Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll
Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll
Temperature Based Fan Speed Controll
Report on
Submitted by
Under the guidance of
Dept. of ECE, GAT
Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru – 560 098
NACC - ‘A’ Grade and NBA Accredited
Certified that the Mini Project (18ECMP68) entitled
As a slogan suggest “One unit saved is one unit generated”. The project is a standalone
automatic fan speed controller that controls the speed of an electric fan according to our
requirement. Use of embedded technology makes this closed loop feedback control
system efficient and reliable.
Arduino microcontroller allows dynamic and faster control. Liquid crystal display (LCD)
makes the system user friendly. The sensed temperature and fan speed level values are
simultaneously displayed on the LCD panel. It is very compact as it is constructed by
using few components and can be interfaced for several applications including Air-
conditioners, Water-heaters, Snow-meters, Ovens, Heat-exchangers, Mixers, Furnaces,
Incubators and Thermal baths.
Arduino micro controller is the heart of the circuit as it controls all the functions. The
temperature sensor LM35 senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical signal,
which is forwarded to the microcontroller. The sensed and set values of the temperature
are displayed on the 16x2-line LCD. The microcontroller drives Transistor to control the
fan speed.
This project is useful in process industries for maintenance and controlling of Boilers
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible and whose
constant encouragement and guidance crowned our efforts with success.
We are grateful to Dr. Manjunath Reddy H S, Professor and Head, Dept. of Electronics
and Communications Engineering who is source of inspiration and of invaluable help in
channelizing my efforts in right direction.
We wish to thank our internal guide Saraswathi G Joshi, Associate Professor, Dept of
ECE for guiding and correcting various documents with attention and care. She has taken
lot of pain to go through the document and make necessary corrections as and when
We would like to thank the faculty members and supporting staff of the Department of
ECE, GAT for providing all the support for completing the Project work.
Finally, we are grateful to our parents and friends for their unconditional support and help
during our Project work.
Abstract 1
Acknowledgement 2
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 4
With the advancement in technology, intelligent systems are introduced every day.
Everything is getting more sophisticated and intelligible. There is an increase in the
demand of cutting-edge technology and smart electronic systems.
Microcontrollers play a very important role in the development of the smart systems as
brain is given to the system. Microcontrollers have become the heart of the new
technologies that are being introduced daily. A microcontroller is mainly a single chip
microprocessor suited for control and automation of machines and processes. Today,
microcontrollers are used in many disciplines of life for carrying out automated tasks in a
more accurate manner.
Almost every modern-day device including air conditioners, power tools, toys, office
machines employ microcontrollers for their operation. Microcontroller essentially
consists of Central Processing Unit (CPU), timers and counters, interrupts, memory,
input/output ports, analog to digital converters (ADC) on a single chip. With this single
chip integrated circuit design of the microcontroller the size of control board is reduced &
power consumption is low.
This project presents the design and simulation of the fan speed control system. A
temperature sensor has been used to measure the temperature of the room and the speed
of the fan is varied according to the room temperature. The control of the fan speed is
depending upon the room temperature, which is displayed on Liquid Crystal Display.
These are the hardware requirements that are necessary to build the assembly of the
temperature based fan speed control and monitoring using Arduino.
• Arduino Board
• Temperature sensor
• DC Fan
• LCD Display
• Transistor
• Resistor
• Diode
• Capacitor
• Potentiometer
• Power Supply
• Connecting Wires
• Bread Board
Arduino UNO is a development board which contains microcontroller in the board itself.
It is an open-source software. In the electronics platform, Arduino is easy to use hardware
and software. The Arduino boards can read inputs so that they can understand and give as
some of the outcomes like light on a sensor, a finger on a button, activating a motor,
turning on an LED, publishing something manually in online etc. that are all given as
output to us. The most of the applications on everyday life.
Arduino is a part of the application. The reason is that the Arduino follows the instruction
correctly that fed by us. How can we send the instructions to the Arduino board? The
instructions can be fed to the Arduino board by these tools, one is the Arduino
programming language (based on Wiring), and the other one is Arduino Software (IDE),
based on Processing.
For a long period of time Arduino has been the master brain for thousands of projects,
from everyday objects to complicated scientific instruments. All kind of people around
the worldwide like students, hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals can make
use of this open-source software platform, so that it can be very helpful to the users. The
Arduino UNO was founded by the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute as an easy tool with
easy access for fast prototyping, targeted at students without a background in electronics
and programming. Quickly it interacts the wider community, the Arduino UNO board
started facing to adapt to new needs and difficulties as per the product. All the Arduino
boards are full and fully open-source platform, helps the users to build them freely and
clearly adapt them to their particular needs.
