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Rogerson Kratos 403 S. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Ca 91105 COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL WITH ILLUSTRATED PARTS LIST DUAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INDICATOR PART NUMBER 124.043 “THE CONTENT OF THIS PUBLICATION I8 THE PROPERTY OF, AND CONTAINS INFORMATION PROPRIETARY TO ROGERSON ZAIRCRAPT CORPORATION, IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF OBSOLETE DATA BEING USED FOR MAINTENANCE, OVERIIAUL, AND REPAIR OF OUR EQUIPMENT, ITIS MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF OWNER/OPERATORS OF QOPLICADLE AIRCRAFT. THIS MANUAL MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR PART, NOR DISTRIBUTED TO OTHERS, ‘WITHOUT EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM ROGERSON AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. 29-30-12 Tuly 1/96 Rogerson Aircraft Corporation 2201 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA 92606 USA NOTICE This manual has been reproduced so as to be in compliance with ATA-100 style and format standards. The manual does not contain technical changes as a result of the reproduction, nor have service bulletins (et al) been included unless such a change is specifically noted on the service bulletin list. Aug 12, 1996 29-30-12 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO. 124.043 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION | DATE | DATE REVISION | DATE — | DATE NUMBER _| ISSUED _| FILED BY __| NUMBER | ISSUED__| FILED BY ‘Retain this record infront of the manual. On rest of revision inet revised pages inthe manual and enter revision number, dt esd defiled and initial 29-30-12 Page RR-1 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO. 124,043 RECORD OF TEMPORARY REVISIONS TEMPORARY “T REVISION PAGE DATE | INSERTED | DATE | REMOVED NUMBER NUMBER | ISSUED BY REMOVED BY Retain thi recordin front ofthe manval. On reeip ofa temporary revision, insert revised page in the manual and enter temporary revision mmiber, age nub, date ised, intl or date removed and ini 29-30-12 Page TR-1 Tul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043 SERVICE BULLETIN LIST SERVICE DAT DATE INCORPORATED/ INSERTED NUMBER ISSUED SUPERCEDES BY Rela this rcord in front ofthe manual, On sip ofa service bulletin inset service bulltin amber, date sued and initial, 29-30-12 Page SB-1 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO, 124.043 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES SUBJECT PAGE DATE SUBJECT PAGE DATE Record of Revisions RR-1 Jul 1/96 Assembly 702 Jul 1/96 Record of TRI Jul 1/96 703 Tul 1/96 ‘Temporary Revisions 704 Jul 1/96 705 Jul 1/96 Service Bulletin List SB-1 Jul 1/96 706 Jul 1/96 List of Effective LEP-1 Jnl 1/96 Fits and Clearances 801 Jul 1/96 Pages Special Tools, Fixtures 901 Jul 1/96 Table of Contents TC-1 Jul 1/96 and Equipment 902 Jul 1/96 Introduction INTRO-] Jul 1/96 Mhustrated Parts List 1001 Jul 1/96 INTRO-2 ‘Jul 1/96 1002 Jul 1/96 1003 Jul 1/96 Description and 1 Tul 1/96 1004 Jul 1/96 Operation 2 Jul 1/96 1005 Jul 1/96 3 Jul 1/96 1006 Jul 1/96, 4 Jul 1/96 1007 Jul 1/96 ‘Testing and 101 Jul 1/96 Equipment 102 Jul 1/96 Fault Isolation 103 Jul 1/96 104 Jul 1/96 Unassigned 201 Jul 1/96 Disassembly 301 Jul 1/96 302 Jul 1/96 303 Jul 1/96 Cleaning 401 Jul 1/96 402, Jul 1/96 Check 501 Jul 1/96 502 Jul 1/96 Repair 601 Jul 1/96 602 Jul 1/96 603 Jul 1/96 Assembly 701 Jul 1/96 29-30-12 Page LEP-1 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NOs. 124,043 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Introduction INTRO-1 Description and Operation... a - 1 Testing and Fault Isolation, sess - 101 Unassigned oo 7 cocoa 201 Disassembly. so sos so - 301 Cleaning... so - - eoreeereeetereee 401 Check. oe ss sos - 501 Repair. - snes : a so 601 Assembly... aoe es . - 701 Fits and Clearance... ss aoe seven 801 Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment. 901 Mlustrated Parts List. 1001 29-30-12 Page TC-1 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043 INTRODUCTION A. G General ‘This manual can be used to perform maintenance and repairs on the Dual Temperature ‘and Pressure Indicator, part numbers 124.043 after the unit has been removed from the aircraft. The Testing and Fault