What Will You Say in These Situations?
What Will You Say in These Situations?
What Will You Say in These Situations?
Somebody goes to bed.
Good night
Someone sneezes.
Bless you
Someone is sad.
It will be fine _ cheer up
Your hairdresser asks you how you’d like your hair cut.
Trim it - to my shoulder
Your co-workers invite you out for drinks but you don’t
want to go.
Sorry , I’m busy / I’d like to but I can’t
Your friend tells you that her grandfather has just passed
Sorry for your loss / la elaah ela Allah
The bill comes and you want to tell your friend that you’ll
pay for it.
It’s my treat - let me pay for us
Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about
short stories. Give your opinion.
A friend asks you what you used to read when you were six.
. A friend asks for your advice about keeping fit
. You want some advice from a friend about how you can eat
more healthily. What do you ask?
4. Talk about a holiday you have taken recently or at some time in the past.
8. Describe an organized event that you have attend (a concert, a show, a sports match
12. Talk about a machine that you have bought recently or in the past
13. Describe a recent news story that you heard or read about
30. Talk about a job you have now, or you once had
1. Hobbies
Everybody has hobbies, and everybody loves talking about them. Hobbies could be
passions too, you know. Some simple questions to ask include:
How long have you been doing these hobbies, and how did you get started?
2. Time
As people get older, their perceived value of time increases, so it’s a practical topic
that everyone has something to say about. You could ask questions like:
Why do some people sleep well while other people do not sleep well?
What time do you usually go to sleep? What time do you usually get up?
Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed?
4. Music
Everybody loves music and most people feel very strong emotions towards it—
especially when it comes to the music that they love (or hate) most. Some simple
questions to ask could be:
Do you consider artificial beauty (cosmetic surgery) to still be beauty? Why/why not?
How do you feel about the emphasis that people put on beauty these days?
What is love?
Do you believe reading books/literature is more important than reading stuff online?
Why/why not?
21. Sports
Now comes a topic that more men may favor, but it’s still good for classes since
female spectators are on the rise. Some students may also have children that enjoy
sports! A few good examples are:
If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do?
23. Television
Television is one of those topics that everyone has an opinion about. The irony of it is
that even though more and more programming is viewed on computers and tablets,
television is still a hot topic classes love to discuss.If you’re after a resource that uses
TV and other native content, check out FluentU.
If you're looking for creative ways to teach English, then you'll love
using FluentU in your classroom! FluentU takes real-world videos
—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—
and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.
It's got a huge collection of authentic English videos that people in
the English-speaking world actually watch regularly. There are tons
of great choices there when you're looking for songs for in-class
You'll find music videos, musical numbers from cinema and theater,
kids' singalongs, commercial jingles and much, much more.
1. Should cell phones be banned in classrooms?
2. Should laptops be allowed in classrooms?
3. Are single-sex schools more effective than co-ed schools?
4. Are smartphone and television making children unhealthy, distracted, and
5. Should we play sports that involve animals and make them uncomfortable?
6. Should schools do away with uniform?
7. Should time on social media sites be limited to an hour a day?
8. Should violent video games be banned?
9. Should homework in schools be done away with?
10. Should animal dissections be banned in schools?
11. Should attendance in college be made optional?
12. My top-three foods. Why?
13. My top-three movies. Why?
14. My top-three travel destinations. Why?
15. My three best friends. What do you like about them?
16. My top-three movie stars. Why?
17. My top-three sports persons. Why?
18. My top-three sports persons who don’t play my favorite sport. Why?
19. My top-three animals. Why?
20. Which has been your most memorable vacation?
21. What’s the best surprise you’ve received?
22. When have you felt the most frightened?
23. Which subject in your school or college days you disliked the most? Why?
24. What has been your biggest success so far? What efforts you made to pull
it off? How it changed your life?
25. Which is the best season of the year?
26. The most important lesson in life I’ve learnt so far is…
27. Who has been the most influential person in your life? Why?
28. Summer is the best and worst of times. Why?
29. What are the three biggest problems your city faces?
30. Three surprising things about me are…
31. How do you plan a party?
32. What is your dream job? Why?
33. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would he/ she be? What ten
questions would you ask?
34. What is your favorite book? Why?
35. Most successful person I know is…
36. Most memorable moment of your life
37. Worst moment of your life
38. Should internet access be limited?
39. Have you been bullied? How did you tackle it?
40. What foods you’ll never eat? Why?
41. What are the three things you’re scared of? Why?
42. Movies are providing cues to people to commit crime. Should the movie
content be regulated for this?
43. Should physical education be compulsory up to High School?
44. Should students be graded for their handwriting in schools?
Introducing others
Encouraging words
Buying and selling
American numbers and prices
Making suggestions
Making plans for the weekend
Asking for favors
Asking for repetition
Talking about abilities
Expressing possibility
Talking about locations
Asking for directions
Giving directions
Asking about place/location
Talking about travel
Like / would like / look like / be like
Comparing things
Questions and expressions with time
Count and non-count nouns in context
Using measure words
Telephone talk