What Is Physiotherapy? When and The Form of Physiotherapy?
What Is Physiotherapy? When and The Form of Physiotherapy?
What Is Physiotherapy? When and The Form of Physiotherapy?
The purpose of doing physiotherapy is restoring body function after illness or injury.If the
body suffers permanent injury or disease, then physiotherapist can be prioritized to reduce its
Some patient conditions that can be helped by physiotherapy treatments based onbody
systems, distinguished into four:
The condition is caused by disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal disorders or muscle of the body on
the framework among others when there is back pain, muscle aches, injuries due to sports,
and arthritis.
Disorders of the cardiovascular system that can be helped by physiotherapy is chronic heart
disease and rehabilitation post heart attack. With physiotherapy, the condition of the patient will
be higher quality because it is given physical and emotional support.
Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis (fibrosis cysts) are some of
the diseases of the respiratory system that can
be alleviated through physiotherapy. The physiotherapist will provide a series of method about
how the bodybreathe better and how to control symptoms such as coughing and difficulty
Physiotherapists in practice a lot of stress on the handling of the muscles, bones and joints, along
with its network. Handling can be done with the help of a tool or without the aid
of tools. Example forms handling, among others: give the massage on specific areas,
providing exercise on muscles or joints, giving a controlled electric current, nor do
the infrared light shines. Other forms of physiotherapy handling among other things give
the exercises up and down stairs, walking exercises using tools or with a certain grip on the vine.
Shines with infrared rays do in physiotherapy is not very deadly or that can damagecells in the body
such as the much-feared by most people. A very secure because it is done with a controlled based on
in-depth research and as we know, there is also an infra-red rays of the Sun.
So the physiotherapist (people doing physiotherapy) is not a repairman sort or masseur, although
they also learn and handle the Affairs of the muscles, bones and joints so as to understand also
about Affairs of the massage and the sort. But his skills are more than that.
Probably many questions how can a physiotherapist doing the treatment to the patients
who have health problems. Treatment using this
method requires patient involvement actively and discipline. Therefore, the physiotherapist will
conduct the examination of Your disease, diagnose, and help you understand the problems that
stood in your body. Physiotherapists need seriousness because this method is related
to lifestyle, activity, and your health in General.
Exercise program
Some therapies that are included in this program among other techniques improve posture,
strengthen muscles, cardiovascular workout, and stretching.
Techniques of electrotherapy
This therapy uses a device with electrical power. Some of this type
of therapy include ultrasound, laser
therapy, diatermi therapy, neural therapy and with electrical stimulation (TEN).
Manual physiotherapy
That included this type of physiotherapy is massage, stretching, resistance training and body, as
well as mobilization and joint manipulation.
Other methods
In addition to the methods already mentioned above, the physiotherapists also helps patients
with correcting the wrong exercise techniques and helpful ways to use the tools appropriately. Some
of the other commonly used method is the hydrotherapy, coached breathing techniques,
and acupuncture treatment.
In addition to a complete and specific methods, physiotherapy can also be done with flexible. This
means that the patient can do physiotherapy anywhere in accordance with their capabilities,
whether at home or in the hospital.
You can even do physiotherapy for yourself, but don't forget to consult a physiotherapist to
assess your condition so that the type and frequency of physiotherapy is not wrong.