Isolation, Disassembly, Repair and Assembly sections are written so that malfunetions can be determined and the affected component removed, repaired or replaced. Manufacturing ‘The Position Indicators are manufactured by: ROGERSON KRATOS PHONE: (818) 449-3090 403 SOUTH RAYMOND AVE. FAX: (818) 795-0322 PASADENA, CA 91109 USA Manual Layout ‘This technical manual consists of ten (10) topic sections which include the following: Description Testing and Fault Isolation Disassembly Cleaning, Cheek Repair ‘Assembly Fits and Clearance Special Tools, Fixtures and Equipment Ilustrated Parts List Refer to the Table of Contents for the page location of applicable procedure sections. ‘An explanation of the use of the Illustrated Parts List is provided inthe beginning of that topic section, [Atl weights and measurements are in English units and $.1, metric equivalent values in parentheses 29-30-12 Page INTRO-1 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO, 124.043 ‘This manual will be revised as necessary to reflect current information. Service Bulletins will be issued separately and as required to provide current configuration information. Shop Verification ‘This manual has been shop validated to the 124.043 configuration, as noted in the following: SECTION DATE Testing 10/22/81 Disassembly 10/22/81 Assembly 10/22/81 AR As Required ‘ASSY ‘Assembly c Celsius Degree cu Cubic DIA Diameter DVM Digital Voltmeter EFF Effectivity F° Fahrenheit Degree FIG Fig) Figure IN. (in) Inch LB. (Ib) Pound MAX Maximum MIN Minimum, MM (mm) Millimeter NM (Nm) ‘Newton-Meter ‘NHA Next Higher Assembly ‘NO Number Oz Ounce: PN Part Number RF Reference v Volts w ‘Watt(s) 29-30-12 Page INTRO-2 Jul 1/96 1 ROGERSON KRATOS (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO. 124.043 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION A. Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator Description (Refer to Figure 1) ‘The Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator, Part Number 124.043, is a self-contained dual indicator which displays temperature and pressure of oil present in the aircraft hydraulic system. The indicator consists of two meter movements, a meter guard subassembly, and a printed circuit board (PCB) assembly mounted on a common frame ‘and enclosed in a cylindrical case. The indicator contains internal lamps to illuminate the ‘meter face. ‘The indicator is connected to remote signal sources located in the aircraft hydraulic system. ‘The temperature circuit receives 28 Vde input power at pins B (+) and D (-) of connector P] (Figure 2). Signal input from a resistance temperature bulb is applied to pin C on the connector. Transistor Ql, Zener diode VR7 and diode CR8 provide regulated current to meter Ml. Pad resistor R17 calibrates the amount of current required for a minimum (- 50°C) indication. In the event that accurate calibration cannot be achieved, an additional pad resistor R10 may be added to the circuit. Pad resistor R11 calibrates the amount of current required for a maximum (+150°C) indication, ‘The resistance temperature bulb provides a varying resistance in the temperature circuit which corresponds to changes in temperature (an increase in temperature causes an increase in resistance). The increase in resistance from the temperature bulb causes a decrease in current on the positive side of Meter M1, The difference in current between ‘ho positive and the negative sides of Meter M1 causes the meter to draw current and provide a visual indication of temperature. Atemperature compensating network consisting of resistor R18 and thermistor R9 ensures that meter indication is not affected ‘by ambient temperature. The pressure circuit receives input signal voltage from an external pressure transmitter at pin G (+) and H () of connector Pl. Pad resistor R5 provides calibration for a 1K input impedance. A temperature-compensating network consisting of resistor R7 and thermistor RB ensures that meter indication is not affected by ambient temperature. ‘The indicator dial lights DS1 through DS4 are activated by +5 Vde aircraft input power at pins A (+) and E (-) of connector PI Leading particulars are listed in Table 1 29-30-12 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO, 124.043 Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator, Part Number 