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History 1ST Term

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JS 1 (BASIC 7)

SUBJECT: HISTORY (Here also are some Nigerian folk songs which students sing in communities:
Abdullahi Smith)



1.Draw a table to focus on Sources of History;

2.Film showing Cultural festivals



1. Meaning of History (a) Definition of History (b) Reasons for studying History in schools
2. Meaning of History: (a) Importance (b) Differences between history and story telling
3. Sources of History: (a) Meaning of sources of history (b) Sources of History – primary,
secondary and tertiary sources (a) Primary Sources of History (i) Oral tradition
4. Sources of History: (a) Primary Sources of History (ii) Artefacts (iii) Legends
5. Sources of History: (a) Primary source of History (iv) Folklores (v) Archival materials
(iii)Importance of primary sources of History
6. Sources of History: (b) secondary sources of history (i) Biography (ii) Autobiography
(iii) Textbooks, journals and government publications (iv) Importance of secondary
sources of history
8. Sources of History: (C) Tertiary Sources of History (i) Students’ Projects (ii) bulletins (iii)
Memoranda (iv) Importance of Tertiary Sources of History
9. Importance of History: (a) Importance of History to Individuals (b) Importance of
history to society (c) Importance of History to the Nation
10. How to Access the Sources of History: (a) Excursion to Historical Sites (b) museum (c)
library (d) cultural festivals (e) exhibition.

NB: Every history educator should not teach week 10 scheme in theory alone, but must
select at least two excursion centers of visit which is nearest to their campuses or any local
center mentioned.
11. – 13: Revision and Examination


1. O.F. Owhofasa and S.S. Ogbonaya (2018): Comprehensive History for Nigerian Junior
Secondary School (1). Peak Global Publications Ltd. Iju-Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.
2. J.M. Itsekure, et al (2018): Living history for Junior Secondary Schools (1).
Rasmed publications Ltd. Old Gbagi, Ibadan.



CONTENT: 1. Definition of History

2. Reasons for studying History in schools

SUB TOPIC 1: Definition of History

History can be defined as a subject which studies past events and human affairs in a society.

It can also be defined as man’s attempt to describe and interpret the past. History is
therefore is a dialogue between the present and the past, explains the emphasis of different
historians over the ages.


We study history for the following reasons:
i. To remind the new generation of their heroes and heroines .E.g. Lord
Lugard, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, etc
ii. To enable people to amend their past mistakes. Germany killing of
Jews (Holocaust
iii. To help trace individuals to their roots. Black America
iv. To serve as a control measure for individual or groups to avoid past
v. To give people positive thinking on how to deal with conflict among
nations and individual
vi. To provide us valuable insight for a better future generation. E.g.
Leadership with Distinctions.
vii. To instill strong ideas and give room for positive thinking. Ben Carson
1. Explain the meaning of history.
2. State five reasons for studying history.
Read about the importance of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)



1. Importance of History
2. Difference between History and Story telling

Importance of History
The study of history is important
i. History gives a good understanding of nation’s history
ii. It helps people to know more about themselves by having understanding of their
past, in terms of internal and external relationships
iii. It enables us to know the truth about the past through available myth, legend and
iv. History satisfies man’s curiosity about past development in all aspect of life
v. It makes people aware of the character of their own time by providing information
about the past.
vi. History serves as a source of hope for better future over present predicament
vii. History also promotes the habit of serious and critical examination of situation.

Story telling

Story telling refer to the act of narrating events which could be real or imagined for the purpose
of moral lessons or entertainment. E.g. story of tortoise and elephant, moon light stories etc.
However story telling is different from history in the following ways:
Differences between History and Story telling

S.N History Story telling

1. History is based on facts and evidence Story telling is based on myths, legend or
2. History documents biographies, Story telling is based on imagination or fiction
events and written records which narrates how something or event
3. History is studied for educational Story telling involves imaginary people and
purposes or research. event for the purpose of entertainment
4. History deals with written and Story telling deals with narratives from
documented facts literature or history
5. History is a universal discipline which Story telling is basically an essential part of the
document past event in a society and culture of a nation and its people
the world

1. State five importance of history.
2. Mention five differences between history and storytelling.
Read about the sources of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)



CONTENT: (a) Meaning of Sources of history

(b) Sources of History – primary, secondary and tertiary sources

(a) Primary Sources of History (i) Oral tradition

Meaning of sources of history

Sources of history can be defined as persons, document and working materials or evidence
which provides information about the study of history in a society. Without sources of history,
the study of history will be impossible because these sources form the foundation for

The sources are

i. Primary sources of history: These refer to the original sources from where history is
derived or other sources of information that are available at the time of writing
ii. Secondary sources of history: These are sources of history used or cited when
recording historical events, that were produced after the events or issues have
iii. Tertiary Sources: These are combination of primary and secondary sources of
history which summarize topics and contents of historical studies.

