Energy-Neutral Design Framework For Supercapacitor-Based Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy-Neutral Design Framework For Supercapacitor-Based Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
Energy-Neutral Design Framework For Supercapacitor-Based Autonomous Wireless Sensor Networks
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To design autonomous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with a theoretical infinite lifetime, energy harvest-
ing (EH) techniques have been recently considered as promising approaches. Ambient sources can provide
everlasting additional energy for WSN nodes and exclude their dependence on battery. In this article, an
efficient energy harvesting system which is compatible with various environmental sources, such as light,
heat, or wind energy, is proposed. Our platform takes advantage of double-level capacitors not only to prolong
system lifetime but also to enable robust booting from the exhausting energy of the system. Simulations
and experiments show that our multiple-energy-sources converter (MESC) can achive booting time in or-
der of seconds. Although capacitors have virtual recharge cycles, they suffer higher leakage compared to
rechargeable batteries. Increasing their size can decrease the system performance due to leakage energy.
Therefore, an energy-neutral design framework providing a methodology to determine the minimum size of
those storage devices satisfying energy-neutral operation (ENO) and maximizing system quality-of-service
(QoS) in EH nodes, when using a given energy source, is proposed. Experiments validating this framework
are performed on a real WSN platform with both photovoltaic cells and thermal generators in an indoor
environment. Moreover, simulations on OMNET++ show that the energy storage optimized from our design
framework is utilized up to 93.86%.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: C.2.1 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Architecture
and Design—Wireless communication; C.4 [Computer System Organization]: Performance of System—
Design studies, measurement techniques; C.5.m [Computer System Implementation]: Miscellaneous; I.6.5
[Simulation and Modeling]: Model Development—Modeling methodologies
General Terms: Design, Experimentation, Measurement, Performance
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Wireless sensor networks, medium access control, energy harvesting,
energy neutrality, power management
ACM Reference Format:
Trong Nhan Le, Alain Pegatoquet, Olivier Berder, Olivier Sentieys, and Arnaud Carer. 2015. Energy-neutral
design framework for supercapacitor-based autonomous wireless sensor networks. ACM J. Emerg. Technol.
Comput. Syst. 12, 2, Article 19 (August 2015), 21 pages.
This work is supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) project GRECO bearing reference
Authors’ addresses: T. N. Le (corresponding author), University of Rennes 1, 9 Rue Jean Mace, 35000 Rennes,
France, INRIA; email:; A. Pegatoquet, LEAT, University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis,
28 Avenue Valrose, 06103 Nice, France; O. Berder, University of Rennes 1, 9 Rue Jean Mace, 35000 Rennes,
France, INRIA; O. Sentieys, INRIA, University of Rennes 1, 9 Rue Jean Mace, 3500 Rennes, France; A.
Carer, University of Rennes 1, 9 Rue Jean Mace, 35000 Rennes, France, INRIA.
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ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
19:2 T. N. Le et al.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are designed to collect information from sensors and
transmit data to a base station via wireless communications [Akyildiz et al. 2002].
Many types of sensors such as seismic, magnetic, thermal, infrared, and acoustic
support various monitoring applications, ranging from home automation [Chou and
Park 2005], parking guidance [Idris et al. 2009], and patient healthcare [Rincon et al.
2008] to military surveillance [He et al. 2006]. However, these applications require
autonomous nodes because the battery maintenance is often impractical due to the
cost and accessibility. Therefore, exploiting available environmental energy is consid-
ered as a potential solution to overcome the limited energy of batteries in a WSN node.
Environmental energy can be converted from a wide range of harvesters, such as photo-
voltaic cells (PVs) [Raghunathan et al. 2005], thermal generators (TEGs) [Stordeur and
Stark 1997], or wind turbines [Park and Chou 2006]. However, energy harvesting (EH)
nodes need to cope with different shapes of the energy extracted from harvesters. While
indoor/outdoor PVs provide high voltage but low current, TEGs output low voltage but
high current. Meanwhile, wind turbines produce an AC output which also needs to be
Another challenge in EH WSNs is how to rapidly power-on the system from its
empty energy state. When the system must boot from exhausted energy, it has to wait
for a sufficient voltage of the storage device to power-on electronic devices. Moreover,
the buffered energy must be enough for the booting process at this voltage. For a
standalone storage device, if the capacity is big, it takes a long time to charge the
storage device to its powered voltage level. In contrast, if the capacity is small, the
charging time is reduced but it cannot store enough energy for a long period without
harvesting energy. As a consequence, an efficient design consists in using double layers
for the storage device. The first one, with small capacity, directly powers the whole
system. The second one, with bigger capacity, is connected to the first one and allowed
to be charged as soon as the first storage device reaches its regulated voltage. This
structure benefits from a short charging time for the small capacity of the first storage
device and is able to store a lot of energy in the second one.