124.043 Figure 1 5 29-30-12 Page 2 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO, 124.043 Dielectric Strength Meter Accuracy: ‘MI (temperature) M2 (pressure) Dial Movement TFEM CHARACTERISTIC Power Input: MI (temperature) 20 to 32 Vee M2 (Pressure) Oto 1 Ve | Lighting Power 15 Vdc 1% 500 Vims, 60 Hz, 5 seconds £2% of full scale + 2% of full scale 135 degrees taut band Dimensions Length 4.15 in, max (105.41 mm max) excluding connector Diameter 2.0 in, max (50.80 mm max) Weight 8.8 oz max (250 grams max) Leading Particulars Table 1 29-30-12 Page 3 Jul 1/96 a ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL aye PART NO, 124,043, Schematic Diagram Figure 2 29-30-12 Page 4 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043 ‘TESTING AND FAULT ISOLATION A. Test Equipment Requirements (1) No special tools, this section. The Table 101, called out in the appropriate test, and listed in the SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT section, along with their sources. , fixtures or equipment is required to conduct the testing in ‘standard shop tools required for testing are listed in NOTE: Equivalent substitutes may be used for listed items. TOOL/EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER RANGE | Hiypot Tester 404 ‘Associated Research, Skokie, IL | 0-1500 Vac DC Power Supply 500ST Power Design, Westbury, CT__ | 0-50 Vde Multimeter Commercially Available 0-1000 Ohms Resistance Decade Box Commercially Available 0-10K Ohms DC Calibrator 341A John Fluke Mfg., Mountain 0-1 Vde Terrace, WA Test Equipment Table 101 B. Tolerances Unless otherwise specified. the maximum allowable tolerance for test conditions shall bbe as follows: ‘All measurements shall be made with instruments which have accuracy to within one percent (1%) full scale indication and have been certified traceable to the National ‘Bureau of Standards. It is recommended that the Testing and Fault Isolation Procedures, as referenced in Table 103, be performed to determine the most probable cause of any malfunct- jon, Malfanetions should be repaired without complete disassembly or rebuilding of the unit. Moreover, careful inspection is required to determine if the inside of the valve is contaminated and needs considerable cleaning before reuse. 29-30-12 Page 101 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043, 2, FUNCTIONAL-TESTING, DUAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE INDICATOR A. Lamp Test Procedures (1) Resistance Tests Q @) @ ® ® © Connect DC Power Supply to Pins A (+) and E (-) of connector P1 Apply 5Vde and verify that the lamp shows uniform dial and pointer illumination Shut off power and disconnect the power supply Static Balance Test (a) (b) Tilt the indicator 90 degrees in all directions from mounted position Ensure that maximum deflection of the pointer is less than + 2% of full scale, Insulation Resistance Test (@) Connect Hypot Tester to pins B, C and D (tied together) and to the case. (b) © Apply 500 Vac and ensure that there is no evidence of arcing or breakdown of insulation (©) Shut off power and disconnect the Hypot tester (@® Connect the Hypot tester to pins G and H (tied together) and to the case. Repeat steps (b) and (c) of this test (©) Connect Hypot tester to pins B, C and D (tied together) and to pins G and H (tied together). Repeat steps (b) and (c) of this test (© Connect the multimeter between pin E and case (g) _ Ensure the measured resistance is less than 0.1 ohm (h) Shut off power and disconnect the multimeter Performance Test (a) Connect DC power supply between pins B (+) and D (-) of connector (6) Connect resistance decade box between pins C and D of connector 29-30-12 Page 102 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043, (©) Refer to Table 102. Apply 28 Vdc and adjust decade box to achieve ‘temperature indications consistent (within tolerance) with those listed in the table (@) Adjust power supply to 20 Vde. Ensure that the indicator maintains +150° indication (©) Adjust power supply to 32 Vde. Ensure that the indicator maintains +150° indication ‘Meter Indication (x 10°C) Resistance Tolerance 5 TAD £1.24 ohms 0 90.38 1.35 ohms +5 108.39 1.53 ohms H10 128.85 +£1.74 ohms HS 151.91 + 1.88 ohms Temperature Indicator Position Check Figure 102 (© Shut off power and disconnect power supply and