Primary Sources of History

i. Oral tradition: This can be defined as a form of human communication where

knowledge, art, idea, and cultural material is received and transmitted by word of
mouth from one generation to another. It can be in form of speeches, songs, and
oral story telling in the form of epics, fables, folktales, etc.
Advantages of Oral Traditions:
1. It teaches important lesson about the past, culture and life of the people in a given
2. Oral tradition can be rendered by an informant without much difficulties.
3. It is an economic (cheap) source of history compared with written documents such as
4. They are stored in human memory from one generation to another with ease.
5. Oral traditions are used to preserve the history of a society, people and events in the
absence of written documents.

Disadvantages of Oral Traditions

1. Oral tradition can be manipulated (twisted) with some bias by historical narratives.
2. Some vital information can be distorted or forgotten due to inadequacy in human
3. The death of an informant greatly affects the transmission of oral traditions from one
generation to another, e.g. palace recorders, praise singers.
4. Some aspects of oral traditions can be exaggerated.
5. Many elements of oral traditions cannot be easily verified in written sources. E.g.
chants, folktales, etc.
1. Write short notes on the following:
i. Primary source of history
ii. Secondary source of history
iii. Tertiary source of history
2. State three advantages of oral tradition.
Read about primary source of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)




1. Primary Sources of History (ii) Artefacts (iii) Legends

Primary Sources of History


An artefact is an object or a monument that is made by a person as a result of his historical and
cultural interest. Artefact constitutes a significant aspect of primary source of history. E.g. Benin
warlords – Asoro the Great; Arhuaran, prince of Odu; Opa Oranmiyan (staff of Oranmiyan);
statute of Queen of Zaria (Queen Aminat); Igbo – ukwu pottery; etc.

Advantages of Artefact as a Source of History

1. Artefacts are used by artists or sculptors to represent important persons, events and
development of the past.
2. They are used to represent historical memories of the past in a society.
3. They serve as evidences of past historical events and exploits of warriors and leaders.
4. Artefacts are used to beatify our environments and settlements.

Disadvantages of artifacts as a source of History.

1. Artefacts are costly to make by professionals and renowned artists or sculptors.

2. They are expensive to maintain due to tear and wear of the climatic conditions in the
environment, e.g. rain, snow, etc.
3. Some can be vandalized or destroyed by protesters and hoodlums during riots.
4. They can be used to represent deities, gods and other elements that are religiously
criticized by people in the society. E.g. statues of Sango.

This can be defined as a traditional story or group of stories told about a particular person or
place. It also refers to stories from ancient times, about people and events which may be true
or not. It is otherwise called myth.

Advantages of Legends
1. The narrative content of legend is in realistic mode, not imaginary like folktales.
2. Legend is like a historical folktale.
3. Legends are stories that are set in historical contexts that contains supernatural or
fantastic elements.
4. Legends can be transmitted orally, e.g. person to person.
Disadvantages of Legends
1. Short term legends are not persistent, they vanish after a period of time.
2. Some persistent legends are longstanding rumours in a society.
3. When a legend is narrated as a fiction, its authenticity fades away.
4. Legends comprise imaginary events which may not be real.

1. Give three examples of artefacts.
2. Enumerate three advantages of legends.
Read about folklores and archival materials.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)




1. Primary Sources of History: (iv) Folklores (v) Archival materials

2. Importance of primary sources of History

Primary Sources of History:


These refer to the traditional beliefs, customs and stories of a community passed to different
generations by words of mouth. It is a form of oral history preserved by the people, which
consists of the cultural attributes and traditions of specific cultures. It includes folk stories, fairy
Advantages of folklores

1. Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people in a

2. Folklores are integral part of all cultures.
3. Folklores are significant component of oral tradition. E.g. the use of animals as
4. Folklore inspires simple and logical reasoning in people.
5. Folklore combines the customs and traditions of the people in its narratives. E.g. songs,
dances, etc.

