Performance Evaluation of Microservices
Performance Evaluation of Microservices
Performance Evaluation of Microservices
Marcelo Amaral, Jordà Polo, David Carrera Iqbal Mohomed, Merve Unuvar,
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Malgorzata Steinder
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
Abstract—Microservices architecture has started a new trend of filesystem mount points seen by the group of processes.
for application development for a number of reasons: (1) to cGroups organize the processes in a hierarchy tree; they also
reduce complexity by using tiny services; (2) to scale, remove limit, police and account the resource usage of process group.
and deploy parts of the system easily; (3) to improve flexibility One can run a single application within a container whose
to use different frameworks and tools; (4) to increase the overall namespaces are isolated from other processes on the system.
scalability; and (5) to improve the resilience of the system. Con-
Notwithstanding, the main capability of container is to allow
tainers have empowered the usage of microservices architectures
by being lightweight, providing fast start-up times, and having to run a complete copy of the Linux OS within it without the
a low overhead. Containers can be used to develop applications overhead of running hypervisor. Although the kernel is shared,
based on monolithic architectures where the whole system runs they have limited access to the modules and drivers to the ones
inside a single container or inside a microservices architecture that it has leaded. Despite a container has limited access, it can
where one or few processes run inside the containers. Two models have full access to the host when created as “privileged”. Such
can be used to implement a microservices architecture using a privileged container might run also another daemon inside to
containers: master-slave, or nested-container. The goal of this create other containers as a nested-container approach; but can
work is to compare the performance of CPU and network running emerge security problems when sharing the infrastructure with
benchmarks in the two aforementioned models of microservices other users. Currently, there exist many container distributions
architecture hence provide a benchmark analysis guidance for
such as OpenVZ [3], and Docker [4].
system designers.
At a high-level, current Docker usage can be categorized
I. I NTRODUCTION into two classes: (i) Docker container as a lightweight server,
and (ii) one process (or few related processes) per Docker
Virtual Machines are a widely used building block of
container. There have been extensive studies on (i), such as
workload management and deployment. They are heavily
[5]; in this paper, we concern ourselves with (ii). To our
used in both traditional data center environments and clouds
knowledge, this approach (related processes per container)
(private, public and hybrid clouds). The commonly used term
does not have a widely used name even though the technique
Virtual Machine (VM) refers to server virtualization, which can
itself is common. For purposes of this paper, we will call it
be accomplished via full virtualization or paravirtualization.
Related Processes Per Container or RPPC. RPPC is sensible
In recent months, there has been a resurgence of interest
from the perspective of deployment, and is also a useful
in container technology, which provides a more lightweight
building block in microservices architectures. We explain both
mechanism - operating system level virtualization. Containers
in turn.
are lightweight and fast - a single x86 server can reasonably
have 100s of containers running (memory usually ends up Consider a traditional application server that implements
being the scarce resource); moreover, containers start up very some business logic and talks to a remote database server.
quickly - under 1 to 2 seconds in most cases. There are many Along with the core application server, one would install
reasons for this resurgence but from a technical perspective, auxiliary software or sidecars that provide facilities such as
two of the biggest reasons are (i) the improvements in names- logging, performance monitoring, configuration management,
pace support in the Linux kernel are available in popular proxying, and so on. Rather than packaging all of this software
distributions, and (ii) a specific implementation of containers into a single unit, one can group related processes in containers
- Docker - has successfully created an attractive packaging and then deploy the ensemble. When some functionality needs
format, useful tools and diverse ecosystem. to be updated, one need only deploy a subset of the original
containers. Thus, the RPPC approach typically speeds up
Containers are operating-system-level virtualization under
deployment, reduces disruption and generally empowers the
kernel Linux that can isolate and control resources for a set
devops team. It should be noted that this concept is not new
of processes. Because of container does not emulate a full
to even containers - configuration management tools such as
virtualization of the physical hardware as VM does, it is
Puppet and Chef have provided this capability for years - only
lightweight with less overhead. The core of containers rely
update what needs to be changed. What’s different is that
on Linux namespace [1] and cGroups [2]. The former is
individual containers are the unit of deployment.
