ProjectEngg Updated
ProjectEngg Updated
ProjectEngg Updated
Exnrnination C om trol Xlivision Programme BAG. tsGE Pass Marks )Z
Candjclates are requiled to their answers in their o\&'I1v!'ords as t"ar as pract
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate fi'ullMarkl t,
Assume suitable data if necerisary.
1. Discuss citing project characteristics. FIow a project can be differentiated forrn other
permanent sYstems? tsl
2. Mention project life cYcle and discuss various activities carried out in each phase of a
project. t6j
3. Defige bilateral, nrultilateral and joint venture project. Explain the major elements that
influence the external environrnent of a project. [3+4]
5. What is durnmy activity? Write down the use of critical path in a CPM network Ciagram.
Find all the nts o f'cPM froni the fcrllowing inf-or"rnalicin. !!q Ao,{ rnethad, f 1-13+1 3i
6. Define resource leveling and srnoothing? Prepare a 4 ler,'el WBS'of any engineering
project of yours interest. L2+4)
7. As a projeci manager how will you control the project during implemerltation Phase?
Explain with an aid of project oontrol cycle' i6l
g. A project has a plannccl buciger r:f Rs. 30,00,000 and schedule of 24 months. Iluring its
implemer:tation you have ryrcnitored the foliowing data: Ferfom EVA and conunent on
the performance and also the dralv S-curve to forecast the final completion budget and
schedule. t8l
ItyIonths 5 10 i5 20
Work completed 20% 45% 60% 70,1,
Actual (Its) 7,00,000 13,00,00CI 20,00,fi00 24,00,000
How EVA is used in controlling cost of a project during project implementation. Explain
EVA with 3 different examples requiring different approach in control.
9" Define project risk management. What is qualitative and quantitative risk analysis? What
are the *4"t steps that you take in managing risks? L2+6+47
candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Fult,Marks,
Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) Define project. Explain the how technology and capital can be trausfened in a joint
venture project with a suitableexample? p+Aj
b) Differentiate between a goal and objective of the project. Explain goal setting criteria
of a project \rrith a suitable
) a) Write down three number of objectives and three number of limitations of any project
proposal. Explain a good project proposal shoutd give answer of which -6.pej
questions. [3+3]
b) Differentiate between
Project appraisal and project formulation. Explain in details
about techniques of project formulation
J. a) Define lVork break dovm Structure (WBS) with example specifying levels and code.
b) Draw network diagram. compute Esr, EFT, Lsr, LFT, TF, FF, interfering float and
independent float. Write down the significance of calculating total float in nerwork
Activity A B C I D E F G H
Predecessor A A A B c D C.E F,G
Successor B,C,D E F.H G H I I
Duration (day) 5 4 2 J 2 I J I 2
4. a) Define monitoring, evaluation and controlling. What are the major difficulties faced
by a project manager in implementing the project control system in Nepal. [3+5]
b) 50 units of plantation have to be done in 3 weeks period. Per unit c,ost of plantatiou is
estimated as Rs 2500 of whish progress monitoring was done 1 week ader the work
started. Only 20 units of plantation was found completed and the account record
showed that the actual per unit was Rs 2s0d, perform EVA and comment
on the performance. t6l
5. a) Define project risk. Write down tools and techniques used for risk identification in
project. As being a engineering student, how do you carry out risk response planning.[2
b) Is preference shares are sources of project finance? Explain it. Explain
about the
determinants of capital structure decision made in any business firm. {z+41
Examination Control Division
2Q7s Chaltra
Su,$ec!.- !_rojgcr _E1rglee$_n (cE 7Qr)
? *" r"qui."a io gilei#iiadil;; in ttreii o*" *oias ;i;;t.""tiiiuie"
Attempt All questions-
Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume'suttable data if necessary.
1. a) What is project? Explain its dimensions and characteristics. [2+s]
b) Explain different environments within which a project need to be conducted. i5l
2. a) Why pioject appraisal is necessary for initiating a project? What are the major aspects
that needed to be considered for carrying out the appraisal of a hydropower project?
