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30RW/30RWA: Water-Cooled/Condenserless Liquid Chillers With Integrated Hydronic Module

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Water-Cooled/Condenserless Liquid Chillers

with Integrated Hydronic Module


Nominal cooling capacity 20-315 kW

■■ The 30RW/30RWA Aquasnap liquid chiller range features Condenser hydronic module
the latest technological innovations: scroll compressors, This consists of a removable screen filter, single or twin-
digital auto-adaptive Pro-Dialog control and ozone-friendly head (from size 060 upwards) variable-speed water pump,
refrigerant HFC-407C. Aquasnap can be supplied with expansion tank, safety valve, pressure gauge, and purge valve.
hydronic evaporator and condenser modules as standard, The variable-speed pump controls the chiller condensing
limiting the installation to simple operations such as the pressure and makes the installation of a three-way mixing
entering and leaving water piping connection. An auto- valve on the condenser water circuit unnecessary.
adaptive control algorithm intelligently controls the ■■ Fan control: Pro-Dialog also controls the fans of the glycol
condenser water pump speed and the operation of the cooler or remote air-cooled condenser. There are two
glycol cooler fans (30RW) or of the air-cooled condenser methods: up to 8 stages maximum with balancing of fan
fans (30RWA) to ensure reliable and economical operation operation times (30RW/RWA), or continuous speed
under any climate conditions. variation (30RWA).
■■ Quick electrical connections: Aquasnap is equipped with a
"Plug and Play" installation general disconnect switch and a 24 V control circuit supply
■■ Integrated hydronic modules: they minimise site installation transformer as standard. A single power supply entry (three-
complexity and reduce the required space for the chiller phase without neutral) supplies the chiller.
Economical operation
Evaporator hydronic module ■■ The condensing pressure is optimised by a patented auto-
This consists of a removable screen filter, single or twin- adaptive algorithm. At part load or moderate outside tempe-
head water pump, expansion tank, water flow switch, safety rature an algorithm intelligently controls the condenser
valve, pressure gauge, and purge valve. A control valve water pump speed and the operation of the glycol cooler
permits adjustment of the flow rate to the water system (30RW) or the condenser (30RWA) fans to maintain the
characteristics. All components are isolated to prevent condensing pressure at its lowest possible value. The standard
condensation. 30RW chiller can operate down to -20°C outside tempera-
Options No. Description Advantages Use
Very low temperature glycol solution 6 Production of low-temperature chilled Covers specific applications such as ice storage and 30RW 110-300
water down to -10°C industrial processes 30RWA 020-300
Electronic starter 25 Electronic compressor starter Reduced compressor start-up current 30RW 110-300
30RWA 020-300
High-pressure single-pump evaporator 116B See chapter “Hydronic module” Easy and fast installation 30RW 110-300
hydronic module 30RWA 020-300
High-pressure dual-pump evaporator 116C See chapter “Hydronic module” Easy and fast installation, operating safety 30RW 110-300
hydronic module 30RWA 020-300
Field water connections at the unit top 116E Field water connections at the unit top Reduced foot print 30RWA 020-045
Heat pump 150A Hot-water control Allows use of the unit in hot-water production mode up 30RW 110-300
to 52°C 30RWA 020-300
RS485 communications and “CCN 155 Additional RS485 communications board Allows time scheduling and communication with the 30RW 110-300
Clock Board” time schedule board Aquasmart (“the hydronic solution”) system via the 30RWA 020-300
CCN protocol
Condenser hydronic module with 270B See chapter “Hydronic module” Easy and fast installation, reduced water circulating 30RW 110-300
variable-speed single pump pump power consumption
Condenser hydronic module with 270C See chapter “Hydronic module” Easy and fast installation, operating safety, reduced 30RW 110-300
variable-speed dual pump water circulating pump power consumption

The drycoolers or air-cooled condensers of the Carrier 09

series are supplied ready for installation with a control
box. A simple communication bus connects the liquid
chiller to the heat rejection unit. As all control components
are installed and tested in the factory, installation and
start-up of the chiller and its associated glycol cooler are

Drycooler 09

Chiller 30RW

Physical data
020 025 030 040 045 060 070 080 090 110 120 135 150 160 185 210 245 275 300
Air conditioning application as per EN14511-3:2011* - 30RW
Nominal cooling capacity kW - - - - - - - - - 110 125 142 152 165 186 219 251 288 315
EER kW/kW - - - - - - - - - 4.06 3.92 4.01 3.93 4.51 4.24 4.38 4.25 4.36 4.32
Eurovent class cooling - - - - - - - - - - D D D D C D C C C C
ESEER kW/kW - - - - - - - - - 4.79 4.56 4.74 4.66 5.36 5.06 5.17 5.01 5.27 5.15
Air conditioning application** - 30RW
Nominal cooling capacity kW - - - - - - - - - 110 125 142 152 165 187 220 252 289 316
EER kW/kW - - - - - - - - - 4.23 4.07 4.16 4.06 4.67 4.42 4.48 4.42 4.45 4.45
ESEER kW/kW - - - - - - - - - 5.41 4.89 5.32 5.20 6.00 5.44 5.63 5.67 5.72 5.63
Air conditioning application as per EN14511-3:2011* - 30RWA
Nominal cooling capacity kW 20 26 30 40 47 58 72 81 93 109 125 142 152 160 184 212 243 282 309
EER kW/kW 3.87 4.03 4.03 4.10 4.12 4.17 4.16 4.11 4.10 4.05 4.01 4.10 4.02 4.09 4.08 4.00 3.92 4.09 4.12
Air conditioning application** - 30RWA
Nominal cooling capacity kW 21 26 30 41 47 58 72 82 93 110 126 143 153 161 184 213 243 283 310
EER kW/kW 4.03 4.13 4.15 4.21 4.21 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.17 4.15 4.10 4.19 4.10 4.17 4.13 4.02 3.98 4.16 4.13
Operating weight***
30RW unit without pump kg - - - - - - - - - 864 937 956 977 1079 1144 1357 1471 1557 1557
30RWA unit without pump kg 308 322 322 342 356 624 645 679 700 773 836 845 855 948 996 1159 1273 1311 1311
Extra weight
30RW: single evaporator pump (option 116B) kg - - - - - - - - - 15 15 15 15 245 245 245 245 245 245
30RWA: single evaporator pump (option 116B) 25 25 25 27 27 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 245 245 245 285 285 285
30RW/RWA: dual evaporator pump (option 116C) kg 35 35 35 37 37 20 20 20 20 130 130 130 130 300 300 358 358 358 358
30RW: single condenser pump (option 270B) kg - - - - - - - - - 80 80 80 80 250 250 265 265 265 265
30RW: dual condenser pump (option 270C) kg - - - - - - - - - 140 140 140 140 310 310 368 368 368 368
Sound power level - 30RW**** dB(A) - - - - - - - - - 80 81 81 79 76 80 81 83 82 82
Sound pressure level at 10 m - 30RW† dB(A) - - - - - - - - - 49 49 50 49 46 49 51 51 52 52
Sound power level - 30RWA**** dB(A) 63 69 69 73 73 75 75 75 78 80 81 81 79 76 80 81 83 82 82
Sound pressure level at 10 m - 30RWA† dB(A) 38 40 40 40 42 44 44 44 47 49 49 50 49 46 49 51 51 52 52
Dimensions (length x depth x height)
Standard unit with or without hydronic module mm 1204 x 695 x 1698 2004 x 895 x 1750 2300 x 922 x 1963
Unit with hydronic module (options 116B, 116C, mm 1204 x 695 x 1750 2950 x 922 x 1993
270B, 270C)
Refrigerant R-407C The RWA units only have a nitrogen holding charge
Circuit A kg 3.2 3.3 3.3 4.2 6.2 7.5 9.6 11 12.4 14 16.4 18.5 19.3 15 17 19 19 24 24
Circuit B kg - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 17 19 19 24 24
Compressors Hermetic scroll, 48.3 r/s Hermetic scroll, 48.3 r/s
Circuit A 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Circuit B - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 2
Capacity steps 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4
Minimum capacity % 100 100 100 100 100 46 43 50 50 42 50 46 50 25 25 21 25 23 25
Control Pro-Dialog Plus Pro-Dialog Plus
Condensers (30RW only)
Water volume l - - - - - - - - - 12.2 13.7 15.8 17.9 26.5 26.5 34.9 34.9 46.6 46.6
Max. water-side operating pressure with/ kPa - - - - - - - - - 400/1000
without hydronic module
Condenser hydronic module (30RW only)
Pump Frequency-variator controlled variable-speed composite single or dual
centrifugal pump depending on option used, (48.3 r/s at 50 Hz)
Quantity - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Capacity kW - - - - - - - - - 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7
Expansion tank volume l - - - - - - - - - 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 50 50 50
Evaporator Welded direct-expansion plate heat exchanger Welded direct-expansion plate heat exchanger
Water volume l 2 2.91 2.91 3.8 4.8 6.1 7.8 9 9.7 12.2 13.7 15.8 17.9 26.5 26.5 34.9 34.9 46.6 46.6
Max. water-side operating pressure with/ kPa 400/1000 400/1000
without hydronic module
Evaporator hydronic module, 30RW/RWA
Pump (centrifugal composite) Single or dual pump depending on option used, 48.3 r/s Single or dual pump depending on option used, 48.3 r/s
Expansion tank volume l 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 50 50 50
Water connection diameter †† Victaulic Victaulic
Standard field connection in 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Welded field connection mm 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
Refrigerant pipe field outside connection Soldererd copper pipe
diameter, 30RWA
Discharge pipe
Circuit A in 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8
Circuit B in - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8 1 3/8
Liquid refrigerant return pipe
Circuit A in 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8
Circuit B in - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 1/8

