Dynastic Persistence in The Philippines
Dynastic Persistence in The Philippines
Dynastic Persistence in The Philippines
Pablo Querubin†
October, 2015
In many democracies a small subset of individuals enjoys a de facto electoral advantage.
The existence of political dynasties, where individuals from a narrow set of families obtain
larger vote shares and are more likely to access office, illustrates this phenomenon. In
this paper, I study political dynasties in the Philippines and provide evidence of dynastic
persistence. More precisely, I provide evidence that incumbency has a causal effect on the
probability of having future relatives in office. Using a regression discontinuity design based
on close elections, I find that candidates who barely win their first election by a small margin
are around 5 times more likely to have a relative in office in the future than individuals
who barely lose their first election. I discuss alternative channels that may explain dynastic
persistence in the Philippines. I argue that access to office and public resources – important
in clientelistic democracies like the Philippines – allows incumbents to give relatives an
electoral advantage if they first run while they are still in office. However, occupational
choice (while plausibly important) is less likely to be the main driver of dynastic persistence.
A previous version of this article circulated with the title “Family and Politics: Dynastic Incumbency Ad-
vantage in the Philippines.” I would like to thank Daron Acemoglu, Esther Duflo, James Robinson and James M.
Snyder Jr. for all their comments and support. I also thank Kanchan Chandra, the editors and two anonymous
referees for comments that greatly improved the paper. Participants in seminar presentations at CIDE, Harvard,
LACEA, MIT, NEUDC, NYU, UCLA, Universidad de los Andes and Yale offered valuable feedback. Cesi Cruz,
Julien Labonne, Horacio Larreguy, Sahar Parsa and Roman Zarate also helped at different stages of this project.
Rodel Cahiyang provided excellent research assistance with compiling biographical information for a subsample
of incumbents. Finally, this paper would not have been possible without the hospitality and generosity of many
people in the Philippines during my visit in 2009. I thank Rep. Juan Romeo Acosta, Arsenio Balisacan, Em-
manuel de Dios, Jose Ferraris, Rep. Risa Hontiveros, Nico Ravanilla, Juan Rafael Supangco, Jaime Veneracion
and Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri and the staff at CenPEG, the Institute for Popular Democracy, Innovations for
Poverty Action and the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. The financial support of Banco de la
Republica and the Schultz Fund at MIT is gratefully acknowledged.
New York University. E-mail: pablo.querubin@nyu.edu
Political power in most contemporary democracies is not equally distributed. Existing ev-
idence suggests that some individuals enjoy a greater de facto electoral advantage than other
candidates, which gives them greater access to elected office. Examples include the electoral
advantage enjoyed by incumbents or candidates from incumbent parties (see, for example, Lee
2008). The electoral advantage of some groups raises concerns about the extent to which it can
create barriers to entry into the political system, leading to the under-representation of some
groups in society and political capture by a narrow set of interests.
Many contemporary democracies, such as India, Japan, the Philippines and the United
States, also have political dynasties. Candidates from a narrow set of families enjoy an electoral
advantage over other candidates, which allows members of these families to hold elected office
for many generations. Notable examples include the Kennedy family in the United States, the
land, wealth, social networks, etc. It is also possible that their power, to some extent, flows from
access to the political system by previous members of the family. Once in power, an incumbent
can use the instruments of office to increase the political power of his relatives, for example by
using public resources for personal enrichment or to fund patronage and clientelistic practices
that are an important driver of electoral success in many developing countries. It would be
conceptually desirable to disentangle the role of incumbency by previous relatives from other
observable and unobservable characteristics of the family that are correlated with political power.
This conceptual challenge is similar to that underlying the electoral advantage of candidates from
an incumbent party. Candidates from the party in power may enjoy an electoral advantage due
to characteristics of the party that make it popular in a given locality (and thus more likely to
access office) rather than the party’s incumbency status. Understanding the extent to which
political dynasties persist due to access to office and incumbency is important in order to assess
the extent to which they may create implicit barriers to entry into the political system.
