Rising Star Academy
Rising Star Academy
Rising Star Academy
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 1
questions from part ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ following cannot be true ?
n m
respectively. If more than required number 1. 2. mn 0
m n
of questions are answered, only first 15, 25
and 20 questions in Parts ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ 3. n m 0 4. mn3 0
4 1 3. 18 : 25 : 10 4. 15 : 8 : 30
3. 4.
9 9 20. The average annual income (in Rs.) of
14. The average of six numbers is x and the
certain agricultural workers is S and that of
average of three of these is y. If the average
other workers is T. The number of
of the remaining three is z, than :
agricultural workers is 11 times that of
1. x y z 2. 2x y z
other workers. Then the average monthly
3. x 2 y 2 z 4. None of these
income (in Rs.) of all the workers is :
15. OPI, ?, ODP, MBQ, IAW
S T S 11T
1. RHJ 2. SHJ 1. 2.
2 2
3. SIJ 4. TIJ 1 11 S T
3. T 4.
16. A towel, when bleached, was found to have 11 S 12
last 20% of its length and 10% of its
breadth. The percentage of decrease in area Part - B
is : Unit – I
1. 10% 2. 10.08% 1 1 x 1 x x2
3. 20% 4. 28% 21. The determinant 1 1 y 1 y y 2 is
6 1 1 z 1 z z2
17. Walking th of his usual speed, a man is
equal to
12 minutes too late. The usual time taken
1. z y z x y x
by him to cover that distance is :
1. 1 hour 2. 1 hr 12 min 2. x y x z y z
3. 1 hr 15 min 4. 1 hr 20 min 3. x y 2 y z 2 z x 2
18. The present worth of Rs. 169 due to 2 years
at 4% per annum compound interest
4. x 2
y2 y 2
z 2 z 2 x2
annually, is : 22. Let A and B are n n real matrices such
1. Rs. 150.50 2. Rs. 154.75 that AB BA 0 and A B is invertible
3. Rs. 156.25 4. Rs. 158 then which of the following is not true :
19. A sum of Rs. 53 is divided among A, B, C 1. Rank A Rank B
in such a way that A gets Rs. 7 more than
2. Rank A Rank B n
what B gets and B gets Rs. 8 more than
3. Nullity A Nullity B n
what C gets. The ratio of their shares is :
1. 16 : 9 : 18 2. 25 : 18 : 10 4. A B is invertible
27. Let an
n! n then lim an is
that the system Ax b has unique solution n n
then 1
1. e 2.
