XII Physics Practical 2020 21
XII Physics Practical 2020 21
XII Physics Practical 2020 21
Exp. No Aim
Section – A
1 To determine resistivity of two / three wires by plotting a graph for potential
difference versus current.
2 To find resistance of a given wire / standard resistor using metre bridge
3 To compare the EMF of two given primary cells using potentiometer.
4 To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to
find its figure of merit
Section - B
5 To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graphs between u and v or
between 1/u and 1/v.
6 To find the focal length of a convex mirror, using a convex lens.
7 To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a
graph between angle of incidence and angle of deviation.
8 To draw the I-V characteristic curve for a p-n junction diode in forward bias
and reverse bias.
1 To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of
a given circuit using multimeter.
2 To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off)
switches, a fuse and a power source
3 To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit
4 To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection
of such items.
5 To observe polarization of light using two Polaroids
6 To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit
Experiment – 1
To determine the resistance per cm of a given wire by plotting a graph for potential difference versus
Circuit Diagram
According to Ohm’s law, the electric current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential
difference across its ends, provided the physical state (pressure, temperature, and dimensions) of the conductor
remains unchanged.
If I is the current flowing through the conductor and V is the potential difference across its end, then
and hence
V = RI
Where R is the constant of proportionality and is termed as the electrical resistance of the conductor.
ResistanceR depends on the dimensions and material of the conductor. The relationship between the resistance
of a material and its length and area of the cross-section is given by the formula
R=ρ / A’
Where ρ is the specific resistance or resistivity and is a characteristic of the material of the wire.
Range of ammeters = _____ mA to _____ mA
The Least count of ammeter = _____ mA
Range of voltmeter = _____ V to ____ V
The Least count of voltmeter = _____ V
The Least count of meter-scale = _____ m
Length of the given wire, l = _____ m
1. Plot a graph between the potential difference across the wire V and the current I flowing
through the wire
2. Determine the slope of the graph. The resistance of the given wire is then equal to the
Reciprocal of the slope. From the graph, R = BC/AB = _____ Ω
3. Resistance per unit length of the wire = R/t = _____ Ωm–1
The potential difference across the wire varies linearly with the current.
The resistance per unit length of the wire is ( R ± ΔR) = _____ ± _____ Ωm–1).
Experiment – 2
To find resistance of a given wire using metre bridge and hence determine the resistivity (specific resistance) of
its material.
Materials Required
1. A metre bridge
2. A Leclanche cell (battery eliminator)
3. A galvanometer
4. A resistance box
5. A jockey
6. A one-way key
7. A resistance wire
8. A screw gauge
9. A metre scale
10. A set square
11. Connecting wires
12. A piece of sandpaper
Metre bridge apparatus is also known as a slide wire bridge. It is fixed on the wooden block and consists of a
long wire with a uniform cross-sectional area. It has two gaps formed using thick metal strips to make
theWheatstone’s bridge.
XR=l / (100−l)
The unknown resistance can be calculated as:
X=Rl / (100−l)
Then the specific resistance of the material of the is calculated as:
ρ=πr2 X / L
Length of given wire L =…….cm
Table for unknown resistance (X)
Calculation for X
The value of l is determined from the position of D and recorded in column 3 of table 1.
MeanX=X1+X2+X3+X4 / 4=……ohm.
Calculation for D
ρ0 = …..ohm.m
1. The connections should be neat, tight and clean.
2. Plugs should be tightly connected in the resistance box.
3. The movement of the jockey should be gentle and it shouldn’t be rubbed.
4. The key K should be inserted only when the observations are to be taken.
5. The null point should be between 45cm and 55cm.
6. To avoid the error of parallax, the set square should be used to note the null point.
7. There shouldn’t be any loops in the wire.
8. The diameter of the wire should be measured in two perpendicular directions that are mutual.
Sources of Error
1. The screws of the instrument might be loose.
2. The wire might be of non-uniform diameter.
3. There might be backlash error in the screw gauge.
Experiment – 3
To compare the EMF of two given primary cells (Daniel and Leclanche cells) with the help of a potentiometer.