In this paper, I study political dynasties in the Philippines and provide evidence that incum-
bency has a causal effect of incumbency on the probability of having relatives in office in the
future. The Philippines constitutes is an interesting setting in which to address these questions,
as political dynasties are prevalent in many elected offices. For example, in the 2010 election,
roughly 50% of the elected congressmen and governors were dynastic (had a relative serve previ-
ously in office).1 Moreover, in 35 of the 80 Philippine provinces, the governor and congressman
are related.
A simple comparison of incumbents and losing candidates on their likelihood of having future
relatives in office confounds the effect of access to office with other characteristics of the family.
I follow Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009) and use a regression discontinuity design based
on close elections to estimate the causal effect of holding office on the probability of having
a relative in power in the future. The main result of the paper is illustrated in Figure 1.
Candidates who barely win their first race (positive win margin) are roughly 12 percentage
points more likely to have a relative serve in office in the future than runners-up (negative
win margin). These results are robust to the inclusion of province and year fixed effects; to
controlling for candidate characteristics such as party, gender and previous political experience;
and to alternative bandwidths, polynomials in the forcing variable and subsamples.
A closer look at the political careers of members of political dynasties illustrates some impor-
tant differences in the process of dynastic persistence in the Philippines relative to the U.S. case
studied by Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009). First, among incumbents who have a relative in
office in the future, 72% have their relatives first enter office while they are themselves still in
office. Also, in roughly half of the cases the incumbent remains in office (either the same office
or a different office) after the relative has entered politics. In contrast, most dynastic transitions
in the United States happen after the retirement of the first incumbent (dynasty founder). This
finding for the Philippines is consistent with evidence that suggests that incumbents use office to
engage in clientelistic practices such as vote buying and patronage in order to give an electoral
advantage to other relatives running for office. Consistent with this, I also show that dynas-
By comparison, only 7% of current U.S. congressmen had a relative in Congress. See Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and
Snyder (2009).
tic candidates (those with a previous relative in office) enjoy an electoral advantage relative to
non-dynastic candidates, but that this advantage is twice as large for candidates with a relative
sitting in office while they are running. Thus, dynastic persistence in the Philippines may partly
be explained by an incumbent’s electoral advantage spilling over to other family members.
I also show that occupational choice, while important, is less likely to be the main driver of
dynastic persistence in the Philippines. Almost half of dynastic successions occur between rela-
tives of the same generation (i.e., siblings, cousins and spouses). Thus whenever an incumbent
first enters office, many of his or her relatives have already chosen an occupation other than pol-
itics. This is consistent with journalistic evidence and interviews I conducted with congressmen
in the Philippines, which shows that dynastic politicians come from diverse occupational back-
grounds (often business) and run for office as a means of consolidating their economic standing
and the political power of the dynasty (see Coronel et al. 2007; Fafchamps and Labonne 2015).
In the United States, by contrast, evidence by Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009) shows that
the percentage of same-generation successions is less than 30% and thus occupational choice
The importance of access to office suggests that the prevalence of dynastic politicians in the
Philippines does not simply reflect the existence of a fixed group of powerful elites. De jure
political power (holding elected office) is an important determinant of the electoral success of
other members of the family, and it allows new incumbents to consolidate the dynasty’s political
This paper is related to various strands of literature. Previous papers have studied political
dynasties in different contexts. Rossi (2011, 2014) studies the origins and persistence of dynasties
in Argentina. Other papers have documented the electoral advantage of dynastic candidates.
See, for example, Bjolken and Chandra (2012) for India, Smith and Martin (2015) for Ireland,
and Asako et al. (2012) for Japan. For the Philippines, work by Lande (1965), Anderson (1988),
McCoy (1994), Sidel (1999), De Dios and Hutchcroft (2003), Simbulan (2005), Coronel et al.