1. Rows of A are linearly independent e
2. Rows of A are linearly dependent 3. 1 4. 0
3. Columns of A are linearly independent n
28. The series n
4. Columns of A are linearly dependent n 1
1 2 continuous if f
25. Let A ; suppose T is a
1 4 1. E is closed
3. A 6 2. f x x
4. None of the above x
3. f x tan
26. Let 2
then dim V is 1
be a subspace of
31. The value of dx is
n 0 n 1
1. n 2. n n
n n 1
1. 2
3. 4. n n 1
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 5
n n 1
1 37. Let f, g be meromorphic functions on . If
3. 2
f has a pole of order k at z a and g has a
n 1
pole of order m at z a , where k m then
f g has
n n 1
4. 2 1. a pole of order k at z a
n 1 2. a pole of order m at z a
3. a pole of order k m at z a
32. Let f : 2
be given by 4. a pole of order km at z a
f x, y x 2 , y 2 sin x then the 38. Let p x be a polynomial of the real
derivative of f at x, y is the linear variable x of degree k 1. Consider the
power series
f z n 0 p n 2n 2 2n 1 z n where z
transformation given by
y x 2 x 4 x y d resolvent kernel
y e x satisfying the boundary 0
conditions y 0 0 and y ' 0 is
1 2 2
2 x 2 2
1. 4 xe 2 2. 4 xe
1. y x sinh x e x x2 2
2 3. 2 xe 4. None
x 47. Consider two waves of same angular
2. y x sinh x e x
2 frequency , same angular wave number k,
same amplitude a traveling in the positive
3. y x cosh x e x direction of x axis with the same speed,
2 and with phase difference . Then the
x superposition principle yields a resultant
4. y x x cosh x e x wave with
1. Amplitude 2a and phase .
43. Let P x, y be a particular integral of the 2. Amplitude 2a and phase / 2 .
x x 2 cos x d value of
where 0 , 1, 2 , 3 are unknown
parameters. Which of the following
statements is true ?
2 is 1. The degrees of freedom associated with
the error sum of squares is 1.
1. 2e2 4 2. 2e2 4 2. An unbiased estimator of 2 is
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 7
1. E X ' X 2 p,V X ' X 2 p
1 1
alternative hypothesis H1 be triangular
distribution with density
E X ' X 2 p,V X ' X p
1 1
x, : 0 x 1
g x
2 x, : 0 x 2.
E X ' X p,V X ' X p
1 1
Then the power of the most powerful
E X ' X p,V X ' X 2 p
1 1
4. test for testing H 0 against the alternative
51. A finite population has 8 units, labeled H1 based on the statistic T with size 0.1
u1 , u2 ,...., u8 and the value of a study satisfies
1. 0 0.5
variable for the unit ui is Yi i 1,2,....,8 .
2. 0.5 0.55
Let Y 1/ 8 Yi . A sample of size 4 3. 0.55 0.7
i 1 4. 0.7 1
units is drawn from this population in the 54. Let X be a random variable following a
following manner : a simple random Poisson distribution with parameter 0 .
sample (SRS) of size 2 is drawn from the
To estimate 5 , consider an estimator
units u2 , u3 ,...., u7 and the sample so
T X X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 .
selected is augmented by the units u1 and
Which of the following statements is true ?
u8 to get a sample of size 4. Let y be the 1. T is not unbiased.
sample mean based on the SRS of size two 2. T is unbiased but not UMVUE.
and let T Y1 6 y Y8 / 8 . Which of the 3. T is UMVUE.
following statements is true ? 4. UMVUE for 5 does not exist.
1. T is a biased estimator of Y . 55. Let X n n0 be a Markov chain on the state
2. T is unbiased for Yi
1 7 space S 0,1 . Then
6 i 2 1. The chain has a unique stationary
3. T is unbiased for Y and distribution.
V T 3V y / 4 . 2. X n 0| X 0 0 converges as
4. T is unbiased for Y and n .
V T 9V y /16 3. The chain may have one recurrent and
one transient state.
52. At a doctor’s clinic patients arrive at an 4. The chain is always irreducible.
average rate of 10 per hour. The 56. Suppose X , Y and Z are three independent
consultancy time per patient is
random variables each with finite variance.
exponentially distributed with an average
of 6 minutes per patient. The doctor does
1 1
1. E 2. E 1. c
3 9
1 7 c
3. E 4. E 3. 4.
4 8
62. Which of the following sets has cardinality
58. Suppose X 1, X 2 ,..., X n are independent
1 same as
random variables each having a Bin 8,
2 1. P 2. P
1 n
1 X k
distribution. Then
n k 1 3. P c
4. P
converges in distribution to
63. Let A x : x 2 x 3 x 4 0
1. N 0,1 2. N 0,2
3. N 4,2 4. N 4,1 then
59. Let X 1, X 2 ,...., X n be iid with common 1. lub A 4 2. glb A 4
e , x 0
density f x 3. lub A 4. glb A
0, x 0,
where 0 . For testing H 0 : 1 versus 64. If xn and yn are sequences of real
H1 : 2 , let rn be the power of the most
numbers which of the following is/are
powerful test of size 0.05 with sample
size n. Then trues :
1. rn increases to 1 . 1. limsup xn yn limsup xn limsup yn
n n n
2. rn may not converge.
