Inspection and Test Plan - Piping
Inspection and Test Plan - Piping
Inspection and Test Plan - Piping
Document Number
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
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This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Plant Description ................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Project General Description and Purpose .......................................................................... 5
2. DOCUMENT SCOPE ...................................................................................................................... 7
3. REFERENCE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Company Specification......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 International Code and Standard ......................................................................................... 7
3.3 COMPANY Supplied Document ........................................................................................... 7
3.4 Project Document.................................................................................................................. 8
4. ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 8
5. INSPECTION ACTIVITY TERMS ................................................................................................... 8
6. RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 9
7. APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 10
APPENDIX - 1 : ITP FOR PIPING .......................................................................................................... 11
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
1.1 Plant Description
Bekapai is a COMPANY’s oil field located at offshore area in the Mahakam delta (East
Kalimantan) with water depths 30 – 40 meters and located about 40 kilometers south east of
the Senipah terminal.
COMPANY continues to develop of mature Bekapai offshore oil filed which was discovered in
1972 and start to production in 1974, with current facilities are:
Nine (9) satellite wellhead platforms & inter-platform pipelines;
Production (BP) & LQ platforms;
12” export pipeline to Senipah Terminal (BP1-SNP);
12” export pipeline to Peciko field SWP-K (BA-SWPK).
All effluents from satellite platforms are transported to BP1 and BA in order to have gas-oil-
water processing unit (separation, pumping, compression, and oily water treatment).
Production fluid from Bekapai field is routed to two (2) locations; multiphase production (mostly
gas and oil) is exported to Senipah Terminal (TPA) via 12” BP1-SNP pipeline and gas
production is exported to Peciko Field via 12” BA-SWPK Pipeline. The network of BEKAPAI
Platforms is shown in figure below.
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
BE & BH Platform
Project Purpose
Increase oil and gas reserves recovery by Reserve: 22.1 BcfGas & 2.8 MbblOil +
Drilling of 5 new wells from existing BE & BH platforms, with :
- Modification of the existing BE & BH
- Reuse of existing 6" pipeline from BE to BG (3.6 km) & 6" pipeline from BH to BG (1.9 km)
- Modification and integration work at the BA, BG & BP platforms
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
Purpose of this document is to describe the required inspection and testing for piping carbon
steel work to deliver the Bekapai 3 Surface Facilities Modification and Dogleg Installation
(EPCIC) project. This is required in order to prove that the work is
carried out properly accordingly to the applicable Code / Specification.
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
H – Hold Point – The verifying party must be notified in advance (defined beforehand) of the
execution of the task or move onto the relevant stage. The execution process is suspended
(at a hold point) in the event of absence of the verifying authority.
W – Witness Point – The verifying party must be notified in advance (to be defined
beforehand) of the execution of the relevant stage. The absence of a verifying authority does
not suspend the continuation of the execution process.
M – Monitoring - The verifying party attends the execution of the task, either continually or
occasionally, as suitable for him / her.
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
R – Review – Document pertaining to the relevant specific task or stage must be transmitted
to the verifying party for review, before pursuing the execution process.
I – Information - Document pertaining to the relevant task or stage must be transmitted to the
verifying party, solely for the purpose of information.
Responsibilities of personnel involved in the project are defined in the Contractors personnel
job Duties and Responsibilities. In brief, the following are the job responsibilities of the key
- Coordinate with other discipline coordinators on quality requirement of the project.
- Coordinate with PMT and QC Inspector of COMPANY, CONTRACTOR and SUB-
CONTRACTOR on all matters pertaining to quality control and ensure throughout the
- Shall monitor status NCR and Quality objective and ensure that all NCR and Quality
Objective are closed effectively within agreed time frame.
- Ensure all inspection carried out as per ITP and update in appropriate reports.
- Review inspection report
- Preparation and qualification of welding procedure specification (WPS).
- Ensure that the WPS is sufficient to cater the project specification requirements.
- Submission of welding book (PQR and WPS) for client approval.
- Troubleshoot and study to identify root cause of WPQR and WPQ failure (if any).
- Pre-screening welder previous performance before allowing them for WPQ.
- Witnessing welding performance qualification, issue welder pass, quiver pass and
welder certificate as necessary for those who pass the test.
- Welders performance monitoring by issuing the weekly repair rate report.
- Analyze and identify the root cause of welding defect at site and suggest the
continuous improvement.
- Prepare, brief and advise PMT and contractors on welding activities and foresee
potential problems related to welding work.
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
- An authorize personnel in the CONTRACTOR organization to accept or reject
inspected items.
- Shall ensure timely issuance of reports upon completion of inspections.
