Term Paper Avhic
Term Paper Avhic
Term Paper Avhic
From an early age, we are told that one must invest in “good education”. We
believe that getting a good education means maximizing our potential to find better
jobs, better pay grade, and success in our chosen field or career.
It is true that formal education coupled with various trainings are important.
They nurture us, they equip us with the knowledge that we must possess to achieve our
goals. Generally, we think of it as an answer to the success we are all dreaming of.
This notion, however, is the very reason why we fail to realize that the
development of oneself does not only depend on the learnings or trainings that a person
has. One must have to recognize that the key to everything that we ever hoped for is-
our very own self.
“You can train me, you can educate me, but you can’t develop me-I develop.”
I looked back to all those years I spent in college. I was enrolled in a well-known
university known for its diverse learning environment and its competent and efficient
educators. Yet, there were times when I felt like I’m stuck. No growth, emotionally and
mentally, despite the fact that I already have knowledgeable professors, an environment
conducive for learning and all the materials necessary for my studies. It felt like my
system has rejected everything that has been taught to me. This was when I started to
question myself. Am I doing enough? Am I doing it right?
After a trip to memory lane, realization struck me. It was really up to me!
No matter how good an educator is, no matter how rigorous a training is, no matter how
diverse the learning environment is and no matter how efficient the materials are, if the
person is unwilling to learn or if a person refuses to accept the idea of self-development,
everything will go into waste. Development can only come from within you.
Education and training are pivotal to ensure that a person is well equipped
with the knowledge and skills that he/she ought to have to hit his/her goals and reach
the peak of success.
Most people attribute success to knowledge and skills alone which can be
acquired through good education and specialized trainings. Our current mindset is
that, when a person receives a high quality of education or training, he/she
automatically becomes successful in the future.
This was my mentality before but I came to realize that there is something
more that may contribute to one’s success. A huge factor that some of us fail to
recognize. That factor is us, ourselves. Knowledge and skills are something which
can be learnt in classrooms but attitude and the urge to develop oneself is something
which is within. It is only us who can make it happen.
Take for example a trainee who was hired in a prominent company. The
company provided him everything. Experienced and efficient trainer, innovative
workshops and top of the line training materials. Yet, at the end of the day, he was
unable to consider himself “better”. Can you say that something is wrong with the
training? Or is there something wrong with the trainee himself? If the trainee
possesses enthusiasm and motivation brought about by personal development, do
you think he would feel the opposite?
The point of all of these is that real development can only come from within.
We can never be better unless we do something about ourselves first. We must look
inside ourselves and seek to understand or change what we find there that is likely
to be the most effective way of moving forward and making things better.
Additionally, make personal development a practice. Create a strong practice
regimen. It is our habits that unfold the results, not the other way around. We can’t
live one life and expect it to be different the next day. We have to put in place the
daily habits that will allow the things we want to change to change.
However, because of this notion, we usually fail to realize that no matter how
good an educator is, no matter how rigorous a training is, and no matter how efficient
the materials are, if the person doesn’t
Blame yourself
After a trip to memory lane,