3. rn increases to 1. 2. limsup xn yn limsup xn limsup yn
n n n
4. rn may not be an increasing sequence.
60. Consider the following three sets of sample 3. liminf xn yn liminf xn liminf yn
n n n
Sample1: x 1, x2 ,...., xn . 4. liminf xn yn liminf xn liminf yn
n n n
Sample 2: y1, y2 ,...., ym .
65. Let Pn x an x 2 bn x cn be a sequence
Sample3: x 1, x2 ,...., xn , y1, y2 ,...., ym.
Let mi , mi , mˆ i and i2 denote mean, of quadratic polynomial. Let
median, mode and variance respectively of
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 9
n n n dx x
1. 2.
p q2 x2
1. lim P 5 exist 1
n dx dx
3. 4.
1 x2 1 x2
2. lim P 7 exist
n n 1 n 2 n 3 18
1 1 3. A7 A5 A2 I
n 1
4. A8 A6 A2 I
71. Let A is a 4 4 matrix with integer entries.
n n 3 18
1 1
n 1 Suppose the system Ax b has a non-real
84. Let f x x4 3x3 9 x2 7 x 27 and let p 89. Pick the correct statements :
be a prime. Let f p x denote the 1.
2 and i are isomorphic as
corresponding polynomial with coefficients vector spaces.
in / p . Then
1. f 2 x is irreducible over /2 .
2. 2 and i are isomorphic as
2. f x is irreducible over
3. f3 x is irreducible over
/3 .
3. Gal 2 / Gal i /
4. f x is irreducible over .
4. 2 and i are both Galois
extensions of . y 2
2. u 2 g x , g c '
90. Consider the linear congruences xu
x 1 mod3 , x 2 mod 4 , x 3 mod5 ,
then which of the following intervals
3. f u 2 x 2 0, f c '
contain exactly one common solution of 4. f x y 0, f c '
these congruences 95. Let u u x, y be the complete integral of
1. 0,100 2. 100,200
the PDE pq xy passing through 0,0,1
3. 200,300 4. 300,400
Unit - III and 0,1, in the x y z space. Then
91. Let K be a real constant. The solution of the value of the u x, y evaluated at
the differential equation 2 y z and 2, 2 is/are
dz 1. 0 2. 1
3 y satisfies the relation 3. 1 4. None
1. y z Ke3x 2. 3 y z Ke3 x
96. The functional J y
y ' x dx
2 2
3. 3 y z Ke 3x
4. y z Ke 3x
92. Which of the following statements are true : where y 0 1 and y 1 1
1. The eigen values of Sturm-Liouville
problem are all real 1. y 2 x 2 1 is extremal which is weak
2. For Sturm-Liouville problem an minimum
infinite number of characteristic values 2. y 2 x 1 is extremal which is weak
( eigen values ) minimum
3. For each eigen value of Sturm-Liouville 3. y 2 x 2 1 is extremal which is strong
problem there exists one and only one
linearly independent eigen function
4. y 2 x 1 is extremal which is strong
4. Out of three statements two statements
are true minimum
d dy
97. Shortest distance between the point
93. The given differential x y 0, A 1,3 and the straight line y 1 3x
dx dx x
0 satisfying the boundary conditions 1 1
y ' 1 0 and y ' e 0 which is/are true :
1. n n2 10
3. 4. None
2. n x an sin n log x , n 1, 2,... and 20
98. PDE of the given equation
1 x e
3. n 2n 1
z f xy is/are
4. n x an cos 2n 1 log x , 2 z 2 z z z
1. x 2 y x y 0
n 1, 2,... 1 x e x 2
y 2
x y
94. For the given PDE uu x yu y x which 2 z 2 z
z z
2. x 2 y x y 0
is/are not true : x 2
y 2
x y
2 z 2 z z z
1. f u 2 x 2 , 0 , where
xu 3. y 2 x x y 0
y 2
x x y
f : 2 2 is c ' and f 0,0 at 4. None
every point
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 13
2 2
0 the iteration ?