Moreover, the operational lifetime of the energy storage device is an important fea-
ture when designing a long-term energy harvesting platform. Rechargeable batteries
which are compatible with battery-powered WSNs can be easily used as energy storage
devices. However, batteries have limited recharge cycles and sophisticated recharging
circuits. Supercapacitors which have more than half a million recharge cycles and over
10-year operational lifetime are widely used in energy harvesting WSNs [Simjee and
Chou 2008; Jiang et al. 2005]. Unfortunately, the leakage energy of a supercapacitor is
higher than a battery [Zhu et al. 2009] and therefore needs to be properly considered
in the design of a supercapacitor-based EH WSN.
Finally, the capacity of the storage device needs to be considered to provide perpetual
operations, especially in a supercapacitor-based EH WSN. Instead of minimizing the
consumed energy as in case of a battery-powered system, a self-powered WSN node with
ambient energy adapts the consumed energy by changing its quality-of-service (QoS)
according to the available harvested energy. For an autonomous node, it is mandatory to
ensure that the consumed energy is equal to the harvested energy over a long period.
This leads to energy-neutral operation (ENO) [Kansal et al. 2007] with an infinite
system lifetime. As the harvested energy is not always available, it should be buffered
in the storage device when it is, and used during the non-harvesting energy interval. If
there is not sufficient space, a part of the harvested energy is discarded and degrades
the average QoS. However, increasing the size of supercapacitor-based storage may not
improve the QoS as the total consumed energy is increased due to leakage energy.
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JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
In recent years, a large number of energy harvesting wireless sensor platforms rang-
ing from academia to industry have been proposed. The independency of recharging
or replacing batteries significantly increases the autonomy of the WSN nodes. This
advantage makes the EH WSN widely used in remote places where cables are becom-
ing impractical and costly to draw. In this section, an overview of existing platforms
classified into two categories, including single-path and dual-path architectures, is
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
19:4 T. N. Le et al.
Despite its simplicity, this solution suffers some inefficiency as the harvested energy is
reserved only when the output voltage from PVs is 0.7V higher than the battery voltage
due to the diode drop. Moreover, as batteries have limited recharge cycles [Simjee and
Chou 2008], the system lifetime is reduced to less than two years for a daily recharge.
Although Heliomote is specifically designed for solar energy, the MPPT circuit is not
included. To increase the conversion efficiency, two NiMH batteries are used for the
energy storage whose voltage varies between 2.2V and 2.8V. Therefore, with a diode
used to prevent reverse current flow into the solar panel, the output voltage of the PVs
remains close to the optimal point (from 2.9V to 3.5V). A system design consideration
presented in Kansal et al. [2007] provides a framework to estimate the battery size as
well as the average QoS of a WSN node in the ENO mode. However, this model is only
applied for a periodic solar energy source in the battery-based EH WSN.
Prometheus [Jiang et al. 2005] has a design similar to Heliomote, but with a hybrid
energy storage system. It is a combination of a supercapacitor and a rechargeable
battery to overcome the limited system lifetime in Raghunathan et al. [2005]. When
the supercapacitor is fully charged, the surplus energy charges the battery. Otherwise,
when the supercapacitor voltage is below a predefined threshold, the demanded energy
is driven from the battery. By this way, the energy consumed by the WSN node is
mostly served by the supercapacitor and reduces access to the battery. This solution
takes advantage of more than half a million recharge cycles of a supercapacitor [Simjee
and Chou 2008]. Therefore, the battery lifetime can be extended up to four years under
an average of 10% load. Unfortunately, supercapacitors have higher leakage current
compared to rechargeable batteries. Moreover, the larger the capacity, the greater
the leakage current. Therefore, an energy model is proposed in Jiang et al. [2005] to
provide a trade-off between the size of supercapacitor, the leakage energy, and the
average consumed energy of a WSN node. While this energy model aims to maximize
system lifetime, it does not consider the ENO condition. Prometheus also lacks a MPPT
circuit and requires a high start-up voltage, which is similar to Heliomote.
Everlast [Simjee and Chou 2008] is an EH WSN platform which only uses a superca-
pacitor for its energy storage. By removing the battery, the system lifetime is extremely
increased. Authors claim that Everlast can operate for an estimated lifetime of 20 years
without any maintenance. Moreover, an MPPT is implemented by software to improve
the output power from PVs. The MPPT algorithm is implemented on the microcon-
troller with an I-V tracer. This accurate MPPT increases the conversion efficiency of
PVs up to 89%. Another improvement in Everlast is the use of a pulse-frequency mod-
ulation (PFM) to transfer the energy from PVs instead of directly connecting them
to the energy storage. Since the supercapacitor is seen as a short circuit for the PVs
when they are connected together, the voltage of PVs quickly falls to the voltage of
the supercapacitor, which is usually far from the optimal operating point of PVs. By
giving a series of pulses, the switch in the PFM regulator keeps the voltage of PVs
around the MPP. This solution enables charging the supercapacitor up to 400% faster
than direct charging, as in Heliomote or Prometheus. Unfortunately, Everlast requires
a high harvested power (in order of W) due to the high-speed operations of its MPPT,
and is therefore not a suitable choice for indoor harvesting systems where harvested
power is only in order of mW. Finally, this work lacks a methodology for a meticulously
sizing the supercapacitor.
