Referat Limba Engleză-Zidaroiu Ionuț-Eduard
Referat Limba Engleză-Zidaroiu Ionuț-Eduard
Referat Limba Engleză-Zidaroiu Ionuț-Eduard
• Avoiding surgery. If physical therapy helps you reduce pain and heal trauma, surgery
may no longer be necessary. And, even if surgery is recommended, you can benefit from pre-
or post-operative therapy. Recovery in such cases has been shown to be faster.
• Improving mobility. If you have trouble standing, walking or moving, regardless of your
age, physical therapy can be helpful. Stretching and strengthening muscles help to restore
walking ability.
• Stroke recovery. It often happens that after a stroke the ability to move is reduced.
Therapy helps strengthen weakened areas of the body, improving balance. Thus, patients can
go to the toilet alone, wash, dress themselves and perform other normal daily activities.
• Recovery from a sports injury or its prevention. Physiotherapists understand that certain
sports may increase the risk of certain injuries (for example, stress fracture, which means
small bone fractures due to excessive physical exertion - is common in marathon runners).
Specialists can create appropriate exercise programs for recovery and prevention, so that you
can safely resume your sports life.
• Improving balance and preventing falls. When you start therapy, you will be consulted
about the risk of falling. If you are at high risk, the therapist will show you a series of
exercises that will test your balance, alone and carefully, so as to mimic situations that may
occur in real life. It will also help you with exercises to improve coordination, but also with
devices that allow you to walk in safe conditions. If the balance problem is caused by a
problem in the vestibular system (part of the inner ear involved in balance), the therapist can
perform a series of specific maneuvers to restore vestibular function, reduce or eliminate
symptoms such as dizziness.
Most of us believe that the visit to the physiotherapist should only happen after we have
suffered a trauma and we want an immediate recovery. A lesser known aspect is that healthy
people can also use the services of a physiotherapist, because preventive care can significantly
reduce the risk of trauma, while also coming with many other benefits. The stronger your
muscles and the more active you are, the easier it is to get over certain problems without
suffering severe injuries, and if this happens, recovery is generally short-lived compared to
sedentary people.