Disadvantages of folklores

1. The characters often mentioned in folklores are not real.

2. Some folklores contain elements of violence and fears, which may not be suitable
for children.
3. Folklores are meant for entertainment, not for historical documentation and study.
4. Folklores cannot be registered as historical events in its narration.
5. Folklores are dominated by fairy tales, fables and legends.

Primary Sources of History

Archival Materials

These can be defined as information objects that serve as evidence of the past events. Archival
materials records information about the past historical events and activity. They act as memory
aids. Archives refer to collection of historical records and documents. They contain primary and
secondary source documents of history.

Advantages of Archival Materials

1. Readymade data materials are collected, stored and assembled for the use of
researchers and searchers.
2. The materials stored in archives are in public domains without restrictions.
3. Time is saved by researchers and scholars, with the use of archival materials.
4. The state (government) is the owner of all archival materials.
5. Archival materials are used to generate income for the government.

Disadvantages of Archival Materials

1. The data available in some archives may not be in a format that is easy and suitable for
answering research questions.
2. Archival materials may not include information about the variable of interest. E.g. family
size in a population data.
3. The quality and content of some archival materials are badly affected with time and
lifespan, e.g. photographs.
4. Archival materials are not subjected to institutional review.
5. Cost is attached to the use, acquisition from the archives.


1. Through primary sources of history students relate in a personal way to events of the
2. Primary sources of history promote a deeper understanding of history as a series of
human events.
3. It makes history interesting to students because they are real and personal.
4. With the use of primary sources of history, students know about the life of the people,
about whom history is written.
5. The use of primary sources of history enable students to participate in human emotion
and in the values and attitude of the past.
6. Primary sources of history are the original sources of information created at the time
under study.
7. Primary sources of history are reliable.
1. Explain the following:
i. Folklore
ii. Archival materials
2. State five importance of primary sources of history.
Read about secondary sources of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)




1. Secondary sources of history (i) Biography (ii) Autobiography (iii) Textbooks, journals
and government publications
2. Importance of secondary sources of history



Biography refers the story of a person’s life written by someone else. E.g. Merchant Prince of
Niger-Delta by Obaro Ikime, Julius Caesar by W. Shakespeare.

Advantages of Biography

1. Biographies help in the enrichment of the historical studies by placing emphasis on

personalities in historical events.
2. Biographies provide vital materials useful as historical sources and data for study of
3. Biographies enable us to know and study the nature of man and personalities in
4. Biographies bring insights into the writing of history by authors, journalists and
individuals who may not be professional historians.
5. Biographies are used as primary and secondary sources of historical studies.

Disadvantages of Biography

1. Biographies can distort the truth according to the authors’ motives for writing
the piece of work.
2. It can cause controversy in history, as the biographer may exaggerate some facts
that are hard to be objective and believable.
3. Biographies may be biased because the author may place too much emphasis on
their subjects. E.g. the view of the biographer can influence his choice of words.
4. Biographies are selective through necessity, as no biography can ever be a full
story of a life.
5. Memory and the passage of time can intentionally or unintentionally omit details
in a biography.


This can be defined as the history of a person’s life written by the person himself. Books that
describe such stories are called autobiographies. E.g. Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
(1994), Dreams from My Father by Barrack Obama (1995).

Advantages of Autobiography
1. It gives a vivid and comprehensive analysis of events that happened in the
author’s lifetime.
2. It is used to personalize historical events.
3. Autobiography helps to popularize history and lifetime of celebrities,
politicians, historical figures and the elites in the society.
4. Autobiographies are written by people who feel that their life stories have
relevance and interest to the reading public, scholars and philosophers.
5. Some autobiographies can become a bestseller, being in high demand by the
public. E.g. the autobiography of Malcolm X