The software is very easy to access for all kind of users includes the beginners and the
new learners, also flexible enough for advanced users. This software is applicable to all
systems like Mac, Windows, and Linux. In the educational area the teachers and the
students independently access this software.
This paves the way to the technology development and new innovations. Other
microcontrollers offer similar functionality. All of these things are taken the sufficient
details of microcontroller programming and pack it up in a proper function for the use.
Arduino UNO makes the working process simple with the microcontrollers.
• Inexpensive –The Arduino UNO board is comparatively low cost when compared
to the other microcontrollers that available in the market.
• Cross-platform - The Arduino UNO Software (IDE) easily access all kind of the
platforms like Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. Most of
the microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.
• Simple programming platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) is very easy and
simple for the beginners, available also for the advanced users to take advantage
of as well. Also for the teaching staffs it is applicable to teach the students for the
basic programming here.
• Open source and extensible software - The Arduino IDE software is Typographic
as open source tools, available for experienced programmers. This can access the
C++ libraries in the IDE software itself.
1. Microcontroller- ATmega328
2. Operating Voltage- 5V Input Voltage
3. Input Voltage – 6 to 20V
4. Digital I/O Pins- 14Analog Input Pins :6
5. DC Current for the 3.3V Pin- 50 mA
6. Flash Memory- 32 KB SRAM :2 KB
8. Clock Speed- 16 MHz
8. Special Pin Functions: All the 14 Digital pins and the 6 Analog pins on the Arduino
UNO board can be use as input/output. Each pin can operate at 5V. Based on the
operating condition each pin can provide or receive as 20 mA and has an internal pull-up
resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50k ohm. The value does not exceeds 40 mA on
any of the I/O pins to avoid the permanent damage to the microcontroller. The Arduino
Uno has 6 analog inputs, named A0-A5, which provide 10 bits of resolution (i.e. 1024
different values). Initially they measure from the ground to 5V, though it is possible to
change the upper end of their range with the help of the AREF pin and the analog
reference () function.
9. Serial: This pin specially functions for receiving and transmitting. The pins 0 (RX) and
1 (TX). It is used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. Pins of the
ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip are connected with these pins.
10. External Interrupts: The pins 2 and 3 are the external interrupts. These pins can be
assigned to trigger an interrupt on a low value and a high value.
11. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation): The pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11 can provide 8-bit
PWM output with the analog write function.
12. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface): The pins 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13
(SCK) supports the SPI communication by using the SPI library.
13. TWI (Two Wire Interface): The A4 or SDA pin and A5 or SCL pin supports TWI
communication by using the wire library.
14. AREF (Analog Reference): It is the Reference voltage for the analog inputs.
Temperature sensor senses the room temperature. This electronic device converts the data
that sensed in the surrounding into the electronic data for recording purpose. There are
many different types of temperature sensors. Here in this project we are using LM 35
temperature sensor. The LM35 temperature sensor is graded to work from -55°
Centigrade to 150° Centigrade with a undeviating scale factor of +10mv/° C. It is a tiny
and low cost IC which can be used to measure temperature anywhere in the surrounding
between -55°C to
150degree C.
1. Measures directly in degree Celsius (centigrade)
2. Linear +10.0 mV/ degree Celsius
3. 0.5degree Celsius accuracy (at +25degree Celsius)
4. Rated between -55 to +150degree Celsius range
5. Suitable for remote applications
6. Low cost due to wafer-level trimming
7. Operates from 4 to 30 volts
8. Less than 60 Micro ampere current drains
9. Low self-heating, 0.08 degree Celsius and Nonlinearity only +/- 1/4 degree Celsius
3. DC Fan:
It is an electronic appliance used to flow the air around its environment. We all know that
fan contains blades, they act on the air. The Impeller, rotor, or runner are the rotating
assembly of blade.
The Potentiometer is an electric device that used to measure the Electro Motive Force of a
given battery, the internal resistance of a cell. And also it is used to compare the EMFs of
different cells. It can also use as a variable resistor in most of the applications. It is also
used to decrease the contrast of LCD display.
5. LCD Display:
Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have found enormous success in the past couple of
decades. They are used everywhere in our day to life. Some of the examples are from
cellular phones, e-books, GPS devices, computer monitors, and automotive displays to
projectors and TVs to name a few.
They play a critical role in the information age and are import elements of our daily life.
Liquid crystals do not emit light. Their function is to modify the state of light produced
by a light source in order to display images.
The light is produced by either a direct backlight, which is placed directly beneath the
liquid crystal panel, or edge light which is placed at the edge of a waveguide sheet.
Backlight is more suitable for large-size LCDs, because it can provide high light
intensities, but it is bulky. Edge light is more suitable for small-size handheld LCDs,
because it is compact, but its light output is limited.