* Eurovent-certified performances in accordance with standard EN14511-3:2011.

Cooling mode conditions 30RW: evaporator water entering/leaving temperature 12°C/7°C, condenser water entering/leaving temperature 30°C/35°C, evaporator fouling factor 0 m2 K/W.
Cooling mode conditions 30RWA: evaporator water entering/leaving temperature 12°C/7°C, saturated bubble point condensing temperature 45°C, subcooling 5 K, evaporator fouling factor 0 m2 K/W.
** Gross performances, not in accordance with EN14511-3:2011. These performances do not take into account the correction for the proportional heating capacity and power input generated by the
water pump to overcome the internal pressure drop in the heat exchanger.
Cooling mode conditions 30RW: evaporator water entering/leaving temperature 12°C/7°C, condenser water entering/leaving temperature 30°C/35°C, evaporator fouling factor 0 m2 K/W.
Cooling mode conditions 30RWA: evaporator water entering/leaving temperature 12°C/7°C, saturated bubble point condensing temperature 45°C, subcooling 5 K, evaporator fouling factor 0 m2 K/W.
. *** Weight shown is a guideline only.
**** In accordance with ISO 9614-1 and certified by Eurovent.
† For information, calculated from the sound power level Lw(A)).
†† With tubular sleeve, supplied with the unit, consisting of a Victaulic connection at one end and a plain section at the other end.

Electrical data
Units without hydronic module 30RWA 30RW/RWA
020 025 030 040 045 060 070 080 090 110 120 135 150 160 185 210 245 275 300
Power circuit
Nominal power supply V-ph-Hz 400-3-50 400-3-50
Voltage range V 360-440 360-440
Control circuit supply The control circuit is supplied via the unit-mounted transformer The control circuit is supplied via the unit-mounted transformer
Max. power input* - 30RW/RWA kW 8.1 10.3 12.0 15.8 18.0 22.3 27.8 31.6 36.1 42.4 48.8 54.0 59.1 63.2 72.2 84.9 97.6 107.9 118.2
Nominal current drawn
30RW** A - - - - - - - - - 48.1 54.0 61.0 68.0 71.7 84.2 96.1 108.0 122.0 136.0
30RWA*** A 10.4 13.3 15.5 19.1 22.4 28.8 34.5 38.1 44.8 51.4 58.0 64.7 71.4 76.3 89.6 102.8 116.0 129.4 142.8
Max. current drawn - 30RW/RWA**** A 13.7 17.6 20.5 25.9 30.2 38.0 46.3 51.8 60.5 69.2 78.0 87 96.0 104 120.9 138.5 156.0 174.0 192.0
Max. start-up current, standard units A 86.0 130.0 130.0 135.0 155.0 147.6 155.5 160.9 185.2 245.2 254.0 309.0 318.0 212.6 245.7 314.5 332.0 396.0 414.0
without soft starter - 30RW/ RWA†
Max. start-up current, units with A 51.6 78.0 78.0 81.0 93.0 95.6 101.5 106.9 123.2 159.2 168.0 201.0 210.0 158.6 183.7 228.5 246.0 288.0 306.0
optional soft starter - 30RW/ RWA††
Three-phase short-circuit holding kA 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 18 18 18 18 18 18
current - 30RW/RWA

* Power input of the compressor(s) at maximum unit operating conditions: entering/leaving evaporator water temperature = 15°C/10°C, maximum condensing temperature of 65°C, and 400 V
nominal voltage.
** Nominal unit current draw at standard conditions: evaporator entering/leaving water temperature 12°C/7°C, condenser entering/leaving water temperature 30°C/35°C. The current values are given
at 400 V nominal voltage.
*** Nominal unit current draw at standard conditions: evaporator entering/leaving water temperature 12°C/7°C, saturated condensing temperature (dew point) 45°C, subcooling 5 K The current
values are given at 400 V nominal voltage.
† Maximum unit operating current at maximum unit power input and 400 V.
†† Maximum instantaneous starting current at 400 V nominal voltage and with compressor in across-the-line start (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s) + locked rotor current of
the largest compressor).
‡ Maximum instantaneous starting current at 400 V nominal voltage and with compressor with electronic starter (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s) + reduced start-up
current of the largest compressor).

Electrical data, units with hydronic modules

The pumps that are factory-installed in these units have This regulation concerns the application of directive
motors with efficiency class IE2. The additional electrical 2005/32/EC on the eco-design requirements for electric
data required by regulation 640/2009 is given in the motors.
installation, operation and maintenance manual.

Electrical data notes and operating conditions:

- indoor installation*
• 30RW and 30RWA units have a single power connection point.
- presence of water: class AD2* (possibility of water droplets)
• The control box includes the following standard features:
- presence of hard solids, class AE2* (no significant dust present)
- the starter and motor protection devices for each compressor and the pumps
- presence of corrosive and polluting substances, class AF1 (negligible)
- the control devices
- vibration and shock, class AG2, AH2
• Field connections:
- competence of personnel, class BA4* (trained personnel ‑ IEC 60364)
All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in full
2. Power supply frequency variation: ± 2 Hz.
accordance with all applicable local codes.
3. The neutral (N) conductor must not be connected directly to the unit (if necessary
• The Carrier 30RW and 30RWA units are designed and built to ensure conformance
use a transformer).
with these codes. The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1
4. Over-current protection of the power supply conductors is not provided with the unit.
(machine safety ‑ electrical machine components ‑ part 1: general regulations -
5. The factory-installed disconnect switch(es)/circuit breaker(s) is (are) of a type
corresponds to IEC 60204-1) are specifically taken into account, when designing
suitable for power interruption in accordance with EN 60947.
the electrical unit equipment.
6. The units are designed for simplified connection on TN(s) networks (IEC 60364).
For IT networks provide a local earth and consult competent local organisations to
complete the electrical installation.
• Generally the recommendations of IEC 60364 are accepted as compliance with the
7. Derived currents: If protection by monitoring of derived currents is necessary to
requirements of the installation directives. Conformance with EN 60204-1 is the best
ensure the safety of the installation, the control of the cut-out value must take the
means of ensuring compliance with the Machines Directive § 1.5.1.
presence of leak currents into consideration that result from the use of optional
• Annex B of EN 60204-1 describes the electrical characteristics used for the
frequency converters in the unit. A value of at least 150 mA is recommended to
operation of the machines.
control differential protection devices.
1. The operating environment for the 30RW and 30RWA chillers is specified below:
NOTE: If particular aspects of an actual installation do not conform to the
• Environment* ‑ Environment as classified in IEC 60364 § 3:
conditions described above, or if there are other conditions which should be
- ambient temperature range: +5°C to +40°C, class AA4 considered, always contact your local Carrier representative.
- humidity range (non-condensing)*:
50% relative humidity at 40°C * The protection level of the control boxes required to conform to this class is IP21B
90% relative humidity at 20°C (according to reference document IEC 60529). All 30RW and 30RWA units with
- altitude: ≥ 2000 m (for hydronic kit see chapter 4.4 of the installation manual) correctly installed casing panels fulfil this protection condition.