Discuss. 12+61
b) Explain in detail the procedure for developing the project proposal. l6l
3. a) Why schedule is important in planning a project? Find all the components of CPM
USE AOA method
from the following information. . Use [3+14]
S.N Activity Duration (month) Predecessor Successor
1 A 1 C,D
2 B J E
3 C 2 A F,G
4 D 2 A H
5 E 5 B I,J,K
6 F i C I
7 G J C I,J,K
8 H J D I,J.K
9 I 5 E,F,G,H L
10 J I E,G,H L
11 K 4 E,G,H M
12 L I I.J
i3 M 2 K
b) Prepare a bar chart of an irrigation project mentioning at least 6 activities. Also show
the milestones in a chart. t7)
4. a) What is project control cycle? Explain it with elements of control. 12+4)
b) Perform EVA on the basis of following given information of "Earthquake Affected
Monasteries Reconstruction Project" (EMRP) which rvas monitored after 6 months of
its i . State controlling statements on the basis of your evaluation.
Standard Monitored information
Descriptions of project (Budget/Plan) Descriptions of project regarding progress
information (Completed)
1. Number of monasteries 753 units
l. Reconstructed
179 units
to be reconstructed monasteries
2. Recernstruction prcr.iect
30 mouths 2. Average expended
to be cornpleted in
recorrstruction cost per Rs. 7.8 millions
-'1 . Average reconstrLrction
Rs. 9.3 rnilfions unit
cost per unit
5. a) Define risk, its t1'pes and sollrces. ,{s a projec,t ntanager how wouid you rectiti the
possiLrle risk on l'o"rr pro.iect? Give \our answcr ccinsidcring all possibie sreps lalls
under R.isk N4anascnrrrnt. It 0l
b) \\''hat are tile soi.rrces o1- Jlroject finance':' ,4 pri..i,.-ct has an initial inyestnrent oi'
Rs l.0i)"0t)() rrititrt tiies trritttiai rtlurri ,-ri ii.:r. -sf)-i)[)() :oi- 8 y,'e:irs. ^l-l-re sa]r,aric i,air:r: lj i'cars';\ili bc I{s. jl).0()0. l,lrikc r.o1i ii1ygstJriell clecision i;ascd c;i -n,lii{-
Pa. h:cl i-rc;' lRIi rnci Protirebilit., iri,lr:r lpi-) nre1hoc1. ii,
Examination Control Division il*;;'
j 1:,-
2075 Ashwin
: fvlii* -jisisgEg[1g:Ys(cE?i[-:
in their own words as far as practicable'
candidates are required to give their answers
Aaempt 4ll questions.
fhefgu6 in the margin indicate Full Marks'
Assume suitable data if necessary'
justify that risk transfer and risk reduction are techniques of risk response
b) Explain and
planning in anY Project'
the factors to'be considered during quality
5. a) Explain project control cycle and write t8l
control ofa Project.
Describe project finance. capital structure of
a firm consists of 500 ordinary share
-/ year'
@ R, toblstrare *a
:oo preference share @ Rs 100/share at l1vo interest per
before interest and tax is
Firm has a loan oiiO,OOO @ 12% per year-firms earning :404/o
value. Tax rate
40,000. Determine eaming pir share and book
Eramination Control Division
2074 Chsitrl
l. a) Describe that the specified jobltask is a project? Write the major activities canied out
in the implementation phase of a project?
b) Explain in detail the project operates in dynamic environment. t8l
2. a) Write various analysis to be cartied out for project appraisal. I8l
b) Explain in details about the contents of writing a good project proposal. t8l
3. a) Draw CPM netrvork diagram and compute EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, FF, Int.F and IF
from the information given below. Compute project duration and mark the critical
path. [123
Activitv A B C D E F G H I
Duration (week) 3 2 0 4 7 5 8 6 I
Predecessor A A B.C B.C D,E F G.H
b) Explain total float and independent float. t4l
4. a) Explain project control cycle and write the factors that should be considered during
the quality oontrol of a project. 14+41
b) 50 units of plantation have to be done in 4 weeks period. ler unit cost of plantation is
estimated as Rs. 200 of which progress monitoring was done 3 weeks after the work
was started. Only 60% work was found completed and the account record showed that
the actual expenditure for plantation per unit was Rs. 300. Perform EVA and
comment on works. t8l
5. a) Define risk and its types. How could you manage risk in a project effectively? JustiS
with risk management cycle. [2+6+21
b) What are the sources of project finance? A frm has equity capital consisting of 5000
ordinaryustare@ Rs 100 per share and Rs. 3,00,000 preference share at l2o/o interest
per year and Rs 2,00,000 loan at 10% interest per year. If firm's earning before
interest and tax is Rs 3,50,000 and tax rate applicable is 25o/o determine earning per
share and bookvalue. t6l
rl. rF rf
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass Msrks 32
BGE, B.Asri.