2.2. Dual-Path Architecture
The fundamental difference between the dual-path architecture compared to the single-
path one is the use of an energy flow controller. Moreover, a primary and a secondary
storage (PS and SS) are used to buffer harvested energy, instead of only one storage as
in the case of a single-path architecture. The main blocks of the dual-path architecture
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
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19:6 T. N. Le et al.
Fig. 3. MESC dual-path hardware-based architecture. The comparator enables powering the WSN node
when there is sufficient energy. Both VOU T and VST ORE are connected to the WSN through an ADC block
for the state-of-charge (SoC) monitoring.
power management circuit acts as the energy flow controller illustrated in Figure 2.
Moreover, to increase the lifetime of the battery, the charge/discharge control circuit is
designed to provide overcharge and undercharge protection.
To reduce the hardware cost due to the number of external off-chip components when
multiple energy sources are used, an inductor-sharing-based architecture is proposed in
Bandyopadhyay and Chandrakasan [2012]. Three different harvesters are supported
in this platform: PV, TEG, and piezoelectric for vibration energy. Each harvester is
equipped with a power converter to normalize the output energy. Since all of these
converters are designed to operate in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM), there is
only one harvester connected to the inductor at a given time, instead of a combination
of all input energy sources as proposed in Carli et al. [2011]. In this design, a switch
matrix is used to reconfigure all power converters. When a converter is disconnected
from the inductor, harvested energy still keeps charging its temporary capacitor. Until
its schedule, energy in this capacitor is immediately transferred through the inductor
to the energy storage. Therefore there is no wasted energy during the idle period of
each converter.
Following these trends, we propose a multiple-energy-sources converter (MESC). Our
aim is to provide a platform that is efficient, flexible, and easy to implement, using
available COTS components. With higher efficiency, the dual-path architecture with
two separate capacitors for the energy storage is applied in MESC. This structure not
only provides a long system lifetime but also supports fast booting capability. How-
ever, the MPPT technique is not used in our platform because it is directly linked to
a particular harvester. While PVs for solar energy have the MPP from 70% to 80% of
the open circuit [Esram and Chapman 2007], TEGs for thermal energy have the MPP
around 50% [Bandyopadhyay and Chandrakasan 2012]. In this work, we focus on siz-
ing supercapacitors efficiently for the energy storage which is usually missed in related
platforms. An energy-neutral design framework is proposed to optimize the storage ca-
pacity while satisfying the ENO condition and maximizing system QoS. In particular,
we discuss the following issues when designing an autonomous supercapacitor-based
EH WSN platform: energy storage size, harvested energy, consumed energy, and sys-
tem QoS. Both periodic and continuous energy sources are considered in our design
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
Fig. 4. System operation diagram of MESC (time and voltage are not scaled). During the harvesting energy
interval, the WSN node is kept shut down until VOUT reaches VTHR . During the non-harvesting energy
interval, the WSN node is turned off when VOUT decreases below VTHF .
with a resistor to limit the output current. Meanwhile, TEGs for thermal energy bring
a very low output voltage (e.g., 20mV [Carlson et al. 2010]). In this case, a step-up
transformer is added to amplify this output voltage. A combination of a diode bridge
and a step-up transformer can be used for a wind generator due to its low AC-voltage
output. Energy adapters should be low-powered devices to minimize power loss. For
instance, Schottky diodes (BAT47) for the diode bridge [Carli et al. 2010] and Coilcraft
step-up transformers (LPR6235) are dedicated to low-powered systems and can be
therefore used in EH WSNs.
Two separate capacitors are used for the energy storage and are charged by the en-
ergy flow controller. The output capacitor (OutCap) is connected to a DC/DC converter
to provide the voltage supply for the wireless node. The second one is a supercapacitor
(StoreCap) which acts as the main energy storage. OutCap has charging priority but
small capacitance compared to StoreCap. As a result, this design provides a fast boot-
ing capability due to short charging time of the small capacitor. Finally, to avoid the
decreased radio range caused by decreased voltage of the OutCap, a DC/DC converter
is used to provide a constant 3.3V, which is commonly compatible with WSN nodes.
Coordination of control signals to operate the system is depicted in Figure 4. At the
beginning, the system is powered-off and storage devices are empty. All energy from
harvesting devices first charges the OutCap. When VOUT reaches the rising threshold
(VTHR ), the available energy in OutCap is sufficient for booting the system. Therefore a
comparator brings the enable signal EN from low to high for powering the WSN node
on. However, the available energy in the OutCap at VTHR is only enough for booting
the system and initializing some basic modules of the microcontroller (MCU) such as
I/O, Timer, and ADC. Therefore the MCU runs into sleep mode, periodically monitors
VOUT using a low ADC, and then initializes the radio chip until VOUT reaches VRF .
The energy flow controller keeps on charging OutCap to its regulated voltage (VRe ).
After VOUT has reached regulation, StoreCap is allowed to be charged. However, when
VSTORE is charged to its maximum voltage (VMax ), there is no more space for harvested
energy. Therefore the WSN node should utilize all harvested energy to increase the
QoS and also to avoid wasting energy. When there is no more energy from harvesters
(non-harvesting energy interval in Figure 4), VSTORE charges VOUT to VRe as long as
VSTORE is still greater than VRe . However, when VSTORE is less than VRe , VSTORE and
VOUT decrease together and the system is powered-off when VOUT is under the falling
threshold VTHF .
