MBA 550 FP Part II Final
MBA 550 FP Part II Final
MBA 550 FP Part II Final
Final Project
Indra Nooyi
Cecilia Montero
Indra Nooyi is a transformational leader that change the path of PepsiCo. As a CEO, she worked
closely with different teamwork and was able to transmit trust and confidence.
Her leadership influenced her team to work in the same direction as PepsiCo was going. She
was able to build and growth high performance teamwork that were focused in developing
She understood that every teamwork is unique, so before working with them, she analyzed and
learn the different background in order to set goals and objectives. Her communication skills
reinforced her vision; she always engaged her employees and confirmed the vision of the
Indra undertook the change in the market preferences and how this was affecting PepsiCo. Her
leadership gave her the power to change the company strategic plan. She focused on results and
The use of best practices let her to change the culture of Pepsi, employees felt engaged and
Communication and motivation were the key performance in Indra’s success as CEO and Leader.
Indra Nooyi was a leader who handle problem-solving, conflicts and negotiation successfully.
Her previous experiences helped her to define the styles and skill in order to success as a leader.
She handled important negotiations as the acquisition of Tropicana which bring PepsiCo a big
market share in the beverage industry where the company was losing power.
Indra Nooyi was born in India and move to the US in 1978 to complete her master’s degree. She
joined PepsiCo in 1994 and ranked the 2nd most powerful woman on the Forbes list in 2017
(Premark, 2018).
Before joining to PepsiCo, Indra worked for Boston Consulting Group, Motorola Inc, and Aea
Brown Boveri.
Indra is considered one of the top influential leaders in business; she follows the 5 C’s Model of
relationship-building skills are big part of Indra’s success, she understands the importance to
Leaders have key roles within the teamwork as building trust and inspiring people, coaching,
creating a team identity, supporting decisions and encouraging team members (DuBrin, 2019).
Indra Nooyi had a great impact as CEO of PepsiCo, she created a vision, encourage and impulse
her people. She introduced an initiative called “performance with a purpose” which focus on a
Indra re-designed the organizational structure of PepsiCo, she re structured PepsiCo 7 business
Latin America
After Indra defined the new vision of PepsiCo, she selected the responsible for each unit where
the new leader will have to set up the same vision as PepsiCo was taking. She created different
ways of communication, so her team can feel supported and listened all the time. Indra gave
them power to make decision and execute actions that can benefit the entire unit.
Indra used a collaborative leadership style to build and maintain relationships, handle conflicts in
communication are energy which is the magnitude of the formal and informal communication,
engagement which represent the degree of interaction between team members and the group
discussions, and exploration which mean that team members will get together to explore more
Even that PepsiCo has more than 18,000 employees, she managed to listen them. When she
became a CEO in 2006, she held town hall meeting with employees to hear what they are
looking for and where the company should go. She understood that the employees where not
engaged with the company as many of them says they are just looking for a paycheck (Ignatius,
Years later, she created the Pepsi Refresh project initiative to bring ideas from people outside and
inside of the company for an exchange of $20 million in grants (PepsiCo, 2010).
Nooyi managed the communication with her employees to engaged them with the company and
her vision.
In order to create her team mission, she had to create the company long-term objectives so the
team will work along with the company vision which means the employees will understand that
theirs jobs have a purpose. When Indra set the teamwork mission, she started building trust so
Indra was able to create and promote a high-performance teamwork by giving them autonomy
and influence within the company. She empowers her team to act as mini entrepreneurs, so they
were actively engaged with the company and looking solutions. Employees of Frito-Lay in
Arkansas created a way to recycle plastic waste into crates, outerwear, and other good; when the
employees feel they can make the difference, they will stay loyal (Tang, 2018).
Nooyi used to recognize her teamwork with prices and rewards; sending letters to her high
executives’ parents was the one most impacted them, all the work was reinforced by this
emotional award.
Indra was very carefully at the moment of staffing or selecting her executive team. She selected a
diverse group to ensure she gets vision from different perspective and different group ages. She
selected a group of people for mentoring, so they became the new leaders. Ramon Laguarta was
in her executive team who now became the new CEO of Pepsi.
When Indra was building her team, she focused on team-oriented people and who was engaged
Nooyi created teams that has people with different backgrounds, goals, perspectives that makes
them unique. She was able to recognize who she can trust and will never let him down, but also
recognize who does not have goals or does not want to be competitive (Mindtool, 2015).