Part load performances
With the rapid increase in energy costs and the care about ESEER (in accordance with EUROVENT)
environmental impacts of electricity production, the power The ESEER (European seasonal energy efficiency ratio)
consumption of air conditioning equipment has become permits evaluation of the average energy efficiency at part
an important topic. The energy efficiency of a liquid chiller load, based on four operating conditions defined by
at full load is rarely representative of the actual performance Eurovent. The ESEER is the average value of energy
of the units, as on average a chiller works less than 5% of efficiency ratios (EER) at different operating conditions,
the time at full load. weighted by the operating time.
The heat load of a building depends on many factors, such ESEER (European seasonal energy efficiency ratio)
as the outside air temperature, the exposure to the sun
and the building occupancy. Load % Air temperature °C Energy efficiency Operating time %
100 35 EER1 3
Consequently it is preferable to use the average energy 75 30 EER2 33
efficiency, calculated at several operating points that are 50 25 EER3 41
representative for the unit utilisation. 25 20 EER4 23
ESEER = EER1 x 3% + EER2 x 33% + EER3 x 41% + EER4 x 23%

Part load performances

30RW 110 120 135 150 160 185 210 245 275 300
ESEER kW/kW 4.79 4.56 4.74 4.66 5.36 5.06 5.17 5.01 5.27 5.15

ESEER Calculations according to standard performances (in accordance with EN14511-3:2011) and certified by Eurovent.

Sound spectrum
Standard 30RW units Standard 30RWA units
Octave bands, Hz Sound power Octave bands, Hz Sound power
125 250 500 1k 2k 4k levels 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k levels
110 dB 80 72 77 75 72 68 dB(A) 80 020 dB 58 56 56 58 56 55 dB(A) 63
120 dB 82 72 78 77 72 69 dB(A) 81 025 dB 65 64 66 63 63 58 dB(A) 69
135 dB 82 74 80 77 71 69 dB(A) 81 030 dB 65 64 66 63 63 58 dB(A) 69
150 dB 69 70 79 74 71 68 dB(A) 79 040 dB 64 63 67 64 62 61 dB(A) 73
160 dB 72 69 75 70 67 61 dB(A) 76 045 dB 71 69 69 69 65 65 dB(A) 73
185 dB 81 74 79 74 71 65 dB(A) 80 060 dB 70 74 72 69 69 61 dB(A) 75
210 dB 78 73 81 76 73 69 dB(A) 81 070 dB 69 73 72 69 68 63 dB(A) 75
245 dB 76 71 82 77 75 72 dB(A) 83 080 dB 69 72 73 70 68 64 dB(A) 75
275 dB 76 76 82 76 74 71 dB(A) 82 090 dB 69 72 75 74 72 67 dB(A) 78
300 dB 75 79 82 75 73 70 dB(A) 82 110 dB 80 72 77 75 72 68 dB(A) 80
120 dB 82 72 78 77 72 69 dB(A) 81
135 dB 82 74 80 77 71 69 dB(A) 81
150 dB 69 70 79 74 71 68 dB(A) 79
160 dB 72 69 75 70 67 61 dB(A) 76
185 dB 81 74 79 74 71 65 dB(A) 80
210 dB 78 73 81 76 73 69 dB(A) 81
245 dB 76 71 82 77 75 72 dB(A) 83
275 dB 76 76 82 76 74 71 dB(A) 82
300 dB 75 79 82 75 73 70 dB(A) 82

Operating limits
Operating limits 30RW/RWA Evaporator water flow rate
30RW/30RWA At start-up At shut-down Minimum Maximum flow rate*, l/s Maximum
Evaporator Minimum, °C Maximum, °C Maximum,°C flow rate, l/s Single pump Dual pump flow rate**, l/s
Entering water temperature 7.5 30 50 30RWA
During operation 020 0.3 1.7 - 1.7
Minimum, °C Maximum, °C Maximum,°C 025 0.4 2.5 - 3.1
Leaving water temperature 5 (note 1) 15 50 030 0.5 2.5 - 3.1
040 0.7 3.4 - 3.7
30RW - with hydronic module and variable-speed pump 045 0.8 3.8 - 4.7
At start-up and During operation 060 0.9 5.7 5.6 5.9
during operation 070 1.2 6.2 6.1 7.3
Condenser Minimum Maximum 080 1.4 6.4 6.2 8
Entering water temperature -15 47 (note 3) 090 1.5 6.6 6.3 8.4
Leaving water temperature - 52 30RW/RWA
Drycooler 110 1.8 8.3 11.7 10.3
Entering air temperature -20 (note 4) 120 2.2 8.5 12.4 11.4
135 2.4 8.8 13.1 12.8
30RW - without hydronic module 150 2.7 9 13.7 14.3
At start-up and During operation 160 2.7 14.2 14.2 15.9
during operation 185 3.1 14.5 14.5 17
Condenser Minimum Maximum 210 3.8 17.4 22 24
Entering water temperature 20 (note 2) 47 (note 3) 245 4.4 17.4 22 24
Leaving water temperature 25 52 275 5 18.1 23.3 29.1
Drycooler 300 5.5 18.1 23.3 29.1
Entering air temperature (note 5) (note 4) * Maximum flow rate for an available pressure of 50 kPa (unit with hydronic module)
** Maximum flow rate for a pressure drop of 100 kPa in the plate heat exchanger (unit without
hydronic module)
30RWA - with variable-speed fan
At start-up and during operation Condenser water flow rate
Air-cooled condenser Minimum Maximum
Minimum flow Nominal Maximum flow
Entering air temperature -10 (note 6)
rate* (l/s) at min. condenser flow rate** (l/s) at max.
30RWA - with fixed-speed fan condenser rate at Eurovent condenser
At start-up and during operation capacity, ∆t = 10 K conditions, l/s capacity, ∆t = 5 K
Air-cooled condenser Minimum Maximum 30RWA
Entering air temperature 0 (note 6) 020 0.5 1.2 1.4
025 0.7 1.5 1.8
1. 30RW/30RWA units can operate from 4°C to 0°C without modification. In all cases the units
must be configured for low leaving-water temperature, and use of antifreeze is required. 030 0.8 1.7 2
2. 30RW units without hydronic module operating below 20°C entering condenser water 040 1 2.3 2.7
temperature require the use of a three-way valve controlled from the 0-10 V analogue output
045 1.2 2.7 3.1
of the PRO-DIALOG control.
3. For a flow rate corresponding to a condenser ∆t of 5 K. 060 1.4 3.3 3.8
4. The maximum entering air temperature is based on the drycooler selection. 070 1.8 4.1 4.8
5. The minimum entering air temperature range is between 15 and 20°C (without the use of
080 2.1 4.7 5.5
three-way valves)
Operation at -15°C ambient temperature is possible with the use of a three-way valve to 090 2.3 5.4 6.2
maintain the required minimum condensing temperature (see note 2). 30RW/RWA
6. The maximum entering air temperature is based on the remote condenser selection. 110 2.8 6.4 7.4
IMPORTANT: Maximum ambient temperatures. For storage and transport of 30RW units 120 3.3 7.3 8.5
the minimum and maximum temperatures must not go beyond -20°C and 50°C. It is 135 3.6 8.3 9.5
recommended that these temperatures are used for transport by container. 150 4 9.1 10.3
160 4.2 9.4 10.9
185 4.7 10.8 12.5
210 5.7 12.7 14.6
245 6.5 14.5 16.8
275 7.3 16.6 19
300 8 18.2 20.5
* The minimum flow rate given is for units without hydronic module that have a fixed
condenser flow rate.
Units with a hydronic module have a variable flow rate and no minimum fixed flow rate.
The minimum flow rate is optimised by unit control in parallel with the drycooler fan stages
for all operating conditions, especially at low outdoor temperature and low load conditions.
** The maximum flow rate given is for units without hydronic module that have a fixed
condenser flow rate.
Units with a hydronic module have a variable flow rate.
The maximum flow rate is optimised by unit control at all operating conditions, based on
pump capacity, system pressure losses and outdoor temperature.

