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MIL-F-18240D 25 February 197? Superseding MIL-F-18240C (ASG) 17 November 1967

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25 February 197?

o MIL-F-18240C(ASG)
17 November 1967




This specification is mandatory for use by all Departments

and Agencies of the Department of Defense


1.1 This specification covers the self-iocking element to be used

in externally threaded fasteners, such as bolts and screws, to be used in Applica-
tions where the temperatures will not exceed 250”F.


2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invi-
tation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the
extent specified herein:



,MIL-H-3982 Hardware (Fasteners and Related Items)

Packaging and Packing for Shipment and
Storage of



JIIL-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for

Inspection by Attributes


,wt - 703.023 .39s3
u FSC 5305
FSC 5306

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hlilitarv (Cent’d)

JMIL-STD-1312 Fastener, Test Methods

MS15f191 Fasteners, Threaded Externally, Self-

Locking, Aerospace Vehicles and
Equipment De6tgo and Usage Limitations

MS26531 VibrationTest Rig

AN3 thru 20 Bolt, Machine, Aircraft

AN315 Nut, Plain, Airframe

AN121501 thro
Nui - Plain

(When requesting applicable documeuts, refer to both title and number.

copies of Unclassifiwi documents may be obtained from the Commanding Officer,
XIVal Publicationsand Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 13120. Requests for copies of classified documents should be ad-
dressed to the Naval Publications and Forms Center, via the cognizant Gover-
nment representative. )

2.2 Other publications - The following documents form a part of

this specification to the extent specified herein. LInless otherwise indicated, the
issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.

National Ae respace Standards Commit=

NAS 600 thru 602 Screw, Machine, Aircraft, Pan Head,

Phillips Recess, Full Threaded,
Alloy Steel

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NAS 1316 Bolt, Hex Head, Close Tolerance,

160,000 PSI Tensile

(Copies of NAS publications may be obtained from National Standards

Association, 1321 14th Street, N. W,, Wsshingtcm, D.C. 20005. )


3.1 Qualification - The self-lockbg elements lnco rporated in

fasteners furntshed under this specification shall be an element design which
has been subjeded to and which hse psssed the qualification tests specified here-
in, and which has been listed on or approved for listing on the applicable Qusl -
ified Products Lists.

fn addition, the retention of qualified products list shall be dependent on
a periodic verification of continued compliance with the requirements of this
specification (see

3.2 Performance - The performance characteristics and

dimensions of the bolts and screws, with the self-locking elements incorporated
therein, shall conform to the requirements of the applicable drawings, the
supplementary specifications, end the additional requirements specified in this
specification. (For definition of “supplementar~ specifications, ” see 6.5.1. )

3.3 -e - The bolt or screw, wtth the eelf-locking element

iocorpo rated the refn, shall withetsnd the torque test specified in 4.6.3.

3.4 Vibration - The bolt or screw, with the self-locking element

incorporated the rein, shall withstand the vibration test specified in 4.6.7.

3.5 Dimensions - The self-locking element shall be within the

dimensional limitations of MS15981 and if the element design is to be of a con-
figuration illustrated by figure 1, it shall be dimensionally in accordance with
figure 1.

3.6 Workmsnehiu - Workmanship shall be consistent with high-

grsde commercial prscttce.


4.1 General - The sampling, inspection, and test procedures of

this specification and the applicable supplemento~ bolt or screw specifications
shall -ply .

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!.1:: -F-i824Ci)


l-’% I rB

B > lf


A B c ~ G4wfm24amm
04 A .100 .043
1’ a .,,0 ,W, .11SI.1OS g :;#. .,,, y:
06 6 A .184 .144
B ::: “~ .141 .131 .~~p #22 ,0s0 3, ~~.26
+, 41, a,
08 8 A .124 .084
.344 .125 .’8’ . 1~ .:Z ::: ~~o ;: :;,s~ ‘4


i-:: & !1 : : ‘ : :, 00[.3121””4”114.4S.

:, ~ !!!.. .YI I
60 3.’8 A [ ,166 .146 ‘ 284 .ao 15, 1.3, 17, 48
$ I H ‘.500 .166 .378/.366~’~ .— ,,,1.~5
...- 5s, 31, 20
I 10 17116 A
.186 .146
B !.662 .300 w .~o ::: ::* . MS :::, Zg
80 ~ 1/2

L I i ~U j:%’ :2 “M’ “w :: :E 0“ ::24’

~/ l),ma 91TI 41AYHAVE TW UJCKTNG IL3?Ml, wM 90.APART.
y srz 6.4.1.
y =E6.4.1.1 ANO~.4.l.2.

