Automatic Fault Detection System With IOT Based
Automatic Fault Detection System With IOT Based
Automatic Fault Detection System With IOT Based
Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Electricity power is transferred through transmission supply is used to drive the relays as well as the wires
lines. These transmission lines is so long while and other circuitory component. This way supply is
carrying power, fault occurring is natural. Prevention provided to all the loads and the relay and to all the
of fault is required, so we need to search the fault ESP module drives. 2 ESP -8266 are applied in this
location as soon as shortest possible time This hardware to calculate the distance of fault from the
research paper simulates Numerical with the heip of location of source. This ESP’s are wifi enabled and to
over current relay that detects faults using IOT based maximum 3 device can be connected with these
system. These relays are more reliable and have faster ESP’s.
response than the normal electro mechanical relays
Now coming back to the hardware, 3 loads are
and Static relays. They have increased or decreased
connected with 3 alarms, each load has a separate
range of setting, high accuracy, reduced size, and
alarm fitted with them, we will be doing an artificial
effective costs, along with many other advantages.So
fault by pressing the switches. Each switch is derived
In this paper we are using IoT based system for the
by a relay, If operation fails, a red signal or that
protection of fault in the transmission line or
section bulb will be off, and that alaram will run and
distribution line, and monitoring of line.
red signal is displayed by the bulb connected to that
2. METHODOLOGY particular load. This opration can be repeated by other
In this hardware setup, we have applied a 9-0-9 loads also. In ESP-8266, there is oe analog pin and
transformer to step down the Ac voltage from the around 10 digital pins, but maximum 1 digital pin can
source. After this, we have applied a rectifier made up only be used to calculate the distance. If more than
of diode to change the supply from Ac to Dc. A one digital pin is used, the Ic will not work because of
capacitor filter is also applied to clean the unhealthy overloading. This ESP’s can be used to calculate the
Ac part in that Dc waveform (Ripple). This Dc distance in units. We have divided section and
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43806 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 390
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
distance of that particular section will be displayed on Fault location in EHV transmission lines using
the device connected to the same network. A program Artificial Neural Networks Author: TAHAR
is enabled in tht ESP-8266 module, the program is fed BOUTHIBA Year: 2004- This paper deals with the
into the ESP by the data cable attached with the application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to
laptop or something, the program will be shared in the fault detection and location in extra high voltage
program section of the report. This way ESP will (EHV) transmission lines for high speed protection
work and distance will be displayed in the “Blynk” using terminal line data. The proposed neural fault
app avialble on the playstore. detector and locator were trained using various sets of
data available from a selected power network model
and simulating different fault scenarios (fault types,
fault locations, fault resistances and fault inception
angles) and different power system data (source
capacities, source voltages, source angles, time
We want to achieve results regarding protection of
transmission line from any types of fault such as line
to line fault, line to ground fault at as specific range
of distance with the help of IOT based system.
This paper presents the concept of overall protection
of transmission line which can be done through these
model. It can be achieved through single scheme.
This is first ever combination of all these protection
along with IoT. It is very easy to maintain the
BLOCK DIAGRAM reliability of the supply through the transmission line
and save the equipment before the fault takes place.
3. HARDWARE overall its increase the reliability of the electricity
This scheme is very much a embedded system so
through the transmission lines.
hardware is very important part of this system. The
most important hardware is such as: 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
1. ESP MODULE It is our privilege to express our sincerest regards to
2. TRANSFORMER our project coordinator, Mr Sanjeev kumar for their
3. ZERO PCB valuable inputs, able guidance, encouragement,
4. RECTIFIER whole-hearted cooperation and constructive criticism
5. TRANSISTOR throughout the duration of our project. We deeply
express our sincere thanks to our Head of department
4. LITERATURE DR. A.S. Yadav for encouraging and allowing us to
Literature Review is the most important step in
present the project on the topic “AUTOMATIC
software development process. Before developing the
tool, it is necessary to determine the time factor,
economy and company’s strength. 8. REFERNCES
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43806 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 391