Alpsankhyak Load Form
Alpsankhyak Load Form
Alpsankhyak Load Form
1. Name of Applicant
2. Father’s Name
3. Husband’s Name
4. Mother’s Name
5. Mobile Number
6. Phone Number
7. Aadhar Card Number Auto generated
8. PAN Card Number
9. Bhamashah Card
10. Gender 1. Male 2. Female
11. Date of birth DD DD MM MM YY YY YY YY
12. Particular of Minority 1. Muslim 2. Sikh 3. Christians 4. Buddhists 5.
Community Zoroastrians (Parsis) and 6. Jains
13. Residential Address House/ Plot Number
Land Mark
Village/ City
14. Applicant belongs to Rural or Urban
Rural or Urban
15. Educational Illiterate / Literate / Middle / Secondary /Sr. Secondary / Graduate /
Qualification Post Graduate
16. Professional
17. Training Details if Particulars of Training
trained Name of Institute:
Training Period From DD MM YYYY to DD MM YYYY
18. Annual Family Income
Sr. Name of Family Member Relation with Applicant Age in years Annual Income
1. Self
1. Minority Certificate
2. Income Certificate/ Copy of BPL Certificate
3. Residence Certificate
4. Affidavit in prescribed format
5. Project Report
6. Experience/Training Certificate
7. Land Title
8. Pan Card
9. Aadhar Card
10. Bhamashah Card
11. Other.