Cite A Recent or Current Event in The Philippines or in The World Where The Rule of Law Prevailed and How This Affected That Society or Community
Cite A Recent or Current Event in The Philippines or in The World Where The Rule of Law Prevailed and How This Affected That Society or Community
Cite A Recent or Current Event in The Philippines or in The World Where The Rule of Law Prevailed and How This Affected That Society or Community
Cite a recent or current event in the Philippines or in the world where the
rule of law prevailed and how this affected that society or community.
The Citizens of Province of Palawan rejected the proposal according to the final
tally publish on March 16, 2021 the rule of law prevailed in Palawan division
plebiscite because elections was held to constituents of the province of Palawan
to exercise their rights on voting if they are with or against splitting Palawan into
3 different provinces, splitting Palawan into three provinces would adverserly
impact Its unique biodiversity and already threatned wildlife but people of
Palawan decided not to push through the splitting by winning no in the vote.
2.If you are given the opportunity to advise President Rodrigo Duterte for a
better Philippines, what would your advice be and why?
3. In the prevalence of fake news, social injustice and environmental crises, how
can you to be a "Bedan Empowered as Steward of Service, Talent, Truth, and
Trust"?Required to answer.
By being a good citizen and acknowledge people to fight or report fake news
that is spreading around social media, and exercise the freedom of speech on
speaking on social injustices happening in our society right now. And about the
environmental crisis is to have strong regulations on mining firms and strict
implementation on it and investigate red tape on the offices of the DENR.