Apparatus/Material Required
Daniel Cell
Leclanche Cell
low resistance Rheostat
A one-way key
A two-way key
Set Square
Resistance Box
Connecting wires
Piece of sandpaper
Using a voltmeter it is possible to measure only the potential difference between the two terminals of a
cell, but using a potentiometer we can determine the value of emf of a given cell. Where E1 and E2 are
EMFs of two cells, l1 and l2 are the balancing lengths when E1 and E2 are connected to the circuit
respectively and φ is the potential gradient along the potentiometer wire.
E1 /E2 = φ l1 /φ l 2 = l1 /l 2
Circuit Diagram
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. With the help of sandpaper, remove the insulation from the ends of connecting copper wire.
3. Measure the EMF (E) of the battery and the EMFs (E1 and E2) of the cell and see if E1 > E and E2 > E.
4. Connect the positive pole of the battery to the zero ends (P) of the potentiometer and the negative pole
through the one-way key, low resistance rheostat, and the ammeter to the other end of the potentiometer
5. Connect the positive poles of the cells to the terminal at the zero ends (P) and the negative poles to the
terminals a and b of the two-way key.
6. Connect the common terminal c of the two-way key through a galvanometer (G) and a resistance box to
the jockey J.
7. Take maximum current from the battery by making the rheostat resistance zero.
8. Insert the plugin the one-way key through the resistance box and the galvanometer to the jockey J.
9. Take out the 2000 Ω plug form the resistance box.
10. Note down the direction of the deflection in the galvanometer by pressing the jockey at zero ends.
11. Now, press the jockey at the other end of the potentiometer wire. If the deflection is in the opposite
direction to that in the first case, the connections are correct.
12. Push the jockey smoothly over the potentiometer up to a point where the galvanometer shows no
13. Put the 2000 Ω plug back to the resistance box and obtain the null point position accurately with the help
of the set square.
14. Note the length l1 of the wire for the cell E1.
15. Note the current as indicated by the ammeter.
E.M.F of battery, E =
E.M.F of Leclanche cell, E1 =
E.M.F of Daniel cell, E2 =
Range of voltmeter =
Least count of voltmeter =
Least count of ammeter =
Zero error of ammeter =
S. Corrected Ammeter Balance point when E1 Balance point when E2 E1/ E2=
No Reading (Leclanche cell) in the (Daniel cell) in the l1 / l2
circuit circuit
l1 cm l2 cm
1. For each observation, find mean l1 and mean l2 and record it 3c and 4c respectively.
2. Find E1/E2, by dividing l1 / l2
3. Find the mean of E1 / E2
The ratio of EMFs, E1 / E2 ≅ _____.
Experiment – 4
To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half-deflection method and to find its figure of merit.
A weston type galvanometer, a voltmeter, a battery or battery eliminator, two (10,000 Ω and 200
Ω) resistance boxes, two one-way keys, a rheostat, a screw gauge, a metre scale, an ammeter of
given range, connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.
Circuit diagram
(a) Resistance of galvanometer by half deflection method
Sources of error
An optical bench with three uprights (central upright fixed, two outer uprights with lateral
movement), a convex lens with lens holder, two optical needles, (one thin, one thick) a knitting
needle and a half metre scale.
The relation between u, v and f for a convex lens is
f = focal length of convex lens
u = distance of object needle from optical centre of the lens
v = distance of image needle from optical centre of the lens.
Ray diagram
To determine rough focal length
Rough focal length of the given convex lens = …….cm
Actual length of the knitting needle x=…….cm
Observed distance between the object needle and the lens
when knitting needle is placed between them y =…….cm
Observed distance between the image needle and the
lens when knitting needle is placed between them z =…….cm
Index correction for the object distance u, x -y =…….cm
Index correction for the image distance v, x-z =…….cm
Calculations of focal length by graphical methods:
(i) u-v Graph. Select a suitable but the same scale to represent u along X’-axis and v along Y-axis.
According to sign conventions, in this case, u is negative and v is positive. Plot the various points
for different sets of values of u and v from observation table second quadrant. The graph comes
out to be a rectangular hyperbola as shown in graph between u and v.
Draw a line OA making an angle of 45° with either axis (i.e., bisecting ∠YOX’) and meeting the
curve at point A. Draw AB and AC perpendicular on X’- and Y-axes, respectively.
The focal length of the given convex lens as determined from
1. Tips of the object and image needles should lie at the same height as the centre of the lens.
2. Parallax should be removed from tip to tip by keeping eye at a distance at least 30 cm away
from the needle.