an abstraction that wraps a set of processes appearing that
they are isolated instance. Linux namespace isolates the set The RPPC concept is also useful as a building block for
microservices. Microservices is a new trend in architecting B. Key virtual networking differences
large software systems wherein a system is designed as a
set (dozens or even hundreds) of microservices. Microservices In recent years, there have been significant advances in vir-
can be developed, managed and scaled independently. There tual networking features in Linux. Some notable mechanisms
is typically some kind of routing fabric that gets requests include network namespaces, veth pairs, tap devices as well
to a specific instance of a microservices; this routing fabric as virtual switches such as OpenvSwitch and Linux Bridges.
often provides load-balancing and can isolate microservices The mechanisms can be used to provide a high degree of flex-
that are in a failed state. One system that provides these ibility and control of networking, and form the basis of SDN
capabilities in a cloud or clustered environment is Google’s (software defined networking) technologies such as Openstack
Kubernetes. In Kubernetes, a pod is a group of containers that Neutron. For instance, a physical host might have just one
is a deployable unit - moreover, all containers of a pod share physical network interface, while a number of guest containers
the same fate. While this doesn’t always make sense (e.g. in the can run in isolation by having their own network namespaces,
application server example above), it does make a lot of sense with tap devices wired into an OpenvSwitch. Moreover, one
in microservices and especially with containers (destroying a could setup tunnels between the OpenvSwitch instances on
faulty pod does no harm since the routing fabric will route to different machines, and can enable communication between
healthy one; also, since starting up containers is a lot faster instances. In practice, there are a great many ways of setting up
than booting Virtual Machines, pod startup can be very fast). virtual networking, with varying effects on throughput, latency
and CPU utilization.
We investigated two distinct ways to implement the RPPC
In this paper, we mainly focus our attention to communi-
concept. In the first approach, all child containers are peers
cation that takes place on a single host. Even in this restricted
of each other and a parent container (which serves to manage
case, there are many options to consider. Figure 2 shows 4
them). We call this implementation as master-slave throughout
different communication setups that we explore later in the
the paper. The second approach, where we refer as nested-
paper, along with the various layers that must be traversed. Of
container, involves the parent container being a privileged
course, best performance is achieved when a process runs on
container and the child containers being inside its namespace.
bare-metal and can utilize the native networking stack in the
Our purpose is to understand the performance differences of
OS. The default setup with Docker is that containers are wired
the two approaches hence system designers can benefit from
into a virtual switch such as a Linux Bridge or OpenvSwitch
our analysis in the future.
(which is wired into the physical NIC/OS networking stack).
In the nested-container scenario, there is a second level of
II. M ICROSERVICES A RCHITECTURE USING CONTAINERS virtual switching that takes place inside the container. In the
virtual machine case, there is typically a virtual switch as well
A. Containers as virtualized network drivers.
Containers are a mechanism that provide operating sys-
tem level virtualization, in that they can isolate and control C. Microservices
resources for a set of processes. Because a container does not
emulate the physical hardware as a virtual machine does, it is Microservices have gained much popularity in industry
lightweight with less overhead. While the concept of operating in the last few years. This architecture can be considered a
system level virtualization is not new (e.g. chroot/jails in BSD), refinement and simplification of Service-oriented Architecture
there has been a great deal of industry interest in Linux (SOA) [7]. The key idea is that rather than architecting
containers and Docker Inc’s implementation in particular. monolithic applications, one can achieve a plethora of benefits
The core of containers rely on Linux namespaces [1] and by creating many independent services that work together in
cGroups [2]. Linux namespaces isolate the set of filesystem concert. The benefits accrued include simpler codebases for
mount points seen by a group of processes. cGroups organize individual services, ability to update and scale the services in
the processes in a hierarchy tree; it also limits, polices and isolation, enabling services to be written in different languages
accounts for the resource usage of process groups. One can if desired and utilize varying middleware stacks and even data
run a single application within a container whose namespaces tiers for different services [8]. There are costs to this approach
are isolated from other processes on the system. On the other as well [9] such as the computational overhead of running an
hand, one can use a container as a lightweight Linux server, application in different processes and having to pay network
by setting up facilities such as a process control system (e.g. communication costs rather than simply making function calls
supervisord) and and ssh server. Currently, there exist many within a process. The proliferation of service processes almost
container implementations such as OpenVZ [3], Rocket [6] requires automated mechanisms for deployment (sometimes
and Docker [4]. In this paper, we primarily focus on Docker called continuous delivery or continuous integration). Other
containers. challenges include deciding what the boundaries of different
services are and determining when a service is too big.