(2007) and De Dios (2007), among others, provides an interesting assessment of the historical
origins of political dynasties and their effects on the political system. To my knowledge, this
is the first paper to estimate the causal effect of incumbency on the electoral success of family
This paper is also related to the academic literature on estimating the incumbency advantage
for individual incumbents or candidates from the incumbent party (see Erikson 1971; Gelman
and King 1990; Levitt and Wolfram 1997; Lee 2008; Ansolabehere and Snyder 2004). However,
rather than estimating the effect of incumbency on the incumbent herself or on other party
During almost 400 years of Spanish control, economic and political power in the Philippines was
restricted to a small mestizo elite known as the principalia. The arrival of the United States in
1899 further consolidated the power of these families. In order to gain their support and loyalty
(necessary to pacify the islands), Americans introduced local elections in 1901, elections for a
national legislature from single-member districts in 1907, and elections for the Senate in 1916.
The introduction of positions of power initially at the local level gave principalia families
substantial economic and political power. The subsequent introduction of elections at higher
levels of government (provincial and congressional district levels) increased these families’ sphere
of influence. National politics and the central state became subordinated to the local dynamics
of power. This power structure prevented the emergence of strong political parties with national
platforms. The weakness of parties is often cited as an explanation of the importance of the
family as a unit of political organization in the Philippines: parties did not emerge due to the
local concentration of power, and party weakness further consolidated the power of elite families
(Anderson 1988; Sidel 1999). Thus a common argument is that access to public office was an
important source of power for these families, an argument closely related to what I explore in
this paper.
In 1946, following a brief period of Japanese invasion during WWII, the Philippines became
independent from the United States. There were no major changes to the electoral system: 24
senators were elected every 6 years from the country as a whole, and elections were held every
4 years for provincial governors and congressmen. The House of Representatives was composed
of members from single-member congressional districts. Seven congressional and gubernatorial
elections took place between 1946 and 1972, when Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law and
closed Congress.2
In 1987, following the return to democracy, a new constitution introduced some changes to the
political system. Congressional districts were reapportioned, and the term length was reduced
from 4 to 3 years for members of congress, governors, and other provincial and local offices.
Similarly, the 1987 constitution introduced term limits for all elected offices: two consecutive
6-year terms for senators, and three consecutive 3-year terms for congressmen and all other local
officials. This reform, partly intended to promote the alternation in office of different families,
was not successful in limiting the political power of dynasties. Elected officials are often replaced
by their relatives after reaching the term limit or switch to other elected offices. For more on
lish electoral alliances with provincial and local politicians. There are no major programmatic
differences. Party switching (locally known as turncoatism) is a common phenomenon, and op-
portunistic (often personality-based) coalitions are made in every legislature in order to secure
1996) and vote buying (Cruz 2013; Khemani 2011). Access to public office is important in order
to use public jobs as a source of patronage, and to use public funds and government programs to
The only gubernatorial elections during the period of martial law took place in 1980. Similarly, elections for
a new unicameral parliament, the Batasang Pambansa, took place in 1978 and 1984. However, there is broad
evidence that elections under martial law took place in the midst of widespread intimidation and persecution of
political opponents. As a result, most races were dominated by Marcos allies from the Kilusang Bagong Lipunan
gain the support of other local officials such as municipal mayors and barangay (village) captains,
who serve as political brokers and mobilize voters on election day.
In this paper I focus on two elected offices: provincial governors and members of the House of
Representatives. These are the most influential offices at the provincial level of government.3
The Philippines is currently divided into 80 provinces, each of which is headed by a provincial
governor. Provinces and cities are divided into multiple congressional districts, each electing a
member of Congress to the House of Representatives (lower chamber).4 There are currently 229
gubernatorial candidates for the period 1946-2010.7 To my knowledge, this is the first paper to
bring together these electoral data and analyze them in a systematic way.
The dataset on incumbents includes 2,863 individuals who served as governors during the pe-
riod 1901-2010 or as congressmen during the period 1907-2010. The dataset on candidates covers
15 congressional and gubernatorial elections during the period 1946-2010, which corresponds to
The main subnational level of government with elected officials in the Philippines is the province, which is the
equivalent of a U.S. state. The top executive position in the province is the governor, followed by a vice governor
and a provincial board (equivalent of a U.S. state legislature). The next subnational level is the city/municipality
(equivalent to a U.S. city/town) headed by an elected mayor, vice mayor and body of councilors.
Nonetheless, currently 28 provinces have lone congressional districts and elect only one congressman from
the province as a whole. Cities are entitled to elect at least one congressman to the House of Representatives.
