Paquito V. Ando vs. Andresito Y. Campo Et. Al. G.R. No. 184007, February 16, 2011 PONTENTE: J. Nachura
Paquito V. Ando vs. Andresito Y. Campo Et. Al. G.R. No. 184007, February 16, 2011 PONTENTE: J. Nachura
Paquito V. Ando vs. Andresito Y. Campo Et. Al. G.R. No. 184007, February 16, 2011 PONTENTE: J. Nachura
G.R. No. 184007, February 16, 2011
PONTENTE: J. Nachura
I concur with the decision of the Supreme Court that the RTC
has no jurisdiction over the case as the subject matter of the
petition is the execution of judgment of the NLRC’s decision. We
must take note that, jurisdiction once acquired, continues until the
case is finally terminated and there can be no end to a case
without the implementation of the decision which decision must be
exercised by the body who rendered it and not the courts.
Especially in this case, the NLRC Manual specifically provides for
the procedures to be followed in the execution of judgment
promulgated by NLRC.