Normally, a Docker container has limited access to resource
on the host, but full access can be provided by creating it as a D. Achieving Microservices with Containers
”privileged” container. Such a privileged container can access
host devices and also run another Docker daemon inside itself As previously stated, Docker containers are an excellent
to create child containers (we call this the nested-container match for building microservices. They are lightweight, start
approach). One must be careful with this approach as security very fast, and can wrap dependencies and vagaries of imple-
challenges may emerge when sharing system resources with mentation inside themselves. For instance, a developer can
other users. start dozens of containers on a modest laptop of the day. They
can go to a source such as DockerHub to download images Virtual machines were first introduced by IBM on main-
of containers with pre-configured middleware, databases and frames in 1970s [12] and since then reinvented by many
applications. Such images can be extended with additional companies such as VMware, Xen and KVM. Linux containers
customization of the developer’s choosing. have a long history as well. Linux-V Server project [13] was
the first attempt by Linux to implement virtual private servers.
When one considers how services developed as ensem- In 2007, Linux introduced native containers which brought us
bles of containers can be deployed, two different approaches today’s containerization technology.
emerge: master-slave or nested-containers as illustrated in
Figure 1. The most popular container implementation, as of writing
this paper, is Docker [4]. It is an open platform that has been
Container (Regular) Privileged Container used for the last couple of years for developers and system
administrators to build, ship and run the applications without
Master-Slave Nested-Container
the VM overhead [4]. Docker containers have been widely
accepted and used by the open source cloud community and
the enterprises. Recently, IBM started an engagement with the
Docker community [14] and built their Beta version of con-
Slave … Slave Child … Child
tainer cloud [15]. Companies like VMware, Warden Container,
Imctfy are also focusing on building container clouds as the
containerization technology rapidly gains popularity.
Fig. 1. Overview of master-slave and nested-container models.
The significance of comparing virtualization and container-
The master-slave is composed by one container as the ization is twofold. One hand, virtualization helps isolation
master coordinating other containers called slaves, in which with the cost of latency and overhead. And, on the other
the application process will be running. In this approach the hand containerization brings less overhead along with a similar
master needs to track the subordinates’ containers, help their but less isolation than virtual machines. In terms of isolation
communication and guarantee that the slaves do not interact capabilities of containers, [16] studied performance of different
with other containers from a different master (in this paper, container implementations such as Linux, Docker, Warden
in order to simplify, we refer to the master-slave approach as Container, Imctfy and OpenVZ along with virtual machines.
regular-container). On the other hand, in the nested-container As for the trade-off between performance and isolation be-
approach, the subordinates’ containers (the children) are hier- tween containers and virtual machines, [17] examined number
archically created into the main container (parent). The parent of experiments for High Performance Computing environ-
might be completely agnostic and just exist. The children run ments. Performance of network virtualization for containers
the application process and they are limited by the parent’s is also well studied in the Linux literature [18] however not
boundaries. The nested-containers approach might be easier to in the nested, master-slave container, virtual machines or bare-
manage since all other containers are inside only one container. metal level.