- Shall check and review to ensure that all inspections reports are correct before
submission to COMPANY.
- Shall carry out inspection as per ITP and report the result of inspection.
- To identify any non-conformance at site and raise NCR.
- Ensure inspection documentation is in order and compile them as per final
- Compile QC piping documentation (i.e. test packages, inspection report and calibration
certificate) prior to proceed with testing.
- Responsible to update record/status of all project material.
- Ensure that all materials/items delivered are properly sored and preserved prior to
issue for construction.
- Coordinate with material man on material receiving and material verification.
- Shall ensure the documents are properly issue to construction team and COMPANY.
- To furnish all the necessary documents for surplus inventory for COMPANY supplied
- To expedite material certification from clients/vendors/suppliers.
- Responsible for maintaining project documents such as inspection reports, procedure
status, Technical Query (TQ) status, Non-Conformance Report (NCR) status Quality
Objective and ensure documentation are submitted to COMPANY as requested.
- Control all corresponding incoming and outgoing documents.
- Assists final documentation for the QA/QC final documentation (dossier) compilation of
- Ensure that all inspections and test summary were update in daily basis and available
when required
- Responsible for delivery of final documentation (dossier) as per requirement.
Appendix - 1 : ITP for PIPING ( Carbon Steel)
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
Contract : 4500010835
Document Number
This document is the property of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam and shall not be disclosed to third parties or reproduced without permission
of the COMPANY. Electronic Filename: ID-BKP-SOME-2009-503007_rev0.1.pdf
4,1 Project Quality Plan Provide - - Report - - QC Coordinator H R
ASME Section II Part A ASME Section II Part A
4,2 Material Control Procedure Provide - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - QC Coordinator H R
5.1 Weding Procedure Specification Provide - ASME IX, ASME B31.3 & NDE Procedure - WPS/PQR & Mechanical Test Report - ASME IX & NDE Procedure - QC Coordinator H H
5.2 Welder Qualification Test Provide - ASME IX, ASME B31.3 & NDE Procedure - Welder List & Welder Certificate - ASME IX & NDE Procedure - QC Coordinator H H
- MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Mechanical test Report & NDE Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0
6.1 Material Receiving Inspection
- Mill Test Certificates & P.O Verify & Review - Material Control Procedure - Material Receiving Inspection Report ( MRIR ) - ASME sect II part A, API 5L & EN 10204 - Material Inspector H R
- Visual Inspect - Purchase Order - Material Verification Report ( MVR ) - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0112 Rev.0 - QC Inspector H W/R
- Quantity Check - Material Receiving Inspection Report ( MRIR ) - Milll Certificate - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0142 Rev.0 H W/R
- MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0146 Rev.0
- MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0147 Rev.0
- MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0
- Appropiate Location (Storage & Field) Check - Material Control Procedure - Material Receiving Inspection Report ( MRIR ) - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Material Inspector H M
- Certificate Material Test Report (CMTR) Verify & Review - Welding Consumable, Handling, - Material Verification Report ( MVR ) - ASME Section II Part C - Material Inspector H R
- Packing Condition Check storage & issue Control Procedure - Electrode Certificate - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Material Man H M
Page 1 of 4
- Functional / Validity / Calibration Check & Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Report Calibration & Name plate - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Construction Team & QC H M/R
- Check Transfer of Heat Number Inspect - Shop Drawing (AFC Status) - Isometric Drawing ( AFC Status ) - Construction Team H W/R
7.3 Fit-Up
- Bevel Angle,Groove Face, Root Opening, Root Face Inspect - Shop Drawing - FIT-UP Inspection Report - WPS/PQR - Construction Team H W/R
- High Low, Levelness, Alignamet ( Dimensional ) Inspect - WPS - Isometric Drawing ( AFC Status ) - QC Inspector H W/R
7.4 Welding
- Weather / Environment Control Check - WPS, Welding Book, Welder List - Welding Monitoring Report - WPS/PQR - Qualified Welder H M
- Interpass Temperature Check - ASME B31.3 - MHK COMP SPE EP PVV 0175 Rev.0 - QC Inspector H M
7.5 Visual
- Welding Appearance Inspect - ASME B31.3 - Visual Inspection Report - ASME B31.3 - QC Inspector H W
7.6 Testing
- Radiographi Testing Review - NDE Procedure - Report NDE - NDE Procedure - NDT Coordinator H M/R
- Ultrasonic Testing Inspect - Welding/NDE Map - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - NDT Technician H W/R
- Identify Defect Location Check - NDE Procedure & Welding/NDE Map - Report NDE - NDE Procedure - Construction Team H W/R
