20ME101 GE Mech IAT-1: Excel Engineering College (Autonomous)
20ME101 GE Mech IAT-1: Excel Engineering College (Autonomous)
20ME101 GE Mech IAT-1: Excel Engineering College (Autonomous)
Part A
Q.No Question
1 The angle which we can’t make using a single Set-square is ________ [1]
1: a) 45o 2: 60o 3: c) 30o 4: d) 75o
2 Small bow compass can draw circles less than _____ mm radius. [1]
1: a) 25mm 2: b) 30mm 3: c) 35mm 4: d) 40mm
4 Medium thickness, line-group of 2mm are not used for _________ [1]
1: a) out lines 2: b) dotted lines 3: c) cutting plane –lines 4: d) dimension lines
5 Initial work and construction lines are drawn using __ pencil. [1]
1: a) 3H 2: b) 4H 3: c) H 4: d) 2H
7 What is the type of scale in which the representative fraction is 1:1? [1]
1: a) Enlarged scale 2: b) Reduced scale 3: c) Full size scale 4: d) Graphical scale
10 What is the formula for calculating the length of the scale? [1]
1: a) Minimum length to be measured x R.F.2: b) Minimum length to be measured ÷ R.F 3: ) Maximum length to be measured ÷ R.F.
4: d) Maximum length to be measured x R.F.
15 The untrimmed size for _______ sheet is 240 mm x 330 mm. [1]
1: a) A1 2: b) A3 3: c) A4 4: d) A5
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1/29/2021 Camu - Your Campus
Q.No Question
17 . A scale which is numerically represented on the drawing sheet is called as _____ [1]
1: a) Graphical scale 2: b) Engineer’s scale 3: c) Reducing scale 4: d) Full size scale
21 The number of folding methods for folding of various sizes of drawing sheets is __________ [1]
1: a) 1 2: b) 2 3: c) 3 4: d) 4
22 The preferred size of the drawing sheets is recommended by the ______ [1]
1: a) B.I.S. 2: b) ASME 3: c) ASTM 4: d) NIST
24 The lines which touch the hyperbola at an infinite distance are ________ [1]
1: a) Axes 2: b) Tangents at vertex 3: c) Latus rectum 4: d) Asymptotes
Part B
Q.No Question
31 Steps given are to draw an involute of a given triangle ABC. Arrange the steps. i. With C as centre and radius C1 [2]
draw arc cutting AC-extended at 2. ii. With A as center and radius A2 draw an arc cutting BA- extended at 3
completing involute. iii. B as centre with radius AB draw an arc cutting the BC- extended at 1. iv. Draw the given
triangle with corners A, B, C.
1: a)ii, i, iv, iii 2: b) iii, i , iv, ii 3: c) i, iii, iv, ii 4: d) iv, iii, i, ii
32 Match the following. 1. Dimension lines i.Continuous thick lines 2. Extension or Projection lines ii.Continuous thin [2]
lines 3. Margin lines iii.Continuous thick lines 4. Outlines iv.Continuous thin lines
1: a) 1, i; 2, ii; 3, iii; 4, iv 2: b) 1, ii; 2, iii; 3, iv; 4, I 3: c) 1, ii; 2, iv; 3, iii; 4, I 4: d) 1, iv; 2, iii; 3, ii; 4, i
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1/29/2021 Camu - Your Campus
Q.No Question
34 In chain dimension, the dimensions are arranged parallel to each other. [2]
1: a) True 2: b) False
36 A scale which is numerically represented on the drawing sheet is called as _____ [2]
1: a) Graphical scale 2: b) Engineer’s scale 3: c) Reducing scale 4: d) Full size scale
37 A straight line parallel to asymptote intersects the hyperbola at only one point. [2]
1: a) True 2: b) False
38 Steps are given to locate asymptotes of hyperbola if its axis and focus are given. Arrange the steps. i. Draw a [2]
perpendicular AB to axis at vertex. ii. OG and OE are required asymptotes. iii. With O midpoint of axis (centre)
taking radius as OF (F is focus) draw arcs cutting AB at E, G. iv. Join O, G and O, E.
1: a) i, iii, iv, ii 2: b) ii, iv, i, iii 3: c) iii, iv, i, ii 4: d) iv, i, ii, iii
40 . Steps are given to draw involute of given circle. Arrange the steps f C is the centre of circle and P be the end of the [2]
thread (starting point). i. Draw a line PQ, tangent to the circle and equal to the circumference of the circle. ii. Draw
the involute through the points P1, P2, P3 ……..etc. iii. Divide PQ and the circle into 12 equal parts. iv. Draw
tangents at points 1, 2, 3 etc. and mark on them points P1, P2, P3 etc. such that 1P1 =P1l, 2P2 = P2l, 3P3= P3l etc.
1: a) ii, i, iv, iii 2: b) iii, i , iv, ii 3: c) i, iii, iv, ii 4: d) iv, iii, i, ii
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