FIGURE 1. Elammw, mlf-3ockmg 230SF

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4.2 Resfmnsfbility for fnsDection - Unless otherwise specified

in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the pe rfor-
mance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise
specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any other commercial
laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right
to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform
to prescribed requirements.

4.3 Classification of inspection - The examination and testing

of tbe bolts and screws, incorporating the self-locking elemerit, shall be class-
ified as follows:

(a) Qualification tnepection (4.4)

(h) QUSW conformance inspection (4.5)

4.4 Qualification inspection

4.4.1 Sampling instructions - The qualification inspection samples

shall consist of 60 bolts or screws, as applicable, with the self-locking element
incorporated the reiti, as specified in table I, for each diameter upon which
qualification is desired. All nuts necessary for inspections specified heretn
shtii be furnished by the manufacturer. These nuts shall conform to table II.
Samples shell he identified as required and forwarded to the activity designated
in the letter of authorization from the activi~ responsible for qualification
(see 6. 4).

4.4.2 Qualification inspection by the Government will be limited

to the bolts or screws shown in table I. Qualification inspection will be authorized
only upon p resentm ion of certified test reports to the activity responsible for
qualification indicating that the bolts or screws of the diameters to be tested have
met or will meet, the requirements of this specification. These test reports
shall include actuaf results of all tests specified by this specification. Whea
these test reports are submit tad, a drw-ing shall be submitted which shows the -
location, size, material, method of attachment, and protrusion of the self-lock-
ing element for each diameter upon which qualification is desired. A manufac-
turer’s designation shall be submitted for the locking element to be used in each
diameter of boit or screw. .

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Table I. Leagth and diameter of bolts and aomws required for

qualification Inspection

Basic Lrnn@h I Basic Length

part No, dash NO. part No. dash No,

NAS 600 12P AN8 20

NAS 601 12P AN9 21
NAS 602 12P ANl O 21
AN3 15 AN12 22
AiW 16 AN14 23
AN5 16 NAS 1316 22W
ANG 17 AN28 25
AN7 17 AN20 27

Table Il. Dimensions of nuts required for teats (inches)

N u im urn Nut 90-degree

across flats thickness csink dia.
*.O1O *.O1O
No. 4-40 UNC-3B 0.250 0.203 0.132
No. 6-32 UNC-314 .Xlz .2* .168
No. 8-32 UNC-3B .344 .250 .194
No. 10-32 VNF-3B .375 .250 .220
1,’4 -28 UNF-3B ,437 .281 .281
5/’16-24 UNF-3B .500 .328 .344
3/’8 -24 LNF-3B .562 .328 .406
7/16-20 UNF-3B .688 .375 .468
]/!2 .20 UNF-3B .750 .375 .531
9/16-1S U’NF-3B .s75 .422 .593
515 -13 U>l~_~B .937 .46$ .656
3/4 -16 UNF-3B 1.062 .G25 .781
7 ~S -14 L~NF-3B ] , ~50 . G56 .906
1.437 .750 1,031
1.G25 .812 1.156
1.612 .875 1.281
NOTE: For thread size 9?16 sod larger, nuts showo on AN215 may be usd except
for the countersink, which is to be altered to 90 degrees by 0,030 inch
over OD of threads. For thread sizes 3/8 through 1, nuts showm on
AN121501 through AN121 525 may be used.
Material: Steei, cadmium-plated; corrosion- resistant steel, psssivated; as
required. (See 4.6.3 and 4.6.7. )
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4.4.3 Inspection - The qualtffcation inspection of the bolts and

screws, with the self-locking element incorporated therein, shall consist of all
the inspections of this specification Retantion- The retention of qualification shatl consist of

periodic verificxtion to determine compliance of the qualification requirements
Of the specification.The tfme and methodof periedic verification shall be speci-
fied by tbe activity responsible for tbe qualified Products List and shall be in-
cluded in the Notice of Qua]iffcation letter.

