Villamarin, Charice Anne M.
Villamarin, Charice Anne M.
Villamarin, Charice Anne M.
Someone said that the human brain cannot comprehend the negative. That it is our
choice on how we can perceive our mind. If we focus on negative things then there is a high
possibility that we only contemplate the negative things in our life. But if we change our
perspective, if we always look for the greatest things that we have, then we are more likely to
achieve our dreams. I am on the time where I questioned myself if I am on the right path, on
what my purpose is, and what to do in my life. But someone helps me to realize that I shouldn't
think too hard, rather focused on what I have and try everything to improve it. The rst step
that I should take is to set a system that will help me to be productive, to help me reach my
goal and that is how I relate DWCC VMGC to my life. DWCC wants not only the students but
also the sta to be prepared for anything that can happen, as we can see from their vision,
mission, goals, and core values, it all leads to the good life that anyone of us wants. They set a
system that will help us to improve ourselves, and to impact others to have a great life.
I recently heard a motivating video that instructed me to get a piece of paper and to
write down my goals. That thinking of it is not enough that’s why I should always read it in the
sense that it will always motivate me. Those goals that I wanted will take a long journey to be
achieved, but I think it is okay because I know someone helps me and that is the institution.
From our de nition of physical education, it is an integral part of the whole educational process
which is design to develop an individual to his or her fullest potential which is also a vision of
DWCC. The goal is to assist students to become the best versions of themselves and to mold
them in all aspects of their lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. I believe that
DWCC and this subject can help me because they’ll nurture me to a great version of myself.
As an accountancy student, I need to have a high level of integrity. DWCC values this
characteristic since it is one of the things a person should have. To be prepared for what is
ahead of me, I must align myself with these ideals. DWCC urges us to be something, to be that
someone that we can be proud of, they are preparing us for the careers that await us in the
As I have said above, I am still in the process of being my best version, I realize that for
me to understand myself more, I should de ne my vision, mission, goals, and core values
towards my life. If DWCC’s mission is to develop and enhance my capabilities and to become a
witness to the Word and be responsive to the demand of society, then I am inclined to these
statements. These in uence me to be optimistic about the future that lies ahead of me. I just
recently challenge myself to try di erent things and to not be afraid of making mistakes, I make
a set of goals I want to achieve and the values I need for me to accomplish it.
This pandemic brings me to the lowest point in my life, wherein everything seems to be
negative. But it is also a time wherein I become aware of myself and decide to do great things.
I can relate DWCC VMGC to myself as my companion, one of the factors that helps me to be
motivated, to keep going, and to appreciate the things that I have.