decade box (Connect the DC Calibrator to terminals G (+) and H (-) of indicator (b) Refer to Table 103. Apply the listed pressure indications consistent (within tolerances) with those listed () Connect the multimeter between pins G (+) and H(). Verify that resistance measures 1000 + 14 ohms (Shut off power. Disconnect test equipment Pressure Indication (x 100 PSI) Volts DC 0 0 £0020 5 0,333 + 0.020 10 0.667 + 0.020 1s 1,000 + 0.020 ‘Pressure Indicator Position Check Table 103 29-3) 0-12 Page 103 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043, Fault Isolation Analysis Isolate faults in the indicator in accordance with Table 104. Fault Probable Cause Corrective Action Tamips do not Miuminate (as stated in Lamp Test) Tamp(s) burned out Replace lamp(s) (40, IPL Fig. Ty (refer to Repair Section ‘Wiring from connector to PCB or to lamps shorted or damaged Locate and repair defective wiring (refer to Repair section) Pointer position incorrect (differ- ent from value stated in Balance Test Pointer unbalanced ‘Replace meter movement(50, IPL Fig. 1) (refer to Disassembly Section) “Areing or insulation breakdown. ‘Variance from Insulation Resist- ance Test desired results ‘Wiring to connector damaged, shorted or improper grounding ‘Repair defective wiring or ground(refer to Repair section) Pointer sticks or fluctuates Improper meter indications “Meter movement defective Wiring from PCB to meter ‘movement defective Pointer misadjusted ‘Meter movement defective PCB assembly defective Meter improperly calibrated Replace meter movement (50, IPL Fig. 1) (Refer to Disassembly Section) Repair defective wiring (refer to Repair section) Set pointer to correct position (refer to Assembly section) Replace meter movement (50, IPL Fig. 1) (Tefer to Disassembly section Replace PCB assembly (90, IPL Fig. 1) (tefer to Disassembly) Recalibrate meter (refer to Assembly section) . Fault Isolation Analysis Table 104 29-30-12 Page 104 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL. PART NO. 124.043 (Page 201 is unassi 29-30-12 Page 201 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NOs. 124,043 DISASSEMBLY CAUTION: DISASSEMBLE THE CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY IN A CLEAN, DUST-FREE AREA. PROTECT PARTS FROM MOISTURE, CONTAM- INANTS AND OTHER DAMAGE BY PLACING IT IN A COVERED CLEAN, NON-STATIC CONTAINER AFTER DISASSEMBLY. NO: Refer to TESTING AND FAULT ISOLATION section to determine most probable cause of any malfunction. Disassemble only to the extent required to correct the problem. A. Allitems referenced throughout this section refer to IPL Figure 1, as well as disassembly guide Figure 301 unless otherwise noted. The Position Indicator should be tested in accordance with Testing and Fault Isolation to determine the extent of maintenance and disassembly required. Instructions are provided for disassembling the complete indicator. Only partial disassembly may be necessary. Perform disassembly only to the extent necessary to provide needed maintenance. B. To disassemble the Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator, proceed as follows: NOTE: Its recommended that the indicator be returmed to Rogerson Kratos for ‘the appropriate maintenance to be performed in the event extensive maintenance or repair of the indicator is required, NOTE: ‘Before starting to disassemble the indicator, carefully read all instructions and refer to applicable illustrations. Case mounting screws are secured with hydraulic sealant, Some force may be required to loosen certain screws. If screws cannot be loosed without excessive force, heat subject screw(s) with a 25 - 40 W soldering device. (1) Remove case (5, IPL Fig. 1) from frame (120) by removing four screws (10), NOTE: Do not remove lamp(s) unless burned out. Refer to Repair section for proper removal and replacement procedure. 29-30-12 "6 2). ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NOs, 124.043 Refer to Figure 301 and remove the meter movement as follows: CAUTION: EXTREME CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO AVOID BENDING OR BREAKING THE STEM AND POINTER. (a) Using a low wattage soldering iron, tag and unsolder sires from the meter movement to the meter guard subassembly {b) Rotate frame (120) to position meter movement (50) in vertical position (©) Hold frame (120) securely in one hand (@ Remove two screws (60), two shoulder washers (65), two flat washers (61) and two insulation strips (70) NOTE: Meter movement (50), bracket (55) and two screws (75) are removed as an assembly. (©) Use thumb and middle finger of opposite hand to hold movernent while using index finger to steady counterbalance CAUTION: POINTER MUST BE AT MID-SCALE TO PREVENT BREAKAGE. @ Tilt rear of movement gently upward while simultaneously pulling movement back, Observe stem and pointer to ensure that both clear the cap and dial face (@) Remove bracket (55) by removing two screws (75) ‘NOTE: Retain bracket (55) and screws (75) for reassembly (h) Repeat steps (a) through (g) for remaining movement Removal of Meter Guard Assembly a) (2) Using the low wattage soldering device, tag and unsolder wires from meter guard (80) to PCB assembly (90) and wires to connector (100) Remove meter guard assembly (80) by removing two serews (85). 29-30-12 Page 302 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NOs. 124.043 Removal of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assembly (1) Using the low wattage soldering device, tag and unsolder wires from the PCB assembly (90) to connector (100) (2) Remove the PCB assembly (90) by removing two screws (95). (3) Remove and discard O-Ring (115). (4) Remove connector (100) by removing four screws (105). Remove and discard gasket (110) (4) Remove connector (100) by removing four screws (105), Remove and discard gasket (110). (8) Remove frame (120), ‘Meter Movement Removal Figure 301 29-30-12 Page 303 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO. 124,043 CLEANING NOTI Clean indicator in a clean, dust-free area, Cleaning Requirements ‘The materials listed in TABLE 401 are required for cleaning. NOTE, Equivalent substitutes may be used for listed items MATERIAL : _ _ SPECIFICATION 7 Brush, Soft Bristle ‘Commercially available Cloth, Line-Free Commercially available Alcohol, Isopropyl, FED STD TT-1-735, Grade A Commercially available Glass Cleaner Commercially available Cleaning Materials Table 401 BL ‘Cleaning Procedures (1) External Cleaning Clean outside parts with a soft bristle brush and wipe with clean lint-free cloth Clean case glass lens with glass cleaner and a clean, lint-free cloth. Dry thoroughly with a clean, lint-free cloth (2) Internal Cleaning CAUTION: DO NOT PERFORM INTERNAL CLEANING UNLESS UNIT HAS BEEN DISASSEMBLED FOR REPAIR. DO NOT USE ANY CLEANING SOLVENT ON OR IN THE INDICATOR. IN CLEANING THE INDICATOR CASE, USE CARE TO NOT SCRATCH GLASS LENS MOUNTED ON THE FRONT. DO NOT USE COM- PRESSED AIR TO BLOW ANY FOREIGN SUBSTANCE, FROM THE MOVEMENT ASSEMBLY. USE OF COM- 29-30-12 Page 401 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL {a) PART NO. 124,043 PRESSED AIR MAY BLOW SILICONE OIL OUT OF THE DAMPER BRUSHINGS AND THUS THROW THE METER OUT OF BALANCE, AS WELL AS CONTAM- INATING OTHER PORTIONS OF THE MOVEMENT Clean component parts with a soft bristled brush. Wipe with clean lint- free cloth CAUTION: DO NOT TOUCH THE CENTRAL DIAL AREA WITH (b) ‘THE BRUSH. IF THE BRISTLES HAVE PREVIOUSLY PENETRATED INTO SILICONE DAMPING OIL IN DAMPER BUSHINGS OF MOVEMENT, OIL COULD SMEAR ON DIAL. Clean newly soldered connections and/or connector with a clean, lint-free cloth dampened with commercially available isopropyl aleohol, FED STD TTs-735, Grade A (or equivalent) 29-30-12 Page 402 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043, CHECK A General Refer to IPL, Figure 1 and check all parts for obvious defects in accordance with industry standards, NOTE: Periodic inspection of the control panel assembly components is not required. Perform internal check when the indicator assembly has been disassembled for repair. Check (1) Visually check all parts for burrs, nicks, scratches, abrasions, gouges and/or corrosion. Check case for any fracture or breakage NOTE: Burrs, nicks and scratches are defined as material raised above normal surface, which, if not removed would prevent complete and proper mating of parts and sealing surfaces ‘Visually check any threaded parts for crossed or otherwise damaged threads. ‘Visually check seating and mating surfaces for visible galling, excessive wear (see NOTE ), corrosion or damage. NOTE: Excessive wear is defined as any obvious deformation or