This approach also might benefit from easily performing IPC, Nested-containers are inspired from the “pod” concept
guaranteeing fate sharing, and sharing the same memory, disk that is implemented by Google for better managing Docker
and network. But, nested-containers approach might include containers [19]. Pods are the smallest deployable group of
more overhead than the master-slave approach, since it has containers that are placed on the same host. However, the
two layers of Docker daemon as illustrated in Figure 2. performance of pods over virtual machines or bare-metal
Linux Bridge, Linux Bridge,
instances has not been studied. The contribution of our paper
OVS or host
OVS or host
is to provide benchmark analysis for container virtualization
Docker Engine
via implementing nested and master-slave containers hence
Guest OS
Linux Bridge, Linux Bridge, and comparing the performance against virtual machines and bare-
OVS or host OVS or host Drivers
network network metal.
Host network Docker Engine Docker Engine Hypervisor
Host OS Host OS Host OS Host OS
Microservices management gained popularity over the last
Server Server Server Server years. Google Cloud Platform implemented and open sourced a
Bare-metal Container Nested-Container Virtual Machine pre-production Beta cluster management project -Kubernetes-
that can be used for better management of large scale mi-
Fig. 2. The network stack for bare-metal, container, nested-container and croservices [20]. Kubernetes provides lightweight, simple and
virtual-machine. self-healing services management. With its high scalability and
simplicity properties, Kubernetes promotes container technol-
III. R ELATED WORK ogy via microservices architecture. Mesos [21] is another
open source project that is intended to be an operating system
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to for a datacenter. Mesos is built similar to the Linux kernel
analyze performances of microservices architecture using con- with a different level of abstraction. Mesos is composed of
tainers as nested and master-slave implementations. However, master(s), slave(s) and framework(s). Frameworks are designed
there is an extensive work that has been done in the area of to manage the different type of workloads hence Mesos provide
performance comparison between virtual machines and Linux a hierarchical resource management solution that increases the
containers [5]. Most of the work in the literature is comparing scalability and reduces the latency due to resource scheduling.
hypervisors to the other hypervisors or to non-virtualized Mesos is highly scalable (10,000s of nodes). This makes
environments [10], [11]. Mesos a strong open source resource management tool for
microservices management. [22] studied the performance of This experiment measures the mean execution time of
Mesos on multiple types of cluster computing such as Hadoop running Sysbench, increasing the number of concurrent Sys-
and MPI however did not consider the container technology. bench instances, from 1 up to 64. For bare-metal, we simply
run multiple Sysbench instances on the host machine. For
IV. E VALUATION containers, we execute multiple containers, each one running
a single Sysbench instance. And for virtual machines, we also
In order to explore the performance of the two container- run multiple virtual machines executing a single Sysbench
based environments discussed in Section II, we execute five instance. No resource constraints are set of containers or virtual
different kinds of experiments mostly focused on CPU and machines, so the scalability is expected to grow linearly with
network performance. In Experiment 1 (Section IV-B), we the number of available CPU cores.
consider the execution of a CPU-intensive benchmark in order
to verify whether there is any performance difference be- Bare Metal Regular Container
tween the studied approaches. In Experiment 2 (Section IV-C), Nested Container (1 parent n child) Virtual Machine
proposed approaches, but with a focus on network performance 0,6
containers, nested-containers (Microservices), and virtual ma- in this paper is to show the overhead to fully initialize a parent
chines in the context of server virtualization. The goal of this container.
experiment is to evaluate the scalability of managing different
kinds of virtual containers. Also, note that when creating more than 8 nested-
containers, the overall creation time seems to increase more
We measure the time to create an increasing number than linearly, and becomes a lot closer to virtual machines
concurrent hosting entities (containers or virtual machines) than regular containers. The host machine only has 12 cores,
for each one of the proposed approaches, from 1 up to 64. so the behavior when overloading the cores is significantly
Each hosting entity simply launches a dummy application different. However, nested-containers are still twice as fast as
that takes a negligible amount of time (in particular, we virtual machines in most scenarios.