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19:8 T. N. Le et al.
Fig. 5. Main blocks of LTC3108 with a charge control circuit and two internal mosfets providing a dual-path
energy flow: when there is harvested energy (VIN ≥ 20mV), COUT is charged to its regulated voltage (1) before
CSTORE is charged (2). When there is no more harvested energy, COUT is charged by CSTORE (3).
and size. The main component of MESC is the energy flow controller which provides an
optimized energy flow in energy harvesting applications. Linear Technology Company
(LTC) has proposed a wide range of ultra-low-power ICs which can be used to implement
the energy flow controller. In this work, the LTC3108 component is chosen as its input
voltage, ranging from 20mV to 5V, completely satisfies our requirements for indoor EH-
WSNs-based applications. The dual-path energy flow is handled by a charge control and
two mosfets (MF1 and MF2) as shown in Figure 5. When harvested energy is available
(VIN ≥ 20mV, the minimum input voltage) and COUT not fully charged, VOUT is less
than an internal VREF of the LTC3108 and therefore the charge control circuit closes
mosfet MF1 (on) to charge COUT first (energy flow 1 in Figure 3). As soon as VOUT is
higher than VREF , which means COUT is fully charged, MF1 is off and MF2 is on in order
to charge CSTORE (energy flow 2 in Figure 3). Otherwise, when harvested energy is not
available, VOUT is always less than VREF due to the leakage and consumed energy of
the WSN node, and therefore MF1 is on but MF2 is off. The energy from CSTORE passes
through a Schottky diode D1 and charges COUT (energy flow 3 in Figure 3). More details
of the LTC3108 component can be found in Salerno [2010].
The internal comparator of the LTC3108 component provides the output PGOOD
signal peforming exactly the same as the EN of the comparator block in our architecture
shown in Figure 3. Unfortunately, PGOOD is enabled only when VOUT reaches 7% of its
regulated value and is disabled when VOUT drops under 9% of the regulated value. This
means that, if VOUT is configured to provide 3.3V, VTHR and VTHR values are 3.069V
and 3.003V, respectively. This drawback requires a big capacitance for COUT to buffer
sufficient energy for the booting process if PGOOD acts as the EN signal in Figure 3.
Therefore, a nanopower MAX917 component, with rising and falling threshold that can
be determined at the design phase, is used for the comparator.
Finally, a high efficiency power conversion product from Texas Instruments (TI) is
selected for our DC/DC converter block. It is worth noting that there are two different
efficiency behaviors of TI DC/DC converters. While TPS6120x provides a high efficiency
at high output current (90% at 500mA) but very low efficiency at low output current
(40% at 0.1mA), TPS6103x provides a low efficiency at high output current (70% at
1000mA) but very high efficiency at low output current (90% at 1mA). Therefore, in the
context of EH WSNs, the TPS61030 is chosen for the DC/DC converter as the average
consumed current of a WSN node is in order of mA.
A schematic overview of MESC can be found in Figure 6. The energy adapter is de-
signed as a multichoice footprint which can be soldered by two resistors (R3 and R4 ) in
case of PVs, or a step-up transformer (T1 ) in case of TEGs. The falling threshold (VTHF )
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
Fig. 6. Overview schematic of MESC. Either two resistors (R3 and R4 ) for PVs or a step-up transformer (T1)
are used for the energy adapter. Two outputs of LTC3108 are connected to COUT and CSTORE while VLDO is
used to power the comparator MAX917, having an internal reference voltage VREF = 1.245V. Both VSTORE
and VOUT are connected to two ADC pins of MCU (AN1 and AN2) for the SoC monitoring.
can be chosen as the minimum input voltage of the DC/DC converter, while the rising
threshold (VTHR ) is in the range of [VTHF , VRe ]. In the current version of MESC, R1 ,
R2 , and R3 are computed to provide VTHF = 1.8V and VTHR = 2.9V. How to determine
COUT and CSTORE in order to satisfy ENO and maximize QoS is described in the next
section. The main advantage of our platform when only supercapacitors are used for
the secondary energy storage, compared to other hybrid storages in Glavin et al. [2008]
or Ongaro et al. [2012], is that a simple energy monitor proposed in Le et al. [2013]
can be used to provide harvesting-energy-aware capability. By reading the voltage of
the StoreCap and tracking all activities of the WSN node, the harvested as well as con-
sumed energy can be estimated. A low-powered battery monitor IC in Raghunathan
et al. [2005] is not required in our platform since the available energy in a supercapaci-
tor can be easily estimated by measuring its voltage. However, besides the high leakage
of supercapacitors that needs to be considered, another problem, called paradox of two
charged capacitors, can occur in our platform when CSTORE charges COUT and there-
fore reduces the average efficiency. When the capacitor is directly charged without a
current limiting circuit, the high charge rate of the current results in electromagnetic
loss [Sommariva 2003]. This loss of energy can be up to 50% when directly charging a
capacitor from another identical capacitor [Tse et al. 1995]. Fortunately, the discharged
current from CSTORE is limited to only few milliamps in LTC3108, thus reducing the
paradox problem.