The number of provinces and congressional districts has been increasing since 1907 due to reapportionment
and the creation of new cities and provinces. There were originally 33 provinces and 80 congressional districts in
the first legislative elections in 1907. At the time of independence in 1946 the number of provinces had increased
to 50 and the number of congressional districts to 133.
The names of provincial governors for the period 1901-1935 come from the Roster of Public Officials available
in the National Archives in Manila. Names of congressmen for the period 1907-1972 come from the Congressional
Directories available in the House of Representatives in Quezon City. Data for the period 1987-2010 come from
the Commission of Elections and Coronel et al. (2007).
Electoral data for the period 1946-1972 were collected by hand from the original Canvas of Votes of the
Commission of Elections, which is available in microfilm at the Center for Research Libraries. Data for the 1987
congressional and 1988 gubernatorial elections are available in Gutierrez, Torrente, and Narca (1992). Electoral
data for the period 1992-2010 were provided by the Commission on Elections and complemented with data from
the Institute for Popular Democracy.
3,376 different races and 7,386 candidates.
As a first step I establish the number of previous and posterior relatives in office for all candidates
in the dataset. This is done by matching the candidate’s family names with the family names
of earlier and subsequent incumbent governors and congressmen within the same province.8
However, bilateral descent in the Philippines implies a particular structure of family names that
must be taken into account. The name of a Filipino male or single female takes the form:
where Middle name corresponds to the mother’s family name and Last name to the father’s
family name. In the case of married women, names take the following form:
where again Middle name corresponds to the mother’s family name, and Last name to the
father’s family name.
Thus, relatives are identified by finding a match of the middle name, last name or husband’s
last name within the same province.9 Relatives traced only by last name would fail to identify
wives and some grandchildren. However, the results presented in this paper are similar if relatives
are traced using only last name.
A natural concern with this matching procedure is that individuals from the same province
who share a middle name or last name may not necessarily be related to each other.10 While
this is certainly a possibility, it is less of a concern in the Philippines than in other countries due
In the case of provinces that split into multiple provinces, posterior relatives of candidates in the original
province are traced in all the different provinces into which the original province split.
Several biographical sources were used to find the middle names of as many incumbents as possible. For
most of the post-1946 congressmen, middle names were found in the Congressional Directories available at the
House of Representatives in Quezon City. In the case of new provinces, relatives are traced back to incumbents
in the original province.
This matching procedure will identify almost all existing relatives in the dataset, with the exception of
sons-in-law. The main concern is the existence of false positives, or matches that do not correspond to actual
to the unique way in which family names are distributed across the different provinces. In 1849,
concerned with the arbitrary way in which Filipinos chose their surnames, Governor Narciso
Claveria y Zaldua created a catalog with a list of 61,000 different surnames.11 A different set
of surnames (often starting with the same letter) was assigned to each town, and local officials
had to assign a different surname to the different family heads. As a consequence, common last
names (such as Smith in the United Kingdom and United States or Gonzalez in Latin America)
are not as prevalent in the Philippines.12
I also attempted to verify the exact family link among a subsample of candidates. In partic-
ular, for those candidates used in the baseline regressions who won or lost their first race by a
margin of less than 30% and for whom the name-matching procedure identified a future relative
in office, I looked for detailed biographies to assess the specific link to all matched relatives.13
The share of different family links for relatives of election winners and losers is reported in Ta-
ble 1. Naturally, for some candidates I was unable to find biographical information to assess
the existence and exact type of family link. This happened for only 5% of election winners
and for 25% of election losers (naturally, there are fewer biographical sources for election losers
who never end up serving in an elected position). The fact that I could not find biographical
information for some candidates and their presumed relatives does not imply that the relatives
Claveria complained that the natives “arbitrarily adopt the names of saints and this practice has resulted in
the existence of thousands of individuals having the same surname.” He added: “I saw the resultant confusion
with regard to the administration of justice, government, finance, and public order, and the far-reaching moral,
civil and religious consequences to which this might lead, because the family names are not transmitted from the
parents to their children, so that it is sometimes impossible to prove the degrees of consanguinity for purpose of
marriage, rendering useless the parochial books which in Catholic countries are used for all kinds of transactions.”