3. The object needle should be placed at such a distance that only real, inverted image of it is
4. Index correction for u and v should be applied.
Sources of error
An optical bench with four uprights (two fixed uprights in middle, two outer uprights with lateral
movement), convex lens (20 cm focal length), convex mirror, a lens holder, a mirror holder, two
optical needles, (one thin, one thick) a knitting needle, and a half metre scale.
Ray Diagram
To determine rough focal length of convex lens
The focal length of the given convex mirror = ………. cm.
1. Principal axis of the lens should be horizontal and parallel to the central line of the optical
2. All the uprights should be vertical.
3. The tip of the needle, centre of the mirror and centre of the lens should be at the same
4. While removing the parallax, the eye should be kept at a minimum distance of 30 cm from
the needle.
5. Tip to tip parallax should be removed.
6. Index correction should be applied between the image needle I and back surface of the
convex mirror.
7. The convex mirror should be placed close to the convex lens.
8. For one set of observation, when the parallax has been removed for convex lens alone, the’
positions of the lens and needle O uprights should not be changed.
Sources of error
To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of
incidence and the angle of deviation.
Drawing board, a white sheet of paper, prism, drawing pins, pencil, half-metre scale, office pins, graph
paper and a protractor.
The refractive index in) of the material of the prism is given by
1. Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with the help of drawing pins or tape.
2. Draw a straight line XX’ parallel to the length of the paper nearly in the middle of the paper.
3. Mark points Q1, Q2, Q3,… on the straight line XX’ at suitable distances of about 5 cm.
4. Draw normals N1Q1, N2Q2, N3Q3,… on points Q1, Q2, Q3,… as shown in diagram.
5. Draw straight lines R1Q1, R2Q2, R3Q3,… making angles of 35°, 40°, … 60° (write value of the
angles on the paper) respectively with the normals.
6. Mark one comer of the prism as A and take it as the edge of the prism for all the
7. Put it prism with its refracting face AB in the line XX’ and point Q1 in the middle of AB.
8. Mark the boundary of the prism.
9. Fix two or more office pin P1 and P2 vertically on the line R1Q1. The distance between the pins
should be 10 mm or more.
10. Look the images of point P1 and P2 through face AC.
11. Close your left eye and bring open right eye in line with the two images.
12. Fix two office pins P3 and P4 vertically, and 10 cm apart such that the open right eye sees
pins P4 and P3and images of P2 and P1 in one straight line.
13. Remove pins P3 and P4 and encircle their pricks on the paper.
14. Repeat steps 7 to 13 with points Q2, Q3,… for i = 40°,…, 60°.
To measure D in different cases
15. Draw straight lines through points P4 and P3 (pin pricks) to obtain emergent rays
16. Produce T1S1, T2S2, T3S3, … inward in the boundary of the prism to meet produced incident
rays R1Q1, R2Q2, R3Q3,… at points F1, F2, F3,…
17. Measure angles K1F1S1,K2F2S2,K3F3S3,…….. These give angle of deviation D1,D2,D3,….
18. Write values of these angles on the paper.
To measure A
19. Measure angle BAC in the boundary of the prism. This gives angle A.
20. Record your observations.
Angle of prism ‘A’ =……
Plot a graph between angle of incidence ∠i and angle of deviation ∠D by taking ∠i along X-axis and ∠D
along Y-axis. From this graph, find the value of single of minimum deviation Dm corresponding to the lowest
point of the graph.
1. i-D graph indicates that as the angle of incidence (i) increases, the angle of deviation (D) first
decreases, attains a minimum value (Dm ) and then starts increasing for further increase in
angle of incidence.
2. Angle of minimum deviation, Dm = ……..
3. Refractive index of the material of the prism, n = ……….
Sources of error
Forward bias characteristics. When the p -section of the diode is connected to positive terminal of a battery
and n-section is connected to negative terminal of the battery then junction is said to be forward biased.
With increase in bias voltage, the forward current increases slowly in the beginning and then rapidly. At
about 0.7 V for Si diode (0.2 V for Ge), the current increases suddenly. The value of forward bias voltage,
at which the forward current increases rapidly, is called cut in voltage or threshold voltage.
Reverse bias characteristics. When the p -section of the diode is connected to negative terminal of high
voltage battery and n-section of the diode is connected to positive terminal of the same battery, then
junction is said to be reverse biased.
