CSC102 - Discrete Structure - COURSE - HANDBOOK - FALL 2021
CSC102 - Discrete Structure - COURSE - HANDBOOK - FALL 2021
CSC102 - Discrete Structure - COURSE - HANDBOOK - FALL 2021
Discrete structures underlie the areas of data structures, formal methods, artificial intelligence,
automata theory, computational complexity and the analysis of algorithms. Continuing advances in
technology - particularly in applications of computing and software engineering, have enhanced the
importance of discrete mathematics for understanding not only the foundations of computer science but
also the basis of a wide variety of applications.
Prior Knowledge:
It is assumed that students entering have already taken the course of computer science or programming.
They have a strong background in mathematics.
Educational Aim:
To apply the theoretical and mathematical understanding of discrete structures used in computer
Transferable Skills:
This course provides overview of different discrete structures and proof techniques to develop
analytical and design skills such that they can understand correct mathematical arguments and their
design. At the end of the course students should be able to have:
Solve problems which involve discrete data structures such as sets, relations and functions.
Construct valid mathematical arguments (proofs) and understand/apply mathematical statements
Solve problems which require computation of permutations and combinations of a set
Analyze a problem to create relevant recurrence functions
Apply basic counting principles to solve a variety of problems
Apply the mathematical concepts learned to various areas of computer science
Solve problems which involves discrete structures tree and graphs
Apply a wide range of principles of discrete mathematics, such as problem solving, good thinking,
choice of algorithm, and mathematical proofs.
Interact with problems using different methods of thinking and problem solving.
12 Course Contents
Logic: Formal Logic and Logical forms, Logical Equivalence and Logical Connectives, Statements
and their symbolic representations, Compound statements, Contradictions and Tautologies,
Conditional Statements and their Logical Equivalence, Application of Logic, Valid and Invalid
Predicate Logic: Quantifiers and Predicates, Predicate Logic, Multiple Quantifies Statement and
Arguments with Quantifies Statements
Proof Techniques: Direct Proof, Indirect Proof, Mathematical Induction, Rules of Inferences
Elementary Number Theory: Sequences, Summation, Product and Factorial Notations, Recursion
Set Theory: Basic Set, Power Sets, Set operations, Set Identities, Venn diagram
Counting Techniques: Sum and Product rule, Inclusion Exclusion Principle, Pigeon hole
principle, Permutation and Combinations
Relations: Relations Properties, representation, Equivalence Relation
Functions: Valid and Invalid functions, function types and its application
Graphs and Trees: Graph types, Problems and representations, Rooted tree, Tree traversal,
Spanning Trees
13 Lecture Schedule
Weeks Topic of Lecture Reading Assignment
Week 1 Introduction to discrete structures
Logic definition, proposition (logic and variables) Text Book, Chapter 1
Disjunction, conjunction, negations, conditional
statements, bi-conditional statements
Notions of implication (converse, inverse,
Week 5 Sets, representations of set, empty set, equal set, Venn Text Book : Chapter 2
diagram, subset
Power set, cardinality, ordered n-tuples, Cartesian
Set operations (union, intersection, complement) and
Computer representation of set
Week 10 Sequences
Summations Text Book : Chapter 2
Arithmetic and geometric progressions
Week 16 Trees
Basic terminologies Text Book : Chapter 11
Tree traversal
The minimum pass marks for this course shall be 50%. Students obtaining less than 50% marks in a
course shall be deemed to have failed in the course. The correspondence between letter grades , credit
points, and percentage marks at CUI shall be as follows:
All the assignments should be hand written on A4 paper, with typed front page according to following
Reg. # :_____________
Name : _____________
Course Title : _________
Section : __________
Assignment # : _______
Submitted to : _________
Date : ___________
(Font size 16, Times New Roman)
18 Plagiarism
Plagiarism involves the unacknowledged use of someone else’s work, usually in coursework, and
passing it off as if it were one’s own. Many students who submit apparently plagiarised work probably
do so inadvertently without realising it because of poorly developed study skills, including note taking,
referencing and citations; this is poor academic practice rather than malpractice. Study skills education
within programmes of study should minimise the number of students submitting poorly referenced
work. However, some students plagiarise deliberately, with the intent to deceive. This intentional
malpractice is a conscious, pre-mediated form of cheating and is regarded as a particularly serious
breach of the core values of academic integrity.