Persuasive Message
Persuasive Message
Persuasive Message
1. Persuasive Request
Dear Mr. Janssen:
Would you like access to more reliable salary data than Glassdoor has to offer? Has your
company ever lost a valued employee to another organization that offered 20 percent
more in salary for the same position?
To remain competitive in hiring and to retain qualified workers, companies rely on
survey data showing current salaries. Herron & Hogan Research has been collecting
business data for a quarter century and has been honored by the American
Management Association for its accurate data. We need your help in collecting salary
data for today’s workers. Information from the enclosed questionnaire will supply
companies like yours with such data.
Your information, of course, will be treated confidentially. The questionnaire takes but a
few moments to complete, and it can provide substantial dividends for professional
organizations just like yours that need comparative salary data.
To show our gratitude for your participation, we will send you free comprehensive
salary surveys for your industry and your metropolitan area. Not only will you find basic
salaries, but you will also learn about bonus and incentive plans, special pay
differentials, expense reimbursements, and perquisites such as a company car and
credit card.
Comparative salary data are impossible to provide without the support of professionals
like you. Please complete the questionnaire and return it in the prepaid envelope before
June 1, our spring deadline. Participating in this survey means that you will no longer be
in the dark about how much your employees earn compared with others in your
SANTA MONICA, Calif. – The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and Beckman Research Institute of
City of Hope, today launch the Health of Women Study (HOW), a long-term cohort study tracking the
health of women via online and mobile platforms. This new 21st-century research was designed to help
find the root causes of breast cancer, leading to prevention. Any woman over 18 years old, as well as
interested men, can join this revolutionary effort. HOW will study survivors and women who have not
been diagnosed with breast cancer to investigate causes and new risk factors.
“The majority of women who get breast cancer have none of the known clinical risk factors for the
disease,” said Susan Love, MD, president and founder of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation. “We
have made strides in how we treat breast cancer, but we still don’t know how to prevent it. We believe
this new kind of study that traces and involves healthy women and breast cancer patients will give us
the data we need to find the cause and develop prevention.”
“Cohort studies are most valuable in epidemiology, but they are extremely costly and difficult to
manage,” said Leslie Bernstein, PhD, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope. “The HOW Study uses
economical technology and will capture behavior and lifestyle changes affecting women’s cancer risk.”
The HOW Study enables clinical researchers to pose questions rapidly, reaching a large sample
population online and via mobile devices. Thus, researchers will capture more relevant data than has
been feasible before and will empower consumers to become major stakeholders actively engaged in
research. Study participants will be able to pose questions and play a tangible role in working to end
breast cancer. “The important data collected as a part of HOW will be shared with researchers who can
use it—a practice virtually unheard of in the research community,” said Love.
In 2008 the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation introduced the Love/Avon Army of Women to
participate in breast cancer research studies looking into causes and prevention of the disease. Today
the Army of Women has nearly 370,000 women ready to participate in research studies.
The mission of Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation is to eradicate breast cancer and improve the quality
of women’s health through innovative research, education and advocacy. Beckman Research Institute of
City of Hope is known worldwide for its outstanding basic, translational and epidemiological research.
For details, visit