deterioration of a part which may render the part inoperable. If doubt exists concerning the serviceability of a part, replace the part. Check of Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator Check Indicator, IPL Figure 1, as follows: (1) Extemal Check (a) Inspect case (5, IPL Fig. 1) for dents, punctures or distortion. Examine case lens for seratches or cracks. Replace case if damaged (refer to Disassembly and Assembly sections) (b) Inspect connector (100) for loose, broken, bent or missing pins. Replace frame if defective (refer to Disassembly and Assembly sections) 29-30-12 Page 501 Jul 1/96 Q) ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043 Internal Check CAUTION: DO NOT PERFORM INTERNAL CHECK UNLESS INDICATOR HAS BEEN DISASSEMBLED FOR REPAIR. PERIODIC INSPECTION OF INTERNAL COMPONENTS 1S NOT REQUIRED. (a) Inspect electrical components on the PCB (90, IPL Fig. 1) and meter guard subassembly (80) for broken leads, swelling or charring Replace PCB assembly and/or meter guard assembly if defective or damaged (b) Inspect rear of PCB assembly for shorts, breaks or peeling of circuit traces. Repair any shorts found. Replace the PCB assembly if traces are found to be broken or pecling () Inspect wiring between meter movements, meter guard subassembly, PCB assembly and connector for frayed, broken or burned insulation. Replace any defective wiring in accordance with the Repair section 29-30-12 Page 502 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 114.029 1 ”AIR MATERIALS NOTE: In Table 601, Repair Materials, equivalent substitutes may be used for listed items, TOOLS/MATERIALS TYPE / SPECIFICATION Soldering Station 25-40 Watt capacity; Commercially Available Solder, 60/40 Tin-lead resin flux-core Fed, Standard QQ-S-571; Commercially Available Desoldering Implement (Part of Solder Station) Suction or Wick; Commercially Available Paint, Flat Black Epoxy No. 463-3-8, Commercially Available Thinner, Paint TL 66, Commercially Available Paper, Emery No. 400 grade, Commercially Available Repair Materials Table 601 2. REPAIR PROCEDURES NOTE: ‘NOTE: Extemal repair is limited to the following procedures. Internal repair is limited to replacement of failed. damaged or defective parts as determined by CHECK procedures of control panel assembly (IPL Fig. 1, 1-1). If defective, limited repair may be performed as noted in the following procedures. ‘A. Replace all worn or damaged parts that cannot be repaired to meet the requirements of this section. B. Clean all polished parts as instructed in CLEANING. section. C. Replace threaded parts if thread damage exceeds 50 percent of one thread. If thread damage does not exceed 50 percent of one thread, chase threads with proper tap or die. Routinely replace any standard fastener (screw, nut, etc.) at each removal regardless of apparent condition. D. Retum damaged or defective parts to Rogerson Kratos for repair or replacement unless the specific repair is a routine component change which can be accomplished withoit extens- 29-30-12 Page 601 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 114.029 ive removal of protective coating or small components. Repair any loose or cold solder connections using materials called out in Table 601 Extemal Repair External repair is limited to touch-up painting of the case. (1) Remove loose paint from the affected area (2) Clean and smooth damaged area, Remove paint to bare metal with emery paper. ‘Smooth edges of painted surface adjacent to affected area, ) Touch up the area, using care, with flat black epoxy paint. Internal Repair Internal repair is limited to replacement of defective wiring, burned out lamps and failed components as determined by internal inspection. (1) Refer to wiring diagram Figure 601 for connections identification, (2) Note/tag routing of wires prior to their removal. (G) Remove and replace any damaged wiring using the solder and soldering device noted in Table 601. Lamp Replacement Procedure (1) Remove light shield (15) by removing four screws (20). 