Building trust was very important for her since she was able to delegate and have confidence on
her teamwork. Indra was able to develop a closer relationship with the people she directly
supervised because they shared everyday activities and get to know more personally. As a result,
their loyalty increased in both ways. Indra could not develop the same strong relationship with
all 300,000 people who worked in PepsiCo, but she knew that every employee depends from
PepsiCo for their living. She was able to engage most of the out-group members back to the
company vision (Hedayti, 2014). Creating job security, building careers, promoting people she
was able to connect and motivate most of the employees at PepsiCo engaging and increasing
Indra used different techniques to develop one of the strongest teamwork than PepsiCo had; she
was focused on learning who she was working with, setting goals according to the direction that
PepsiCo want to go, give value to every worker, motivated to take initiative.
Employees started changing their perception about PepsiCo and working motivated in the same
direction as Indra was influencing. The level of engagement was increasing at PepsiCo, so
employees were willing to stay with the firm. Therefore, the employee retention rate improved,
so the moral of the team was higher, it reduced the time dedicated to staffing and training,
Indra used best practices to structure PepsiCo and develop her executive team and the
organization. She engaged her executives and workers; she found the purpose of her executives.
She was able to identify who was engaged to their job and who was just coming for obligation.
She looked for feedback and develop a program to make her employees care about PepsiCo’s
vision. Engaging the worker not only creates an enthusiastic and productive environment, it
foments the proactivity, employees are willing to take more responsibility and perform better.
Nooyi always shared her confidence, so her team was engaged to her ideology. As a leader,
Indra created a new atmosphere for teamwork, they created a diverse group of people motivated
to generate new ideas and willing to share Indra’s vision in order to create a competitive business
When Indra was staffing, she was following the same best practices she had with her executives,
she developed a plan and explained the necessities and the skills she was looking for. She
promoted internal sourcing, so employees can post themselves for another position within
PepsiCo. When she was looking outside of the company, she shared the needed skills but also
PepsiCo teamwork created cultural cohesiveness, team were very diverse, but they were able to
share the same company values and vision which increased a collective insight.
Indra was able to build a great teamwork along the company; the vision of the PepsiCo was share
at all levels and successfully executed. All her executives and managers were motivated by her
style and conviction that they stayed engaged with the company. Indra managed an efficient
rewards program that was able to retain her top talents. Her skills to created teams were big part
of her success since she had people around her who believe and follow her.
achieve it (LFGSM, 2020). Indra Nooyi undertook the market trend and the company priorities
in order to tenure her organizational vision; it was called “Performance with Purpose” where she
directed the company to sustainability and redesign the values of a changing culture
(Spiridigliozzi, 2018). She was not only focused in short-term priorities, but also long-term goals
Indra developed her organization’s strategic plan through crowdsourcing which uses collective
intelligence from the public for accomplishing tasks (DuBrin, 2019). When Indra became a CEO
in 2006, she held some town hall meeting to hear problems, solutions, and expectations from the
company (Ignatius, 2015). Through this method, Indra collected information that was not seen by
her, build enthusiasm and aligned toward the company’s strategic direction.
Indra used almost all of the methods to support her development of the organization’s strategic
plan; she conducted an outdoor screening where she determinate the market was moving faster to
healthier and sustainable products; in the other hand, she got an internal analysis where she
found out the employees engagement was low and need to reactive the enthusiasm.
Indra’s organizational vision of “Performance with a purpose” was share to the entire team, and
she motivated her employees to work in the same vision. She used trust as a strategy for
motivating her team; she was always transparent about the current situation of PepsiCo showing
how the company sales were falling and people was walking away from their products, so being
honest made people trust on her new vision. Indra also used a reward system with bonuses, paid
time off and flexible hours where she promoted the family time, this program made her
employees feel she cares about them. Nooyi also used recognition, she held meeting were used to
recognize efforts and new achievements of her team, she also used personal recognition sending
unique letters. Indra used the feeling of happiness because she showed the new PepsiCo cares
about people and they keep working to reduce the negative impact on consumer.
I would suggest she needed to perform a horizontal analysis so she can determinate with
providers/suppliers are strategic partners to support her long-term vision; suppliers are critical in
Indra had to involve more deeply with the communities, so PepsiCo can have presence in local
events like school races or parades where people can feel they are a company promoting the
Power can come from the organization or the individual; the position of the person in the
organization give legitimate, reward and coercive power (DuBrin, 2019). Nooyi had legitimate
power since she was at the highest level of the organization; however, she had to aligned with
the organization culture to respect the timing of changes in the organization. As a CEO, she had
the authority to give employees rewards for compliance, she offered monetary and emotional
rewards. Coercive power is the power to punish for noncompliance; Indra was not afraid to give
people a negative feedback; however, she empathizes with a sense of humor (LPWO, 2016).