2074 Ashwin Year / Part Ilitl Time 3 hrs.
1. a) Define Project. Describe Joint Venture Project and Possibility of Technology Transfer
through it. [l+4]
b) What is Project Environment? How does political environment affect project in
Nepal? [1+4J
2. a) Describe the importance of project appraisal. Explain the difference between
Economic Appraisal and Financiai Appraisal. [2+41
b) Define Project Proposal. Differentiate between Technical Proposal and Financial
proposal. How does client evaluate the proposal for awarding the contact of
Construction and Consulting works?
3. a) Define Project plan. Explain the advantages of planning Engineering Projects. tl+3J
b) Define Total Float, Free Float and independent float. Draw a CPM network and Find
EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, FF,IntF and IndF. Show critical also. ll6l
Activitv A B c D E F G H I J
Successor B,C'D E F, H.I G H J I J J
Duration-Davs 2 J 4 5 4 3 2 I 2 3
c) Define resource schedule. Differentiate between resource levelling and resource
4. a) Define Monitoring and Evaluating. Explain project bontol cycle with suitable
example. [l+5]
b) Define quality. Differentiate between quallty assurance and quality control. As a site
engineer what steps would you followto control quality? [l+2+3]
5. a) Define project risk. Differentiate between intemal and external risks. What are the
sources of intemal risks in Nepal in the present context? Explain intemal risks for the
implementation of hydropowerproject inNepal. U+2+2+Zj
b) Define Risk Management. Describe the steps of risk management.
6. a) Define Project Finance. What are the features of sound and appropriate capital
structure? A company has total Capital of Rs 1500000 which consists of Rs. 400000
shares, Rs. 200,000 preference share issued at l2%o interest per year and Remaining
loan issued @ 8% interest. Calculate EPS if earnings before interest and tax in a year
is Rs 300,000 and tax rate is20%. U+Z+:21
b) Define Capital Budgeting and explain its importance. What are the methodologies of
evaluating projects financially and Which method is most reliable? u+2+27
i -.-
Examination Control Division frogramm€- i!n ,t-;
h_-_ __-_---_-
2073 Shrawan
Frbjs'!---$sl991F:sFs"fus-g! 70r)
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable,
Attempt 4llquestions.
The ligures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) Discuss project phases and life cycle giving examples of activities carried out in
different phases and stages of life cycle. [10]
Classifr project and discuss its characteristics in detail including the importance of good
project environment.
2. Define project proposal. A well prepared project proposal should give answer of what
types of question, explain it. Discuss elaborately about different aspect to be considered
in feasibility study of a road project. 12+2+51
3. a) List down planning tools used in any project. Milestones chart is improved version of
a bar chart, Justifr it, with example. Explain WBS. [2+4+2)
b) Draw a network diagram and find out EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, FF independent
float, interfering float, project completion time of a building project having following
details. What is the significance of critical path in the network analysis? tl3l
Immediate Predecessor A A B C C D E.F.G H
Activitv A B c D E F G H I J K
Duration (Weeks) 10 I2 9 8 5 13 6 4 15 7 9
4. a) What is the difference between evaluation and controlling? Discuss about elements of
project control. t5l
b) For a particular project budgeted cost of work schedple was Rs. 9,50,000 and
budgeted value of the work performed was Rs.8,00,000 at a point of reporting date i.e
at 20 weeks from shning date. But, the actual cost of work performed was Rs.