3. u x x x 1 x x t u t dt 1. 2 2 2 ...
2 2
2. –1
x 3. 2
4. u x x x 1 x x t u t dt
2 2 4. 1
Unit - IV
103.Consider the following primal Linear
100. For the integral equation
Programming Problem.
max z 3 x1 2 x2
x f x 1 3xt t dt
subject to
1. If f x 0 and 2 , then it has x1 3
infinite solutions. x1 x2 0
2. If f x 0 and 2 , then it has x1 , x2 0
infinite solutions. Which of the following statements are
3. If f x 0 and 2 , then it has true ?
1. The primal problem has an optimal
unique solution. solution.
4. If f x 0 and 2 , then it has 2. The primal problem has an unbounded
unique solution. solution.
101. Consider a particle of mass m in simple 3. The dual problem has an unbounded
harmonic oscillation about the origin with solution.
spring constant k ; then for the Lagrangian 4. The dual problem has no feasible
L and the Hamiltonian H of the system solution.
1 1 104.Suppose that system 1 has 2 components
1. L x, x mx 2 kx 2
2 2 C1 and C2 in series while system 2 has 2
p 1 components C3 and C4 in parallel. The
H x, x kx 2 ; p is generalized
2m 2 components C1, C2 , C3 and C4 have
momentum independent and identically distributed life
1 1
2. L x, x mx 2 kx 2 and the times each being exponential with mean 1.
2 2 Suppose Si t and hi t are the survival
generalized momentum is p mx . and hazard rate function, respectively, for
1 1
3. L x, x mx 2 kx 2 and the the i-th system, i 1, 2. Then which of the
2 2 following statements are true ?
1. S1 t S2 t for all t 0 . 2. i
, for all i 1, 2,...., N and
2. h1 t h2 t for all t 0 . N
ij 0 for at least one pair
3. The expected life time of the system 1 is
1 i, j i, j 1,2,...., N , i j.
2 1
3. i , for all i, j 1, 2,...., N and
4. The expected life time of the system 2 N
is 1. ij 0 for all i j , i, j 1, 2,...., N .
105.Consider an experiment using a balanced
4. N y is an unbiased estimator of the
incomplete block design with v 4
treatments, b 6 blocks and block size population total.
k 2 . Let ti i 1,2,3,4 be the effect of 107.Aerial observations Y1 , Y2 , Y3 and Y4 are
made on angles 1 , 2 , 3 and 4
the i-th treatment and 2 be the variance of
an observation. Which of the following respectively, of a quadrilateral on the
statements are true ? ground. If the observations {Yi , i 1, 2,3, 4}
1. The variance of the best linear unbiased are subject to normal errors with mean 0
and variance 2 , then which of the
estimator (BLUE) of pt
i 1
i i where
following statements are true ?
4 4 1. The best linear unbiased estimator of i
pi 0 and p 2
i 1 is 2 / 2 .
i 1 i 1 is ˆ i Yi Y , i 1, 2,3, 4, where
2. The covariance between the BLUEs of 2
1 4
Y Yi .
4 4
the contrasts piti and
i 1
i 1
i i where 4 i 1
4 2. The best linear unbiased estimator of i
i 1
i i 0 is zero.
is ˆ Y , i 1,2,3,4.
i i
3. The degrees of freedom associated with
the error sum of squares is 3. 3. The error sum of squares is 4 Y .
4. The efficiency factor of the design 2
relative to a randomized block design 4. The error sum of squares is
with 3 replicates is 2/3. 4
106.Consider a finite population containing Yi
i 1 2
N nk units, n 2, k 2 being integers 108.For any set of data which of the following
and let these units be numbered 1 to N is statements are NOT possible ?
some order. In order to select a sample of n (Notations have their usual significance)
units, a unit is selected at random from the 1. r1.234 0.47, r1.23 0.52
first k units, and every k-th unit thereafter.