Operating range
30RW 30RWA
Leaving condenser water temperature, °C

52 64

Condensing temperature, °C

-10 -5 0 5 10 15
-10 -5 0 5 10 15
Leaving evaporator water temperature, °C Leaving evaporator water temperature, °C


Leaving remote condenser air temperature, °C

40 D 50
Leaving drycooler air temperature, °C

35 45
30 40
25 35
20 30
15 25
10 E 20 C
5 15
0 10
-5 5
-10 0
-15 -5 D

-20 -10

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Leaving evaporator water temperature, °C Leaving evaporator water temperature, °C

Notes 30RW Notes 30RWA

1. Evaporator and condenser ∆T = 5 K 1. Evaporator ∆T = 5 K
2. For 30RW units without hydronic module with an entering condenser water temperature 2. Unit operation is limited by the maximum compressor condensing temperature of 64°C.
below 20°C a three-way valve is required to allow operation, while maintaining the correct A Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and special control
condensing temperature. configuration.
3. For 30RW units equipped with a hydronic module the minimum entering water temperature B Operation at high air temperature is based on the condenser selected.
is -15°C. C Operating range down to 0°C, if the air-cooled condenser is not equipped with a variable-
4. Maximum leaving condenser water temperature is 52°C (at full load) speed head fan.
A Standard unit with without antifreeze solution D Extended operating range with variable-speed fan.
B Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and control configuration for a
leaving water temperature down to 0°C.
C Standard unit operation with the anti-freeze solution required and control configuration for a
leaving water temperature down to -10°C.
D Operation at high air temperature is based on the drycooler selected.
E Operation at low air temperature is possible down to -20°C with a drycooler.

Water loop volume
Evaporator Condenser
Minimum volume Minimum volume
A minimum water volume is required for correct chiller The condenser water loop volume has no impact on the
operation. The minimum water loop volume can be chiller operation.
calculated in accordance with the following formula:
Note: For heat pump operation (unit control based on the
Volume = CAP(kW) x N* = litres, where CAP is the cooling hot-water temperature) the minimum condenser water loop
capacity at nominal operating conditions. volume must be calculated in accordance with the method
used for the evaporator loop, replacing the cooling capacity
Air conditioning application N* with the heating capacity.
30RWA 020-045 3.5
30RWA 060-300 2.5 Maximum volume
30RW 110-300 2.5 Units with hydronic module incorporate an expansion
tank sized for the maximum water loop volume.
Industrial process cooling
Certain industrial process applications may require high The table below gives the maximum water loop volume
stability of the leaving water temperature levels. In this (in litres) for pure water or ethylene glycol with various
case the values above must be increased. concentrations.

Maximum volume 30RW 110-150 160-210 245-300

Units with hydronic module incorporate an expansion Pure water 2080 2900 4162
tank sized for the maximum water loop volume. 10% ethylene glycol 1525 2135 3053
20% ethylene glycol 1120 1570 2236
The table below gives the maximum water loop volume 35% ethylene glycol 910 1260 1800
(in litres) for pure water or ethylene glycol with various

30RW/30RWA 020-045 060-080 090 110-150 160-210 245-300
Pure water 673 1000 1000 2080 2900 4162
10% ethylene glycol 487 730 1525 1525 2135 3053
20% ethylene glycol 358 540 1120 1120 1570 2236
35% ethylene glycol 290 430 910 910 1260 1800

Available static pressure, evaporator side 30RW/30RWA
Single pump Dual pump

250 250

Available static pressure, kPa


Available static pressure, kPa


150 100

1 2 3 5 6 7
0 5 10 15 20 25
11 Water flow rate, l/s
4 8
50 Legend
1 13 14 15 1 RWA 060 7 30RW/RWA 135
2 3 5 6 9 10
2 RWA 070 8 30RW/RWA 150
3 RWA 080 9 30RW/RWA 160-185
0 5 10 15 20 4 RWA 090 10 30RW/RWA 210-245
Water flow rate, l/s 5 30RW/RWA 110 11 30RW/RWA 275-300
6 30RW/RWA 120

1 RWA 020 9 30RW/RWA 110
2 RWA 025-030 10 30RW/RWA 120
3 RWA 040 11 30RW/RWA 135
4 RWA 045 12 30RW/RWA 150
5 RWA 060 13 30RW/RWA 160-185
6 RWA 070 14 30RW/RWA 210-245
7 RWA 080 15 30RW/RWA 275-300
8 RWA 090

Available static pressure, condenser side 30RW

Single pump Dual pump
250 250
Available static pressure, kPa
Available static pressure, kPa

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50
1 2 3 5 6 7 1 2 3 5 6 7

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Water flow rate, l/s Water flow rate, l/s

Legend Legend
1 30RW 110 1 30RW 110
2 30RW 120 2 30RW 120
3 30RW 135 3 30RW 135
4 30RW 150 4 30RW 150
5 30RW 160-185 5 30RW 160-185
6 30RW 210-245 6 30RW 210-245
7 30RW 275-300 7 30RW 275-300

30RWA 020-045 - unit without hydronic module (standard)

124 165 368

1698 B

1 1

900 50 900

30RWA 020-045 - unit with hydronic module (option) and/or unit with option 116E
(Victaulic water connection at the top)



1 1 1
700 1204 700 900


All dimensions are given in mm.

Water inlet

Water outlet

B Evaporator

C Refrigerant inlet/outlet (30RWA units only)

1 Required clearances for maintenance

Power supply

NOTE: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing an installation,

consult the certified dimensional drawings, available on request.

30RW 110-150/30RWA 060-150 - unit with or without hydronic module



1 1 1
700 2004 700 900


All dimensions are given in mm.

Water inlet

Water outlet

A Condenser (water inlet/outlet for 30RW unit)

B Evaporator

C Refrigerant inlet/outlet (30RWA units only)

1 Required clearances for maintenance

Power supply
NOTE: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing an installation,
consult the certified dimensional drawings, available on request.

30RW/30RWA 160-300 - unit without hydronic module (standard)

922 2300


1 1 1
1100 700 700
2013 (RW) - 2048 (RWA)

30RW/30RWA 160-300 - unit with hydronic module (option)



1 1 1
1100 700 700


All dimensions are given in mm.

Water inlet

Water outlet

A Condenser (water inlet/outlet for 30RW unit)

B Evaporator

C Refrigerant inlet/outlet (30RWA units only)

1 Required clearances for maintenance

Power supply
NOTE: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing an installation,
consult the certified dimensional drawings, available on request.

Cooling capacities in accordance with EN14511-3 : 2011
30RW units
Condenser entering air temperature, °C
30 35 40 45 50
LWT Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp
°C kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa
kW kW kW kW kW
110 5 108 4.46 5.17 27 102 3.81 4.91 24 96 3.22 4.62 22 90 2.72 4.32 19 83 2.25 4.00 16
120 123 4.21 5.89 29 116 3.68 5.58 26 110 3.15 5.26 23 103 2.66 4.92 21 95 2.20 4.57 18
135 139 4.41 6.66 29 132 3.77 6.34 26 125 3.22 6.00 23 117 2.71 5.62 21 109 2.28 5.22 18
150 148 4.31 7.11 26 142 3.72 6.79 24 134 3.15 6.43 22 126 2.67 6.04 19 117 2.25 5.61 17
160 161 4.94 7.74 27 154 4.23 7.37 24 146 3.60 6.98 22 137 3.01 6.57 20 128 2.51 6.14 17
185 183 4.67 8.75 30 174 3.99 8.32 27 164 3.37 7.85 24 153 2.83 7.33 21 141 2.31 6.78 19
210 215 4.76 10.30 21 205 4.10 9.80 19 193 3.45 9.26 17 182 2.94 8.69 15 169 2.45 8.09 13
245 246 4.64 11.80 27 234 4.03 11.20 24 221 3.45 10.60 22 208 2.93 9.96 20 194 2.46 9.29 17
275 282 4.78 13.50 23 269 4.08 12.90 21 255 3.49 12.20 19 240 2.96 11.50 17 224 2.49 10.70 14
300 307 4.72 14.70 27 295 4.10 14.10 25 280 3.46 13.40 22 264 2.93 12.70 20 247 2.47 11.80 17
110 7 116 4.73 5.54 31 110 4.06 5.26 28 103 3.43 4.96 25 97 2.90 4.64 22 90 2.42 4.30 19
120 132 4.46 6.32 33 125 3.92 5.99 30 118 3.35 5.64 27 110 2.81 5.28 24 102 2.34 4.91 21
135 149 4.67 7.13 33 142 4.01 6.79 30 134 3.42 6.43 27 126 2.90 6.03 24 117 2.42 5.60 20
150 159 4.58 7.61 30 152 3.93 7.27 27 144 3.35 6.89 25 135 2.83 6.47 22 126 2.38 6.02 19
160 173 5.26 8.29 30 165 4.51 7.90 28 156 3.81 7.49 25 147 3.22 7.05 22 138 2.71 6.59 20
185 195 4.95 9.37 34 186 4.24 8.91 31 176 3.60 8.41 28 164 2.98 7.87 24 152 2.49 7.28 21
210 230 5.04 11.00 24 219 4.38 10.50 22 208 3.71 9.94 19 195 3.15 9.33 17 181 2.59 8.69 15
245 264 4.98 12.60 30 251 4.25 12.00 28 237 3.65 11.40 25 223 3.10 10.70 22 208 2.60 9.99 20
275 302 5.03 14.50 26 288 4.36 13.80 24 274 3.70 13.10 21 258 3.15 12.30 19 241 2.65 11.50 17
300 329 5.06 15.70 30 315 4.32 15.10 28 300 3.70 14.40 26 283 3.11 13.60 23 264 2.61 12.70 20
110 10 128 5.14 6.13 37 121 4.40 5.82 34 115 3.78 5.50 30 107 3.17 5.15 27 100 2.65 4.77 23
120 143 4.75 6.84 38 135 4.17 6.49 35 128 3.58 6.12 31 120 3.02 5.74 28 111 2.52 5.34 24
135 164 5.05 7.89 40 157 4.36 7.52 36 148 3.71 7.11 32 139 3.14 6.68 29 130 2.65 6.22 25
150 175 4.94 8.40 36 168 4.26 8.03 33 159 3.64 7.62 30 149 3.07 7.16 27 139 2.57 6.67 23
160 191 5.72 9.18 37 183 4.93 8.75 33 173 4.19 8.30 30 163 3.54 7.82 27 153 2.94 7.32 24
185 216 5.41 10.40 40 206 4.64 9.86 37 194 3.93 9.32 33 182 3.31 8.72 30 169 2.73 8.08 26
210 255 5.52 12.20 29 243 4.76 11.60 26 230 4.04 11.00 24 216 3.43 10.40 21 202 2.89 9.65 18
245 292 5.41 14.00 37 278 4.63 13.30 34 263 3.98 12.60 30 248 3.40 11.90 27 232 2.86 11.10 24
275 334 5.48 16.00 31 319 4.76 15.30 29 303 4.04 14.50 26 285 3.43 13.70 23 267 2.90 12.80 20
300 363 5.42 17.40 37 348 4.64 16.70 34 331 3.99 15.90 31 313 3.40 15.00 28 293 2.87 14.00 24