10,00,000 and the project completion time is 45 weeks. The project having estimated
cost of Rs. 50,00,000. Based on above information, draw features of that project and
comment on each parameter of eamed value analysis. L7j
5. a) How risk can be identified and amlyzed for a rural road project. Explain the
procedure. 15]
b) What arq the methods that could be used in risk management after identifying major
risk. Justi$ giving suitable example how risk transfer is taken as risk response
planning. tsl
Define the term project finance and what are the sources of financing in any project?
Write down and explain about the detemrinants of capital structure decision to be
undertaken for investment proposal. [3+5]
7. Write short notes on: (any two) [5x2]
i) Cost-benefitanalysis
ii) Resowee leveling
iii) PMrs
{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
,/ Thefigures in the margin indicate FuE Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
l. a) Define project. Explain the characteristics of project with appropriate examples. [1+4]
b) How project goal or objectives are set? Explain goal setting criteria. tsl
2. a) What are the objectives of project appraisal? Explain Financial and Technical
Appraisal in detail. 12.-41
b) Define project proposal. Discuss cost benefit analysis for n road project. 12+4J
3. a) Define planning and scheduling. Prepare a Linked Bar-chart for a construction project
with at least 10 activities, 12+41
b) Define Critical Activities and Float. Draw a CPM nefwork IAOA or AON] and find
EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, FF,IntF and lndF. 12+5+6]
Activitv A B C D E F G H I J K L
Predecessor A A,B B C.D D D E,H E,H F.G"I L
a a
Duration Davs I J z 4 J 5 I 2 6
J 2 4
c) What is WBS? Discuss importance of WBS. t4l
4. a) Define Monitoring and Control. Explain why project conholling is difficult in Nepal. [3+3]
b) What is EVA? A construction work had to be compieted in 10 days with 50 labour
days at Rs 1000 per day i.e with total cost of Rs 50,000. At the end of third day, only
25o/o work was completed with the use of 18 labour days at Rs 800 per day. Perform
earned value analysis and comment on the performances. . [1+51
Define quality. Explain how quality can be controlled in construction of urban roads. t6l
5. a) .Define Project Risk. How risk can be analysed? Explain with example of hydropower
b) How risk can be managed? Explain how you manage three risks in hydropower
project you identified above. tsl
6. Define Capital Budgeting decision. Explain its importance. Calculate Explain ARR of a
project with initial cost of Rs. 100000 and salvage vaiue of Rs 20000 after 5 years.
Stream of income in year 1 to year 5 are Rs. 15,000; 20,000; 25,000; and 20,000 Tax rate
is?Sa/o. Assume suitable method of depreciation. tr+2+zj
7. Write short notes on: (any two) 14x2l
i) Project life cycle
ii) Planning software MS project
iii) Elements of project control
iv) Environmental analysis for project formulation
:1. * !F
()I TRIBHUVAN IJNIVERSIIY Exam. J"r Lrlr r li.rlr Ir1
Nt'rr l|:rcl' (2ll6h
Examination Control Division Programme BCE, BEL, B,Agrl, Prr Mrrb t2
2072Kartik Year / Part rV/I Tlme 3 hrr.
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
{ ALquestions carry equal marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.
1. a) Explain Work Breakdou"n Structure as a tool of project planning and state the
importance of project planning.
b) Draw the CPM network diagranr (or Precedence diagram) from the following activity
relationships: Compute total minimum project time of completion, critical activities
and EF LF TF FF intF and IndF.
Activity A B C D E F G H I
Duration 3 5- 5 6 2 3 4 2 6
Predecessor A A A B,C C D"E.F D G.[I
Successor B,C,D E- E,F G G G I I
Also mark the critical path in the network diagram.
2. a) Define project and explain it's characteristics
in brief. What are the major differences
between project management and traditional management? Explain about the external
environment of the project.
b) Define project formulation and project appraisal. Write the procedure for developing a
project proposal. What are the drawbacks of cost-benefit analysis of project
3. a) Why project planning is necessary to operate any project in dynamic environment?
Linked bar chart is one of planning tool in project scheduling, justify this statement
with suitable example. Is there limitations of this chart?
b) Find out the expected time of each contractor to complete a given project having
following details. find cut which contractor for operation and why?