used Sysbench as in Experiment 1, this time configured with
cpu-max-primes set to 1), effectively allowing us to com- D. Experiment 3: Overhead of Nested-Container Creation
pare creation times under different environments. For regular
containers, we measure elapsed time between container start-
up and exit. For nested-containers, we measure the elapsed
time between starting-up and exiting the parent container,
which also includes loading a locally-stored child image as
well as starting-up and exiting a single child container. Finally, 111
65 77
for a virtual machine, we measure the time to create a virtual 46 46 69
27 40 47 92 139
machine domain, start the domain and delete the domain.
aa# Parent 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
# Child aa
1 9 s σ=1.0 15 s σ=0.5 17 s σ=0.5 21 s σ=0.4 72 s σ=1.3 200 s σ=0.3 432 s σ=10.5 1475 s σ=146.5 2313 s σ=160.8
2 9 s σ=0.5 10 s σ=0.51 12 s σ=0.43 25 s σ=2.0 96 s σ=4.0 239 s σ=2.5 475 s σ=14.5 1518 s σ=163.0 -
4 10 s σ=0.5 12 s σ=0.5 17 s σ=0.5 37 s σ=2.0 113 s σ=8.0 255 s σ=0.6 514 s σ=12.0 - -
8 12 s σ=0.5 14 s σ=0.53 22 s σ=3.56 64 s σ=1.5 131 s σ=6.1 278 s σ=7.0 - - -
16 16 s σ=1.0 22 s σ=1.0 35 s σ=1.5 66 s σ=0.5 139 s σ=1.5 - - - -
32 27 s σ=1.5 40 s σ=0.5 47 s σ=4.81 92 s σ=3.5 - - - - -
64 46 s σ=2.0 46 s σ=2.0 69 s σ=2.02 - - - - - -
128 65 s σ=3.0 77 s σ=1.0 - - - - - - -
256 111 s σ=3.5 - - - - - - - -
4 parents only takes 69 seconds. When we are overloading Since Docker is not yet fully integrated with OpenvSwitch,
the host machine with more parents than available cores, the it requires additional configuration, which involves creating a
creation time is even higher (more than 139 seconds). virtual interface (veth pairs), binding one in the OpenvSwitch
bridge and another one in an already started container.
E. Experiment 4: Network Performance - Local traffic in one The results of this experiment are presented in Table II.
host All executions were repeated 5 times, and the table includes
average time and standard deviation. In this experiment, it
As described in Section II, microservices architectures may should also be noted that, even though the host is composed of
involve multiple applications communicating with the same a single NIC of 1 Gigabit, the throughput is higher than 1Gbps.
machine. The goal of this experiment is to measure network Since the client and the server are running on the same host,
performance, with a focus on studying the communication the network packets are not going through the NIC, they are
overhead of different technologies when running on the same going to the loopback interface. The bottleneck is the CPU
host. throughput.
In order to evaluate the network performance, we select As it can be observed in Table II, the network perfor-
the Netperf benchmark [24]. In particular, the Netperf tests mance when using containers is generally higher than that of
used to evaluate performance are TCP Stream (TCP_STREAM) virtual machines, and it can be as fast as bare-metal under
and TCP Request/Response (TCP_RR). TCP_STREAM is a certain configurations. For instance, when the containers are
simple test that transfers a certain amount of data from a configured with Host-Network, they basically display the same
client running netperf to a server running netserver. performance as bare-metal in terms of both, throughput and la-
This test calculates the throughput and does not include the tency. On the other hand, when containers or virtual machines
time to establish the connection. On the other hand, TCP_RR are configured with Linux Bridge or OpenvSwitch, there is a
is a synchronous test that consists of exchanging requests and significant performance impact. Even though OpenvSwitch is
responses (transactions), and which can be used to infer one- supposed to achieve higher performance than Linux Bridge,
way and round-trip latencies. In particular, TCP_RR execu- as stated in [26], our results show that their behavior in
tions were configured to run in burst mode in order to have terms of throughput and latency under these configurations is
more than one transaction at the same time, and the socket similar, and their performance is not significantly different,
buffer size of connection data set to 256K. Throughput and only achieving approximately half of the throughput, and
round trip latency per transaction were measured with Netperf almost twice as much latency. Finally, it should also be noted
under different environments: bare-metal, containers, and vir- that even if virtual machines are accelerated to provide high
tual machines; and also under different network virtualization computing performance, the network still lacks behind in
technologies, such as Host-Network, OpenvSwitch, and Linux terms of performance when compared to containers, and it’s
Bridge. approximately twice as slow, even when compared against the
In this experiment, both server and client (netserver same network virtualization technologies.