Legend Application data

LWT Leaving water temperature, °C
Qc Cooling capacity, kW Standard units, refrigerant: R-407C
EER Energy efficiency ratio, kW/kW Evaporator and condenser entering/leaving water temperature difference: 5 K
q Evaporator water flow rate, l/s Evaporator and condenser fluid: chilled water
Δp Evaporator pressure drop, kPa Fouling factor: 0.18 x 10-4 (m2 K)/W

Performances in accordance with EN14511-3:2011.

Cooling capacities
30RW units
Condenser entering air temperature, °C
30 35 40 45 50
LWT Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp
°C kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa
kW kW kW kW kW
110 5 108 4.66 5.17 27 103 3.98 4.91 24 97 3.36 4.62 22 90 2.79 4.32 19 84 2.32 4.00 16
120 123 4.38 5.89 29 117 3.85 5.58 26 110 3.24 5.26 23 103 2.72 4.92 21 96 2.27 4.57 18
135 139 4.59 6.66 29 133 3.93 6.34 26 125 3.32 6.00 23 118 2.80 5.62 21 109 2.32 5.22 18
150 149 4.52 7.11 26 142 3.83 6.79 24 135 3.26 6.43 22 126 2.73 6.04 19 117 2.29 5.61 17
160 162 5.16 7.74 27 154 4.38 7.37 24 146 3.70 6.98 22 138 3.10 6.57 20 129 2.58 6.14 17
185 183 4.85 8.75 30 174 4.12 8.32 27 164 3.47 7.85 24 153 2.89 7.33 21 142 2.37 6.78 19
210 215 4.90 10.30 21 205 4.19 9.80 19 194 3.59 9.26 17 182 2.98 8.69 15 169 2.49 8.09 13
245 247 4.84 11.80 27 235 4.12 11.20 24 222 3.52 10.60 22 208 2.97 9.96 20 194 2.49 9.29 17
275 283 4.96 13.50 23 270 4.22 12.90 21 256 3.56 12.20 19 241 3.01 11.50 17 225 2.53 10.70 14
300 308 4.89 14.70 27 295 4.21 14.10 25 281 3.56 13.40 22 265 3.01 12.70 20 247 2.52 11.80 17
110 7 116 4.96 5.54 31 110 4.23 5.26 28 104 3.57 4.96 25 97 2.98 4.64 22 90 2.47 4.30 19
120 132 4.66 6.32 33 125 4.07 5.99 30 118 3.46 5.64 27 111 2.91 5.28 24 103 2.42 4.91 21
135 149 4.89 7.13 33 142 4.16 6.79 30 134 3.53 6.43 27 126 2.97 6.03 24 117 2.47 5.60 20
150 159 4.77 7.61 30 152 4.06 7.27 27 144 3.44 6.89 25 135 2.90 6.47 22 126 2.42 6.02 19
160 174 5.52 8.29 30 165 4.67 7.90 28 157 3.96 7.49 25 148 3.32 7.05 22 138 2.76 6.59 20
185 196 5.19 9.37 34 187 4.42 8.91 31 176 3.71 8.41 28 165 3.11 7.87 24 152 2.53 7.28 21
210 231 5.24 11.00 24 220 4.48 10.50 22 208 3.78 9.94 19 195 3.20 9.33 17 182 2.64 8.69 15
245 264 5.18 12.60 30 252 4.42 12.00 28 238 3.78 11.40 25 224 3.15 10.70 22 209 2.65 9.99 20
275 303 5.22 14.50 26 289 4.45 13.80 24 274 3.81 13.10 21 258 3.23 12.30 19 241 2.68 11.50 17
300 329 5.22 15.70 30 316 4.45 15.10 28 301 3.81 14.40 26 284 3.19 13.60 23 265 2.68 12.70 20
110 10 128 5.45 6.13 37 122 4.66 5.82 34 115 3.92 5.50 30 108 3.29 5.15 27 100 2.72 4.77 23
120 143 5.00 6.84 38 136 4.39 6.49 35 128 3.71 6.12 31 120 3.12 5.74 28 112 2.60 5.34 24
135 165 5.36 7.89 40 157 4.55 7.52 36 149 3.87 7.11 32 140 3.26 6.68 29 130 2.72 6.22 25
150 176 5.22 8.40 36 168 4.44 8.03 33 159 3.76 7.62 30 150 3.18 7.16 27 140 2.64 6.67 23
160 192 6.06 9.18 37 183 5.15 8.75 33 174 4.37 8.30 30 164 3.67 7.82 27 153 3.06 7.32 24
185 217 5.73 10.40 40 206 4.85 9.86 37 195 4.09 9.32 33 183 3.39 8.72 30 169 2.82 8.08 26
210 256 5.77 12.20 29 244 4.93 11.60 26 231 4.20 11.00 24 217 3.50 10.40 21 202 2.93 9.65 18
245 293 5.63 14.00 37 279 4.81 13.30 34 264 4.13 12.60 30 249 3.51 11.90 27 232 2.90 11.10 24
275 334 5.76 16.00 31 320 4.92 15.30 29 304 4.16 14.50 26 286 3.53 13.70 23 267 2.93 12.80 20
300 364 5.69 17.40 37 349 4.85 16.70 34 332 4.15 15.90 31 314 3.49 15.00 28 293 2.93 14.00 24

Legend Application data

LWT Leaving water temperature, °C
Qc Cooling capacity, kW Standard units, refrigerant: R-407C
EER Energy efficiency ratio, kW/kW Evaporator and condenser entering/leaving water temperature difference: 5 K
q Evaporator water flow rate, l/s Evaporator and condenser fluid: chilled water
Δp Evaporator pressure drop, kPa Fouling factor: 0.18 x 10-4 (m2 K)/W

Gross performances, not in accordance with EN14511-3:2011. These performances do not take
into account the correction for the proportional heating capacity and power input generated by the
water pump to overcome the internal pressure drop in the heat exchanger.

