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Task 1. A. Write T in The Blank Before

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Weekly Home Learning Plan

for A&E Elementary & Junior High School

Note: Time in accomplishing the module may vary to learners with work schedule.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Morning Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Task 1. A. Write T in the blank before Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 each sentence if the statement is true, and
Communication F if it
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a is not.
country such as the Philippines; _____ 1. Our national language is based
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as on English and contains elements from
A Language of Our our national language; and different foreign and local dialects.
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects _____ 2. At present, both Filipino and
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the English are being used as the official
Content national language mediums of instruction in Philippine
Standard- schools.
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically _____ 3. Filipino is the same as Tagalog.
process information from a wide range of written and _____ 4. The national language should
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to replace the many local languages and
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family, dialects spoken in the Philippines.
_____ 5. Because we have a national
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in
language, Filipinos do not need to use
Society community and economic development. English anymore.
B. Encircle the letter that corresponds to
Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country the correct answer.
Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage 1. Tagalog was adopted as the basis of
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities. our national language because
a. it is the language spoken in Manila, the
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

capital city
b. it is better than English and Spanish,
which are foreign languages
c. most of the judges in the assembly that
decided on a national language were
d. it was the language spoken by
President Quezon
2. It is better to
a. use Filipino as the sole medium of
communication in the entire country
b. use Filipino or English as the need
c. use only English
d. use neither Filipino nor English
3. Who is considered the Father of our
National Language?
a. Francisco Balagtas
b. Jose Rizal
c. Manuel Quezon
d. Jose Palma3
4. Having a national language is important
because it
a. promotes learning through teacher-
student interaction
b. allows effective exchange of ideas and
c. enables people to interact with each
d. all of the above
5. Your local dialect _____________
English and Filipino.
a. is less important than
b. is more important than
c. is just as important as
d. should be replaced by

Task 2. Meanwhile, have the learners

sing the song, composed by Florante
and answer the questions that follow.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

a. What did you feel after singing the

b. Did you understand what it is trying
to say?
c. Write down what you think the song
is about in the spaces provided

Remember! The song is written in

Filipino, our national language. It tells
us that using and being proud of our
national language is a way of showing
our love for our country.

Task 3. read and examine the comic

strip. Then, answer the following
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Blended

1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a
country such as the Philippines;
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the
Content national language
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically
process information from a wide range of written and
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family,
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in
Society community and economic development.

Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country Did you enjoy reading about Nena and
Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage her friends? Do” Let’s Try This” on
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities. page 7. Write your answers in a sheet
of paper.


Morning Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Did you know that hundreds of Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 different languages are spoken all
Communication over the Philippines? Of these, eight
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a are considered “mother tongues” or
country such as the Philippines;
major languages: Ilocano,
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and Pangasinan, Pampango, Tagalog,
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects Bicol, Cebuano, Hiligaynon and
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the Waray, Samarnon. For each of these
Content national language languages, there are hundreds of
Standard- dialects spoken in different places all
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically over the country.
process information from a wide range of written and Do you know how a language is
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to different from a dialect? A language is
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family, a system of communication used by a
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in very large number of people. For
Society community and economic development. example, many people from the
Visayas speak Cebuano. But because
Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country with they belong to different groups who
Standard- focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage and live in different regions there, some of
National Identity respect for cultural diversities. them developed different ways of
speaking Cebuano. Some words may
have been changed a little, or the way
it is spoken may be different. This
difference in the way a language is
spoken is called a dialect. A dialect is
spoken by a smaller number of
people. Most people who speak
different dialects of the same
language understand each other, but
some do not.
Can you imagine how difficult it would
be for Filipinos speaking different
languages and dialects to understand
each other if there were no common
language? And what would happen if
we could not communicate with each
other? Would there be lots of fighting
as a result of misunderstanding? What
aspects of our daily lives would be
affected if we were not able to
communicate well with each other?
Task 4. Copy and examine the
aspects of our lives that are affected
by communication on page 8-9.

Afternoon Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Task 5. Identify the aspect of people’s Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 daily lives affected by language as
Communication described in each of the statements
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a below.
country such as the Philippines;
_____1. Lina tried to talk to her Ilocano
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

A Language of Our our national language; and grandfather, but she couldn’t
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects understand what he was saying.
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the _____2. Perla has just transferred to
Content national language her new school in Cebu. She is
Standard- confused as to what her teacher is
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically saying because her teacher is using
process information from a wide range of written and Cebuano in her instructions.
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to _______3. Mang Ramon, a
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family, businessman in Pangasinan, is in
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in Bacolod to attend a seminar on new
Society community and economic development. breeds of mangoes. Much to his
surprise and confusion, the main
Performance Standard- Develop love of country
Content speaker spoke in Ilonggo, a language
with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage
Standard- that he does not understand.
and respect for cultural diversities.
National Identity _______4. In a seminar that Fe
attended, the participants were
grouped and given a task to perform.
When she found the group to which
she belonged, she found out that she
and her groupmates were from
different regions in the Philippines and
they all spoke different languages.
Their problem was how they would
work together

Task 6. Answer the following activities.

