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Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



No._257 , s. 2020


To: Chief, Curriculum Instruction Division

Education Program Supervisor Concerned
Public Schools District Supervisors
Secondary School Heads and Elementary School Heads

1. In support to the call of producing productive and responsible citizen equipped

with essential competencies and skills for lifelong learning, the Schools Division
Office of Digos City actively responds to this goal by strengthening the reading
program which aims to make every learner a proficient reader even amidst the
Covid-19 pandemic.
2. In connection thereof, all School Heads are expected to implement the attached
Action Plan on Learning Continuity for Reading. Likewise, they are enjoined
to religiously monitor its conduct to ensure that timeliness and success indicators
are observed.
3. The funds and necessary expenses for reading materials for online learning or
distance learning shall be charged from school MOOE.
4. During the distribution of the reading materials in schools, teachers are deemed
to observe physical and social distancing, wear masks, and observe other safety
5. Teachers involved in implementing Learning Continuity for Reading shall be
granted service credits to one day for every eight hours of accumulated services
6. Attached is the Reading Remediation Action Plan for reference.
7. For strict compliance.

Schools Division Superintendent

Address: Roxas Street cor. Lopez Jaena Street, Zone II, Digos City 8002
Telephone No: (082) 553-8396 | (082) 553-8376 | (082) 553-9170 | (082) 553-8375
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Schools Division of Digos City

READING PROGRAM for Frustration and Instructional Readers
SY 2020-2021


In support to the call of producing productive and responsible citizen equipped with essential competencies and skills for lifelong learning, the
Schools Division Office of Digos City actively responds to this goal by strengthening the reading program which aims to make every learner a proficient
However, despite the concerted efforts, the reading program initiatives are still not enough to make all learners a reader at their level. As revealed
in the latest overall division assessment, 30.74% belongs to frustration level and 37% belongs to instructional level. In order to address the gap, there is a
need to increase the reading proficiency of every leaner.

As we experience the COVID 19 pandemic, we are challenged to widen our learning modality. To include online or virtual modality is necessary
and a must. In order for learners to be able to access and explore virtual learning resources he or she expected to be an independent readers or at least an
instructional reader.

This plan will guide the schools in helping learners to become instructional or independent readers to prepare them for productive academic
learning and engagement.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



To prepare the School Online Orientation of all Division Reading April 29, 2020 All concerned are ● Online orientation
Heads and Reading School Heads and Reading Focal Person. oriented of the was conducted on April
Coordinators for the Coordinators on the Division School Heads Activities/tasks to 29 and April 30 via
Summer Remediation Summer Reading Remediation School Reading be conducted. Google Teams
/Enhancement Activities /Enhancement Activities to be Coordinators
conducted via google teams

To orient teachers on the School online orientation of School Heads April 29, 2020 All teachers are ● Online orientation to
Summer Reading teachers on Summer Reading Teachers oriented of their teachers was done on
Remediation/Enhancement Remediation/ Enhancement specific tasks. April 29
Activities. Activities.

Teachers May 4-5, 2020 Teachers have copy ●Teachers started to

To prepare the print, non- Sort the print and non-print School Heads of print, non-print, sort and print reading
print, and online reading reading materials PSDS and online reading materials for
materials, for MTB, EPS materials, for MTB, distribution
Filipino, and English Filipino, and
English ●Monitoring and
Evaluation tool to track
Schools submit list the progress of the
of print, non-print, program for teachers
and online reading and school heads’ use is
materials currently crafted
1.To identify whose Conduct survey of students who School Heads May 6-8, 2020 A list of students
students have access to have access to internet for Teachers who have access to
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

internet for online reading online reading activity Parents internet for online
activity reading is prepared.