Cooling capacities in accordance with EN14511-3 : 2011
30RWA units
Saturated bubble point condensing temperature, °C
35 40 45 50 55
LWT Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp
°C kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa
kW kW kW kW kW
020 5 21 4.87 1.01 41 20 4.21 0.96 38 19 3.61 0.91 35 18 3.07 0.86 31 17 2.59 0.80 28
025 27 5.11 1.29 21 26 4.41 1.23 20 24 3.76 1.17 18 23 3.16 1.10 16 21 2.65 1.03 14
030 31 5.13 1.49 28 30 4.42 1.43 26 28 3.75 1.35 23 27 3.17 1.27 21 25 2.64 1.19 18
040 41 5.19 1.99 30 40 4.48 1.90 27 38 3.84 1.81 24 36 3.24 1.71 22 33 2.74 1.60 19
045 48 5.22 2.29 25 46 4.48 2.19 22 43 3.84 2.08 20 41 3.25 1.96 18 38 2.73 1.83 16
060 59 5.22 2.84 24 56 4.48 2.71 22 54 3.88 2.57 20 50 3.21 2.42 17 47 2.71 2.26 15
070 74 5.32 3.53 24 70 4.52 3.37 22 67 3.90 3.20 19 63 3.26 3.02 17 59 2.73 2.83 15
080 83 5.22 4.01 28 80 4.55 3.83 25 76 3.88 3.64 23 72 3.29 3.44 21 67 2.73 3.23 18
090 96 5.25 4.58 32 91 4.48 4.38 29 87 3.85 4.16 27 82 3.25 3.92 24 76 2.70 3.66 21
110 112 5.11 5.38 29 107 4.42 5.14 27 102 3.81 4.88 24 96 3.23 4.60 22 90 2.73 4.31 19
120 129 5.06 6.18 32 123 4.38 5.90 29 117 3.77 5.60 26 110 3.22 5.29 24 104 2.74 4.97 21
135 145 5.20 6.95 31 139 4.48 6.67 29 133 3.88 6.37 26 126 3.31 6.03 24 118 2.80 5.67 21
150 154 5.12 7.39 28 149 4.42 7.12 26 142 3.79 6.82 24 135 3.24 6.47 22 127 2.75 6.09 20
160 164 5.21 7.87 28 157 4.49 7.53 25 149 3.82 7.15 23 141 3.23 6.76 21 132 2.71 6.34 19
185 188 5.16 9.03 31 180 4.46 8.63 29 171 3.80 8.20 26 161 3.22 7.73 24 151 2.70 7.21 21
210 218 5.03 10.40 21 208 4.34 9.96 20 197 3.72 9.46 18 186 3.15 8.92 16 174 2.64 8.35 14
245 249 4.88 11.90 27 238 4.25 11.40 25 226 3.70 10.80 23 213 3.13 10.20 20 200 2.67 9.58 18
275 288 5.24 13.80 24 276 4.45 13.20 22 263 3.87 12.60 20 250 3.29 11.90 18 235 2.80 11.20 16
300 313 5.22 15.00 28 302 4.51 14.50 26 289 3.85 13.80 24 274 3.30 13.10 21 258 2.80 12.40 19
020 7 22 5.20 1.08 47 21 4.51 1.03 43 20 3.87 0.98 39 19 3.30 0.92 35 18 2.78 0.86 31
025 29 5.46 1.38 24 28 4.73 1.32 22 26 4.03 1.26 20 25 3.41 1.18 18 23 2.85 1.11 16
030 33 5.49 1.60 32 32 4.73 1.53 29 30 4.03 1.45 26 29 3.41 1.37 24 27 2.84 1.28 21
040 44 5.54 2.13 34 43 4.79 2.04 31 40 4.10 1.94 28 38 3.47 1.83 25 36 2.92 1.72 22
045 51 5.54 2.46 28 49 4.79 2.35 26 47 4.12 2.23 23 44 3.48 2.11 21 41 2.91 1.97 18
060 63 5.58 3.04 27 61 4.88 2.91 25 58 4.17 2.76 22 54 3.46 2.60 20 51 2.93 2.43 17
070 79 5.64 3.78 27 75 4.84 3.61 25 72 4.16 3.44 22 68 3.52 3.24 20 63 2.92 3.04 18
080 89 5.60 4.29 31 86 4.86 4.11 29 81 4.11 3.91 26 77 3.52 3.69 24 72 2.94 3.47 21
090 102 5.54 4.91 36 98 4.80 4.70 33 93 4.10 4.47 30 88 3.49 4.21 27 82 2.92 3.94 24
110 120 5.45 5.76 33 115 4.73 5.51 31 109 4.05 5.24 28 103 3.46 4.94 25 97 2.93 4.63 22
120 138 5.37 6.63 36 132 4.66 6.33 33 125 4.01 6.02 30 119 3.46 5.69 27 111 2.91 5.34 24
135 155 5.52 7.45 35 149 4.78 7.15 33 142 4.10 6.83 30 135 3.52 6.47 27 127 2.99 6.09 24
150 165 5.43 7.91 32 159 4.68 7.63 30 152 4.02 7.30 28 145 3.45 6.94 25 136 2.92 6.54 22
160 176 5.57 8.44 31 168 4.79 8.07 29 160 4.09 7.68 26 151 3.46 7.26 24 142 2.91 6.82 21
185 202 5.53 9.68 36 193 4.75 9.26 33 184 4.08 8.80 30 173 3.46 8.30 27 162 2.89 7.75 24
210 233 5.36 11.20 24 223 4.64 10.70 22 212 4.00 10.20 20 200 3.39 9.59 18 188 2.85 8.98 16
245 267 5.24 12.80 31 255 4.55 12.20 29 243 3.92 11.60 26 229 3.37 11.00 23 215 2.83 10.30 21
275 308 5.50 14.80 27 296 4.77 14.20 25 282 4.09 13.50 23 268 3.53 12.80 20 252 2.96 12.10 18
300 335 5.58 16.00 32 323 4.75 15.50 29 309 4.12 14.80 27 294 3.50 14.10 25 277 2.98 13.30 22
020 10 25 5.74 1.20 56 24 4.97 1.15 52 23 4.27 1.09 47 21 3.64 1.03 43 20 3.09 0.96 38
025 32 6.03 1.53 29 31 5.23 1.47 27 29 4.48 1.40 25 27 3.78 1.32 22 26 3.17 1.23 20
030 37 6.04 1.77 38 35 5.21 1.69 35 34 4.47 1.61 32 32 3.78 1.52 29 30 3.17 1.42 25
040 49 6.07 2.36 42 47 5.25 2.26 38 45 4.52 2.15 35 42 3.85 2.04 31 40 3.24 1.92 27
045 57 6.16 2.72 34 54 5.24 2.60 32 52 4.56 2.47 29 49 3.83 2.34 26 46 3.23 2.19 22
060 70 6.19 3.37 33 67 5.36 3.22 31 64 4.60 3.06 28 60 3.85 2.89 25 56 3.22 2.70 22
070 87 6.17 4.19 33 83 5.32 4.01 30 79 4.57 3.81 28 75 3.89 3.60 25 70 3.24 3.38 22
080 99 6.15 4.76 38 95 5.34 4.55 35 90 4.57 4.33 32 85 3.86 4.10 29 80 3.27 3.86 26
090 113 6.11 5.43 44 108 5.27 5.20 40 103 4.52 4.95 37 97 3.83 4.67 33 91 3.23 4.37 29
110 133 5.99 6.39 40 127 5.18 6.11 37 121 4.46 5.81 34 114 3.80 5.49 30 107 3.20 5.15 27
120 153 5.88 7.35 44 146 5.10 7.03 40 139 4.41 6.68 37 132 3.79 6.32 33 124 3.22 5.94 29
135 172 6.04 8.24 43 165 5.22 7.92 40 158 4.51 7.56 36 150 3.88 7.18 33 141 3.29 6.76 29
150 182 5.91 8.74 39 176 5.12 8.44 37 169 4.41 8.08 34 160 3.76 7.69 31 151 3.21 7.25 27
160 195 6.11 9.36 38 187 5.30 8.95 35 178 4.53 8.52 32 168 3.84 8.06 29 158 3.23 7.58 26
185 223 6.08 10.70 43 214 5.26 10.30 40 203 4.48 9.75 36 192 3.84 9.21 33 180 3.21 8.62 29
210 259 5.91 12.40 29 247 5.10 11.90 27 235 4.35 11.30 25 222 3.70 10.70 22 209 3.17 9.99 20
245 297 5.82 14.20 38 283 4.96 13.60 35 270 4.35 12.90 32 255 3.70 12.20 29 240 3.12 11.50 25
275 341 6.09 16.30 33 327 5.19 15.70 30 313 4.54 15.00 28 297 3.86 14.20 25 280 3.29 13.40 22
300 370 6.07 17.70 38 357 5.17 17.10 36 342 4.50 16.40 33 325 3.82 15.60 30 307 3.27 14.70 27

Legend Application data

LWT Leaving water temperature, °C
Qc Cooling capacity, kW Standard units, refrigerant: R-407C
EER Energy efficiency ratio, kW/kW Evaporator entering/leaving water temperature difference: 5 K
q Evaporator water flow rate, l/s Evaporator fluid: chilled water
Δp Evaporator pressure drop, kPa Fouling factor: 0.18 x 10-4 (m2 K)/W

Performances in accordance with EN14511-3:2011.