See National Archives of the Philippines (1973).
Fafchamps and Labonne (2015) compute a Herfindhal Index of name heterogeneity for a large sample of
municipalities in the Philippines. A value of 0 indicates that there is only one family name in the province, while
a value very close to 1 suggests a very low concentration of family names. The overall Herfindhal Index for the
municipalities in their sample is greater than 0.999. The most common surname in their data, De La Cruz, is
used by only 0.32 percent of individuals. By contrast, they show that the prevalence of common names is much
higher in other countries in the region. The percentage of individuals that uses the most common surname is
7.25% in China, 5.5% in India, 11% in Taiwan and 38% in Vietnam.
I use different sources. In particular, Coronel et al. (2007) provide a list of current and previous relatives
in office for congressmen elected in 1992, 1998, 2001 and 2004 and governors elected in 2001 and 2004. This
information was self-reported by the politicians in their Sworn Statement of Assets and Liabilities, and was
verified by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. For other candidates, a research assistant in the
Philippines attempted to find biographical information using internet sources, congressional records, historical
books, and phone calls to the municipal or provincial mayor or governor’s office.
identified by my name-matching procedure are false positives. Thus, these figures correspond
to upper bounds on the rate of false positives. The very low percentage of presumed relatives
of election winners for which an exact link could not be assessed suggests that the frequency of
false-positives from the name-matching procedure is very low. If anything, the possibility that
false positives are higher among election losers than among election winners biases the estimates
for whom the probability of false positives may be higher). On average, the two most common
family names are used by only 1.6% of the population. Effectively, this leads to dropping less
than 1% of the candidates from the sample and thus has a negligible impact on the estimated
I then construct several measures for each congressional and gubernatorial candidate in the
dataset. First, I construct a Post Relative Ever dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate
has any relatives who first enter the House of Representatives or serve as governors any time
after the election, and 0 otherwise. In order to minimize the likelihood that matches do not
correspond to relatives, I also create the dummy Post Relative Recent that takes a value of 1 if
the candidate has any relatives who first enter the House of Representatives or serve as governors
in the 20-year window following the election. I use this latter dummy as the dependent variable
in most of the regressions, but show the robustness of the results to using Post Relative Ever as
year and an Incumbent Relative dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate is related to an
incumbent at the time of the election. I will use these variables in Section 5, when I explore
I thank Julien Labonne for providing the information on the two most common family names in each province,
based on the National Household Tracking Survey. This information is not available for the provinces of Al-
bay, Aurora, Bataan, Batangas, Benguet, Cagayan, Camiguin, Capiz, Catanduanes, Cavite, Guimaras, Laguna,
Marinduque, Pampanga, Quirino, Rizal, Siquijor, Tarlac, Zambales and Zamboanga Sibugay. See Fafchamps and
Labonne (2015) for more details on this data source.
some of the mechanisms behind dynastic persistence. Naturally:
For conciseness, throughout the analysis I pool congressional and gubernatorial elections.
However, the results look very similar if I examine each office separately.
4 Results
4.1 Regression Discontinuity: Estimating the Causal Effect of In-
In order to estimate the causal effect of incumbency on the electoral success of a politician’s rela-
tives, I compare the probability of having future relatives in office for incumbents and candidates
who run but lose (and thus do not serve). However, a naive comparison of the electoral success
of relatives of election winners and losers may lead to a misleading inference of the effect of in-
cumbency. In practice, winning and losing candidates are different along various characteristics.
Thus, this naive comparison will confound the effect of incumbency with other characteristics of
winning candidates. In order to estimate the causal effect of incumbency on the electoral success
of a politician’s relatives, it would be ideal to compare two individuals who are identical in every
respect (wealth, charisma, connections, interest in politics, etc.) but due to random reasons,
only one of them is elected. A regression discontinuity design based on close elections provides
The regression discontinuity design I use in this paper follows Lee (2008) and Imbens and
Lemieux (2008) and is based on estimating a regression of the following form:
where P ost Relativeijt is a dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if candidate i in province
j has any relatives in office in the 20 years following the election at time t, and W innerijt is a
dummy variable that takes a value of 1 if candidate i wins the election. The control function
f (xijt ) corresponds to an n-th order polynomial of the forcing variable xijt , which in the context
of this paper corresponds to the winning margin between the winner and runner-up of the
election. The winning margin takes values between -1 and 1 and is positive for election winners
and negative for runners-up.15 The coefficient of interest is β.