Contractor L tr tr
A 5 7 l3
ts 6 ll t2
C 3 5 ?
l. Defrne Project. Elaborate Labor intensive, Capital Intensive, Joint Venture and
Multilateral projects. Explain varicus elements of task environment. 12+4+41
2. a) What is project appraisal? iixplain marketing, management and environmental
appraisal. 12+61
b) Define project proposal. in brief about procedure for developing a project
proposal. 12+61
3. a) Draw the network diagram of'the given project having following activities. Obtain
project duration, critical path. TF, FF and interfering float. Prepare the resource
aggregation chart and allocate the mason ear start schedule. O+st
Activity Duration (days) Mason (per day)
t-2 J I
2-3 3 2
2-4 4 4
2-5 2 2
3-10 3 2
4-6 2 J
4-7 4 3
5-9 4 4
6-8 2 2
7-9 4 I
8-9 3 2
9-t I 3 4
l0-l 1 2 2
1t-12 2 I
b) Discuss on Work Breakdown Structure. t3I
4. a) Define Monitoring and Evaluation. Explain project control cycle. [2+41
b) Why cost control is important? A contractor agreed to build 50 doghouses in 90 days
at a price of $1000 per unit, 2i) days later, the contractor has finished 10 doghouses
with an actual cost of $8500. \['hat i:; the status of theproject? 12+41
5. Define Risk. Explain various source:; of project risks. f)escribe important steps of risk
management. [2+5+5]
6. a) What is capital structure planniirg? f)iscuss with examples. t5]
b) What is capital budgeting decision? E5plain its importance. Discuss Net present value
used in capital budgeting decisiln. t5]
What are the sources of financing large projects?
7 G 7 B,D
8 FI 3 E
9 I 4 B,F
4. a) Justifu the statement "quality costs more, but lack of quality costs even more" giving
examples oftotal quality cost included to achieve good quality. t6I
Jy'A construction company is planned to fix 100 units of precast window in 20 days with
a budget of 25 lakhs. The progress status was reviewed on 10 days from date of start
of fixing and only 40 units were fixed with the expenses of 9 lakhs. Find out all the
parameters of earned value analysis and comment on its performance. t6]
$. /efine risk and risk management. Explain about internal risk of any construction project
that is facing by a Nepalese construction company. Explain with suitable example risk
- transfer. [2+8+21
6.ya)7,Defrne Capital Sructure. XYZ company has total capital of Rs.10,00,000 which
v consists of 40% share and 60%o loan issued @ 12% interest. It requires Rs.20,00,000
more to invest in a project and is considering for following three options. U+6I
D Rs.8,00,000 share and Rs.12,00,000Loan@l4Yo interest
ii) Rs.5,00,000 share; Rs.7,00,000 preference share @15% interest and Rs.8,00,000
loan @L 4o/o interest and
iii) Rs.10,00,000 share and Rs.10,00,000 preference share @ t5% interest.
Which is the best option based on Earning Per Share Calculation if the Earning before
interest and tax in ayear is Rs.5,00,000 and tax applicable is 30%
1. a. Define Proiect. Write five characteristlcs of a Project and explain any two of them. t 2+3+3l
b. What is plan? Why planning ls important in proiect? Write systematic process of proiect planning. [2+3+31
2. a. Draw a Gantt Chart of a project having at least 10 activities. Write its [ 6 +Z]
b. Define the terms Dummy activity, Total Float, Free Float and independent float. [2+2+2+21
3. a. Draw a CPM network. Find ESI, EFT, tST, LFf, TF, FF. [4+6]
Actlvitv A B c D E F tn H
Predecessor A 3 t:'! B,C D E H
Duration 2 4 5 5 3 4 2 5 3
5. a. What are the sources of project flnance? Explain any four determinants of capital structuie
planning. t2+61
b. Why capltal budgeting is important? Determine the feasibility of the following proiects using any two
methods. MARR ls 15% [ 2+6]
*,h {r
02 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Neu llack (206(r .t l,atcr llatch)
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass Marks 32
2070 Ashad Year/Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.
{ Candidates are rcquired to grve ttreir answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questiotts.
/ Thefigwes in the mogin tndicate FnII Mark.
./ Assume suitable data if necessury-.
l. Differentiate benveen Bilateral, Multilateral and Joint Venture project with example?