Cooling capacities
30RWA units
Saturated bubble point condensing temperature, °C
35 40 45 50 55
LWT Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp Qc EER q Δp
°C kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa kW kW/ l/s kPa
kW kW kW kW kW
020 5 21 5.11 1.01 41 20 4.40 0.96 38 19 3.75 0.91 35 18 3.16 0.86 31 17 2.65 0.80 28
025 27 5.26 1.29 21 26 4.52 1.23 20 25 3.84 1.17 18 23 3.22 1.10 16 22 2.69 1.03 14
030 31 5.31 1.49 28 30 4.54 1.43 26 28 3.86 1.35 23 27 3.23 1.27 21 25 2.68 1.19 18
040 42 5.37 1.99 30 40 4.61 1.90 27 38 3.92 1.81 24 36 3.31 1.71 22 34 2.78 1.60 19
045 48 5.37 2.29 25 46 4.61 2.19 22 44 3.93 2.08 20 41 3.31 1.96 18 38 2.76 1.83 16
060 59 5.36 2.84 24 57 4.63 2.71 22 54 3.94 2.57 20 51 3.31 2.42 17 47 2.73 2.26 15
070 74 5.40 3.53 24 71 4.67 3.37 22 67 3.94 3.20 19 63 3.30 3.02 17 59 2.76 2.83 15
080 84 5.42 4.01 28 80 4.62 3.83 25 76 3.94 3.64 23 72 3.33 3.44 21 68 2.81 3.23 18
090 96 5.36 4.58 32 92 4.60 4.38 29 87 3.90 4.16 27 82 3.29 3.92 24 77 2.77 3.66 21
110 113 5.26 5.38 29 108 4.54 5.14 27 102 3.86 4.88 24 96 3.27 4.60 22 90 2.75 4.31 19
120 129 5.16 6.18 32 123 4.46 5.90 29 117 3.84 5.60 26 111 3.28 5.29 24 104 2.77 4.97 21
135 146 5.33 6.95 31 140 4.59 6.67 29 133 3.92 6.37 26 126 3.35 6.03 24 119 2.85 5.67 21
150 155 5.24 7.39 28 149 4.49 7.12 26 143 3.85 6.82 24 135 3.27 6.47 22 128 2.79 6.09 20
160 165 5.32 7.87 28 158 4.58 7.53 25 150 3.89 7.15 23 141 3.26 6.76 21 133 2.75 6.34 19
185 189 5.28 9.03 31 181 4.55 8.63 29 172 3.87 8.20 26 162 3.26 7.73 24 151 2.70 7.21 21
210 218 5.09 10.40 21 208 4.39 9.96 20 198 3.74 9.46 18 187 3.22 8.92 16 175 2.69 8.35 14
245 250 5.01 11.90 27 238 4.33 11.40 25 226 3.70 10.80 23 214 3.19 10.20 20 200 2.67 9.58 18
275 288 5.24 13.80 24 277 4.54 13.20 22 264 3.88 12.60 20 250 3.33 11.90 18 235 2.80 11.20 16
300 314 5.32 15.00 28 302 4.58 14.50 26 290 3.92 13.80 24 275 3.31 13.10 21 259 2.82 12.40 19
020 7 23 5.50 1.08 47 22 4.73 1.03 43 21 4.03 0.98 39 19 3.40 0.92 35 18 2.85 0.86 31
025 29 5.66 1.38 24 28 4.86 1.32 22 26 4.13 1.26 20 25 3.48 1.18 18 23 2.89 1.11 16
030 34 5.71 1.60 32 32 4.89 1.53 29 30 4.15 1.45 26 29 3.48 1.37 24 27 2.89 1.28 21
040 45 5.76 2.13 34 43 4.94 2.04 31 41 4.21 1.94 28 38 3.56 1.83 25 36 2.98 1.72 22
045 51 5.70 2.46 28 49 4.93 2.35 26 47 4.21 2.23 23 44 3.56 2.11 21 41 2.96 1.97 18
060 64 5.82 3.04 27 61 4.96 2.91 25 58 4.23 2.76 22 54 3.51 2.60 20 51 2.97 2.43 17
070 79 5.77 3.78 27 76 5.00 3.61 25 72 4.24 3.44 22 68 3.58 3.24 20 64 3.00 3.04 18
080 90 5.81 4.29 31 86 4.97 4.11 29 82 4.25 3.91 26 77 3.56 3.69 24 73 3.02 3.47 21
090 103 5.75 4.91 36 98 4.90 4.70 33 93 4.17 4.47 30 88 3.53 4.21 27 82 2.95 3.94 24
110 121 5.63 5.76 33 115 4.81 5.51 31 110 4.15 5.24 28 103 3.49 4.94 25 97 2.96 4.63 22
120 139 5.54 6.63 36 133 4.78 6.33 33 126 4.10 6.02 30 119 3.50 5.69 27 112 2.96 5.34 24
135 156 5.67 7.45 35 150 4.90 7.15 33 143 4.19 6.83 30 135 3.56 6.47 27 127 3.02 6.09 24
150 166 5.57 7.91 32 160 4.79 7.63 30 153 4.10 7.30 28 145 3.49 6.94 25 137 2.97 6.54 22
160 177 5.71 8.44 31 169 4.88 8.07 29 161 4.17 7.68 26 152 3.52 7.26 24 143 2.95 6.82 21
185 203 5.67 9.68 36 194 4.86 9.26 33 184 4.13 8.80 30 174 3.50 8.30 27 162 2.89 7.75 24
210 234 5.45 11.20 24 224 4.72 10.70 22 213 4.02 10.20 20 201 3.41 9.59 18 188 2.89 8.98 16
245 268 5.36 12.80 31 256 4.65 12.20 29 243 3.98 11.60 26 230 3.38 11.00 23 216 2.88 10.30 21
275 309 5.62 14.80 27 297 4.87 14.20 25 283 4.16 13.50 23 268 3.53 12.80 20 252 3.00 12.10 18
300 336 5.60 16.00 32 324 4.84 15.50 29 310 4.13 14.80 27 295 3.55 14.10 25 278 3.02 13.30 22
020 10 25 6.12 1.20 56 24 5.26 1.15 52 23 4.49 1.09 47 22 3.79 1.03 43 20 3.18 0.96 38
025 32 6.29 1.53 29 31 5.40 1.47 27 29 4.60 1.40 25 28 3.87 1.32 22 26 3.24 1.23 20
030 37 6.34 1.77 38 36 5.44 1.69 35 34 4.62 1.61 32 32 3.89 1.52 29 30 3.24 1.42 25
040 50 6.36 2.36 42 47 5.46 2.26 38 45 4.66 2.15 35 43 3.94 2.04 31 40 3.31 1.92 27
045 57 6.37 2.72 34 54 5.42 2.60 32 52 4.68 2.47 29 49 3.94 2.34 26 46 3.29 2.19 22
060 70 6.36 3.37 33 67 5.49 3.22 31 64 4.67 3.06 28 60 3.92 2.89 25 57 3.31 2.70 22
070 88 6.42 4.19 33 84 5.53 4.01 30 80 4.71 3.81 28 75 3.95 3.60 25 71 3.33 3.38 22
080 100 6.41 4.76 38 95 5.49 4.55 35 91 4.72 4.33 32 86 3.98 4.10 29 81 3.35 3.86 26
090 114 6.37 5.43 44 109 5.45 5.20 40 104 4.66 4.95 37 98 3.94 4.67 33 92 3.30 4.37 29
110 134 6.20 6.39 40 128 5.33 6.11 37 122 4.59 5.81 34 115 3.89 5.49 30 108 3.27 5.15 27
120 154 6.09 7.35 44 147 5.27 7.03 40 140 4.53 6.68 37 132 3.85 6.32 33 124 3.25 5.94 29
135 172 6.21 8.24 43 166 5.37 7.92 40 158 4.59 7.56 36 150 3.93 7.18 33 141 3.33 6.76 29
150 183 6.10 8.74 39 177 5.25 8.44 37 169 4.49 8.08 34 161 3.84 7.69 31 152 3.26 7.25 27
160 196 6.30 9.36 38 187 5.40 8.95 35 178 4.61 8.52 32 169 3.91 8.06 29 159 3.29 7.58 26
185 224 6.26 10.70 43 215 5.39 10.30 40 204 4.58 9.75 36 193 3.88 9.21 33 180 3.21 8.62 29
210 260 6.05 12.40 29 248 5.20 11.90 27 236 4.45 11.30 25 223 3.78 10.70 22 209 3.17 9.99 20
245 298 5.96 14.20 38 284 5.07 13.60 35 270 4.35 12.90 32 256 3.76 12.20 29 240 3.16 11.50 25
275 342 6.22 16.30 33 328 5.29 15.70 30 314 4.55 15.00 28 298 3.92 14.20 25 280 3.29 13.40 22
300 371 6.18 17.70 38 358 5.34 17.10 36 343 4.57 16.40 33 326 3.88 15.60 30 308 3.31 14.70 27

Legend Application data

LWT Leaving water temperature, °C
Qc Cooling capacity, kW Standard units, refrigerant: R-407C
EER Energy efficiency ratio, kW/kW Evaporator entering/leaving water temperature difference: 5 K
q Evaporator water flow rate, l/s Evaporator fluid: chilled water
Δp Evaporator pressure drop, kPa Fouling factor: 0.18 x 10-4 (m2 K)/W

Gross performances, not in accordance with EN14511-3:2011. These performances do not take
into account the correction for the proportional heating capacity and power input generated by the
water pump to overcome the internal pressure drop in the heat exchanger.