2.To orient parents for the Orient parents on the online School Heads All parents whose
reading remediation class reading remediation class in Teachers children are under
in school by June and July school by June and July Parents remediation are
oriented on the
1.To identify the reading 1.Prepare list of reading School Heads May 11-12, Teachers have a
developmental needs of developmental needs of learners Teachers 2020 reading profile of
the students the students
2. To design an individual 2.Design an individual reading
reading program for the program for the frustration and Teachers have an
frustration and instructional readers based from School Heads individual reading
instructional readers the reading developmental Teachers program for the
3.To distribute the reading needs of the students non-readers and
materials to identified frustration readers
parents of students under 3.Distribute the offline reading based from the
remediation (Note: every materials to parents of students School Heads reading
Monday, teachers distribute under remediation Teachers developmental
work sheets to parents; Parents needs of the
Parents also sign students
commitment pledge )
4. To create a group chat 4. Create a group chat of Students have the
of parents and students for parents and students for the reading materials
the dissemination of the dissemination of the reading School Heads
online reading materials materials for those who have Teachers
and monitoring of the access online Parents
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

learners reading activities

A group chat where

reading materials
are accessible is

1.To conduct online and 1.Conduct online and offline School Heads May 13-29, Students have
offline reading activity to reading class to the bottom ten Teachers 2020 functional running
the bottom ten (10) (10) frustration and Parents record
frustration and instructional readers Students
instructional readers All reading
2.Gather the reading materials School Heads materials answered
2.To gather the reading which students have answered Teachers May 8, 2020 by the students are
materials which students Parents May 15, 2020 collected every
have answered (Note: Every Students May 22, 2020 Fridays
Friday, teachers collect the May 29, 2020
worksheets for checking and Improved reading
feedback) proficiency of the
To enhance teachers’ Conduct online training on Teachers/School May 25-29, Teachers
strategy in teaching teachers’ strategy in teaching Heads 2020 demonstrate
beginning reading beginning reading PSDS teaching beginning
EPS reading strategy
To assess the students’ Assess students’ reading Teachers May 29, 2020 Improved reading
reading progress using progress Students proficiency of the
Phil-IRI graded passages students
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

1.To prepare teacher’s 1.Submit teacher’s weekly work School June 1-29, All teachers have
weekly work plan plan Heads/Teachers 2020 submitted weekly
Students work plan
2. School Heads to prepare 2. Prepare monitoring report on
monitoring report on the the conduct of reading activity June 5, 2020 All School Heads
conduct of reading activity and weekly evaluation School June 11, 2020 have submitted
and weekly evaluation Heads/Teachers June 19, 2020 monitoring report
Parents/Students June 26, 2020 on the conduct of
3.To conduct face to face 3.Conduct face to face reading reading activity and
reading class frustration class to frustration and weekly evaluation
and instructional readers instructional readers
4.To gather the reading 4.Gather the reading materials Students have
materials which students which students have answered functional running
have answered record
Improved reading
proficiency of the
To assess the students’ Assess students’ reading Teachers June 30, 2020 Improved reading
reading progress using progress Students proficiency of the
Phil-IRI graded passages students
To conduct face to face Conduct face to face reading School Heads July 1-30, Improved reading
reading class to frustration class to frustration and Teachers 2020 proficiency of the
and instructional readers instructional readers Students students
To gather the reading Gather the reading materials School
materials which students which students have answered Heads/Teachers
have answered Parents/Students
To assess the students’ Assess students’ reading Teachers July 31, 2020 Improved reading
reading progress using progress Students proficiency of the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Phil-IRI graded passages students

Note: For online enhancement of literacy and numeracy activities among independent readers, the links below are suggested for their activity. Likewise,
teachers will also monitor this reading activity.

1. DepEd Commons 6.Spelling City 11. www.newsela.com 16. Facebook A-Z

2. https://jr.brainpop.com 7.Miningquiz.com 12. http://popplet.com 17. Class Dojo
3. https://www.starfall.com/h/ 8. http://quizlet.com 13.http://watchknowlearn.org 18. Mathletics
4. https://www.getepic.com/ 9.www.quizizz.com 14.http://app.wizer.me 19. Teacher Pay Teacher
5. https://kahoot.com 10. www.instagrok.com 15.www.quizlet.com

Prepared by: TITO M. ENDRINA Recommending Approval: MELANIE P ESTACIO, PhD. Approved: CRISTY C. EPE
EPS/Division Reading Coordinator Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Schools Division Superintendent

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