4.5 Qunlitvconformance inspection - The bolt or screw msnu -
factursr shall be responsible for accomplishing tbe quality conformance inspec -
tion specified herein and the quality conformance inspections required under the
supplementary bolt or screw spec ffic atione. The prncurfng activity’ may, at its
discretion, accept certification of inspections required under the supplementary
bolt or screw specifications when the basic bolts or screws are manufactured
at a separate facility. When milling or s!otting operation is used for insertion
of locking element into non-corrosive resistant bolts or screws the complete
assembly shall p~s the salt spray test as required by the applicable boit, screw
or plating specification.

4.5.1 Sasqp~ - For the fnepecttonaspectfied here&, the sample

bolts or screws sbsll be selected at random from each lot as specified below. Random sample - A random sample is a specific number of

items so selected that each item of the lot from widcb the sample is drawn has
the same chance of being the first item in the sample; after the first item in the
sample is drawn, each of the remaining iteme has the same chance of being the
second item in the sample, and so on. @ - A lot shall consist of finished belts or screws with

self-locking elements incorporated which are of the same diameter and length,
fabricated by the same process, heat treated in the same manner, and produced
as one continuous run or order or part thereof. For examination of product - Sample sizes for examination

of product shall be in accordance with Inspection Level I of MIL-STD- 105. The
acceptance and rejection criteria shall be applied for the following Acceptable
Quality Levels (AQL’s) applying to the corresponding class of characteristics:
Wr 2.5 percent
Minor A - 4.0 percent
Minor B - 6.5 percent
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XIIU-F-lI?.240D,1 ~-.ssificatlonof defects- Alldimeneional characteristics

are considered defectivewhen out of tolerance. The claaatfication of defects
for self-locking bolts and screws shall be as follows:

101 Locking element ~issing (see applicable standard).

Minor A

201 Lockingeh nentlocation (see applicable strmdard).

202 Measurement over locMng element (see applicable
thmdard) .
203 Burrs and alivers (eee applicable standard).

Minor B

3011dentification of product (see applicable standard), For maximum torque,minimum breskaway torque,and

reusability- Sampling for these testeshallbe in accordance with the attribute
plan shown in tableIII.The sams amnple may be used throughout for these
tests. The acceptance and rejection numbers shall apply totheae tests taken
separately, i.e., a bolt or screw msy be classified aa defective for maxfsnum
tcmque, minimum brelkaway torque, or reusability.

Table Ifl. Attriixtte Plan

I Lot s izc Sample Acceptance

size number
~ Under 10,000 5 0
I 10,000 through 30,000 10 0
I 50.001 through 100,000 15
! Over 100.000 27 1:

4,5.2 lnapections - The quality conformance inspections of self-

iockmg belts and sc rcws shall consist of the quality conformance Irtapectiona of
the applicable supplementary bolt or screw specifications and the followtng in-
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Tensile strength (see 4. G.1.1)

● Examinationof
Ma..imurn torque
product (see
Minimum bre +away torque (see
Reusability (see 4.6.6)

Also, self-leek.ing bolts and screws shall meet any of the other tests herein
epecffied which are considered necessary by the procuring activity to deter-
mioe conformance with the rmuirernents of this SPSCtfication.

4.6 Inspection methods -

4.6.1 General - The bolts or screws shall be tested as specified

in the applicable supplementary bolt or screw s~cif ication, except as specified
in Tensile strength - The tensile test shall be conducted as

specified in the applicable supplemental y bolt or screw specifications with the
added provision that when the tens tle test is conducted, the nut shall meet the
dimensions of table U and ehall engage the threads of bolts and screws that
have grip portione, to within one to two thread pitches of the thread runout.
Bolts and screws that do not have grip portions shall be engaged by the nut
until the bolt or screw protrudes from the top of the nut a dist~ce of two thread
pit~he~, LqcludiF~ chamjer, if any. The nuts ehal 1 be of such strength as to fail
the bolts or screwe.

