streckgrenze / Limite d�elasticite minimale
R m Tensile strength / Zugfestigkeit / Resistance a la traction
A Minimum elongation / Mindestwert der Bruchdehnung / Allongement minimal
J Notch impact test / Kerbschlagbiegeversuch / Essai de flexion par choc
He a t t r e a t m e nt c ondit ions
+A Soft annealed
+AC Annealed to achieve spheroidization of the carbides
+AR As rolled
+AT Solution annealed
+C Cold drawn / hard
+CR Cold rolled
+FP Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range 1/2
3/20/2014 G-NiCr50Nb / 2.4680 - steel equivalent, mechanical properties, chemical composition
+FP Treated to ferrite-pearlite structure and hardness range
+I Isothermal annealing
+LC Cold drawn / soft
+M Thermo mechanical rolling
+N Normalized
+NT Normalized and tempered
+P Precipitation hardened
+PE Peeled
+QA Air quenched and tempered
+QL Liquid quenched and tempered
+QT Quenched and tempered
+S Treated to improve shearability
+SH As rolled and turned
+SR Cold drawn and stress relieved
+T Tempered
+TH Treated to hardness range
+WW Warm worked
+U Untreated
Chemical composition of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680). Equivalent grades of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680). Standards of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680).
Properties of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680). Hardness of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680). Strength of G-NiCr50Nb (2.4680). Elongation of G-
NiCr50Nb (2.4680).
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