2) Remove two shields (25) and four spacers (30), (3) Remove dial subassembly (35). (4) Unsolder failed lamp (40) lead wires from meter guard (80), Remove lamp. (5) Remove lamp filter (45) from failed lamp and place over new lamp. (6) _Insert lamp leads through dial subassembly holes. Position bottom of lamp so it is approximately 0.125 + 0.010 inch above the dial assembly, 29-30-12 Page 602 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, PART NO. 114.029 (7) Solder new lamp (40) into place. (8) Test lamp (refer to Testing section) e) Replace spacer (30) and shield (25) around new lamp. Ensure that lamp does not touch sides of spacer. (10) Install light shield (15) and dial subassembly (35). Secure with four screws (20) Paint screw heads with flat black paint to prevent light leaks, (11) Verify that lamps provide uniform light distribution across the face of the dial ‘A TEMMIAL {3 LOCATED OW REVERSE SHOE OF Fe aoAnO Wiring Diagram Figure 601 29-30-12 Page 603 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043, 1. ASSEMBLY NOTE: ‘The tools and materials listed in Table 701 are required in addition to standard shop tools. The tools and materials listed are called out in their appropriate procedures and are also called listed again in the SPECIAL TOOLS, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT section along with their sources, Material and Equipment NOTE: Equivalent substitutes may be used for listed items TOOLS/MATERIALS ‘TYPE/SPECIFICATION MANUFACTURER Soldering Station 23 to 40 Watt ‘Commercially Available Solder 60/40 Tin-Lead, Resin Flux Core Fed, Std, QQ-S-571 Commercially Available Desoldering Tool Suction or wicking Commercially Available Sealant, Hydraulic No. 69-31 Commercially Available Lubricant Super O-Lube Commercially Available ‘Assembly Materials and Equipment Table 701 B, Assembly Procedures (Ref Figure 701) All items referenced throughout this section refer to IPL Figure 1, as well as assembly guide Figure 701, unless otherwise noted. Cc To assemble the Dual Temperature and Pressure Indicator, proceed as follows: NOTE: Itis recommended that the indicator be retumed to RK for the appropriate ‘maintenance to be performed in the event extensive maintenance or repair of the assembly is required. (1) Installation of PCB Assembly (a) Install new gasket (110) and connector (100) on frame (120). Apply hydraulic sealant to threads of four screws (105). Secure the connector (100) to frame. (b) Lubricate the new O-Ring (115) with lubricant and install it in groove in : rear frame (120) 29-30-12 Page 701 Jul 1/96 2) GB) @) ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124.043 (©) Using the low wattage soldering device and solder, connect wires to the PCB assembly as identified during disassembly (@ Install PCB assembly (90) on frame (120) in the position noted during disassembly. Secure in place with two screws (95). Installation of Meter Guard Subassembly (a) Using the low wattage soldering station and solder, connect wires to the meter guard as identified during disassembly (b) Install meter guard subassembly (80) on frame (120). Secure with two screws (85) Installation of Meter Movements Refer to Disassembly procedures and Figure 301. Reverse sequence of steps for installing the meter movements (50), (a) Using the low wattage soldering station, solder wires as identified during, disassembly to the meter movement (50) and lamps (40), (b) Verify that the meter pointer is below the first graduation, Ifnot, use an ‘Allen wrench (or the straightened end of a paper clip. Insert into the hole in the meter movement (Figure 701) and carefully adjust the meter ‘movement until the pointer is just below the first graduation, Perform the calibration procedure described in the next paragraph, (©) ~ Install case (5) on frame (120) (® Apply hydraulic sealant to the threads of four screws (10), Secure the case (5) Calibration Procedure (2) Temperature Signal Indicator 1) Solder a 20 ohm pad resistor permanently in place of R17 2) Connect a resistance decade box Ra between pins C and D. Set initial value at 74.24 ohms 29-30-12 "Ta 186 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043 3) Connect resistance decade boxes in place of R10 and RII. Set initial values as listed: RIO. over 10K RII 1500 ohms 4) Connect DC power supply between pins B (+) and D (-) and apply 28 Vac. 5) Adjust mechanical zero to achieve an indication of -50° C ‘Meter Movement Adjustment Figure 701 29-30-12 Page 703, Jul 1/96 @ ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL 6 0) 8) PART NO. 124,043 Set decade Ry at 151.91 ohms and