The electrical characteristics of MESC, including the leakage energy and the
DC/DC converter efficiency, are estimated from experimental measurements. A CapXX
supercapacitor of 0.9F is used for StoreCap (CSTORE ). At the beginning of the measure-
ment, VSTORE is 4.925V and the WSN node is disconnected from MESC. Due to the
leakage energy, VSTORE is linearly reduced to 4.825V after 10000s. Therefore the total
leakage energy for a period T can be estimated by
ELeak = PLeak T , (1)
where PLeak is the leakage power defined as
1 (4.925V )2 − (4.825V )2
PLeak = (0.9F) = 43(μW). (2)
2 (10000s)
This leakage power mainly comes from the 0.9F supercapacitor used for StoreCap.
By characterizing this StoreCap alone, its leakage power is approximated to 30μW.
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19:10 T. N. Le et al.
Fig. 7. Communications of the WSN node during a cycle of the periodic source. Harvested energy is only
available during the harvesting energy interval (TEI ) instead of non-harvesting energy interval (TNEI ).
Therefore the total leakage power of the remaining components in MESC, including
OutCap, the energy flow controller, and the comparator, is approximated to 13μW.
The DC/DC converter TPS61030 used in this work has an efficiency range between
80% to 93%. Unfortunately, its efficiency at a given time not only depends on the
input voltage but also on the output current. Therefore it is impractical to achieve
the efficiency precisely, as the input voltage from OutCap usually changes due to
environmental conditions and because the output current depends on activities of
the WSN node (transmission, reception, or sensing). Therefore the average DC/DC
converter efficiency (η) is characterized in our design model. Two different scenarios
with the same PowWow WSN node [Berder and Sentieys 2010] are set up to evaluate
η. In the first scenario, the power supply of the node (Vdd) is directly connected to VOUT
without using the DC/DC converter. In the second one, Vdd is connected to the output
of the DC/DC converter. The average consumed energy for both scenarios is 830μJ
and 971μJ, respectively. As a consequence, η = 0.85. This obtained value is closer to
the minimum (80%) than the maximum efficiency (93%) due to a small impact of the
paradox issue.
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A technique to estimate TEI and TNEI can be found in Castagnetti et al. [2012]. Fig-
ure 7 shows one cycle of the periodic energy source where the WSN node is required
to send data each TSleep during the whole cycle. Therefore, during the TEI , a part of
the harvested energy must be reserved in StoreCap for activities of the wireless node
during TNEI . The total harvested energy buffered in StoreCap during TEI is estimated
EEI = PH TEI − EActive + PSleep TEI − PLeak TEI , (4)
η TSleep
where PH is the harvested power, TEI TSleep the number of wake-up times during TEI ,
EActive the consumed energy of the WSN node for each wake-up, PSleep the consumed
power in sleeping mode, and PLeak the leakage power of the whole system. The first term
is the harvested energy during the energy interval, while the second one represents
the consumed energy of the WSN node including active and sleeping periods. The total
sleep time of the node during a harvesting energy interval is approximated to TEI
because T Active (in order of ms) is negligible compared to TSleep (in order of s). Finally,
total leakage energy is estimated as PLeak TEI . In order to buffer this amount of energy
(EEI ), the size of StoreCap must satisfy
1 2
> EEI , (5)
where VMax is the maximum voltage of the StoreCap. Meanwhile, the consumed energy
during TNEI is
ENEI = EActive + PSleep TNEI + PLeak TNEI . (6)
η TSleep
To achieve theoretical infinite lifetime of the WSN node, the ENO condition after a
cycle including TEI and TNEI needs to be satisfied. For this, we must have EEI = ENEI ,
and so
(TEI + TNEI ) EActive
TSleep = . (7)
η PH TEI − (η PLeak + PSleep)(TEI + TNEI )
This result presents the trade-off between the QoS of the system (TSleep), the con-
sumed energy in the active period (EActive ), and the harvested power (PH ). Lower EActive
and higher PH will increase system performance with a decrease of TSleep. Moreover, (4)
and (5) present how CSTORE can be determined to maximize the QoS during the design
phase. The increase of PH requires more space in the StoreCap, otherwise a part of
the harvested energy is discarded. Instead of having EEI , only 12 CSTORE (VMax
can be used for operations during the non-harvesting energy interval (TNEI ). The QoS
during TNEI has to be reduced for ensuring the ENO condition and therefore it re-
duces the overall system QoS. It is interesting to notice that only the minimum CSTORE
satisfying (5) provides the maximum QoS. Bigger capacitance would not improve the
QoS due to higher leakage energy. Moreover, it is obvious that VSTORE at the end of a
cycle should be equal to the value at the beginning of this cycle when ENO is satisfied.
Unfortunately, the minimum VSTORE during a non-harvesting energy interval (TNEI ) is
VTHF , which means that the ENO is only considered when VSTORE > VTHF during the
harvesting energy interval (TEI ). A simple solution is to charge VSTORE to VTHF before
its deployment. Otherwise, the ENO cannot be satisfied until VSTORE reaches VTHF .
