ANSCI2 (The Poultry Industry)
ANSCI2 (The Poultry Industry)
ANSCI2 (The Poultry Industry)
Poultry consumption.
• Filipinos eat on average of 12.8 kg of poultry/year
Poultry consumption
• Filipinos eat on average of 12.8 kg of poultry/person/year
Varied recipes to meet the demans of the
Can the shape of the egg determine the sex of the chicks
when hatched?
• What is the ideal shape of an egg?
• Are brown-shelled eggs more nutritious than white-shelled eggs?
• Are there eggs without yolks?
• Are double yolk eggs good for hatching? Why are there double-yolk
• Why can birds fly?
• These are some of the questions we will find answers to in the course
of studying the course. Any ideas from anyone?
Which came first? Chicken or Egg?
(The mooat common question)
Chicken Behaviour
Cackle or sing, to communicate
Sand or dust bath to dispose insects from the body
Scratching on the ground, for food and leisure
Brood or sitting on eggs to hatch them
Preening or grooming from the oil gland
Chickens perch or roost
Pecking order or the fight for dominance
Feather plucking
Why chickens leave the nest:
• When the hen leaves the nest after laying, the egg cools which
suspends the development of the embryo inside;
• If the ambient temperature remains between 45oF and 65oF, the
embryo will remain viable for as long as two weeks;
• When the hen sits on the egg for 3 weeks, all of the eggs will hatch at
the same time, hence the importance ot the hen leaving the nest
after laying.
The story behind the hen’s cackle:
• Wild chickens are forest animals.
• They live in small groups called flocks.
• The scratch in the dirt to forage for things.
• While one hen sits on the nest to lay, the group may
wander away through the undergrowth searching for
• The hen’s cackle serves to renew contact with the
Pecking order
• Can be exhibited in different ways:
• 1. Excluding each other from feed or the nest
• 2. pecking the back of another chicken or even jumping
on their back and pushing to the ground
This also happens when new chickens are introduced to
the flock.
If you will introduce new chickens, keep them apart
between dawn and dusk.
When he chickens are roosting at dusk, they are
more docile, so the new arrivals can be added
Remove them at down to a separate pen, Put the feeders
near each other in the two pens
Pecking order…
• Normally the fighting will be between the new chickens and the ones
at the bottom of the pecking order.
• - presents a challenge
• - more challenges as they mature\- Health may be a factor
How does the chick get out?
Polish Crested
Cochins Varieties
C. Compare and contrast broiler and layer chickens
Spin-off Industries
1. Feed milling Industry
2. Medicine, feed supplement and biological
3. Farm equipment manufacturing
4. Poultry and egg processing, storage and distribution
1. Breeding Farm
✔A system of researching or discovering the best combination of genes
of parent stocks that will be the source of commercial chicks for the
poultry producer.
✔Long range programs - many long studies by geneticists
✔Philippines - multipliers farms or franchised breeder farms from
international breeders
Breeder Farms…