and netperf respectively) were executed in different con-
figurations: host to host, container to host, host to container, NESTED - CONTAINERS
virtual machine to host, host to virtual machine. Additionally,
each environment can be configured with different network Parent
Child Throughput Latency
virtualization technologies, such as Linux Bridge or Open- (privileged)
vSwitch [25]. Containers might also be configured as Host- Host-network Host-network 33.74 Gbps σ=2.3 109.31µs σ=7.66
Network where there is no virtualization layer and containers Host-network Linux Bridge 16.06 Gbps σ=0.73 228.90µs σ=10.52
use the native host network stack directly. While Host-Network Linux Bridge Host-network 15.56 Gbps σ=0.97 236.72µs σ=14.72
might provide certain performance improvement, it also has Linux Bridge Linux Bridge 12.53 Gbps σ=0.75 293.84µs σ=18.45
security implications since it doesn’t provide any network iso- Open vSwitch Host-network 16.9 Gbps σ=0.44 217.25µs σ=5.63
lation. In this experiment, OpenvSwitch is configured only for Open vSwitch Linux Bridge 12.19 Gbps σ=0.57 301.54µs σ=14.63
routing packets and there is no additional encapsulation, while
Linux Bridge is combined with forwarding NAT iptable rules. In addition to studying the performance of different virtu-
Throughput Latency
(Client - Server) Host-Network Linux Bridge Open vSwitch Host-Network Linux Bridge Open vSwitch
Host - Host 35.71 Gbps σ=0.32 - - 102.77 µs σ=0.95 - -
Container - Host 35.13 Gbps σ=0.48 15.82 Gbps σ=0.36 16.01 Gbps σ=0.47 104.48µs σ=1.45 231.97µs σ=5.3 229.37µs σ=6.38
Host - Container 34.96 Gbps σ=0.63 15.96 Gbps σ=0.51 16.86 Gbps σ=0.35 105.0µs σ=1.94 230.17µs σ=7.35 217.76µs σ=4.63
Virtual machine - Host - 8.64 Gbps σ=0.28 7.94 Gbps σ=0.69 - 424.92µs σ=14.09 465.53µs σ=43.57
Host - Virtual machine - 9.24 Gbps σ=0.27 8.77 Gbps σ=0.55 - 397.53µs σ=12.08 420.14µs σ=27.09
alization environments, in Table III we also show the result of machines, which is approximately 12% higher. This is due
evaluating network throughput and latency of nested-containers to virtual machine simulates the entire network stack in the
under different combinations of network configurations for par- guest operating system, which involves additional overhead
ent and child containers. As expected, when a parent or a child when compared with containers.