When reverse bias voltage increases, initially there is a very small reverse current flow, which remains
almost constant with bias. But when reverse bias voltage increases to sufficiently high value, the reverse
current suddenly increases to a large value. This voltage at which breakdown of junction diode occurs
(suddenly large current flow) is called zener breakdown voltage or inverse voltage. The breakdown voltage
may^tarts from one volt to several hundred volts, depending upon dopant density and the depletion layer.
For forward-bias
For reverse-bias
Range of voltmeter = …..V
Least count of voltmeter = …..V
Zero error of voltmeter = …..V
Range of micro-ammeter = …..μA
Least count of micro-ammeter = …..μA
Zero error of micro-ammeter = …..
2. Table for reverse-bias voltage and reverse current
Junction resistance for forward-bias = 40 ohms
Junction resistance for reverse-bias = 2 x 106 ohms.
Sources of error
The junction diode supplied may be faulty.
Activity – 1
To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of a given circuit using
Multimeter. It is a single measuring device acting as an Ammeter, a Voltmeter and an Ohmmeter.
For this reason, it is also called AVO meter.
It can measure alternating as well as direct current and alternating as well as direct voltage in
addition to resistance. For this purpose its panel is divided into five different sections. There are
many ranges in each section so that it can measure from micro (10-6) to mega (106) units. Rotation
of a knob changes the section and the range in one section.
- Rotation of knob for change in ammeter range, brings shunt resistances of different values in
circuit in parallel with the coil.
— Rotation of knob for change in voltmeter range, brings series resistances of different values in
circuit in series with the coil.
— Rotation of knob for change in ohmmeter range, brings different resistances in circuit in series
with the multimeter cell.
1. Carbon resistors are frequently used in electrical and electronic circuits and their values vary
over a very wide range. A colour code is used to indicate the value of the resistance.
2. A carbon resistance has four different concentric coloured ringe or bands on its surface. The
first three bands a, b and c determine the value of the resistance and the fourth band d gives
the percentage of accuracy called tolerance. The resistance of carbon resistor R = (ab x
10c ± T %) Ω.
3. To read the value of carbon resistance, the following sentence is found to be of much more
4. The following table provides the colour code for the carbon resistors :
1. Instructions for handling the multimeter should be gone through thoroughly as it is a very
handy instrument and is likely to get damaged if carelessly or ignorantly used.
2. Select the appropriate parameter current, voltage or resistance to the measured and set it on
appropriate range.
3. If range of the parameter measured is not known, start with maximum. For measuring V,
never connect more than maximum 600 V.
Activity – 2
To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches,a fuse and a
power source.
Electricity supplied to us for domestic purposes is 220 V A.C. and 50 Hz. The household circuit, all
appliances are connected in “parallel” with mains. The switches are connected in series with each
appliances in live wire. 5 A switches are required for normal appliances like, bulbs, fluorescent
tubes fans etc. 15 A sockets and switches are required for heavy load appliances ‘ like,
refrigerator, air conditioner, geyser, hot plates etc. All appliances must have three wires called live,
neutral and the earth. Total power consumption ‘P’ at a time
P = P1 + P2 + P3 +………..
where P1, P2, P3 are the powers drawn by appliances.
To protect the appliances from damage when unduly high currents are drawn fuse of little higher
rating, 10 to 20% higher than the current normally drawn by all appliances. For further safety, a
suitable value MAINS FUSE like rating 32 A is connected in series with supply source.
1. Connect the bulbs B1, B2 and B3 in series with switches S1, S2 and S3 respectively and
connect each set of B-S in parallel with each other.
2. Connect main supply to a step-down transformer (battery eliminator) to get required voltage
from 0 to 10 V (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 V).
3. Connect the mains fuse M.S. in series with the power supply (battery eliminator).
4. Connect an A.C. ammeter in series with the B-S set.
5. Connect one end of power supply to one end of B-S set.
6. Check the circuit one again to ensure that household circuit is complete.
7. Gradually increase the current to 0.75 A, the fuse must bum off at about 0.6 A.
Activity – 3
To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit.
1. Connect the components (Resistors, inductors etc.) in series with each other as shown in
diagram and then in series with the battery.