2. r1.23 0.32, r12.3 0.23
Under this scheme, let i be the probability
that the i-th unit is included in the sample 3. r12 0.3, r13 0.2, r12.3 0.23
and ij be the probability that both i-th and 4. r1.234 0.47, r12 0.73
j-th units are included in the sample. Also, 109.Let X 1, X 2 ,...., X n be a random sample
let y denote the sample mean of a study ex , x0
variable, say y. Which of the following from f x
statements are true ? 0, otherwise
n n 1 Consider the problem of testing H 0 : 1
1. i , ij for all against H1 : 1
N N N 1
i, j 1, 2,...., N , i j .
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 15
n n 1
1 if i 1
xi c1 4. EH1 L G
1 and
n 111.Let X 1, X 2 ,...., X n be a random sample
0 if
xi c1 x
e , x
from f x
i 1
0, x
1 if xi c2
i 1 Define X 1 min X1, X 2 ,...., X n . Which
0 if
xi c2 of the following are confidence intervals
i 1 for with confidence coefficient 1 ?
where c1 and c2 are such that 1 and 2
are of size . Which of the following 1. X 1 log e , X 1 .
statements are true ?
1. 1 is more powerful than 2 . 1 1
2. X 1 log e , X 1 log e .
2. P-value of the uniformly most powerful n n
3. X 1 log e , X 1 log e 1
test for testing H 0 against H1 is given 1 1
n 2 n 2
n n
by P0 X i observed xi 1 1
i1 i 1 4. X 1 log e , X 1 log e 1
3. Power function of 2 is monotonically n n 2
increasing. 112.Suppose X 1, X 2 ,...., X n are independent
4. 1 is unbiased. and identically distributed as geometric
random variables with parameter p. Let f
110.Let X 1, X 2 ,...., X n be independent and
denote the number X i ’s equal to 1. Then
identically distributed random variables
which of the following statements are true ?
with common continuous distribution
function F, which is symmetric about the f
1. is the maximum likelihood estimate
median . Consider the problem of testing n
of p.
H 0 : 0 against H1 : 0 . Define
Ri Rank of X i among 2. is an unbiased estimator of p.
X1 , X 2 ,...., X n , i 1,2,..., n. n 1
3. n is the maximum likelihood
L Sum of the Ri ’s, for which X i 0,
i x
i 1, 2,...., n . i 1
estimator of p.
G Sum of Ri ’s, for which X i 0,
f p 1 p
i 1, 2,...., n . 4. Var
Which of the following statements are n n
true ? 113.Consider the following random sample of
1. Left tailed test based on L is size 11 from uniform 1, 1
appropriate for testing H 0 against H1 . distribution :
2. Right tailed test based on G is –0.71, 0.3, –0.4, –0.63, –0.81, –0.7, 0.1,
appropriate for testing H 0 against H1 . –0.01, 0.02, –0.96, –0.92.
Which of the following are maximum
3. Maximum possible value of L is
likelihood estimates of ?
n n 1 . 1. –0.96 2. 0.3
3. 0.02 4. –0.54 1
3. lim P X n n
114.Let X and Y be two independent N 0,1 n 2
x 4. lim P X n n 1
random variables. Define U and n
y 118.Let X n n0 be Markov chain on state
V . Then space
Y S N , N 1,...., 1,0,1,..., N 1, N
1. U and V have the same distribution. with the transition probabilities given by
2. V has t distribution.
V pi ,i 1 pi ,i 1 for all N 1 i N 1
3. E 0 . 2
U 1
4. U and V are independent. pN , N 1 p N , N 1 pN , N p N , N .
115.Let X and Y be independent and
identically distributed random variables
having a normal distribution with mean 0 1. X n n0 has a unique stationary
and variance 1. Define Z and W as follows distribution.