- Visual Inspection Inspect - Shop Drawing / Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - Shop Drawing / Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - QC Inspector H W/R
- Dimensional Check Inspect - Welding Summary & Material Traceability - Dimensional & Visual Inspection Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Construction Team H W/R
Page 2 of 4
8.1 NDT Clearance Review - Isometric Drawing ( AFC Status ) - Check List / Test Package - Welding/NDE Map - QC Coordinator H H
- NDE Welding Map / NDT Plan - QC Inspector
- Welding Summary & Material Traceability
8.2 Line Check
Construction &
- Line Completeness Check & Inspect - Isometric Drawing and P&ID - Mark Up Drawings - Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) Precommissioning Team H W/R
8.3 Red Line Mark-up Drawings (if any) & As-Built Drawing
Recording of actual condition that deviate from
- Check & Record - Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) and P&ID - As-Built Drawing - Stamp and Approved As-Built Drawing - Piping Engineer R R
approved drawings
- Actual joint Check & Record
- Additional Pipe Support Check & Record
8.4 Hydrotest
- Equipment Calibration, Water Quality Review - Hydrostatic test Procedure - Blowing & Flushing Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-EXP-105 - Construction Team H R
- Test Pressure, Vent / Draing Point Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Barthon Chart - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - H H
Precommissioning Team
- Leakage & Cleanlines Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0175 Rev.0 - Hydrostatic Test Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0175 Rev.0 H H
- Drawing Isometric
- Bolt Tightening (suitable use gasket, bolt & nut) Inspect - Bolt Tightening Procedure - Bolt Tightening Report - Bolt Tihghtening Procedure - Construction Team H M
- Functional / Validity / Calibration Check & Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Report Calibration & Name plate - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0611 Rev.0 - Construction Team & QC H M
- Check Transfer of Heat Number Inspect - Shop Drawing (AFC Status) - Isometric Drawing ( AFC Status ) - Construction Team H W/R
8.6.2 Fit-Up
- Bevel Angle,Groove Face, Root Opening, Root Face Inspect - Shop Drawing - FIT-UP Inspection Report - WPS/PQR - Construction Team H W/R
- High Low, Levelness, Alignamet ( Dimensional ) Inspect - WPS - Isometric Drawing ( AFC Status ) - QC Inspector H W/R
8.6.3 Welding
- Weather / Environment Control Check - WPS, Welding Book, Welder List - Welding Monitoring Report - WPS/PQR - Qualified Welder H M
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8.6.4 Visual
- Welding Appearance Inspect - ASME B31.3 - Visual Inspection Report - ASME B31.3 - QC Inspector H W
8.6.5 Hydrostatic Test / Golden Weld Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Report Fitup,Visual and NDE Clearance - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Precom & Construction H H
8.6.6 Testing
- Radiographi Testing Review - NDE Procedure - Report NDE - NDE Procedure - NDT Coordinator H M/R
- Ultrasonic Testing Inspect - Welding/NDE Map - Hardness testing Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - NDT Technician H W/R
- Dye Penetrant Testsing Inspect - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - ASME B31.3 - QC Inspector H W/R
- Identify Defect Location Check - NDE Procedure & Welding/NDE Map - Report NDE - NDE Procedure - Construction Team H W/R
- Visual Inspection Inspect - Shop Drawing / Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - Shop Drawing / Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - Isometric Drawing (AFC Status) - QC Inspector H W/R
- Dimensional Check Inspect - Welding Summary & Material Traceability - Dimensional & Visual Inspection Report - MHK-COMP-SPE-EP-PVV-0171 Rev.0 - Construction Team H W/R
9.1 Final Documentation ( DOSSIER ) Provide - Contract - All Relevant Dicipline Piping Document - Contrcat Document - QC Coordinator H R
- Compile All Inpection Report / Record - Project Quality Plan - Hand Over Certification Procedure - Relevan Specification - Document Control H M
- Soft File of Radiography Film H R
- IRC - IRC - H
H. Hold Point
The verifiying party must be notified in advance (period to be defined beforehand) of the execution of the task or move onto the relevant stage. The execution process is suspended (at a hold point) in the event of absence of the verifying authority.
W. Witness Point
The verifiying party must be notified in advance (to be defined beforehand) of the execution of the relevant task or move on to the relevant stage. The absence of a verifiying authority does not suspend the continuation of the execution process.
M. Monitoring
The verifying party attends the execution of the task, either continually or occasionaly, as suitable for him / her
R. Review
Document pertaining to the relevant specific task or stage must be transmitted to the verifying party for review, before pursuing the execution process.
I. Information
Document pertaining to the relevant task or stage must be transmitted to the verifying party, solely for the purpose of information.
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