4.6.2 Examination of Product - The bolts or screws shall be

examined for conformance to the applicable standard, relative to:

Presence of locking element

Location of locking element
Measurement over locking element
Presence of burrs and slivers
Identification of product

4.6.3 -W - The nuts used for this test shall be as specffied

in table If and shall assemble freely on the bolt or screw up to the self-locking
device. Carbon-steel nuts shall he used with carbon-steel and alloy-steel bolts
or screws. Corrosion-resistant steel nuts shafl be used with corrosion-resis~-
ant steel bolts or screwe. Each nut shall be screwed on and off the bolt or screw
a total of 15 consecutive installations and removals. Each installation shal 1 con-
sist of either turning the nut untif its beartng surfsce has traveled completely
along the thread length of the effective area of the specific element design or

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at least five complete turns of tne nut after the threads of the nut have initially
engaged the locking device, whichever provides the greater number of turns.
For quillty conformance inspection on bOlts m screws tithnut sufficient thread
length for X mfn. of MS15981. oni!’ a positive indication of torque is required
for 15 installations md removals. E-ch removal shali consist of the same
number of complete turns, in the opposite direction, as was required for irl-
stallation. The torque test shall he run at a -ate S1OWenough to .yfeld a de-
pendable measure of torque, and tiic temperature rice of the nut being tested
shall not exceed 75”F. A new nut and bolt or screw shai} be ueedfor aeoh
test. For qualification, 10 of the sample bolts or screws euppttedshall be
used for this test: Maximum torque - Maximum torque shall be the m~imum

value indm;~ted hy the torque device during the 15 installations and rernovale.
This torque value shall nnt exceed the applicable value shown in table IV. Mbrimum breakaway torque - Minimum breakaway torque

shall be the minimum torque required to start removaf of the nut from the in-
stafl ed position. It shall be determined at the start of the first and fifteenth
removals. This value ehall be not less than the applicable value shown in
mble IV.

~ ,~,~ ~~. rque {w!th heat -codticxted bn!ts m screw~ - The nuts
used for this test shall he as specified in table II. The nuts shall be ecrewe~ on
th( bolts or screws until the bearing surface of the nut has traveled completely
along the thread length of the effective area of the cpecffic element design or at
Iewx 5 complete turns after the threads of the nuts have tnitially engaged the
Iockmg element, whichever provides the pester number of turns. Ten new
bnltsor screws shallhe subjectedto thistest. These assemblies shall be con-
ditioned :~t a temperature of 250” + 10” F for 3 hours. The assemblies shall
then he cooled in air tn room temperature for not less than 1 hour. The assem-
blies shall then be tested as specified in 4.6.3. Maximum locking torque readings
shall bc taken ench installation and removal of the nut.

4.6.4,.1 torque - Maximum torque shall be the maximum

value irrdmated by the torque device during the uwallatioo end removal. This
value shall not exceed 150 percent of the applicable value shown iD table IV.

4.6.4.’2 Minimum breaksway torque - Minimum breakaway torqw

sh~ll be the mfnimum torque required to stare removal of the nut from the h-
stalled pnsltion. It shall be determined at the start of the firet removal. This
torque value shall be not less than the applicable value shown in table IV.

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TABLE IV. Torque

(At rwm temperature in inch-pounds)

11aximum torque Minimum

Bolt or
(mqtallation or breakaway
screw size
removal) torque

No. 4-40 UNC-3A 3 0.5

No. 6-32 UNC -3A 6 1.0
No. 8-32 UNC -3A 9 1.5
No. 10-32 fJNF-3A I 13 2.0

1,/~ -28 UNF-3A 30 3.5

5/16 -24 UNF-3A 60 6.5
3/8 -2-t UNF-3A 80 9.5
7/16 -20 UNF-3A 100 14.0

1/2 -20 UNF-3A 150 ]8.0

9/16 -1$ UNF-3A 200 24.0
5/’8 -18 UNF-3A 300 32.0
3/4 -16 UNF-3A 400 50.0

7/8 -14 UNF-3A 600 70.0
1 -12 UNF-3A 800 92.0
1- 1/8 -12 UNF-3A 900 117.0
1-1/4 -12 UNF-3.4 1,000 1’43.0

4.6.5 hlinimum breakaway torque at 250”F temperature - Using

the same assemblies tested in accordance with 4.6.4, minimum breakaway
torque shall be determined on the first removal cycle at temperature whiie the
bolt or screw engagement with the nut is made accordissg to 4.6.3, and after the
fastener assembly has been preheated 1 hour at ?50” + 10”F and held at this tem-
!Jerature during the test. This torque value shall be not less thao the applicable
requirement of table IV.

4.6.6 Reusability - The threads of the bolts or screws and nuts

used inthe torque tests shall show no distortion or scratches deep enough to
reduce the efficiency of the threads. The threads of the bolts or screws tmd
nuts “shall remain in a serviceable condition and shall freely permit the insta,iia- ‘
tion with the fingers, of a new bolt or screw or nit, as applicable, up to the 5eif-
locking device.

