Icc Practical-2: Aim: To Install VM Virtualbox and Ubuntu. What Is Virtualization?
Icc Practical-2: Aim: To Install VM Virtualbox and Ubuntu. What Is Virtualization?
Icc Practical-2: Aim: To Install VM Virtualbox and Ubuntu. What Is Virtualization?
Name: Kartik Katekar
Roll No.: C039
Sap ID: 70472018047
1. What is Virtualization?
The virtual machine is the environment of the app installed on the software.
The virtual machine behaves like a real computer. Simply put, it is like
creating a computer within an existing computer. Working in a window, no
matter what the end user experience in the operating system, the same type
of experience can happen while using Virtual Machine.
Step 2 - Open the downloaded file, and under that open VirtualBox