SDRRM Work Plan 2020-2021
SDRRM Work Plan 2020-2021
SDRRM Work Plan 2020-2021
Region V
Province of Camarines Sur
Barangay Bahay
Pasacao, Camarines Sur
Activity Proper
Planning of SDRRM school-
based writer instructional
Modules Content
2. Why have SDRRM Team
3.SDRRM Framework
4.Four Pillars in DRRM
5. Emergency Response in
6. What to do before, during
and after typhoon.
Write modules for SDRRM
Validate the SDRRM instructional
materials by School Instructional
Materials Validating Team.
Introduce the function of DRRM
Familiarize the concept of Hazard
and Disaster in School
Orient with School Watching
Familiarize with the school DRRM
activity related throughout the
Introduce School Watching Team
Post- Activity
-Document and report the activity.
5. Multi-hazard Drill Activity in -Ensure that Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ SDRRMC Earthquak
the new-normal everyone knows Connect with the local DRRM Donation/Soli SWT Team e Drill &
what to do before. council for an orientation on citation Students & Fire Drill
during and after earthquake to understand the Teachers
an earthquake intensity, possible impacts and
and fire drill. preparedness measures.
Activity Proper
Conduct Fire Drill with the
Municipal Fire/Earthquake drill
through MDRRMO and Fire
Participate online multi-hazard
drill Activity
Map out personnel/learners and
contact numbers in case of
Post- Activity
Conduct post evaluation of the drill.
6. Purchase of Emergency tools -Provide school Pre –Activity October- Procurement/ SDRRMC School
and materials for School with the tools and -Identify Needs of DRRM team November Donation/Soli Rowena T. Emergenc
Electrical Tape equipment use in through Need assessment. 2021 citation Alde y Kit
Rope Earthquake and Activity Proper Students &
Fire Extinguisher Fire Drill. -Purchase of Materials and Teachers Emergenc
Triangular Bandages -Provide teachers Equipment y tools
Teacher’s Whistle with the Post- Activity and
Emergency Stretcher equipment to be -Secure Safety of the Materials equipment
used in times of
Fog machine
PPE of SDRRM officials
-Mitigate hazard
and lessen and
prepare for any
7.“SDRRM Info-graphics” IEC -Provide school Pre –Activity October- Local Funds SDRRMC IEC
Materials. with SDRRM info- -Prepare activity proposal in SDRRM November Team materials
graphics to pliers/pamphlets seminar workshop 2021 Rhodora E. Pliers
promote hazard- -Planning for SDRRM ORSEM Dubas Pamphlets
free environment module instructional materials. Dominic E.
campaign trough Falabi
pliers and Ben B.
pamphlets Activity Proper Panganiban
-Provide teachers Planning with the DRRM school- Rheuben B.
with the guide based writer of pamphlets/pliers
pliers to be used Modules Content
Wilma D.
in times of 1. Emergency Response in
Disaster. Berja
-Mitigate hazard 2. What to do before, during
and lessen and and after typhoon.
prepare for any 3. Fire and Earthquake Drill
hazard. do’s and don’ts
4. Emergency survival kit
Create pamphlets for SDRRM
Validate pamphlets instructional
materials by School Instructional
Materials Validating Team.
Post- Activity
-Disseminate the pamphlets /pliers
-Document and report the activity.
8. Psychological First Aid (PFA) -Provide Pre –Activity August- Procurement/ SDRRMC PFA to
to teachers and students. knowledge with -Design an activity proposal/Project September Donation/Soli Maria teachers
First Aid in times Proposal 2022 citation Aucebel C. and
of emergency Activity Proper Espiritu students
-Provide Identify teachers and students Rheuben B.
necessary first aid experience stress in the past. Panganiban
within the loss of a family member, Norayda R.