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* 4.6.7 V~hrat.ion - Sample

nuts with bolts of the size and quantities
specified in Tsble Y shall
be vibrated in accordance with MS26531 or
N~IL-sT’13-1312, Test 7. Aa average vibration life, for each iot of eight speci-
mens tested to MS26531, of less than epecified in Table V shall be cause for
rejection. Vibration life, for cam. lot of five specimens tested to MIL-STD-1312
Test i of less than 30,000 cycles ehall be cause for rejection. The vibration test
ma] he waived at the option of the act iv’: y responsible for qualification for bolts
iarger than the l/2-inch thread size, provfded the bolt of l/2-inch thread size
with the same type and design of 1 wking element has satisfactorily paseed the
vibration test. The vibration test is not required for elements for screw-thread
sizes below’ 10-32.

* Preparation for vibration test to hfS26531

* 4.6.7 .1.1 hi ethod

- The nuts shall be screwed on the bolts or screws
thol pass through the drilled boles in the arbnr and sleeve of the test rig, as
shown on sheet 5 of MS26531 The nuts shall not he tfghtened against the sleeve
hut shJll be screwed on until the end of the bolt or screw extends through the
nul a mmimum length of two thread pitches and a maximum length of three
thread pitches. The bolts or
ecrews shall be free to rotate in the arbor and
sleeve. The locking element of the bolt or screw shall be the only factor which
restrainsthe nut from turningon the boltor screw. The thrust lnad on the test
arb~r, inckidiig the waight of the electrical puwer unit, skmli be 65 pnuntts.
Reference lines shall be scribed. or other suitable markings shall be made, on
both the nuts and the bolts or sc rcws for the purpose of determtnirtg “whether or
not the nut turns on the bolt or screw during the vibration teet,

4.6.7 .1.2 The tests shall be conducted in Wriods of running and per-
iods of rest to permit the electrical power unit to cool. A fan or blower shall be
set to direct a current of air on the test rig, in or&r that 20-minute mute with
10-minute rest intervals shall net develop temperatures greater than 105”F in
the test specimen,

(a) The fan or blower shsll be turned off after each

20-minute running period is complete, and shall
remam off until the temperature readings are
(b) A rotation of greater than 30 degrees for a nut
shall be considered a failure of that element, and
the end of the run period in which the eleme~
faifed shall be recorded as its vfbration life.


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(c) The vibraticmtestshallbe conducted for a

period equal to the average vibration life
specified in table V unless a rotation of
greater thus 30 degrees on eithersIOe df
the scribed line is observed on two or more
nuts, in which instance the pericd may be
extsnded to a total of 1-1/ 2 times the speci -
fied average life vibration requirement.

In the latter event the total time for all the

belts nr screws is then recorded up until any
other failure occurs on the remaining bolts
or screws, and the resulting average life
thereby obtained shall be not less than the
average specified in table V.

Table V. Vibration Requirements

MS26331 MI1,-STD-1312
test 7
Nut Bolts Bolts and Nuts Average Bolts and nuts Max Assembly
Size Size required Vibration required Torque After
(mitt of each) life (rein of each) Bake (in. -lb.)
F (hours)
250”F 2513~F
o 10-32 AN3-15A 8 0 .(i 5 36
1/4-28 AN4-16A 8 1.0 5 60
5/16-24 AN5-16A 8 3.5 5 120
3/8-24 AN6-17A 8 6.0 5 160
7/16-20 AX7-17A 6 8.0 5 200
1/2-20 AN8-20A 8 9.5 5 300 ‘

. The boltsor screws shallbe consideredto h~ve f~iled the vibra-
tion test under the followirsg conditions:

(a) U any structural falfure occurs in the locking element area

durtrtg the average vibration time, such w a break or crack
that iatergects that portion of the threads that h- been re-
moved for insertion of the locking element, or falling out of
the locking element, or if any nut rotates greater th;m 90
degrees the teat shell be terminated.

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0) Tbe element shall be considered to have failed when any nw

can be turned completely on or off tbe belt or screw with the
fingers after any 20-minute run or after the completion of the
average vibration time.