5.2. Continuous Energy Source
In constrast with the energy sources presented in the previous section, a continous
energy source (e.g., heat energy from an industrial machine, light energy in a hospital)
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
JETC1202-19 ACM-TRANSACTION July 22, 2015 21:51
19:12 T. N. Le et al.
usually provides harvested energy most of the time. A proposed WSN behavior when
using this kind of energy source is that the WSN node always maximizes the QoS of
the system without need for buffering energy in StoreCap. In this context, the ENO
condition is only considered during the harvesting energy interval period. Therefore,
from (4) and with TNEI = 0, we have
TSleep = . (8)
η ( PH − PLeak) − PSleep
This result shows that the ENO condition is satisfied at any time of the energy
interval because TSleep is independent of TEI . As a consequence, the size of CSTORE is
not important in this case because there is no surplus energy to charge the StoreCap.
This behavior is also useful when CSTORE is fully charged (VSTORE = VMax in Figure 4).
Since there is no more space for storing the harvested energy, the wireless node can
maximize the QoS according to the harvested energy to avoid wasting energy. Moreover,
(8) can be used to estimate the QoS of the system according to EActive and PH when the
environmental energy is available.
Our design framework presents a trade-off to design an efficient MESC for a partic-
ular sensor node. It is obvious that when energy is only available for a certain period,
a harvesting node has to buffer a part of harvested energy for continuous operation
during the next non-harvesting energy interval. Therefore, the size of supercapactior
must be optimized not only to sufficiently buffer the harvested energy but also to min-
imize the leakage energy. However, when harvested energy is available most of the
time, the ENO operations of a harvesting node consist in consuming energy as much
as it can harvest. In this context, a smaller size of StoreCap provides a better QoS due
to the lower leakage. The next section shows in detail how capacitors are optimized
when MESC is used for powering a PowWow WSN node.
6.1. Measurements Setup and COUT Sizing
In order to validate the design framework, experiments are performed using the Pow-
Wow WSN platform [Berder and Sentieys 2010] which is based on the MSP430 micro-
controller and the CC2420 RF transceiver. MESC is configured to provide VRe = 3.3V.
The comparator is designed to provide VTHR = 2.9V and VTHF = 1.8V. The maximum
voltage which is allowed for CSTORE is set to VMax = 5V. TEI = 36000s and TNEI =
50400s for a typical winter day in our office environment.
For communications among nodes, asynchronous protocols have shown their energy
efficiency for a low-traffic EH WSN [Bachir et al. 2010]. These protocols are based on a
nonscheduled preample sampling that saves wasted energy due to the synchronization
between many nodes. Some typical protocols in this field are RICER (receiver-initiated
cycled receiver) [Lin et al. 2004], TICER (Transmitter Initiated Cycled Receiver) [Lin
et al. 2004], WiseMAC (wireless sensor MAC) [El-Hoiydi and Decotignie 2004], and
TAD-MAC (traffic-aware dynamic MAC) [Alam et al. 2012]. A meticulous choice of
MAC protocol is key to improve the QoS of EH WSNs due to its direct impacts on
the consumed energy (EActive ). TAD-MAC was shown to be an ultra-low-power and
energy-efficient protocol for wireless body area sensor networks. Therefore it can be
used for a single-hop EH WSN with a low variation on the wake-up period of many
nodes. Meanwhile, WiseMAC is able to deal with the variation in a multihop network
by exploiting knowledge of the schedule of neighbor nodes to provide a minimized
preamble sampling. In a general network, either RICER or TICER can be used. For
ensuring data transmission, the preamble must be long enough to have a successful
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Fig. 8. Communication protocol between two nodes. When waking up, the transmitter waits for a wake-up
beacon (WUB) from the receiver. After receiving a WUB, the transmitter forwards data packet (DT) after
clear channel assessment (CCA) and calculation before transmission (CBT).
In this work, a simple MAC protocol based on RICER [Lin et al. 2004] illustrated in
Figure 8 is used. This protocol has been validated on the PowWow platform and the
energy consumed by the different states of the protocol stack was fully characterized
[Alam et al. 2011]. The receiver, powered by batteries and connected to a host computer,
sends a wake-up beacon (WUB) each Tb = 50ms. When a transmitter wants to send a
data packet, it has to wait for a WUB from the receiver (idle listening). After receiving
the WUB, the transmitter performs a clear channel assessment (CCA), calculation
before transmission (CBT), and a data packet transmission (DT). In order to deal with
clock drift, the maximum idle listening period at the transmitter is extended to 52ms.
Acknowledgement packets (ACKs) are not used in this protocol as retransmission is
not implemented at the transmitter. To evaluate the average consumed energy for each
wake-up of the node, Table I (summarizing the consumed energy of each state) is used.
For a long time measurement, we consider Tidle = Tb/2 as the average idle listening
time, and therefore
EActive = PRx Tidle + EWU B + ECC A + EC BT + EDT = 2081μJ. (9)
To determine COUT , the consumed energy for booting a PowWow node (EReset ) has
been experimentally estimated to 1094μJ. Therefore, from (3), COUT must be at least
greater than 560μF. From the list of available capacitors and also to provide fault
tolerance, a low-leakage 680μF capacitor is used for the OutCap.