workplace schoolmate, or friend Colaway
-Understand and observing serious injury or Emmalene
demonstrate the death of another person E. Mata
essential family members or friends Students &
lifesaving skills missing after the event Teachers
getting hurt or becoming sick
due to the event
home loss, family moves,
changes in neighborhoods,
changes in schools, and/or
loss of belongings
being unable to evacuate
past traumatic experiences or
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity conducted
using M and E tool
-Submit accomplishment report
9.Post Disaster Needs -Conduct RADAR Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ School Report on
Assessment using Deped -Design an activity proposal/Project Donation/ Administrator RADAR
RADAR after Proposal Solicitation Teaching app
disaster Activity Proper and Non-
. -Planning with SDRRM team teaching
-Conduct RADAR after disaster Personnel
-Submit report through RADAR using Stakeholders
RADAR app.
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity
-Monitor the activity using M and E
10.Project ARIANE (Award -Partner to LGU in Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ School School
system through Relevant Initiative the conduct of -Design an activity proposal/Project Donation/ Administrator served as
in promoting Advocacy through evacuation during Proposal Solicitation Teaching evacuatio
New and improved Evacuation hazard. -Identify safe classroom use as and Non- n center
Classroom as used in School. -Asist in multi- evacuation center. teaching Accomplis
-LGU partnership through MOA hazard Activity Proper Personnel hment
and Resolutions evacuation -Plan with the BDRRM, MDRRMO Stakeholders Report
- Establish LGU support in the use center. and SDRRM team.
of Evacuation classroom. -Prepare -Prepare evacuation plan with
resolution/MOA SDRRM team.
for both schools -Come-up with MOA/Resolution in
and LGU. the use of school as evacuation
-Strengthen partnership support in
the conduct of School as used as
evacuation center.
-Search for Most Discipline
Evacuees and
Most Clean Evacuation Room
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity
-Monitor the activity using M and E
Republic of the Philippines
Division of Camarines Sur
Bahay, Pasacao, Camarines Sur
Activity Proper
Planning of SDRRM school-
based writer instructional
Modules Content
2. Why have SDRRM Team
3.SDRRM Framework
4.Four Pillars in DRRM
5. Emergency Response in
6. What to do before, during
and after typhoon.
Write modules for SDRRM
Validate the SDRRM instructional
materials by School Instructional
Materials Validating Team.
Introduce the function of DRRM
Familiarize the concept of Hazard
and Disaster in School
Orient with School Watching
Familiarize with the school DRRM
activity related throughout the
Introduce School Watching Team
Post- Activity
-Document and report the activity.
5. Multi-hazard Drill Activity in -Ensure that Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ SDRRMC Earthquak
the new-normal everyone knows Connect with the local DRRM Donation/Soli SWT Team e Drill &
what to do before. council for an orientation on citation Students & Fire Drill
during and after earthquake to understand the Teachers
an earthquake intensity, possible impacts and
and fire drill. preparedness measures.
Activity Proper
Conduct Fire Drill with the
Municipal Fire/Earthquake drill
through MDRRMO and Fire
Participate online multi-hazard
drill Activity
Map out personnel/learners and
contact numbers in case of
Post- Activity
Conduct post evaluation of the drill.
6. Purchase of Emergency tools -Provide school Pre –Activity October- Procurement/ SDRRMC School
and materials for School with the tools and -Identify Needs of DRRM team November Donation/Soli Rowena T. Emergenc
Electrical Tape equipment use in through Need assessment. 2021 citation Alde y Kit
Rope Earthquake and Activity Proper Students &
Fire Extinguisher Fire Drill. -Purchase of Materials and Teachers Emergenc
Triangular Bandages -Provide teachers Equipment y tools
Teacher’s Whistle with the Post- Activity and
Emergency Stretcher equipment to be -Secure Safety of the Materials equipment
used in times of
Fog machine
PPE of SDRRM officials
-Mitigate hazard
and lessen and
prepare for any
7.“SDRRM Info-graphics” IEC -Provide school Pre –Activity October- Local Funds SDRRMC IEC
Materials. with SDRRM info- -Prepare activity proposal in SDRRM November Team materials
graphics to pliers/pamphlets seminar workshop 2021 Rhodora E. Pliers
promote hazard- -Planning for SDRRM ORSEM Dubas Pamphlets
free environment module instructional materials. Dominic E.