(c) The element shall be considered to have failed when any nut
comes completely o’{ the boft or sorew &rLeg the average
vibration tnne. ,, Preparation for vibration test to hfIL-STD-1312, Test 7.
. . Accelerated vib. tion — - The bolts or screws shall be assembled in
accordance with Figure 1 of hIIL-STD-1312, Test 7 with nuts and torque values as spe-
cifified in Table V, The nuts shall then be removed sod reinstalled to this torque four
additional times before being vibrated.
. _Method - Use MIL-STD-1312, Test ? procedure. Determinant ion shall be made throughout the test to guammtee that
assembly is traversing the entire lengthof the slotsinthe testfi?$ure.The tetst shtil
be run for45,000cyclesexceplthatitshallbe stoppedpriorto the completionof the
45,000cycles in the event a nut becomes disassembled from tbe bolt. The bolts or screws shall be considered to have failed the vibration
testunder the followingconditions:
(a) ffany structuralfailureoccurs in the lockingelement area
during the vtbration time, such as a break or crack that inter-
sects that portion of the ;hreads that has been removed for in-
sert ion of the locking element or if any nut rotates greater than
360 degrees the test shall be terminated.
@) The element shall be considered to have failed when any nut can
be turned completely on off tbe bolt or screw with the fingers
during or after completion of 45,000 cycles.
(c) Tbc element shall be considered to have failed when any nut
comes completely off the bolt during the 45,000 cycles.
5.1 Presentation
—— snd pack~in~ - Preservation and packaging shall be
level A, or C, as specified (see 6. 2). Unless otherwise specified by the procuring
activ:ty, unit package quantity and preservation and packaging shall be in accordance
with MIL-H-3982,
3.2 Packing - Packing shall he level A, B, or C, as specified by the
contract or order. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, fasteners shall
be packed in accordance with MIL-H-3982.

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311L- F-18240D

● 5.3 ~a~k~ - b additionto any specialmarking requiredby the con-

tractor order, the unitpackages curdshippingcontainersshallbe marked in accordance
with !IIL-H-3982


6.1 fntendeduae - The self-locking

.— elements covered by thisspecifica-
tionare intendedto be incorporated in external screw threads to provide resiatsnce to
turning due to vibration. These elements are to be used in applications where maximum
temperature does not exceed 2S0’ F. When theee elements are incorporated in externaf
threads and are used in cn~liance with MS15981, ali the configurations of figure 1 are
interchangeable. It is intended that in specifying elements in conformance with this
specification the locking element shell be specified in accordance with hlS15981 (i.e.. a
configuration .should, not be specified). A configuration should be specified only for non-
standard parts where, because of part de+ign or application requirements. onfy one con-
figuration can be used.

6.2 Ordering data - Procurement documents should SWCIIY:

(a) Title, number, and dete of this specific tttion.

(b) Part number in accordance with the applicable
standard (see 3.5).
(c) Applicable level of preservation, packaging, sod
packing (sic 5.1 snd 5.2).

● 6.3
threaded fasteners.
Use of standard and nonstandard self-locking eternally
- For definition of these terms, see 6.5.2 and 6.5 .3)

6.3.1 Standard self -locking externally threaded fasteners .- The

release for use of standard eel! -lockfng externsfly threaded fasteners is gov-
erned by the requirements of the weapon system nr equipment general or de-
tail specification.

6.3.2 Nonstandard eelf-lockfns? externsflv threaded fasteners -

Seif - Ice king externally threaded Pasteners, formed by incorporation of self-
locking elements listed on QPL-18240 with fasteners that are in accordance
with specifications and standards approved by the weapon system or equipment
specific ition snd, as assemblies, are in accordance with tbe acceptance tests
and requirements of this specification, wifl be considered to have been released
by the procuring activity for use for specific applications at the time the pro-
curing activity has received notice of the specific applications and complete
descriptions of the items being specified. This release for use does not con-
stitute waiver of the other applicable requirements of the weapon system or
equipment specification. The uee of other nonstandard self-locking externally
threaded fastenera will require prior reiease for use.