Disadvantages of Autobiography

1. Some critical issues and times in the life of the author may be concealed.
2. Some authors may misrepresent facts in their autobiographies because
the events occurred many years ago.
3. The public may feel that autobiographies are written to persuade or even
lie rather than to inform the reading public.
4. Autobiographies are subject to critical evaluation by readers, scholars and
Oher secondary sources of history include: textbooks, journals, articles
and government publications.
Importance of Secondary Sources of History
1. Secondary sources of history are created by scholars through
research or historical investigations.
2. Secondary sources of history are used to validate other sources of
3. Secondary sources of history interpreted and explained primary
sources of history based on evidence.
4. They are reliable sources of history produced sometimes through an
eye witness account
5. Secondary sources of history are cited after being modified by other
historians to sooth their purpose.
1. Define the following:
i. Biography
ii. Autobiography
2. Identify three importance of secondary sources of history.
Read about tertiary source of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)



Mid=term break project/assignment as determined by the educator.

Read about the importance of tertiary sources of history.
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)



1. Tertiary sources of history
(i) Students’ Projects (ii) Bulletins (iii) Memoranda (iv) Importance of Tertiary Sources
of History


These refer to a style of active learning and inquiry based learning which is centered on the
students. It involves a dynamic classroom approach where students acquire a deeper
knowledge through active participation of real-world challenges/problems.

Importance of project work to students

1. It gives students opportunity to learn new things.

2. It promotes creative ability in students.
3. It helps students to apply learning experiences into real life situation.

This can be defined as brief public notice used by an authority which specifies a brief
news item, meant for immediate publication or broadcast.
Importance of Bulletins
1. Bulletins can be displayed on a bulletin board to display information.
2. Important historical events and pictures can be displayed on bulletin
3. Bulletins can be used to pass historical and other valuable information to students
and the public.
4. Bulletins are used to beatify classrooms and arouse student’s interest in new topics.
5. They are powerful teaching tools for modern teachers and instructors.
6. They are used to display students’ artworks, creativity and marks.


Memoranda refer to short notes meant for some things to be remembered, especially
something vital to be done or acted upon in the future.

Memo- This is a short official notes that is sent by one person to another within the same
organization or institution.

Importance of Memoranda

1. Memos persuade the reader to take actions.

2. They bring attention to problems, e.g. causes of an event.
3. Memos can be used to find solution to a problem.
4. It can be used in a business organization to make an announcement. E.g. business

Importance of Tertiary Sources of History

1. They are historical sources that organize, compile or digest other sources of history.
2. Tertiary source of history exists in the form of textbooks which summarize or simplify
repackaged ideas or other information.
3. Tertiary sources of history are not credited to a particular author, they exist
4. They are sources that identify and locate primary and secondary sources of history.
5. Textbooks intended for primary and secondary schools are significant tertiary sources.
1. Differentiate between bulletin and memoranda.
2. State three importance of tertiary sources of history.
Read about the importance of history to
i. Individuals
ii. The society
iii. The nation
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)




1. Importance of History to Individuals

2. Importance of History to Society
3. Importance of History to the Nation


1. Training of historians: History is relevant in the training of future historian, for

continuity and relevance of the discipline to flourish in the society.
2. Career Opportunity: History is a career and discipline suitable for study, in order to gain
employment in the following areas – authors, journalists, politicians, academics, etc.
3. Knowledge of the Past: History is important to the individual because it helps in the
area of understanding past events and issues in order to predict the future.
4. Cultural heritage: History helps the individual to understand his or her culture and
norms in the society.
5. Knowledge of Changes: History helps the individual to understand challenges that took
place in the society in the past till date.
6. Good citizenship: History create awareness and consciousness in an individual to
become good citizen who can contribute, defend and promote the aspirations of the
7. Entertainment: History helps and encourages individuals to learn about local, national
and world events.
8. History makes an individual wiser and more intelligent based on lessons derived from
historical events and issues.
Importance of History to Society
1. Interrelations: History promotes intergroup relationship in a society.
2. Knowledge of culture and values: History documents the rich cultures of the people
and values in a society, the knowledge of which helps the new generation.
3. Knowledge of government and developments: History provides detailed
information about how government, society, people, and technology worked in the
past and how they can be improved upon.
4. Comparative approach: History is relevant in shaping the society and lifestyle
through comparison with the past.
5. Leadership Achievements/Accountability: History enables us to know the
contributions of our leaders to the growth and the development of the society.
6. Patriotism: History is important to the society because it helps in inducing love for a
nation or society in the youth.