Discuss the external environment in which a project is operated. [4+61
2. Define concept of project appraisal. Explain about contents of technical and financial
proposal. AIso explain input analysis of project formulation. [2+7+37
3. a) Construct the CPM network for a project wi*r following activities: [16]
Activities A B C D E F G H I J
Predecessor A.B B A C E,F D,F G,H I
Days 4 7 4
J 2 I 6 5 I 9
i) Critical path
ii) Project completion time
iii) EST, EFT, LST, LFT, Total float,
Free float (Fp), independent float (I6F) and Interferring float (If)
b) Define the terms resource histogram, resource levelling Iimited resource allocation
and work break structure. L2+2+2+21
4. a) Write the concept of Monitoring, Evaluation and Controlling and also explain project
control cycle. L3+4)
b) Why cost control is important in project? 15 houses were to be completed in three
months with per unit cost of Rs 25,00,000/-. In one month 4 houses were completed
with total expenditure of Rs 96,00,000i- use eam value analysis to find the status of
the project. [3+4]
5. Define'risk'. Explain various sources of project risk. Elaborate risk response planning. [+5+4J
6. Define the term project financing. Explain features of capital structure planning. A project
has total capital of Rs 5,00,000 which consists of 2000 shares @ Rs 100, 1,50,000
preference share l8olo interest and remaining loan @ 14% interest. Eaming before interest
and tax in a year is Rs I,00,000. Calculate EPS and book value of share if tax rate is25%.12+4+41
.f ,r
-,,1. a) Define
a project and classify it? Name the characteristics of a project and describe
you mean by temporary team/organization in a project. t8l
b) Name project life cycle'and explain how you set goals in a project by giving example
of one goal and verifyrng the same with the criteria of goal setting. t8l
J2. For a project, following durations are given: t16l
SN Activity Durations Precedence Successor
1 A 5 E
2 B 6 F
3 C 7 G
4 D 8 H
5 E 9 A T,J
6 F 7 B T.J
7 G 5 C I.J
8 H 3 D I,J
9 I 4 E.F.G.H
10 J 5 E,F,G,H
Find EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, FF. Show critical path and find duration
a) Define PERT and discuss its uses. Project A and B have ts, t. and to as 5, 8, 12 and 6,
"/3. 8, l1 respectively. Find Mean and Standard Deviation. Which project is better and
more certain? t8l
b) What are Gantt chart and discuss about resource allocation and smoothing. t8l
4. a) Differentiate Monitoring and Controlling by explaining Project Control Cycle.
Explain the concept of Eamed Value Analysis used for controlling cost. rgl
b) Define Work Breakdown Structure? Write its importance and use. t8l
5. a) Explain the importances of Budgeting. Name different types of budgets and eiplain
Capital Budgeting'decision and Budgeting process. t8l
b) Describe Socio Economic survey and also social and ordinary cost benefit analysis. t8l tl
-- 6. Write short notes on: (any two) [8+8]
-/a) Environmental problems and tlpe of impacts
b) Project Managoment Information System (PMIS)
- c) Linear Programming
d) Goal setting in a project
./,7. Write short notes on: Pxal
, a) uses-
WBS and its b) Feedback Control System
c) Manpower Levelling d) cashflowability and capital structure
tf **
_. ,:t!. .,
Subjea: - Proiect Engineering
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt any Five questions.
./ Thcfipru in the margin indicate Full Mart6.
/ Asswne suitable data if necessary.
1. { Explan project family tree with suitable example. Explain also criteria of goal setting in any
\/ project. L4+41
b) List out different phases of project life cycle. Explain in details what are the activities to be
i l y'one in implementation phase of projectlife cycle" 181
I 2.rzDefine forward and baclanard pass in the network analysis. Draw the network diagram and
I V compute EST, EFT, LST, LFT, TF, [iF, IF and interferring floats for each activities of the project
t ,
relationship as sho'fun below. AIso find out critical path.