Personal power is derived from the individual and it can be classified as expert, referent, and
prestige power (DuBrin, 2019). Indra has a prestige power; she is well recognized around the
world for her brilliant career and her reputation. The politic power is associated with the
activities related to influencing the actions and policies of the company (Cairns, 2017). Indra did
influence the direction of the company and used her legitimate power since some executives
were not convinced for the direction the company was taking, she made official the strategic plan
Changing the culture of PepsiCo was not an easy task, it required to show a clear vision and a
strategic plan that aligns with the actions Nooyi was taking. Indra used a clear communication
with her employees in order to change the direction of PepsiCo. She applied the corporate social
responsibility “Performance with a Purpose” as a strategic plan. Indra engaged her employees to
the company’s vision since they were promoting a purpose to work in Pepsi; and all the work
Indra used her positional power to engage her teamwork and managers in each business unit; she
had the rewards power to offer promotions and retain her main talents. She mentored her top
In order to change the culture, she impulse the autonomy so the employees are proactive and
problem-solvers. People will feel motivated to work for a company who listen their ideas and
execute them.
The site in Arkansas received two honors for been an environment friendly facility; they were the
first food manufacturing site to receive the gold certification from LEED (Benton, 2011).
Employees were motivated to come up with ideas about the waste disposal, so they develop a
plan to reuse, recycle the plastic that Frito Lay was generating, and they were recognized not
only from the company but also by the local authorities. Indra moved the PepsiCo towards a
sustainable company were the employees are motivated and engaged. Her strategic plan was
clearly communicated at all levels of the company, the teams were built sharing the same vision
order to extend and grown her portfolio. Indra redesigned the products according to the current
market situation; PepsiCo modified their portfolio to became more heartier like reducing salt and
oil; at the same time, the company has 23 brands around the world that keep growing the
company in a 3-4% every year (Safian, 2015). She recognized that extending the lines of
products will not attract new market; instead, the consumer will get confuse about the options is
presented. They did increase a few flavors for Doritos, but instead they acquired Quaker which
Indra’s practices helped to redesign PepsiCo taking from a company which was declining to
bring it back to the growing number where millennials want to work as they feel identify with
the purpose.
Nooyi used her power to effectively change the direction of the organization; she introduced a
new vision for PepsiCo capturing a bigger target market and influence her employees to believe
again in the company and share the same passion as her. She was able to retain her top talents
with rewards and growing programs and create expectation for outside people who wanted to
join PepsiCo.
IV. Problem-Solving
An important role of each leader is his problem-solving skills; leaders must have a good process
when they are working on a problem (MindT, 2020). Indra Nooyi mentioned that her leadership
style was shaped when she was working in Boston Consultant Group were she gain the inductive
thinking to solve problems which is how to think a problem in micro terms but also to zoom out
and implementing a sustainable plan for PepsiCo. She was constantly tracking the market and
how to impact positively the community. After she identified the problem, Indra created the
“performance with a purpose” which was based on two ideas: tackling the obesity epidemic and
making PepsiCo an environmentally sustainable company. The new strategy was not well
received by the entire executives, Indra had to negotiate and use her power to run the strategy.
After three years, the strategy started showing positive result and the value of PepsiCo stock
increased in the market; it also created a good perception of the company as well the products.
Indra have different skill as active listening, creativity, critical thinking, decision making, risk
As tools, methods and strategies, she used her experience, knowledge, communication skill, and
consistency to develop a sustainable plan called “Performance with a purpose” which was focus
on products and operations. Another strategy that Noooyi used to solve problems is her ability to
take macro problems and see them from a micro perspective in order to resolved them and zoom
it back to a macro perspective. She also used her motivation as a strategy, she used to tell her that
easy task anyone can do it, and she has to differentiate from the other creating solution for tough
assignments. Indra also kept her “feet on the ground” so she does not block her mind from
strategically thinking.
One thing of emulation is Indra’s hands-on task. She mentioned that every weekend she used to
go to the supermarket to see how the products of PepsiCo are displayed. When she was back to
the office, she used to share her thoughts to her R&D, marketing, and production team in order to
get a better presentation that fits the consumer needs. Something to avoid from Indra’s leadership
was her low rate of delegation. She trusted her team, but many actions she could delegate, she
V. Conflict Management
Conflicts take considerable time of leaders and managers; if the conflict arises at the top
executives, it can have big consequences for the organization (DuBrin, 2019).
When Indra assumed the direction of PepsiCo, she had experience in BCG, Motorola and Asea
Brown Boveri which shaped her leadership personality (Brunison, 2011). Previous positions
made Indra to have a collaborative style to handle conflicts. Nooyi demonstrated the
collaborative style when she was working on the project for pollution management, when the
conflict arose for training families and individuals about recycling products, she listened to her
team and both learned, they ended up developing biodegradable materials; this project took six
years to implement.