The common light sources for LCD lighting are cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFL),
light emitting diodes (LED), external electrode fluorescent lamps (EEFL), and flat
fluorescent lamps (FFL). CCFL consists of a glass tube with a cathode and an anode at
the ends.
The tube is filled with mercury gas. The inner surface of the tube is coated with a
fluorescent (phosphor) material. When a voltage is applied across the two electrodes,
some (primary) electrons are emitted by thermal motion in the cathode and accelerated
toward the anode. There are also dichroic reflective polarizers, which have the advantage
of high light efficiency. They pass incident light polarized in one direction and reflect
incident light polarized in the orthogonal direction.
The reflected light can be recycled by rotating its polarization into the direction of the
transmission axis of the polarizers. The rotation of the polarization can be achieved either
by a half waveplate or by a scattering medium.
Physical materials resist the flow of electrical current to some extent. Certain materials
such as copper offer very low resistance to current flow, and hence they are called
conductors. Other materials such as ceramic which offer extremely high resistance to the
current flow are called as insulators. In electric and electronic circuits there is a need for
materials with specific values of resistance in the range between that of a conductor and
an insulator. These materials are called resistors and their values of resistance are
expressed in ohms.
A diode is a device which allows current flow through only one direction. That is the
current should always flow from the Anode to cathode. The cathode terminal can be
identified by using a grey bar as shown in the picture above.
For 1N4007 Diode, the maximum current carrying capacity is 1A it withstand peaks up to
30A. Hence we can use this in circuits that are designed for less than 1A. The reverse
current is 5uA which is negligible. The power dissipation of this diode is 3W. Here diode
controls the fan from being damaged.
LEDs are used in applications as diverse as aviation lighting, fairy lights, automotive
headlamps, advertising, general lighting, traffic signals, camera flashes, lighted
wallpaper, horticultural grow lights, and medical devices.
Connecting wires allows an electrical current to travel from one point on a circuit to
another because electricity needs a medium through which it can move. A jump wire is
an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end which
is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other prototype or test
circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering.
Individual jump wires are fitted by inserting their "end connectors" into the slots provided
in a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit board, or a piece of test equipment.
Now Arduino is very progressive among all electronic circuits, thus we employed
Arduino board for fan speed control. The proposed system is designed to detect the
temperature of the room and send that information to Arduino board.
Then the Arduino board executes the contrast of current temperature and set
temperature based on inbuilt program of the Arduino.
The outcome obtained from the operation is given through the output port of an
Arduino board to the LCD display of related data.
The generated pulses from the board which is further fed to the driver circuit to get the
preferred output to the fan.
The input is taken from a temperature sensor.
The control pins of LM35 is connected to the Arduino. The time is taken by the
Arduino to convert analog data into digital form is dependent on the frequency of
clock sequence.
Different value for the temperature representation are selected, which in turn are
provided to display port. Display port includes LCD display device.
Temperature sensor LM35 senses the temperature and converts it into an electrical
(analog) signal, which is applied to the ATmega328 microcontroller of the
Arduino UNO Board.
The analog value is converted into a digital value. The sensed values of the
temperature and speed of the fan are displayed on the LCD.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7);
int temp;
int fanSpeed;
int fanLCD;
void setup() {
pinMode(fan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(tempPin, INPUT);
void loop()
Serial.print( temp );
analogWrite(fan, fanSpeed);
digitalWrite(fan, LOW);
if((temp >= tempMin) && (temp <= tempMax)) // if temperature is higher than minimum
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
lcd.print("TEMP: ");
lcd.print("C ");
lcd.print("FANS: ");
temp = analogRead(tempPin);
1.Poultry farming
13.Thermal baths
• Eliminate human error that can occur with attempting to control temperature
• Save time.
This project elaborates the design and construction of fan speed control system to control
the room temperature. Temperature sensor was carefully chosen to gauge the room
temperature. Moreover, the fan speed will increase automatically if the room temperature
is increased. As conclusion, the system performs very well for any temperature changes
and can be classified as automatic control.
• The project will concentrate on electric standard fan rather than other type of fan
such as ceiling fan.
• We can monitor more parameters like humidity, light and at the same time to
control them.
• When temperature exceeds the limit, a call will be dialed to the respective given
number by automatic dialer system.
[1] Liu, Y., Zeng, J. and Wang, C. (2009). Temperature Monitoring in Laser
Assisted Polymer Bonding for MEMS Packaging Using a thin Film Sensor Array,
IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, New Orleans, LA, USA.
[2] Jung, W You, J. and Won, S. (2008). Temperature Monitoring System for
Inductive Heater Oven (pp.1734-1737), International Conference on Control,
Automation and Systems, Seoul Korea.