campaign trough Falabi
pliers and Ben B.
pamphlets Activity Proper Panganiban
-Provide teachers Planning with the DRRM school- Rheuben B.
with the guide based writer of pamphlets/pliers
pliers to be used Modules Content
Wilma D.
in times of 1. Emergency Response in
Disaster. Berja
-Mitigate hazard 2. What to do before, during
and lessen and and after typhoon.
prepare for any 3. Fire and Earthquake Drill
hazard. do’s and don’ts
4. Emergency survival kit
Create pamphlets for SDRRM
Validate pamphlets instructional
materials by School Instructional
Materials Validating Team.
Post- Activity
-Disseminate the pamphlets /pliers
-Document and report the activity.
8. Psychological First Aid (PFA) -Provide Pre –Activity August- Procurement/ SDRRMC PFA to
to teachers and students. knowledge with -Design an activity proposal/Project September Donation/Soli Maria teachers
First Aid in times Proposal 2022 citation Aucebel C. and
of emergency Activity Proper Espiritu students
-Provide Identify teachers and students Rheuben B.
necessary first aid experience stress in the past. Panganiban
within the loss of a family member, Norayda R.
workplace schoolmate, or friend Colaway
-Understand and observing serious injury or Emmalene
demonstrate the death of another person E. Mata
essential family members or friends Students &
lifesaving skills missing after the event Teachers
getting hurt or becoming sick
due to the event
home loss, family moves,
changes in neighborhoods,
changes in schools, and/or
loss of belongings
being unable to evacuate
past traumatic experiences or
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity conducted
using M and E tool
-Submit accomplishment report
9.Post Disaster Needs -Conduct RADAR Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ School Report on
Assessment using Deped -Design an activity proposal/Project Donation/ Administrator RADAR
RADAR after Proposal Solicitation Teaching app
disaster Activity Proper and Non-
. -Planning with SDRRM team teaching
-Conduct RADAR after disaster Personnel
-Submit report through RADAR using Stakeholders
RADAR app.
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity
-Monitor the activity using M and E
10.Project ARIANE (Award -Partner to LGU in Pre –Activity Year-round Procurement/ School School
system through Relevant Initiative the conduct of -Design an activity proposal/Project Donation/ Administrator served as
in promoting Advocacy through evacuation during Proposal Solicitation Teaching evacuatio
New and improved Evacuation hazard. -Identify safe classroom use as and Non- n center
Classroom as used in School. -Asist in multi- evacuation center. teaching Accomplis
-LGU partnership through MOA hazard Activity Proper Personnel hment
and Resolutions evacuation -Plan with the BDRRM, MDRRMO Stakeholders Report
- Establish LGU support in the use center. and SDRRM team.
of Evacuation classroom. -Prepare -Prepare evacuation plan with
resolution/MOA SDRRM team.
for both schools -Come-up with MOA/Resolution in
and LGU. the use of school as evacuation
-Strengthen partnership support in
the conduct of School as used as
evacuation center.
