Some Common Idiomatic Expressions
Some Common Idiomatic Expressions
Some Common Idiomatic Expressions
We love idiomatic expressions and idiomatic phrases in English, don’t we? From an English language-
learner’s point of view, they are the ‘icing on the cake’ much like phrasal verbs and adjectives. But how
Firstly, you need to know that idioms and phrases are everywhere in English: anything that doesn’t have a
The police have been digging around in his accounts looking for evidence of fraud.
These sentences all contain idioms, because you can’t swallow words or dig in a bank account in any
literal or physical way – and how can a ‘spark’ do well at school? You’ll also notice that a literal translation
These kinds of idioms are far more common, and therefore far more important, than the more colorful
leg!’ (Good luck!), and without them students often sound too formal – saying things like:
Follow in someone’s footsteps Do something the way another person did it before
Career path The sequence of jobs someone takes that create their career
When someone is at a point in life where their decisions will have long
To be at a crossroads
term consequences
He’s on the straight and narrow He’s living in a morally proper way
Don’t run before you can walk Don’t try to do something difficult before mastering the basics
To get on with your life To make progress in life goals after a difficulty
We’ll cross that bridge when we To wait to worry about one problem at a time
Idiom Meaning
come to it
To bite off more than you can chew When someone makes a commitment that they cannot keep
To eat your wods When someone has to admit they were wrong
A very frosty reception To receive a greeting that makes someone feel unwelcome
People who call phones, usually for sales, who don’t have previous
Cold callers
contact with the person they’re calling
We took the temperature of the Checked the overall opinion of a person or group of people about
group something
You’ll reap the rewards later To collect the benefits of your work
Separate the wheat from the chaff Separate what is useful or valuable from what is worthless
Idiom Meaning
To cutback something To reduce something, usually related to the amount of money spent
Seed money Money that is used to start a small business or other activity
To argue that something is the best thing to do, to explain and give
Build/make a good case
reasons why something should be done
To be confident about the topic you are dealing with, or because you are
To be on solid ground
in a safe situation
Undermine your position Behave in a way that makes you less likely to succeed
Constructive criticism Criticism that is useful because they can help improve something
A reason for you to be dismissed from your job, often due to your
Grounds for dismissal
(negative) behavior
A mine of information/gossip/data Someone or something that can provide you with a lot of information etc.
To bury the memory To try to hide something, such as a memory, the truth etc.
Put your head in the sand To ignore or hide from the obvious signs of danger
Political landscape The current state of things and how they are looking in the future
Look at life How you observe things that happen, your opinion on daily matters
A typical ESL student is both fascinated and frustrated by idioms; they give you fluency but are very hard
You must use them in the right context – don’t say ‘he’s kicked the bucket’ (died) at a funeral!
You can’t translate them into, or from, another language. There is no literal translation.
1. Listen to context.
6. Take notes.
When he said these wise words, he wasn’t just offering encouragement to people who had to walk long
distances in Zhou Dynasty China during the 6th BC, but was talking about every kind of journey in life.
The quotation is generally taken to mean that any undertaking in life – even really big ones – must start
with small steps, and that we must not become discouraged by the size of the tasks in front of us. The
idea that our tasks, and indeed our lives, can be seen as physical journeys that can be broken down into
And just as the physical hikes, strolls or walks that we go on require paths or roads, which can be straight
or winding, and sometimes lead to dead ends – so it is with our projects, careers and lives.
This means that some of us want to follow a clear career path, are proud of the milestones we achieve
and don’t want to work in a dead end job. When deciding on a course of action we might find ourselves
at a crossroads in life, wondering which way to turn, hoping we don’t take the road to ruin!
He’s put his criminal past behind him – He’s on the straight and narrow now!
It’s a difficult system to get used to, so let me just walk you through the first few steps.
Being selected for the national team was the first major milestone in my career.
So you want to invest in his business? I wouldn’t go down that road if I were you!
I feel like I’m at a crossroads in my career and I’m not sure which way to turn.
I suppose I’ve gone down quite a winding career path – I’ve never done things the easy way!
Holmes had crossed paths with Moriarty several times before and it had never gone well.
I know I said you should read a bit more, but War and Peace? Don’t run before you can walk!
Please note that we use the imperial system, rather than the modern metric system, to refer to distances
in idioms:
Notice the way that prepositions are used to imply movement or direction in life:
Also, if we are traveling along a road or pathway, we might expect to find obstacles to our progress and
We need to tread carefully here because ethnic tensions in the area can be a minefield.