I Duration (days)
10 9 7 9 8 11 6 9 t2 10 8
i .. Predecessors A A B B D.E C.G H G G;F K
3. a) Explain with examples closed system and open system of conhol. Justifr the statement
i "Quality costs more,.but lack of quality costs even more". t8]
I ,
-*' b) Defuee Project l#nagementlnforrnation Systsm (PMIS), stating objectives of PMIS. E:(plain :-'
the various choice- of information channel in a project. t8]
Why project plarining is necessary in any project? List but the planning tools used in floject . :
i management. Write dovffi-the limitations oflGonrrentional bar chart showing suitable exampts: '::-aht' - ' rff -
bfabarchart. [4+4)
,Vt'Explan earnedtvalte-ana$Eis graphically showing favourable and unfavourable cases of
- variance. For a particular.project, budgeted cost of work schedule was 9,50,000 and budgeted
value of the work actually completed or earned value was 8,00,000 at a point of rgporting date
i.e. at 20 weeks from starting date. The completion time of project is 45 weeks. Based on
I above details, draw features ofthat project and comment on the schedule performance. [4+4)
5. a) List out virious errors in drawing a network diagram. Find out ttre expected tirne of each
engineer mentioned below, Which engineer you will choose and why? Who is more certain in
completing the job? v+4)
Types L t- L
NTC Ensineer 5 9 12
NCell Eneineer 4 5 9
b) Describe environmental impact analysis. Explarn in brief about shadow pricing, market
' €xternalities, market imperfection and social cost benefit analysis. t8l
1/"1 Defure budgeting? List out different types of budget. Explain the essential and purpose of
t /-
..b),4efine capital struchrre planning. Explain in brief cash flowability, leverage ratio, flexibility
" of thecompany. t8l
,/ )a{dmarketability
f,r/Writr short nores on: (any four) [4xa]
- r.g)/Environmental problems in Nepal
O/weS with example specifuingievels
c) Material scheduling
4;4neuprogramming .
g!4esource allocation and snioothing
;p..Budeetary control
=s:ii\S TIl UTE OF ENGINEERIi\IG Level BE N1[arks
2066 Bhadra Year / Part n, /t r
IV I Time 3
l)4 Define project. Explain the different characteristics of project. t8l
L 2ffiefine project life cycle phases. Explain, with example, the typical life cycle phases
of a proiect. t8l
l/Xproject has thd following scbedule, constnrct the network diagram and compy.te EST,
EFT, L$T, LFT, TF, FF, IF and interfering floats for each activitiis and find critical path. t16l
Activities A B C D E F G H I J K L
Predecessors None None A B B C,D E E G,H H I,J E,F
Iime 8 2 1 I 4 5 6 3 3 5 2
3. a).;What do you mean by project plan4ing? Explain the importance of work break down
v Ttructure for project planning. t6l
b) Define, monitoring, evaluation and control. Explain briefly quality control, cost
control and schedule control in the project. 14+6)
4. "zf What are the differences between CPM and PERT? Find the te (time estineates for x
and y where t0, t,n, to is 4, 6, 8 for x and 3, 5, 6 fol y- Also'find which is more certain
and variance. i8l
Vihat bre the environrnenta,l probierns in Nepal and how di; icu
t8l ..
5 Why capital structure planning is important for business firm? Explain in brief the
of capital structure plaruring. [2+5]
by using payback method, present worth, IRR and B/C ratio nrethoci. tEl
Item Initial lnvestment Annual Cash Flow Life in years
Rs.60000 12000 15
z Rs.88000' 22000
Rs- 2150:
: $.. ,.a) D-efine Project lVf4o4ge{nent;,Information Systern (PMiS).,Why PMiS is important for
' effective coordination of ffiecl activitles? ' . i., ,'. i
,: ', ' . ,
b) l)efine budget, sales budget, production budget, cash b-udget,, fixed budget and
7. Write short notes on any four: [axa]
c-{ Xesource allocation'and smoothing
$ Eaw,ed value analysis
c) ,Steps in capitll budgeting
-df-SI\LLR.T criteria
r.ef $osi"-economic Analysis iSociai Cost Benefii I'nailrsis)
2065 Shrawan Year / Part Iv/I Time 3 hrs.
,/ Candidates are required to give their qnswers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt any Five.questions.
/ Thefigures ti tte margin indicate Full Marks. .