Indra was a good listener, she used to listen to everyone; however, the final decision was hers.
She liked to satisfy the needs of her team but keeping her vision. Indra saw conflicts as
opportunities to grow because she can change them and open new doors. In 2012 when there
were rumors about losing her position due to low profits, her strategic plan started showing
results, she was able to show profit increase and recovering the target market of PepsiCo.
Indra used a collaborative style to resolve conflicts within the organization, her communication
Indra used her life-student conviction to be prepare for negotiations; she used to study two or
three weeks prior to any discussion in order to have the adequate date to back up any argument.
Indra promotes the communication, and she is an active listening. In order to solve problems and
Indra handled the negotiation to purchase Topicana Company for $3.3 billion from the Seagram
Company in 1998. Seagram was the biggest orange juice company at that time and looking a
sales price of $4.1 billion. Indra was taking to Ellen Marran and Mr Rodkin who was the
president of Seagram, she shared her opinion that the selling was price was to optimistic for the
current situation since a hurricane recently affected the county, she made Seagram to reduce 0.80
billion for the selling price. For this negotiation, she was well prepared, and she studied all the
information necessary, she called the attention of the other side quickly and controlling the whole
process of negotiation (McKay, 2011). Her skill like self-confident, passion speech, motivation to
One thing to emulate from Indra is her listening skills; she always mentioned that any feedback
is positive, and we should learn from it. Something to avoid from Nooyi was her the level of
pressure she used to put on her team. For example; if her R&D did not have an answer or a
solution, she will not let them go and some temper tantrum used to arise (Snyder, 2016)
VI. Conclusion
Indra is a transformational leader that was able to build, engaged and motivate her team to work
in the same direction as PepsiCo was going. She was able to engage people and learn from them.
She worked in different programs to gain more understanding about her employees’ vision and
what was motivating them. Indra was able to utilize different techniques to build great teamwork
was reflected in the strategic planning where employees were pointing in the same direction.
Indra shared a clear vision, so the team were aware of what the company was looking for, and all
Motivation was a key to engaged people. With a clear strategic plan, she motivated her
employees to work for a purpose. He powers let her to change the culture of the company.
Indra Nooyi is a leader that showed how problem solving can help us to identify and change the
company in the best way showing creative solutions for current problems. Her ability to break
problems in small prices but keeping the entire picture help her to control all steps but maintain
the strategy. Indra is categorized as a top negotiator; she controls the situation and shows her
passion until the other party is convinced. She handled successfully negotiations for PepsiCo.
Indra demonstrated that coming from minorities can have some benefits since she had a different
perspective of the teams and how they can perform better. Thinking differently from the other,
can create new ideas that can transform business in a better way.
She is a leader that is constantly learning, so we never have to give up since the market is
changing every day; we need to study the new trends and never be afraid of taking risk.
Communication is the key for success, Indra showed us how having excellent communication
skills can make the difference. She recommended investing in communication training because a
leader has been able to share ideas with her team but also the stakeholder who will have different
A leader needs to know how to handle conflicts since there are always going to be difficult times,
she needs to be able to set conflicts down and generate opportunities from them. Many people
walk away from conflicts, but a leader has to be able to solve them since this can affect the moral
of the team.
Leaders spend a lot of their time negotiating, so building negotiation skill can help you to
manage better your resources. Every day a leader has to negotiate with employees, suppliers,
people inside and outside of the company, so he has to show confidence and be prepared, so the
Indra became part of the history and many people are trying to replicate her style. She was an
Benton, V. A. P. B. J. (2011, March 3). Frito Lay Receives Not One, But Two Honors at its
Burnison, G. (2012, July 30). How Pepsi’s Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO. Fast Company.
DuBrin, A. J. (2019). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Boston, MA: Cengage.
Gray, B. (2018, June 11). The Three ‘E’s to High Performance Teams: Energy, Engagement and
How Indra Nooyi Turned Design Thinking Into Strategy: An Interview with PepsiCo’s CEO.
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Novak, D. (2018, September 12). Follow Indra Nooyi's example: Become a leader people are
Pepsi CEO: Break With the Past, and Don’t Play Too Nice. (2016, May 31). Stanford Graduate
Safian, R. (2015, December 16). “It’s Got To Be A Passion, It’s Gotta Be Your Calling”: Indra
Tang, J. (2018, September). 4 Ways PepsiCo’s CEO Energizes (and Retains) Her Employees.