Phases of An Earthquake Drill: Phase 1. Alarm
Phases of An Earthquake Drill: Phase 1. Alarm
Phases of An Earthquake Drill: Phase 1. Alarm
Phase 1. Alarm
A pre-arranged signal such as siren/bell should be
known to all. During the drill, the siren/bell indicates
earthquake/shaking. Students and teachers will be
alerted by this signal.
Phase 2. Response
While the siren/bell is ongoing, everyone should
move away from windows, glass or light fixtures. In this
phase, everyone should
perform duck, cover and hold under desks, tables or
chairs. Remain in this position until the shaking stops.
Phase 3. Evacuation
Once the shaking stops, teachers and students
should evacuate the
school building and proceed using
pre-determined routes to go to identified evacuation
Phase 4. Assembly
At the designated evacuation area, students must be
together according to the class where they belong.
Phase 5. Head count
Teachers should check and make sure all students are
accounted for.
Phase 6. Evaluation
An evaluation of the drill must be conducted to
identify problems encountered during the drill and how
this can be corrected in future earthquake drills.
DO 23, s. 2015
Student-Led School Watching and Hazard Mapping
A. Organizing and Preparing the School Watching Team
The moderator will prepare the route for the school watching,
designate stops and provide a School Watching Checklist (Annex
1) to Team members for guidance in the observation of hazards.
The moderator should ensure that all SWT members have a pen
and notebook for note taking during the school watch.
Allow the SWT to discuss the plotted hazard areas in the map
to enhance the initially placed markings.