adjust decade R11 to achieve pointer indication of +150°C Vary decade R10 to obtain meter indications consistent (within tolerances with those listed in Table 102, Testing section, Readjust decade R11 and mechanical zero if necessary Shut off power. Refer to Figure 702, Install appropriate pad resistors and confirm that calibration meets the requirements of performance test in the Testing section Pressure Signal Indicator ) By) 3) 4 5) 6) 0) 8) 2) Verify that the meter movement is set for zero indication. Adjust mechanical zero if necessary Connect a resistance decade box in place of RS and set initial value to zero Connect DC power supply to pins G (+) and H (-). Apply 1.000 Vdc Adjust R5 to achieve meter indication of 15 Disconnect DC power supply. Connect a digital multimeter across pins G (+) and H (-) Connect a resistance decade box in place of R4 Adjust decade R4 to obtain digital multimeter reading of 1K ohms Shut off power. Refer to Figure 702. Install appropriate pad resistor and confirm that calibration meets the requirements of performance test in Testing section Disconnect test equipment 29-30-12 Page 704 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043 9 Ge L 9 Ohne Fa Q 1 Tor view worrox view Calibration Component Location Figure 702 STORAGE AFTER ASSEMBLY A. Storage Materials Storage materials are listed in Table 702, NOTE: Equivalent substitutes may be used for listed items: Material Type Carton, cardboard Tape, Paper Paper Grade A Filler Kimpak ‘Storage Materials ‘Table 702 Storage Instructions (1) Insert layer of Kimpak at the bottom of a cardboard carton. (2) ‘Wrap the indicator in Grade A paper and place in carton. (3) Fill the remainder of the space with Kimpak, 29-30-12 Page 705 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043, (4) Close the carton; tape closed with paper tape. (5) Mark outside of the carton with the equipment nomenclature, part number and date of repair. (©) Store in a dry area where the temperature remains between 55°F and 95°F (13°C. and 35° C). 29-30-12 Page 706 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO. 124,043 1. FITS AND CLEARANCES A Fits and Clearances ‘None Torque Values ‘None 29-30-12 Page 801 Jul 1/96 ROGERSON KRATOS (COMPONENT MAINTENANCE MANUAL PART NO, 124.043 1. sP I 10) yu) A. Special Tools ‘None Required B. Fistures ‘None Required C.— Eguipment Refer to Table 901 for equipment required for specific procedures in the manual. ‘They are considered to be standard shop items and are commercially available. ‘Suitable equivalents may be used in place of the items listed. These items are also referenced in the appropriate steps and in each applicable section. DC Power Supply ‘Commercially Available (010 50 Vde Resistance Decade Box (5 req’4) | Commercially Available Oto 1KQ Inductor TE-697 ‘Rogerson Kratos, Pasadena, CA Heat Sink Commercially Available ‘Standard Soldering Station (Commercially Available 25-40 W ‘Desoldering Tool ‘Commercially Available Suction or wicking Brush, Soft Bristle ‘Commercially Available Cleaning ‘AC Power Source ‘Commercially Available (0-30 Vac, 400Fz Hypot Tester 404 ‘Commercially Available 0-1500 Vac Digital Voltmeter Commercially Available 1000 ohms ‘Obmmeter, Digital ‘Available Commercially Standard Equipment Table 901 29-30-12 Page 901 Jul 196 ROGERSON KRATOS ‘COMPONENT (ANCE MANUAL ‘PART NO. 124.043 srailable, “These items are also referenced in the appropriate ‘applicable section. MATERIAL/ TYPE SOURCE Solvent, Stoddard, Fed. Spec, P-D-680/661 Commercially Avaiatie ‘Alcoboi, Isopropyl, MIL-T-7003 Commercially Available Cloth, Lint-Free Commercially Available Solder, 64/40 Tin-Lead, Resin flux core Fed. Std. QQ-S-571 Cleaner, Glass Commercially Available Paint, Black Epoxy No, 463-3-8 Solvent, Trichloroethylene Commercially Available Paper, Emery No.400Grade - Sealant, Hydraulic No. 69-31, Loctite Lubricant Super O-Lube Polyvinyl Fluoride Coating ‘Commercially Available Bag, Polyetbylene Commercially Available Desiccant. ‘Commercially Available Paper, Grade A Commercially Available Tape, Paper. ‘Commercially Available. Container, Cardboard Commercially Available Filler Commercially Available ‘Wire, Teflon-coated ‘Commercially Available ‘Consumable Materials ‘Table 902 29-30-12 Page 902 Wh 196

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