Guide specifications
Liquid chillers Control and power circuit control box
Nominal cooling capacity range: 20 to 315 kW ■■ The control box is accessible via a hinged door. It includes a
Carrier model: main disconnect switch, fuses and circuit breakers, com-
30RW water-cooled pressor and evaporator water pump contactors, thermal
30RWA condenserless relays, low-voltage control circuit transformer (24 V control
circuit) and the Pro-Dialog control system. The whole unit is
Part 1 - General supplied via a single power connection point (three-phase
supply without neutral).
System description ■■ Extraction fans protecting the electrical components against
■■ Water-cooled (30RW) or condenserless (30RWA) liquid overheating.
chiller for indoor installation, equipped with scroll com-
pressors, auto-adaptive microprocessor control and operating Chassis/cabinet
with HFC-407C refrigerant that has no effect on the ozone ■■ Chassis and cabinet made of galvanised sheet steel. Painted
layer. in oven-baked polyester powder paint in light grey colour
(RAL 7035). Removable side and rear panels. Front access
Quality assurance via hinged doors.
■■ 30RW units comply with requirements of European
directives: Evaporator hydronic module
-- machinery directive 98/37/CE, modified, ■■ Integrated hydronic module, including: removable screen
-- low voltage directive 73/23/EEC, modified, filter, expansion tank, single monocell centrifugal water
-- electromagnetic compatibility directive 89/336/EEC, pump (dual water pump optional from sizes 30RW 110
modified and with the applicable recommendations of upwards) - three-phase motor with internal thermal protec-
European standards: tion, water flow switch, safety valve set to 4 bar, flow control
-- machine safety, electrical equipment in machines, general valve, pressure gauge and purge valves. Internal piping
regulations: EN 60204-1, made of galvanised steel. Thermal piping and water pump
-- radiated electromagnetic emissions: EN 50081-1, insulation to prevent condensation. Victaulic water connec-
-- conducted electromagnetic emissions: EN 50081-2, tions at the top (30RW 110-150) or on the right-hand side
-- electromagnetic immunity EN 50082-2. 30RW and 30RWA (30RW 160-300) with welded connection sleeve.
units have been designed and tested in a facility with a
quality assurance system certified ISO 9001. Note: Units without hydronic module (standard): water flow
-- 30RW and 30RWA units have been assembled in a facility switch installed as standard and water piping protected
with an environment management system certified ISO against condensation.
14001. All units undergo a run test before shipment
(electrical test only for 30RWA units). Condenser hydronic module
■■ Integrated hydronic module, including: removable screen
Part 2 - Product equipment filter, expansion tank, single monocell centrifugal water
pump (dual water pump optional from sizes 30RW 110
upwards) - three-phase motor with integrated frequency
Compressors converter, safety valve set to 4 bar, pressure gauge and
■■ Hermetic scroll compressor with only three moving parts, purge valves. Internal piping made of galvanised steel with
2-pole electric motor, cooled by suction gas. Overload thermal insulation. Victaulic water connections at the top
protection through an internal thermostat. Polyolester (30RW 110-150) or on the right-hand side (30RW 160-300)
synthetic oil charge, and oil level sight glass. with welded connection sleeve.
■■ Stainless steel plate heat exchanger with welded copper
connections. From size 30RW 160 upwards the evaporator
has two interlaced independent refrigerant circuits. Closed-
cell thermal foam insulation.

Condenser (30RW only)

■■ Stainless steel plate heat exchanger with welded copper
connections. From size 30RW 160 upwards the condenser
has two interlaced independent refrigerant circuits.

Refrigerant circuit
■■ Each circuit includes: one or two compressors, liquid line
valve, moisture sight glass, filter drier, thermostatic expan-
sion device, high and low pressure transducers, manually
reset high pressure switch, high and low-pressure safety
valve (except sizes 30RW 020-045) and HFC-407C refrige-
rant charge. The main components of the refrigerant circuit
are welded.

Note: On 30RWA units the refrigerant circuit also includes a

check valve on the discharge piping, a solenoid valve on
the liquid piping, refrigerant piping and a nitrogen holding

Carrier Pro-Dialog Plus control system
Pro-Dialog Plus ensures the following functions:

Control Remote chiller management

■■ Entering or leaving chilled or hot water (heat pump option) ■■ Volt-free contact inputs permit:
temperature control by PID loop with compressor run time -- Start/stop control
and start-up equalising. The system permanently adjusts -- Selection of cooling or heat reclaim mode (override mode
the system inertia and ensures complete protection against at high condensing temperature)
excessive compressor cycling. -- Integration of a customer safety device
■■ Head pressure control by auto-adaptive algorithm: -- Operation at the second setpoint* (example: room
-- Control of the frequency converter, integrated into the unoccupied)
condenser water pump -- Maximum demand limit* (three limit levels from size
-- Activating a maximum of 8 fan stages with operating 30RW 160 upwards)
time equalising or fan speed control (with Carrier glycol
cooler or air-cooled condenser) * One or the other for 30RWA 110-160
-- Fan rotation speed control (with Carrier air-cooled
condenser) ■■ Outputs are available for:
■■ Evaporator and condenser water pump control (optional -- Start-up of a boiler
dual pump with automatic change-over in case of a fault -- Signalling of a general fault condition for each circuit.
from size 30RW 110 upwards).
■■ Control at the second setpoint (example: unoccupied Note: For units without hydronic module (standard) a 0-10 V
room). output is available to control a three-way valve or a variable-
■■ Leaving water temperature reset, based on the air tempera- speed condenser water pump.
ture (with Carrier glycol cooler or air-cooled condenser) or
the difference between entering/leaving water temperature. ■■ The optional CCN Clock Board permits:
-- Control in master/slave configuration of two chillers
Safety operating in parallel
■■ The system checks the evolution of the parameters (tempe- -- Programming of operating time schedules (up to 8 periods
ratures, pressures etc.), and responds to maintain the per week)
compressor within the operating range. If despite this one -- Programming of operating time schedules for the second
parameter exceeds its limit, an alert message is generated setpoint (up to 8 periods per week)
or the unit is shut down. The following faults cause the -- Definition of an operating time period with a reduced
refrigerant circuit or the unit to be shut down: number of fans (for example during the night)
-- Low suction pressure -- Definition of an operating time period with demand
-- High discharge pressure limitation
-- Low suction temperature -- Integration of the chiller into a building monitoring
-- Compressor, water pump overload system (BMS): serial port RS 485.
-- Reverse compressor rotation
-- Temperature sensor and pressure transducer fault
-- Board and loss of communication fault
-- Customer safety device tripping
-- Water heat exchanger anti-freeze protection
-- More than 50 alert or fault codes to facilitate fault

Operator interface
Includes status or fault LEDs, two numerical displays, a
refrigerant system synoptic diagram and a command
■■ Immediate display of parameters: entering/leaving chilled
water temperature, compressor suction/discharge pressures
and temperatures, setpoint, run times and number of
compressor start-ups.
■■ Diagnosis and complete parameter set by selection of one
of the following ten menus: information, temperatures,
pressures, setpoints, input values, test, configuration, alarms,
alarm history and run times.

Order No. 13430-20, 10.2012. Supersedes: 13430-20, 03.2009. Manufactured by Carrier SCS, Montluel, France.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the European Union.
The cover photo is solely for illustration purposes, and is not contractually binding.

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