2. Connect the ammeter in series with the circuit, to measure the current.
3. Connect the voltmeter in parallel to the resistor, to measure the potential difference.
4. Connect the switch in series with the battery.
5. Assembly of the electrical components in electric circuit is complete.
Activity – 4
To identify a diode, an LED, a transistor, an IC, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection
of such items.
For identification, appearance and working of each item will have to be considered.
1. A diode is a two terminal device. It conducts when forward biased and does not conduct
when reverse biased. It does not emit light while conducting. Hence, it does not glow.
2. A LED (light emitting diode) is also a two terminal device. It also conducts when forward
biased and does not conduct when reverse biased. It emits light while conducting. Hence, it
3. A transistor is a three terminal device. The terminals represent emitter (E), base (B) and
collector (C).
4. An IC (integrated circuit) is a multi-terminal device in form of a chip. [See figure (UM 3482 IC
Tone Generator)]
5. A resistor is a two terminal device. It conducts when either forward biased or reverse biased.
(Infact there is no forward or reverse bias for a resistor). It conducts even when operated
with A.C. voltage.
6. A capacitor is also a two terminal device. It does not conduct when either forward biased or
reverse biased. When a capacitor is connected to a D.C. source, then multimeter shows full
scale current initially but it decay to zero quickly. It is because that initially a capacitor draw a
The components to be identified are shown in figure.
1. If the item has four or more terminals and has form of a chip, it is an IC (integrated circuit).
2. If the item has three terminals, it is a transistor.
3. If the item has two terminals, it may be diode, a LED, a resistor or a capacitor.
To differentiate proceed as ahead.
4. Put the selector on resistance R of multimeter for checking the continuity. The probe metal
ends are inserted in terminal marked on the multimeter as common and P (or + ve).
Activity – 5
Aim : To observe polarisation of light using two polaroids.
Thin glass sheet, a source giving monochromatic light beam with parallel rays, a polaroid.
When an unpolarised light is made incident on the interface of two transparent media at polarising
angle, the refracted and reflected rays depart from each other at an angle of 90°. The reflected ray
is completely plane polarised. It can be tested by a polaroid.
Keep the than glass sheet in a horizontal plane surface with a hole under the sheet. Take a beam
of monochromatic light having parallel rays and make it incident on the upper face of the glass
Adjust the angle of incidence to 57.5°.
Observe the reflected rays and the refracted rays. They must make an angle of 90° with each
Testing of Polarisation
1. Take a polaroid (P) and keep it in between incident light and your eyes. Rotate it about an
axis along incident ray. No change of intensity of light will be detected. It is so because the
incident light is unpolarised.
2. Take the second polaroid (A) and place it at a proper distance between polaroid (P) and eye
and parallel to it. Light is visible through them.
3. Now rotate the polaroid (A) ranging from 0° to 360°. Keeping the polaroid (P) fix and note the
intensity of transmitted light.
4. When polaroid (A) and polaroid (P) at 90° than transmitted light through polaroid (A) will be
When the two polaroids are parallel to each other light transmitted through it. But when they are
perpendicular, there is no transmitted light. The light obtained through polaroid (P) is plane
polarised. The light has transverse nature.
Activity – 6
Aim : To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit.
Two razor blades, adhesive tapes, a screen a source of monochromatic light (laser pencil) black paper and
a glass plate.
Diffraction is a phenomenon of bending of light around the comers or edges of a fine opening or aperture.
Diffraction takes place when order of wavelength is comparable or small to the size of slit or aperture. The
diffraction effect is more pronounced if the size of the aperture or the obstacle is of the order of wavelength
of the waves. The diffraction pattern arises due to interference of light waves from different symmetrical
point of the same wavefront. The diffraction pattern due to a single slit consists of a central bright band
having alternate dark and weak bright bands of decreasing intensity on both sides.
3. Cut the small slit in between the sharp edges of blades and place at a suitable distance from
a wall or screen of a dark room.
4. Throw a beam of light on the slit by the laser pencil.
When light waves are incident on a slit or aperture then it bends away (spread) at the comers of
slit showing the phenomena of diffraction of light.
1. Air gaps should not be left between glass plates and black paper.
2. The razor blades should be placed extremely closed as possible.
3. Diffraction pattern should be seen on a wall of a dark room.
4. A point source of monochromatic light like laser torch should be used
5. A diffraction pattern of alternate bright and dark bands is seen on the wall.