X 2. X n n0 is irreducible.
if XY 0
Y 3. lim P X n N | X 0 0
Z X lim P X n N | X 0 0
if X 0 and Y 0 n
W Y 4. X n n0 is recurrent.
if X 0 and Y 0 119.Suppose U and V are independent and
Y identically distributed random variables
with P U i P V i for
1. Z and W are independent. 4
2. Z has N(0, 1) distribution. i 1, 2,3, 4 . Consider the triangle T,
3. W has N(0, 1) distribution. bounded by the x axis, y axis and the
4. Cov Z ,W 0 . line Ux Vy UV . Then which of the
116.A fair coin is tossed repeatedly. Let X be following statements are true ?
the number of Tails before the first Head
1. P Area T 2
occurs. After the first Head occurred, an
additional Y Tails appear before the next
Head occurs. Which of the following 2. P T is isosceles
statements are true ? 4
1. P(X is even, Y is even) = P(X is odd, Y 3. P Area T 8 1
is odd). 4. P Area T 1 1
2. P(X is even, Y is even) = P(X is even,
Y is odd). 120.For any set of data, which of the following
3. P(X is even, Y is even) > P(X is even, statements are true ?
Y is odd). 1. Standard deviation range .
4. P(X is even, Y is even) < P(X is even, 2
Y is odd). 2. Mean absolute deviation about mean
117.Let X n be distributed as a Poisson random standard deviation.
3. Mean absolute deviation about median
variable with parameter n. Then which of
standard deviation.
the following statements are correct ?
4. Mean absolute deviation about mode
1. lim P X n n n 0 1
2. lim P X n n n 0 2
28-A, Jia Sarai, Near Hauz Khas Metro Station, New Delhi, Mob : 07838699091
439/29,Chhotu Ram Nagar, Near Power House,Delhi Road, Rohtak , Mob : 09728862122
NET FLT - 4 Page 17
Answer Key
Part - A Part - B Part - C
1. 4 21. 1 51. 4 61. 1,2,3,4 91. 2
2. 3 22. 4 52. 2 62. 1,2 92. 1,2,4
3. 3 23. 3 53. 3 63. 1,4 93. 1,2
4. 2 24. 3 54. 3 64. 1,4 94. 3,4
5. 1 25. 3 55. 3 65. 1,2 95. 3
6. 1 26. 2 56. 1 66. 1,2 96. 2,4
7. 1 27. 2 57. 3 67. 2,3 97. 1
8. 1 28. 4 58. 2 68. 2,3,4 98. 1,3
9. 3 29. 3 59. 3 69. 1,3,4 99. 1,3
10. 4 30. 3 60. 3 70. 1,2,3,4 100. 1,2,3,4
11. 1 31. 2 71. 2,3 101. 1,3,4
12. 2 32. 1 72. 2,3,4 102. 1,3
13. 3 33. 2 73. 1 103. 2,4
14. 2 34. 2 74. 2,3 104. 1,3
15. 2 35. 4 75. 2 105. 1,2,3,4
16. 4 36. 4 76. 1,2 106. 2,4
17. 2 37. 2 77. 1,2 107. 1,3
18. 3 38. 2 78. 1 108. 1,2,3,4
19. 2 39. 4 79. 1,2,4 109. 3
20. 4 40. 3 80. 1,2,3, 110. 1,2,4
41. 4 81. 3 111. 1,2,3,4
42. 1 82. 1,4 112. 2,4
43. 2 83. 1,2 113. 3,4
44. 3 84. 1,2,4 114. 1,2,3
45. 1 85. 1,3,4 115. 2,3,4
46. 2 86. 1,4 116. 3
47. 3 87. 3,4 117. 3
48. 3 88. 1,2 118. 1,2,3,4
49. 4 89. 1,3,4 119. 1,2,3
50. 4 90. 1,4 120. 1,2,3