container is configured with Host-Network, the performance is
significantly better than that of Linux Bridge or OpenvSwitch, NESTED - CONTAINERS CONNECTED TO A REMOTE HOST
which are once again approximately twice as slow in terms of
both, throughput and latency. However, while Host-Network Parent
Child Throughput Latency
provides higher performance, it also has certain security trade- (privileged)
offs, especially when using it in the parent container. Parent Host-network Host-network 148.98 Mbps σ=5.33 24.72 ms σ=0.92
containers are privileged, so they might be granted access to Host-network Linux Bridge 147.39 Mbps σ=4.78 24.98 ms σ=0.83
all the packets in the host machine. Hence Host-Network is Linux Bridge Host-network 147.29 Mbps σ=4.85 25.01 ms σ=0.81
only a viable configuration when used in the child containers, Linux Bridge Linux Bridge 148.31 Mbps σ=4.79 24.83 ms σ=0.81
since they are not allowed to access the host network. Note Open vSwitch Host-network 147.75 Mbps σ=5.75 24.93 ms σ=0.97
that in this experiment OpenvSwitch couldn’t be used in the Open vSwitch Linux Bridge 147.86 Mbps σ=4.99 24.91 ms σ=0.85
child container due to privilege-related issues, so OpenvSwitch
parent containers are only compared against Host-Network and Table V summarizes the evaluation of nested-containers
Linux bridge child containers. under different combinations of network configurations for
parent and child containers. Again, once the physical network
F. Experiment 5: Network Performance - Remote traffic across becomes the bottleneck there is no significant performance
two hosts impact on comparing different combinations and configura-
tions of network virtualization technologies. But as described
This experiment is similar to the previous experiment in Section IV-E, Host-Network still poses security concerns
described in section IV-E, except network performance is when executed on the parent container.
measured across two hosts interconnected by a physical 1
Gigabit switch.
Netperf tests are once again TCP_STREAM and TCP_RR
Containers are gaining momentum because they offer
with the same configuration. However, in this experiment,
lightweight OS virtualization capabilities. They are commonly
netserver and the netperf client runs on different ma-
used to host single processes in isolation on the system. While
chines. The server runs directly on bare-metal in one machine
they offer clear advantages in terms of lightness and per-
and the client runs in all the studied environments: bare-
formance under several circumstances, they show limitations
metal, containers, and virtual machines. As in the previous
from the infrastructure management perspective. On the other
experiment we also evaluate different network virtualization
hand, Server Virtualization has been widely adopted across
technologies, including Linux Bridge, OpenvSwitch, and Host-
sectors and industries because it provides simple mechanisms
Network (only available for containers).
to manage the infrastructure, and group processes and appli-
The results of this experiment are presented in Tables IV cations. But it introduces several significant penalties in terms
and V. The former is focused on comparing network per- of deployment time, memory consumption and processing
formance of bare-metal, containers, and virtual machines, overheads that vary with the nature of the applications that
while the latter compares different configurations of nested- they host.
containers. All executions were repeated 5 times, and the
This paper explores the use of Related Processes Per
tables include average time and standard deviation for each
Container (RPPC) as an abstraction to leverage Containers
technology, but overcoming their limitations from the point
As it can be observed in Table IV, throughput is signifi- of view of infrastructure management and application deploy-
cantly lower and latency is higher in this experiment (from ment. RPPCs allow for the creation of ensembles that encap-
Gbps and µs in the previous experiment to Mbps and ms sulate sets of related processes that are related and provide sets
here). However, one of the consequences of using the physical functionalities required by an application once it is deployed.
network is that the bottleneck is now the physical network The RPPC approach typically speeds up deployment, reduces
itself, and the performance of different configurations of virtual disruption and generally empowers the devops team. For this
containers and network virtualization technologies is not as reason, RPPCs are particularly suitable for the implementation
varied. The major difference is latency when using virtual of microservices.
Throughput Latency
(Client - Server) Host-Network Linux Bridge Open vSwitch host-network Linux Bridge Open vSwitch
Host - Host 142.21 Mbps σ=8.64 - - 25.97 ms σ=1.7 - -
Container - Host 157.92 Mbps σ=1.06 154.51 Mbps σ=5.22 157.25 Mbps σ=3.95 23.29 ms σ=0.15 23.83 ms σ=0.82 23.40 ms σ=0.58
Virtual machine - Host - 135.92 Mbps σ=6.77 136.92 Mbps σ=5.37 - 27.13 ms σ=1.31 26.5 ms σ=1.23
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