I don’t know yet what we’ll do if they reject our offer – but we’ll cross that bridge when we
come to it.
And please note that idioms involving roads can refer to other things:
meant that time was a commodity which can be treated the same way that we treat money or any other
resource. He was right too, from a linguistic perspective anyway, as we have long had this attitude
Like money, time is something that we save, waste or spend. We praise good time management, we
complain that we don’t have enough time, and we wonder how long our time will last. Let’s look at the way
Look at these sentences and decide if you can substitute the word ‘time’ for the word ‘money’ (you may
In most of the sentences above you can substitute ‘time’ for ‘money’ without a problem. The context may
Please note that we can replace the actual word ‘time’ with an amount of time – and we can do this with
‘money’ too:
I spent $50 on it.
view it is called a ‘byte’. In 1956 Werner Buchholz, a computer scientist working at IBM, wanted a term he
could use to describe the eight binary digits (bits) needed to encode a single letter, number or symbol on
a computer.
He chose the word ‘byte’ – a deliberate misspelling of the word ‘bite’ – and this term now refers to the
basic unit of all the information held on all computers, everywhere. When he chose this word, Buchholz
was (perhaps unknowingly) using a very common, basic and important idiom in the English language;
If you think about it, this idiom is quite easy to understand; information exists in the outside world and
must somehow comes inside us so that we can learn and understand it.
This process of bringing information into ourselves can be thought of as eating. So we might hear a tasty
bit of gossip or devour a newspaper, we may need to add a pinch of salt to unlikely stories, chew
over a difficult subject, or digest information – we may even need to spit information out if required!
Don’t give them too much information at the start of the course – just bite-sized chunks for now.
The exam system is terrible – you just have to regurgitate the textbook, basically.
Please note that idiomatic expressions involving food or eating can express other meanings in English, for
example if you bite off more than you can chew, you try to do too much or more than you are able to
do; or if you eat your own words, you retract what you said earlier:
He bit off more than he could chew when he agreed to paint the house by himself.
He’s going to regret saying that – I’m going to make him eat his own words!
Don’t try making a literal translation of those! And choices, for example, have taste:
I can offer you a couple of tasty options from our new winter collection.
involves somebody hiding something, and somebody else searching for it.
Firstly, I would close my eyes or leave the room. Then someone would hide something, some keys
perhaps, in some part of the room. After this I would be allowed to look for them and the rest of the
players could offer encouragement by saying; ‘You’re getting warmer,’ when I approached the hidden
object, or; ‘You’re getting colder,’ when I went in the wrong direction.
When I got really close to the hidden keys, some of the younger children would be shouting ‘You’re really
hot now – boiling!’ And finally I would find the keys under a magazine on the coffee table!
The idea that you get warmer when you are closer to something is quite common in English and is
particularly strong when applied to our relationships with each other. Heat is a metaphor for how close we
feel to someone else, and how well we think they are treating us.
Close relationships are ‘warm’, and unfriendly relationships are ‘cold’. This means that if I say that the
receptionist at the hotel greeted me very warmly, you can be sure that she was very friendly and
welcoming. Equally, if I tell you that the audience gave me a frosty reception, you will know that my
So we can say that our relationships and feelings have some sort of ‘linguistic temperature!’
Well, that was a very frosty reception – I don’t think we’re very welcome here!
She liked him immediately; it was the warm smile and the warm handshake.
We took the temperature of the group as to whether John would be a suitable replacement for
Mark and found that most people were quite warm to the idea.
One of the running jokes in the film is the way that Sellers’ character misunderstands questions about the
economy to be questions about his garden – and how businessmen and television presenters mistake his
How can this be? Well, in the English language there are many words and expressions that we use in
agriculture and gardening that can also be used to describe the world of economics and business. After
all, if a gardener and an economist meet at a party, we can be sure they’ll agree with each other that
The first stage of the interview process is really just to separate the wheat from the chaff – to
After the recession we can now see the first bright shoots of recovery, with several new
Please note that many of the above phrases can be used in other contexts; for example, ‘dig deep’
simply means ‘try harder’ and can be used in any situation where more effort is required;
Liverpool are going to have to dig deep here if they are going to win this match.
