Communication Arts 100: Introduction To Speech Composition: Course Objectives
Communication Arts 100: Introduction To Speech Composition: Course Objectives
Communication Arts 100: Introduction To Speech Composition: Course Objectives
Course Objectives
1. To improve your ability to write effective public speeches. This will engage you in the
full process of speech composition, including the following:
2. To improve your ability to deliver effective public speeches. This will engage you in
activities such as the following:
3. To improve your ability to think critically and to apply the skills of critical thinking to the
analysis of written and oral texts. This will engage you in activities such as the following:
a. Distinguishing main points from minor points in written and oral discourse
b. Gauging the credibility of sources and the reliability of claims in supporting
c. Judging the soundness of evidence in public discourse
d. Assessing the validity of reasoning in public discourse
4. To improve your ability to listen effectively to public speeches. This will engage you in
activities such as the following:
5. To improve your ability to utilize research skills and strategies. This will engage you in
activities such as the following:
Required Textbooks
Stephen E. Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking, 12th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014).
Stephen E. Lucas and Sarah Jedd, Speech Composition Resources: Communication Arts 100
Course Book, 15th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014).
Speech Assignments
Introductory Speech
A two- to three-minute speech introducing yourself or a classmate. Your instructor will give you
the specific details for this assignment. But be sure to construct a speech that explains some
aspect of your (or your classmate’s) personality, background, beliefs, or aspirations.
This speech is to be written in manuscript form and is designed to fulfill two purposes. The first is
to give you a brief, initial exposure to speaking before an audience. The second is to provide a
piece of original prose that can be used to help diagnose your strengths and weaknesses as a
writer. Do your best to express yourself clearly and concisely. Make sure your ideas are clearly
organized and that you proofread the manuscript carefully to eliminate errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.
When you are writing your speech, it is important to keep focused on introducing yourself (or
your classmate) to the rest of the class. If you are directed to begin with an article or an object,
use it only as a starting point to explain something of consequence about you (or your classmate).
The more creative your speech, the more successful it is likely to be.
A typed manuscript of the speech (four copies) is due on the assigned day. In addition, students
are required to email the initial and final revised versions of each speech to their instructor. When
you type your manuscript—and all assignments for this course—double space and use 11- to 12-
point type, with one-inch margins on all sides.
Informative Speech
A seven-minute speech informing the audience about an object, concept, process, or event. The
speech should follow the guidelines for effective informative discourse presented in Chapter 15
of The Art of Public Speaking. Use of a visual aid is required. A typed full-sentence preparation
outline of the speech, including bibliography, is due both on paper and as email attachment
approximately one week before the speech is presented in class. A final, revised outline is due on
the day the speech is delivered. Again, students are required to turn in a paper copy and to upload
the final outline. The speech is to be delivered extemporaneously from a speaking outline.
Persuasive Speech
A nine-minute speech designed to persuade the audience for or against a question of policy. In the
speech, you may seek either passive agreement or immediate action from the audience. In either
case, you should be sure to deal with all three basic issues of policy speeches—need, plan and
practicality—and to employ the methods of persuasion discussed in Chapter 17 of The Art of
Public Speaking. This speech will require considerable research and skillful use of supporting
materials. Special emphasis should be given to evidence and reasoning in constructing persuasive
In addition, as part of the persuasive speech assignment, you are required to construct an
audience-analysis questionnaire in which you seek to gauge the knowledge, interest, and attitudes
of your classmates with regard to your speech topic. As explained in Chapter 6 of The Art of
Public Speaking, these questionnaires should use a blend of fixed-alternative, scale, and open-
ended questions.
After you have tabulated the results of your questionnaire, you should use those results to help
adapt your speech to the knowledge, interests, and attitudes of your audience. This does not mean
you should compromise your beliefs to get a favorable response. Nor does it mean you should use
devious, unethical tactics to persuade your listeners. You can remain true to yourself and to the
principles of ethical speechmaking while simultaneously seeking to make your ideas as clear,
appropriate, and convincing as possible.
Commemorative Speech
This speech will be delivered from manuscript rather than from a speaking outline.
Note: Students must complete all four major speech assignments in order to pass the course.
Other Written Assignments
Throughout the semester, there will be periodic written homework assignments in which you
work with the principles of speech composition presented in the textbooks. These assignments are
due in class on the assigned day and will constitute a portion of your semester grade. Late
homework assignments will not be accepted.
As the semester progresses, you will be assigned to write a two-page typed assessment of a
speech by one of your classmates during the informative and persuasive units. These assessments
are due in class on the assigned day and will constitute a portion of your semester grade. As with
other assignments, speech assessments are expected to be carefully written and to be free of errors
in spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. As with other assignments, assessment papers should be
submitted as email attachment as well as in paper form.
One of the most effective ways to become a better public speaker is to view your speeches on
videotape and to engage in serious, objective self-assessment of those speeches. After the speech,
you will view your recording on Learn@UW and prepare a two-page typed self-assessment
evaluating your performance on that speech and explaining the major items you want to work
especially hard on in your next speech. As with other written assignments, self-assessments
should be thoughtfully composed, clearly expressed, and carefully proofread. Self-assessments
are due in class (and as a Learn@UW upload) as assigned by your instructor and will constitute a
portion of your semester grade.
Communication Arts 100 will have two midterms and a final examination. The midterms will be
primarily objective (multiple-choice and short-answer) and will test your command of the
principles, concepts, and skills presented in the textbooks and discussed in class. The final exam
will require you to analyze a speech and to answer a series of essay questions about it.
Please note: Your instructor will notify you of the scheduled time for the final exam. The exam
will be given at this time only. In keeping with University policy, there will be no early or late
exams. If you have travel (or other) plans that conflict with the scheduled examination date, you
need to change your plans or to take the course a different semester.
At the end of the course, each student in Communication Arts 100 will submit a digital portfolio
of her or his work across the entire semester. The following items are to be included in the
Failure to turn in a complete portfolio will result in a penalty on your final grade.
Because participation is a central aspect of Communication Arts 100, regular and punctual
attendance is vital. Therefore, for each absence beyond three (two for classes that meet twice a
week) you will incur a significant penalty on your final grade. You are expected to attend class
without exception on those days when assignments are due. If you fail to show up on a day when
you are assigned to speak, you will receive an “F” on that assignment.
You are responsible for all assignments given or due on a day you are absent. If you miss class,
contact your instructor or a classmate as soon as possible to find out what you have missed. Any
absences that are excused by the University (for example, religious holidays or varsity sports
events) must be reported to your instructor in writing during the first two weeks of class in order
to be recognized as excused.
Plagiarism is a grave offense with serious consequences. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
defines “plagiarize” as to steal and pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another or to
present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
The following are some of the scenarios in which a student might be charged with academic
misconduct in Communication Arts 100:
Students found guilty of academic misconduct will receive an “F” on the assignment and a letter
concerning the affair will be forwarded to the Dean of Students for placement in the student's
University file. More than one episode of academic misconduct during a student’s career can
result in expulsion from the University.
If academic misconduct in Communication Arts 100 is discovered after a student has completed
the course, the penalties may be levied retroactively, in which case the reason for the penalty will
become part of the student’s permanent transcript.