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Fig. 10. VOUT with thermal energy. After initializing the RF transceiver, the thermal energy is only enough
to charge VOUT to V Re . More harvested power is required to satisfy the ENO of the EH WSN node.
higher than VTHF = 1.8V. From this point, the MCU stays in low-power mode and
wakes up every 4s to read VOUT through a low-powered ADC channel. As can be seen
in Figure 9, VOUT is more slowly increased when the node has booted, since a part of
harvested energy is consumed by the MCU. Until VOUT is higher than VRF , the RF chip
can be initialized to successfully complete the booting process. If a bigger capacitance
is used for VOUT , the booting time is longer due to the delay to charge VOUT to VTHF . By
using (3), we can optimize COUT to minimize the booting time, which is about 64s for
both MCU and RF in this measurement.
Another promising energy source is the heat energy from industrial machines. WSNs
with thermal energy can be used for monitoring the health condition of these ma-
chines. By analyzing their temperature, vibration, strain, and pressure in real time,
engine maintenance will not be required until these data show it is necessary (rather
than being regularly scheduled), therefore saving a great deal of cost. A TEG of size
30x30x3.3mm is used in this study. The hot surface is attached to a laptop adapter as
the heat source while the cold surface is chosen to provide the heat spreading effect
towards a heat sink. The temperature gap between the working PC adapter and the
ambient air provides around 30mV output by the TEG. Figure 10 shows the voltage
of the OutCap when a PowWow node is used with a TEG. Due to lower harvested en-
ergy, a longer booting time is required compared to a solar-powered node. After about
80s, the MCU is powered-on when VOUT = VTHR . VOUT keeps increasing as the har-
vested energy is still greater than the consumed energy of the PowWow node, which
is at this time only the energy required by the MSP430. However, after initializing
the CC2420 RF transceiver, the harvested energy is less than the total consumed
energy of the node including both MSP430 and CC2420. Therefore VOUT slightly de-
creases instead of continuously increasing to VRe . After about 250s, the PowWow node is
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completely powered-off when VOUT = VTHF . The node wakes up again when there is
enough buffered energy in the OutCap until its next shutdown. Although the booting
process is successful, heat energy in this measurement is insufficient to satisfy ENO.
An obvious solution is to add one more TEG to improve the input power [Le et al. 2013].
To illustrate the fast booting capability of MESC, a simulation on OMNET++ is
performed with three different platforms: Heliomote, Prometheus, and DuraCap. As
these platforms are designed for outdoor applications, their original storage elements
are too big (NiMH 1250mAh in Heliomote, 22F + NiMH 200mAh in Prometheus,
and 50F + 250F in DuraCap) for a fair comparison. Therefore, their storage devices
have been replaced to get a capacity roughly equivalent to MESC, which uses CapXX
1.8F for CSTORE and can store up to 1/2(CSTORE VMax 2
) = 22.5J (energy in COUT =
680μF is negligible and VMax = 5V). Therefore, a ThinEnergy 1.7mAh 4.1V battery
(25J) is selected for Heliomote and a combination of CapXX 0.9F and ThinEnergy
1mAh 4.1V (22.3J) is used for Prometheus. Meanwhile, DuraCap, which is a dual-path
architecture, has the same storage capacity as our MESC (680μF + CapXX 1.8F). As can
be observed from Table II, Prometheus and Heliomote, which are based on the single-
path architecture, require up to 1830s and 1682s, respectively, to charge their storage
to at least 1.8V for powering our PowWow WSN node. The booting time is significantly
reduced in DuraCap and MESC (13s and 17s, respectively) as both of them use the
dual-path architecture. DuraCap has a better booting time since it is equipped with an
MPPT to extract more light energy than our MESC in the same condition. However,
MESC keeps the advantage of having different harvesters, instead of only PVs as in
DuraCap. In this simulation, the light condition is around 1200lux that in results in a
better booting time of MESC compared to real measurement shown in Figure 9 (64s at
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Fig. 11. VSTORE of a PowWow node powered by two PVs when TSleep = 52s. The harvested energy buffered
in the first part (TEI ) is used in the second part when environmental energy is not available (TNEI ).
Fig. 12. VSTORE of two different PowWow nodes when TSleep = 5.7s. VSTORE stays nearly constant when two
nodes have to follow the ENO condition.
satisfied. Experimental results presented in Figures 11 and 12 show the high accuracy
of our system design model as the behavior of the node exactly satisfies the proposed
application and the ENO condition.
6.4. Maximizing QoS in ENO
In this section, our energy-neutral design framework is used to determine CSTORE in
order to maximize the QoS in ENO of the WSN node. The leakage power of the whole
system is modeled by
PLeak = 13 +30(μW). (10)
The leakage power of CSTORE is linearly increased with its capacitance and modeled
based on the leakage power of the CapXX 0.9F characterized in Section 3. Meanwhile,
leakage power of the remaining components of MESC is estimated to 13μW.
First of all, from (7) for a periodic energy source, the harvested power must be at
least greater than 500μW to achieve a valid value of TSleep (the denominator must be
greater than zero). Lower harvested power would not satisfy the ENO condition. In
this context, harvested energy is less than the total consumed energy even if the WSN
node always stays in sleeping mode without any communication. Figure 13 presents
the average TSleep according to different levels of harvested power (PH ) and capaci-
tance of the storage (CSTORE ). As can be observed with PH = 600μW, when CSTORE =
0.9F, from (7), the wake-up period during TEI can be reduced to 23s. Unfortunately,
the condition (5) is false, the CSTORE is fully charged to VMax , and then all of har-
vested energy is discarded. To ensure ENO, the performance during TNEI (when there
is no more harvested energy) must be reduced to 49s. Therefore the average wake-
up period is only 33s as shown in Figure 13. When the size of CSTORE is increased
to 1.1F, the system has more space to store the harvested energy and the wake-up
period during TNEI can be reduced to 28s. However, due to higher leakage, the per-
formance during TEI is reduced to 25s and therefore the average wake-up period of
the WSN node is 27s. In this case, there is just a small part of harvested energy that
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Fig. 13. Average wake-up period (TSleep) according to different harvested power (PH ) and storage capaci-
tance (CSTORE ) when considering a periodic energy source.
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Fig. 14. VSTORE of an EH WSN node with different values of CSTORE in OMNET++ simulation. CSTORE =
1.8F not only provides higher QoS (TSleep = 15s) but also better efficiency (93.86% of CSTORE is used)
compared to 2.7F (TSleep = 19s and 81.91% of CSTORE is used).
Fig. 15. Average wake-up period (TSleep) according to different harvested power (PH ) and storage capaci-
tance (CSTORE ) when considering a continuous energy source.
error when the harvested energy is less than the consumed energy (the third day). The
wake-up period in the second day should be lower than 15s and, vice versa, higher
than 15s in the third day. During a short period (about 20 minutes) at the end of
the fourth day the WSN node is completely powered-off when VSTORE < VTHF , and
therefore no more packets can be sent to the receiver during this interval. The most
interesting result from this simulation is the efficient sizing of CSTORE . On average,
93.86% of CSTORE is utilized with a small free space. Increasing the size of CSTORE not
only increases the free space, which is a hardware cost, but also reduces the system
QoS due to higher leakage. This simulation is restarted again with CSTORE composed of
three 0.9F capacitors in parallel (2.7F). As can be observed in Figure 14, only 81.91% of
CSTORE is used and TSleep is reduced to 19s. However, with higher capacitance, CSTORE
in this simulation provides better fault tolerance and therefore VSTORE is still higher
than VTHF at the end of the fourth day for continuous operations.
For a continuous energy source, the harvested power must be greater than 200μW to
satisfy the ENO. As can be observed from Figure 15, the leakage energy due to bigger
capacitance has a linear impact on the wake-up period of the node. This problem has
been presented in Le et al. [2013] where a duty-cycle power manager (DC-PM) adapts
the wake-up period of a thermal-powered PowWow node in real time. The average
performance is reduced about 1s when two 0.09F capacitors, instead of only one, are
used for CSTORE . However, the wake-up period is more stable with higher capacitance
since the DC-PM does not regard small changes on VSTORE , which is the main input
to perform adaptations. In the contrast, with lower capacitance, the DC-PM is more
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, Article 19, Pub. date: August 2015.
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sensitive to the change of VSTORE , which results in more variation of the wake-up
period. This behavior should be taken into account with the design of MAC protocol.
For instance, TAD-MAC requires a stable wake-up of the transmitter to optimize the
wake-up period of the receiver. Meanwhile, WiseMAC is able to deal with variations of
the wake-up period. Finally, the impact of leakage energy is also reduced with higher
energy from the harvester.
Energy harvesting techniques have been considered as a potential solution to design
an autonomous WSN with a theoretically infinite lifetime. In this article, the multiple-
energy-sources converter (MESC), compatible with different environmental sources, is
proposed. Exploiting the advantages of a dual-path architecture for EH WSNs, our
MESC can power a WSN node after only 17s from an empty energy state instead of
28 and 31 minutes for Prometheus and Heliomote, respectively. Although supercapac-
itors provide durable energy storage, their leakage can degrade the global QoS of the
WSN node. Therefore, the main contribution in this article is a precise energy-neutral
design framework which provides various considerations for an efficient energy har-
vesting WSN, such as the size of energy storage (COUT and CSTORE ) to maximize the
QoS of the system according to the consumed energy, and the harvested energy when
following the ENO condition. Simulation results show that up to 93.86% capacity of
CSTORE derived from our design framework is used, significantly reducing the cost of
the redundancy and leakage energy. Future work will focus on a dynamic power man-
ager (DPM) adapting the QoS according to harvested energy from a periodic energy
source such as the light energy in an office environment. In this context, the DPM will
have to buffer energy during the harvesting energy interval for continuous operation
during the non-harvesting energy interval.
The authors would like to thank Samuel Mouget and Romain Fontaine for their design PCB and support.
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