The entire university should act as one on this issue, rather than each department trying
I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever owned. But she has got really green fingers, you should see her
Matthew 7:24-27 in the Bible), but while it is certainly wise to build a house on solid ground, and with the
proper materials, this saying is generally taken to be about the foundations of our beliefs.
In fact there has always been a close link between buildings and beliefs; for example, the word ‘church’
originally referred to a group of people who worshipped together (now more commonly called a
‘congregation’), the teachings and philosophy they followed, and the physical building that they used.
Keeping this mind (and checking your dictionary for details) it won’t be surprising for you to find that the
word ‘edifice’ refers to an important or imposing building (like a church), ‘edification’ means ‘moral
This idiom now has a wider use in the English language so that an idiomatic phrase mentioning
construction or foundation can refer to knowledge and ideas generally. So ideas and theories should
disagree with.
With so much supporting evidence, the police can build a good case for conviction.
He is such an unreliable witness – his entire testimony was a fabrication of lies and half-truths.
Our products are strong on reliability and we can build on this foundation in the future.
These allegations are completely groundless and are just intended to disrupt our preparations
This was a kind of box which was supposed to contain the 10 commandments that were given to Moses.
There’s something symbolic in this – if you consider that the commandments represent some kind of
universal truth or wisdom, then perhaps you can see the search for the covenant as a search for truth.
I used to work as an archaeologist and watching this excellent movie was more or less compulsory for us
‘diggers’ at the time – we used to joke that Indy was searching for truth itself and that an archaeologist
was the ideal person to choose for a search for truth and wisdom!
But you don’t need to get your hands dirty to unearth interesting information, because in the English
It often seems that an investigation is an excavation: information may be hidden from us, perhaps buried
deep somewhere; it needs to be dug around for, and finally brought to light.
I want you to dig deep into your memories and think about your first day at school.
The Police have reopened the case after new evidence came to light.
I’ve been working in the archives for the last few months and have unearthed some interesting
They have started an investigation and hope to get to the bottom of the problem soon.
I think we need to get things out in the open and talk about them honestly.
When a meaning is obvious and easy to understand we use a reversal of the idiom:
Interestingly, if we have an exam to prepare for or a bill to pay, many of us adopt a very interesting
have been having difficulty with. Maybe a tough equation, a difficult moral problem or a poem that nobody
Finally the teacher shows, proves or says something that finally makes everybody understand; everything
now makes sense! Around the room, people nod in agreement; some raise their eyebrows and smile; the
mood in the room lifts – as if some new bright light is now shining.
This is called a ‘light-bulb moment’ and it’s the moment when we conceive or understand a (usually
good) idea for the first time. It’s quite a common idiomatic expression; The Oxford Dictionary defines it as
For example, we often see cartoon characters with light-bulbs above their heads when they have a new
The idea that understanding (and, as we will see, intelligence) can be expressed as light is very common
in English; people have bright, ideas, become brilliant scholars, shine a light on things when they
This idiom also works in reverse; in English, darkness often refers to different types of ignorance. We
get kept in the dark when people don’t tell us a secret; we make dim-witted mistakes, and we walk out
of dull movies.
People come from all over the world to find enlightenment at the meditation centre.
The recent discovery of King Richard’s body has thrown light on his actual cause of death.
He was always a brilliant student and it was no surprise when he won the scholarship.
New evidence has recently come to light that could lead to further charges in the case.
Let’s keep Sarah in the dark about it for now – she loves a good surprise.
I think that his political supporters are pretty dim-witted, they don’t seem to know much about the
These kinds of injuries were more common back in the Dark Ages of NFL concussion
different political parties and points of view that things can become rather confusing for voters at election
Perhaps the reason is that we imagine a political landscape where people stand in particular places
that indicate their opinions on particular issues. For example, in most democratic parliaments the political
parties sit together in particular parts of the room that they meet in.
The prime minister sits in a seat at the front of his grouping with his supporters behind him and with the
opposition politicians sitting opposite. The minor parties usually sit according to whether they support the
government or not – which side they are on. This is why we can talk about right – or left-wing politics, and
how we can take a position on an issue, stand behind someone we agree with, or change sides in an
Interestingly, if I express my opinion by standing in a particular location then this will effect what I can see,
what my view of the world is. So I can see things differently from other people, have a positive
We’ll give you all the support you need – we’re behind you all the way.
It’s not fair – whenever there’s an argument you always take his side!
Also, the two sides of an argument are often separated by some kind of barrier: