DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W6
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W6
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W6
D.Discussing new concepts and Now look at the pictorial model Divide the class into group of 5s . 3.66 3 Strategy: Thinking Skills
practicing new skills #1 that you made. Tell each member of the 0.84 2 a. Task for each group (Group of 4) (RMFD)
Why did you trade ones block group that they are going help 0.25 5 1. Use strips of paper to represent the Divide the class into group of
for tenths? each other to solve the given 3.6 4 3 suman. 5s. Using the problem
Into how many tenths did we problem. Tassie bought 0.75 metre of pink 2. Divide each strip into 4 equal parts. presented, instruct the pupils
divide the whole block? After each group have finished, ribbon, which she cut into 0.25 3. Give one piece to each member of to help each other solve the
1 whole block is = 10 blocks of asked them to post their output metre strips for her project in EPP. the group. Do the same with the other problem. Give them enough
tenths on the board. How many pieces did she make? strips. time to perform it.
a. Have the pupils understand the 4. Answer the following : After all the group had done
How many tenths are there word problem by asking some a. What do you call each part? with their output, ask
now? comprehension questions. b. How many fourths did each one somebody from the group to
Why did you separate the What are given? receive? discuss the solutions done.
tenths into groups of four What is asked in the problem? After the activity, ask the pupils
tenths? What operation should you use to c. How do you change 34 to decimal? to explain their answers.
Into how many groups did we solve the problem? (by multiplying both terms by 25; that How did you solve the
divide? What is the correct anser? Explain is, 3 x 25 = 75; problem?
How many groups of tenths do it. 4 x 25 = 100 )
you have? b. Do the activity. “Pair Share” d. How will you write 75 and 100 in
What is the quotient of 1.2 ÷ 0.4 fraction form?
? Let them write the number e. How is 75100 written in decimal
This time use pictorial models to sentence for the problem. Give form?
divide 1.4 ÷ 0.2. them time to brainstorm the f. What is the quotient of 3 ÷ 4?
possible way on how to perform the g. Show your solution.
operation on a given decimal
c. Call some volunteers to show
their answer on the board.
d. Processing the answer of the
Show this flow chart to show the
sequential steps in dividing decimal
by a decimal.
1. What did we multiply to the
dividend and the divisor?
2. Why do you multiply both
dividend and divisor by 100?
3. Ask each pair to check their
answer using multiplication to find
out whether the answer is
E.Discussing new concepts and Give other examples Give other examples Give other examples Give other examples Give other examples
practicing new skills #2
F.Developing Mastery Based on your group’s output, After the activity, ask the pupils Divide and find the answer. Do it by Read, analyze and solve the problem Directions: Group the learners
what is one way to divide to explain their answers. pair. A dressmaker has a bolt of fabric that into five groups. Instruct them
decimals? What operation should you use Think-Pair-Share is 49 meters long. She plans to make to
What may we use? We may to solve the problem? 1. What is 0.75 divided by 0.25? 50 table runners. How long will each divide the following numbers.
use picture model to divide Why is division the operation 2. How many 0.8 are there in 0.64? piece be? 1). 15 ÷ 9
decimals. needed to solve it? 3. What is the average point if 0.92 Understand 2). 11 ÷ 2
Let the pupils write the number is divided by 0.23? Know what is asked in the 3). 7 ÷ 4
sentence on the board. 4. A 0.78 hectares cornfield is problem? 4). 431 ÷ 3
0.8 ÷ 0.4 = N divided equally by three children Know what are the given facts: 5). 840 ÷ 11
The teacher show the flowchart of the farmer. How much part of the
to show the sequential steps in cornfield each child Plan
dividing a decimal by a decimal. received? Determine the operation to use:
Talk about the chart. 5. How many pieces of cloth 0.23
What did we multiply to the each can be cut from Solve
dividend and the divisor? Write the number sentence
To what number did we actually 0.65 m long?
multiply the equation 0.8/0.4? Check and look back
Why do you multiply both
dividend and divisor by 10?
Elicit from the pupil that once the
divisor has been changed to
a whole number, the equation
can then be simplified just like
in dividing whole numbers.
To find whether your answer is
reasonable or not, use multi-
plication to check your answer.
G.Finding Parctical application of Strategy: Coins model Directions: Group yourself into 5 Strategy: Activity-Based Read and solve the problem
concepts and skills in daily living Materials: P 0.25; 0.05 or 25 c groups. Think-pair and share Directions: Find the quotient. Group Activity: Provide each group Father left Php 50 on the table
and 5 c to find the quotient: 1. When 94.5 is divided by 0.15, with a problem to solve. for you and your two brother’s
Directions: Find the quotient G – 1 0.81 ÷ 0.9 what is the quotient? 1. What is the quotient if 24 is divided snack. The three of you decide
using coins for a pictorial model G – 2 0.88 ÷ 0.11 2. What is N in the equation, 6.93 by 48? to share it equally so each one
How many five centavos are G – 3 0.56 ÷ 0.7 0.11=N? 2. Alfred has 35 m of wire for hanging can buy what he likes for a
there in twenty-five centavo G – 4 0.54 ÷ 0.06 3. How many 0.29 are there in pictures. She wants to divide it into 50 snack. What will be the
coins? G – 5 0.45 ÷ 0.15 9.28? pieces for her frames. How long did amount each of you can
To find the answer, divide: 25 c she used for each frame? receive?
÷5c=5 B. Directions: Find the quotient. 3. Mother left Php5.00 for his 7
P 0.25 ÷ P 0.05 = 5 1). 0.24 0.4 = children. How much did each child
P 0.25 = P 0.05 P 0.05 P 0.05 P 2). 0.56 0.7 = received
0.05 P 0.05 3). 0.72 0.9 = 4. Mr. Dela Cruz is a hardworking
4). 0.88 0.11 = man who owns 6 hectares of land. In
5). 0.06 0.54 = his will, he divided his lot equally
among his 7 sons. How much land
each of his sons received?
5. Jeffrey and Geoffrey went to the
market to buy 15 kilos of pork. When
they came home, they divided the
meat into 16 parts and put it in plastic
bags for future use. How many kilos
of pork does each bag contain?
H.Making generalization and Lead the pupils to give the How do we divide decimal with How do we divide decimal by a How do we divide whole numbers How do you divide whole
abstraction about the lesson following generalizations: decimal up to 2 decimal decimal with up to 2 decimal with decimal quotients? numbers with quotient in
How do we divide decimal places? places? In dividing whole numbers with a decimal form?
numbers decimal quotients :
o write the equation in fraction form,
dividend as numerator and divisor as
o divisor must be bigger than its
o divide numerator by its
denominator, since numerator is
smaller than denominator it can’t be
o add zero to the numerator but
before that add a decimal point
before zero
o quotient must then have a decimal
I.Evaluating learning Illustrate the quotient using Find the quotient Find each quotient Directions: Divide the following
number line model. 1). 0.24 ÷ 0.4 1). 0.09 0.03= Find the quotient. Round your answer whole numbers.
0.25 ÷ 0. 05 = 2). 0.56 ÷ 0.8 2). 0.93 0.3 = to the nearest 1). 16 ÷ 3
Look at this number line model 3). 0.72 ÷ 0.9 3). 0.3.2 0.4 = place value indicated to complete the 2). 21 ÷ 6
of 0.25 ÷ 0. 05 = 5 4). 0.48 ÷ 0.8 4). 18.6 0.02 = table 3). 20 ÷ 3
What do you notice on the 5). 0.18 ÷ 0.3 5). 2.4 0.06 = 4). 11 ÷ 6
divisors? a) 5 ÷ 8 5). 20 ÷ 12
How many units of 0.6 scale
are there? b) 12 ÷ 18
What happen to the
dividend? c) 15 ÷ 80
How many unit of scales are
there? d) 16 ÷ 18
e) 14 ÷ 24
J.additional activities for Illustrate the quotient using the Find the quotient. Find the quotient. Divide the following whole
application or remediation following models below. 1. What is 0.75 divided by 0.25? Answer these questions. 1. 25 ÷ 50 = N numbers.
2 ÷ 0.4 = 2. How many 0.8 are there in 1. How many 0.31 metres are there 2. 56 ÷ 58 = N 1). 4012 ÷ 16
2.) 3.6 ÷ 0.6 = N 0.64? in 96.1 metre? 3. 72 ÷ 74 = N 4). 3520 ÷ 23
3. What is the average point if 2. How many 0.12 cm are there in 4. 99 ÷ 100 = N 2). 1209 ÷ 24
0.92 by 0.23? 6.48 cm? 5). 5628 ÷
4. A 0.78 hectares cornfield is 3. How many 0.26 cm are there in 3). 9936 ÷ 2
divided equally by three 59.8 cm?
children of the farmer. How much 4. How many 0.8 kg are there in
part of the cornfield 6.4 kg
each child received? 5. How many 0.47 m are there in
5. How many pieces of cloth 0.23 61.1 m?
m each can be cut from
a 0.65 m long?
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B.No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C.Did the remedial work? No.of
learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can helpme solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did used/discover which
I wish to share with other