Write your answers in a sheet of paper

 Let’s think about this, pp 11-14

 Let’s see what you have
learned, p 17


Morning Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Task 7. Read and study the Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 conversations below
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a
country such as the Philippines;
A Language of Our  discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
our national language; and
 explain the significance of English and of local dialects
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the
Content national language
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically
process information from a wide range of written and
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family, Answer the following
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in 1. What is the topic of the
Society community and economic development. conversation?
2. Who were involved in the
Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country conversation?
Standard- 3. Examine the statement given by
with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage
National Identity each character?
and respect for cultural diversities. 4. How did the conversation end up?

Task 8. Copy and study the lecture

reflected on “ Let’s learn” on pages

Task 9. Do the “Let’s Think About It”

on pages 22-23. Write your answers in
a sheet of paper.

Afternoon Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 The controversy about the Philippine Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 national language continued. The use
Communication of Tagalog as the basis for the
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a national language offended many
country such as the Philippines;
Filipinos. They believed that their
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and languages were not represented in the
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects national language. They refused to
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the accept the Tagalog-based national
Content national language language
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically Task 10. For further lecture about this,
process information from a wide range of written and copy and study some insights
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to regarding the topic on pages 23-24.
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family,
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in Task 11. Do “Let’s Think About This”
Society community and economic development. and “Let’s Try This” on page 25. Write
your answers in a sheet of paper.
Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country
Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities.


Morning Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 We have talked a lot about how our Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 present official national language
Communication developed. We have also learned
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a about studies that show how Filipino is
country such as the Philippines;
increasingly becoming accepted and
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and spoken by more and more Filipinos
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects every year. We have said that every
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the Filipino must learn to spek Filipino in
Content national language order for us to grow in strength and
Standard- unity as a nation. But what exactly is
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically Filipino? This is a very important
process information from a wide range of written and question, and one that we will try to
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to answer here.
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family,
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in Task 12. Do the following activities.
Society community and economic development. Write your answers in a sheet of
Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country  “Let’s Try This”- page 28
Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage  “Let’s Think About This”- page
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities. 29

Task 13. Copy and study the lectures

on pages 29-30 and 35.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Let’s Remember!
♦ Filipino is different from Tagalog
because it contains heavy borrowings
from English and other languages. It is
meant to be a mixture of different
languages used in the Philippines.
Today, however, it is still in the
process of development and contains
very few borrowings from local
languages. It is still based on Tagalog
but it borrows heavily from many
foreign languages, most especially
English and Spanish.
♦ Filipino is very useful in many
aspects of life, including business,
education, services, literature,
entertainment, information and
personal communications

Afternoon Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Before you end this module, there is Blended
Session 1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 one final lesson you need to study. It
Communication is true that the Philippines must have
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a a national language. We must all work
country such as the Philippines;
together to achieve this goal. But we
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and must not do so at the expense of
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects forgetting or taking for granted other
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the languages or dialects spoken in the
Content national language country. The national language must
Standard- not be used as an instrument with
Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically which to shut off other cultures or
process information from a wide range of written and other people.
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family, It is important for you to understand
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in that although it is very important that
Society community and economic development. you learn to speak our national
language, this does not mean it is the
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country only language you should speak.
Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage Speaking in English or in your own
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities. dialect does not mean you are not
nationalistic or that you honor our
national language less. You can learn
to speak the national language, value
your local dialect and be fluent in
English at the same time!

In this lesson we will discuss the

importance and the functions of the
different Filipino dialects and
languages as well as our secondary
language, English, in our lives as

Task 14. Do the following activities.

Write your answers in a sheet of
 Let’s Try This”- pages 38-39
 “Let’s Think About This”- page

Task 15. Copy and study the lecture

on page 41-43.

Let’s Remember!
It is important for you to keep in mind
that although you must learn, speak
and appreciate our national language,
you should also do the same for
English and the other languages and
dialects spoken in the country. They
are equally important and serve useful
functions that can help us improve our
lives and our country.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Learning Strand  LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LS-18 Task 16. Make a vlog of your Blended

1:  LS5DS-NI-PSC-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-2.4/2.4.1/2.4.2 interview with at least 3 people in your
Communication locality with the threshold question,
Skills- English  explain the importance of a national language for a
country such as the Philippines;
“Why is it important to speak the
 discuss the selection and development of Filipino as
A Language of Our our national language; and national language?”
Own  explain the significance of English and of local dialects
 make a vlog on the importance of speaking the Send a copy of the recorded vlog to
Content national language your teacher for scrutiny and approval
Morning Standard- for posting on social media platforms.
Session Reading Performance Standard- acquire and critically
process information from a wide range of written and Be sure to tag your teacher.
Learning Strand multimedia materials in the English language to
5: Understanding function effectively as a member of the family,
the Self and community, nation and the world and to participate in
Society community and economic development.

Content Performance Standard- Develop love of country

Standard- with focus on appreciation of one’s cultural heritage
National Identity and respect for cultural diversities.


Afternoon  Check the completeness of activities undertaken the whole week

Session  Communicate with learners to ask some clarifications or to give supplemental learnings through face to face, messenger or phone call

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