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6.4 Qualification - With respect to products incorporating *

element designs requiring qualification, awards will be made only for such
products incorp.crating eiements, the riesgn of which, prior to the time set
for opening of bids, has been teswd and approved for inclusion in the appli-
cable Qualified Products List, whether or not such element designs have
actual Iy been so listed by that date. The attentioo of the suppliers is called
to this requirement, and manufacturers are ~rged to arrange to have the
locking element designs that they propose to i.ncorpnrate in bolts or screws
to be offered to the Federal Gov ~rnrnent testad for qwalfflcetion, fn order that
they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or orders for products tncorper-
ating element designs covered y this apeeifioation. Tbe activfty responsible
for the Qualified Products List is the Naval Air Systems Command, Attn:
AIR -52021, Washington, D, C. 20360. However, information pertaining to
qualification of products may be obtained form the Navel Air Development
Center, Aero Materials Department (MAEM), Johnsvtlle, Warmineter,
Pennsylvania ~8974.

6.4.1 Qualification approval for locking element designs are

Msed on testing and evaiuztion of element desfgns btcorporated in 3A coarse
thrmds for sizes smaller than No. 10 and on 3A fine threads for size No, 10
and 1arge r. Element designs Iis ted in figure 1 are approved for incorporation
in 2A or 3A fine threads for sizes smaller than No. 10 and in ~ and 3A coarse
:hread~ for SizeS No. IG and iargcr ii tune requirements for twalw conformance
inspection (4.5) are met and are within the dimensional limitations of MS15981. Qualification inspection and evaluation of configuration “At’

(see figure 1) locking element designs were based on tbe protrusion of the ele-
ment being in accordance with figure 1. dimension “B”. CwMiguration “A” de-
signs w’ith protrusion of “B +0 .007”, and that are otherwise the same as those
1is ted. o lso have qualification approvai. TO identify the additional element design with the greater

protrusion the additional +0.007 protrusion must be specffied on the standard
or dra!ring for the part; for nonstandard parts that require a specific configur-
ation add a “P” to the Government des~ati~.

Example: Lncking eiemcnt MI L- F- 18240 Government deaigmation of

40P. 1,4 thread with configurating “A” O.010-inch protrusion, self-locking

It should be noted that with 0.003-inch and O.010-inch protrusion ele-

ments are not universally interchangeable. A faatener with O.003-inch prn@u-
sion can be substituted for a fastener wfth O.OIO-tnch protrusion, if afl other
interchangeable factors are substitutive.
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r * 6.4.2 Forqualificatil ol,vibration requircmmtsas specified in

MIL-F-18240 prior to Revisim Dc:m be uscduntf131 Dcccmbcr 1973.

● 6.5 Definitions -

6.5.1 Supplcmcntq’ specification(s) -’III this specification

“Supplementcmy specification(s)” refers to the bultorscrcw spccificntion(s)
thut cwntain the requirements forthc bolt or screiv, with the exception of thr
requirements [or the locking element, which are covered by this specification
These supplementary specifications. as well as this specification, ure to bc
listed asthc procurement spccificutions on the self -locking bolt or screw

6.5.2 Stundard sclI-lllcking externally threaded ~astcncr(s) - in

this specification o “stundm’d self -locking c.xtcrnally threaded fi~stcner” refers
“to bolts or screws that incorporate self-locking elcnwnts clmforming to this
specification, nnd locking e]cments specified in accorchnm with JISIY)?l. :md
are completely describmi M :issemblies by specifications ond stw~darils rclcuscd
for ueapon design and constructiofi by wcapon systcm equipment spccil’ic;lti~ns.

6.5.3 Nonstandard scli-lockin~ externally threaded fastener(s) -

- III this spectfic~tiona “nonstandard self-locking externally thrcxiedfastcuer”
refers to all bo!ts and screws incorporated with self-locking elements, except
● standard selt’-locking extemnlly threaded fasteners.

6.6 hfarginal indtctn - The mar@ns of this specification are

marked to indicate where changes, deletions. or additions to the previous
issue have been made. This is done as a convenience only and the Government
assumes no liability whatsoever for any inttccuracies fn these notations. Bidders
andcontr:ictors are cautioncdto evaluate the requirements of this document
based onthe entirec ontent x written, irreapectivc of the marginal notations
aud relationshipto the last previous issue.

* Cww)dinns
: Preparing activity:
Navy - AS Navy - AS
Air Force - 11
Army - AV Project No. 5305-1077
‘Revicner activities:
Nm’y - AS
Air Force -11, 82
Army - AV, WC
DS,y . fs
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111111 F




Commander NAval Air Systems Command

Engineering Division
Standardization Section Code Air-52021
Department of the Navy
Washington DC 20361
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