-Search for Most Discipline
Evacuees and
Most Clean Evacuation Room
Post- Activity
- Evaluate the Activity
-Monitor the activity using M and E
Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Noted:
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Republic of the Philippines
Division of Camarines Sur
Bahay, Pasacao ,Camarines Sur
1.9.Emergency Kit bag for Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June- March SDRRMC 5000.00 Local
students on/Solicitation Letter 2019 SWT Funds/MOOE/
o Whistle Accomplishment Team Solicitation/Do
o Publication of Report nation/PTA
Students Handy Documentation Fund
SDRRM Reference (Picture)
Financial Report
2.1.Organization of STRUT Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June 17,2019 SDRRMC 300.00 Local
officers on/Solicitation Letter SWT Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Team Solicitation/Do
Report Students nation/PTA
Documentation & Fund
(Picture) Teachers
Financial Report
2.2.Orientation Seminar of Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June 22,2019 STRUT 1000.00 Local
STRUT Team in School to on/Solicitation Letter Team Funds/MOOE/
Students and Parents Accomplishment 8:00-5:00 p.m. Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
2.3.Installation of STRUT Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June 22,2019 STRUT 1000.00 Local
Signage’s and symbols on/Solicitation Letter Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment 8:00-5:00 p.m. Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
2.4. Improvement of STRUT Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March STRUT 500.00 Local
parking area in School. on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
2.5.Symposium on Road Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March STRUT 500.00 Local
safety on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
3.1.Improvement of Hand Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March WINS 10,000.00 Local
Washing Area on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
3.2.Improvement of Comfort Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March WINS 35,000.00 Local
rooms on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
3.3.Improvement of WINS Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March WINS 500.00 Local
facility corner and medical kit on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
inside the classroom and Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
offices. Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
3.4..Purchase of Materials Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June- March SDRRMC 500.00 Local
needed in Health & Hygience on/Solicitation Letter 2019 SWT Funds/MOOE/
Kit Accomplishment Team Solicitation/Do
o Toiletries Report Students nation/PTA
o Soap/Toothpaste Documentation & Fund
o Toothbrush (Picture) Teachers
o Sanitary Pad for Financial Report
o Drinking water
3.5.Implementation of School Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March WINS 1000.00 Local
WINS Best implementer on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
3.6.Improving water facilities. Project Proposal June2019- WINS 10,000.00 Local
Letter January, 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
4.1.Orientation Seminar on Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June-March Gulayan 500.00 Local
“Gulayan sa likud ng Silid on/Solicitation Letter 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Aralan” Project Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
4.2.Improving Gulayan sa Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Gulayan 10,000.00 Local
Paaralan through Urban on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Gardening in acquiring tools Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
and materials. Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
4.3.Improving Gulayan sa Procurement/Donati Project Proposal August 2019- Gulayan 3000.00 Local
Paaralan trough Seminar in on/Solicitation Letter May 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
Vermicomposting/Compostin Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
g process. Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
4.4.Improving “Gulayan sa Procurement/Donati Project Proposal August 2019- Gulayan 3000.00 Local
Paaralan” through Reward on/Solicitation Letter May 2020 Team Funds/MOOE/
System Accomplishment Students Solicitation/Do
Report & nation/PTA
Documentation Teachers Fund
Financial Report
Part V. Solid Waste
5.1.Orientation Seminar on Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 500.00 Local
Solid –waste management in on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
School to parents and Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Students Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
5.2.Improving Solid Waste Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 1500.00 Local
Management School on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
5.3 .Proper waste disposal in Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 1000.00 Local
School. on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
5.4. Purchase of tools, Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 2000.00 Local
materials in Solid Waste on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
Management. Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
5.5. Convert Non-recyclable Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 500.00 Local
to Eco-Bricks. on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
5.6. Conduct reward system Procurement/Donati Project Proposal June2019- Solid 1500.00 Local
for Best Solid Waste on/Solicitation Letter January, 2020 Waste Funds/MOOE/
Management Classroom Accomplishment Managem Solicitation/Do
Implementer. Report ent Team nation/PTA
Documentation Fund
Financial Report
TI/Gulayan sa Paaralan Coordinator TI/WINS Program Coordinator TII/STRUT Coordinator TI/STRUT Coordinator
Change and adding subject
Team leader-
Incident Commander
Assistant Chairman
Evacuation Officer
Documentation Leader
Outside Response Team Leader
Transportation Officer
SAR Team
Crowd Control Team
Damage Control Team
Firefighting Team
Medical Team
Supply Team
Outside Response Team
Alarm Team