Importance of History to the Nation

1. Service to the Nation: History creates the national interest of citizens and patriotism in
nation building.
2. Avoiding the Mistakes of the past: History is important because it helps a nation to
avoid the mistakes of the past in order to move forward.
3. Solution to Crises: With the knowledge of events in the past and causes of conflicts and
their effects on the people, nations can avoid crises with the knowledge of history.
4. Friendly relations: History enables nations to know the interrelations which existed
among their people and neighbours in the past and ways of maintaining friendly ties
should continue instead of being brought to an abrupt end.
5. Strategic planning: History guides the national plan of a country. It guides a nation to
plan ahead in order to avoid wastage in the management of the nation’s resources.
6. History enables a nation to know the contributions of their leaders, heroes and
heroines in nation building and also appreciate their contributions.
1. State three importance of history to
i. Individuals
ii. The society
iii. The nation.
Read all the content of your e-learning notes in preparation for first term
Weekend Evaluation Questions (Objective Questions)

WEEK 10.

TOPIC: How to Access the Sources of History

CONTENT: Excursion to Historical Sites

1. Excursion to historical sites

Excursion can be defined as traveling to experience places, artefacts, sites and activities
that authentically represents the sources of history.
(a) MUSEUM: This refers to a building in which objects of historical, artistic, scientific
and cultural interests are kept and exhibited or displayed. E.g. National Museum,
King square, Benin City in Edo state; National War Museum, Umudike, Abia state.
(b) LIBRARY: This can be defined as a collection of sources of information and similar
resources made available to a defined community or institution for reference or
borrowing purposes. E.g. University of Benin Library; Novena University Library,
Amai, Delta state; Edo State Government library, Benin City, Edo State.

(c) CULTURAL FESTIVALS: This refers to allocation for celebration or feasting, especially
aa day or time of religious significance in a community. Examples of cultural festival
in Nigeria are

i. Eyo festival, Lagos, Lagos state

ii. Osun Osogbo festival, Osogbo, Osun state
iii. Calabar Carnival, Cross River State,
iv. New yam festival, Ode Iyansan, Ondo state.
v. Argungun fishing festival, Kebbi state
vi. Ojude Oba festival, Ijebu Ode, Ogun state, etc.

(d) EXHIBITION: This refers to an organized presentation and display of a selection of

items and works of arts. It can take place within museums, galleries, exhibition halls
and world fairs.

NB: Every history educator should not teach week 10 scheme in theory alone, but must
select at least two excursion centers of visit which is nearest to their campuses or any
local center mentioned.

11. – 13: Revision and Examination


JS 1 (BASIC 7)




1. Historical sites in Nigeria (a) Meaning of Historical Sites (b) Major Historical sites in
Nigeria: Nok, Ile-Ife, Benin, Igbo-Ukwu (a) NOK Culture:
2. Historical sites in Nigeria: (ii) Significance of Nok culture
3. Historical sites in Nigeria: (b) Ile-Ife (i) location of Ile –Ife on the map of Nigeria (ii)
The Ife culture and tradition Meaning of sources of history (b) Sources of History –
primary, secondary and tertiary sources (a) Primary Sources of History (i) Oral
4. Sources of History: (a) Primary Sources of History (ii) Artefacts (iii) Legends
5. Sources of History: (a) Primary source of History (iv) Folklores (v) Archival materials
(iii)Importance of primary sources of History
6. Sources of History: (b) secondary sources of history (i) Biography (ii) Autobiography
(iii) Textbooks, journals and government publications (iv) Importance of secondary
sources of history
8. Sources of History: (C) Tertiary Sources of History (i) Students’ Projects (ii) bulletins (iii)
Memoranda (iv) Importance of Tertiary Sources of History
9. Importance of History: (a) Importance of History to Individuals (b) Importance of
history to society (c) Importance of History to the Nation
10. How to Access the Sources of History: (a) Excursion to Historical Sites (b) museum (c)
library (d) cultural festivals (e) exhibition.

NB: Every history educator should not teach week 10 scheme in theory alone, but must
select at least two excursion centres of visit which is nearest to their campuses or any local
centre mentioned.

11. – 13: Revision and Examination


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