Most approaches to estimating regression 1 rely on different configurations of the control
function f (xijt ) and different choices of the bandwidth h that determines the estimation sample.
With smaller values of h, the sample is restricted to individuals who win or lose the election by
a very narrow margin. This more closely resembles the empirical counterfactual, but comes at
the expense of efficiency due to small samples. In the benchmark specifications, I follow Imbens
and Lemieux (2008) who propose the estimation of linear regressions. For the choice of h, I
follow the optimal bandwidth choice rule proposed by Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2012). I also
show the robustness of the results to alternative choices of bandwidth and of the control function
f (xijt ). Ideally, estimates of β should not rely heavily on either the choice of bandwidth or the
specification of the control function.
Throughout the analysis I focus only on the first election of non-dynastic candidates (winners
and runners-up), i.e., those for whom Dynastic Recent=0 . The focus on the first election
is important for the identification assumption. The outcome of a close election involving an
incumbent running for reelection or a seasoned candidate with previous electoral experience is
less likely to be as good as random.16 The focus on non-dynastic candidates is important in
order to avoid confounding the effect of incumbency of a candidate’s previously elected relatives
of Regression 1 (see Angrist and Pischke 2009). However, all the results are qualitatively similar
with probit regressions.
Finally, I defer a detailed assessment of the validity of the assumptions for the regression
discontinuity design to Section 4.2, after presenting the main results of the paper.
Figure 1 illustrates the main result of the paper. The dots show the fraction of candidates with
future relatives in office, averaged in 2% bins of the winning margin in the first election. Local
polynomial smoothing regressions using the raw (unbinned) data are shown, together with 95%
confidence intervals. The figure reveals a discontinuous jump at the threshold in the fraction of
future relatives in office. The magnitude of the discontinuity suggests that candidates who win
their first election by a small margin are roughly 12 percentage points more likely to have future
relatives in office than candidates who barely lose.
Table 2 reports estimates of β based on Equation 1. For reference, in Columns 1 and 2 I report
standard ordinary least squares (OLS) estimates on the full sample of the naive comparison
between winning and losing candidates. Standard errors are clustered at the candidate level.
The specification in Column 2 includes province and year fixed effects. The OLS estimates
suggest that winning candidates are 24 percentage points more likely to have future relatives
in office than losing candidates. However, as discussed earlier, these cannot be interpreted as
causal estimates of the effect of incumbency on the electoral success of future relatives.
In Columns 3 and 4, I report the benchmark regression discontinuity estimates based on
local linear regressions using the Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2012) optimal bandwidth (in this
case h = 0.11). Standard errors are clustered at the province level. The estimates provide
evidence that incumbency has a causal effect on the probability of having future relatives in
office. Candidates who win their first race by a small margin are 12 percentage points more
likely to have future relatives in office. The estimates are statistically significant at conventional
levels and remain essentially unchanged with the inclusion of province and year fixed effects in
Column 4.
In Table 3, I show the robustness of these estimates to alternative bandwidth choices and
control functions. All standard errors are clustered at the province level, and regressions in
Columns 2, 4 and 6 include province and year fixed effects. In Columns 1-4, I follow Angrist
and Lavy (1999) and focus on a small “discontinuity sample” and drop the control function.
Columns 1-2 report estimates for a 5% bandwidth and Columns 3-4 for a 2.5% bandwidth. The
estimates remain essentially unchanged and statistically significant in spite of a sizable reduction
in sample size. In Columns 5-6, I follow Lee (2008) and consider the full sample of candidates
but include higher-order polynomials in the winning margin in the first race (allowing for a
different polynomial at either side of the threshold). Following Gelman and Imbens (2014), I
only consider polynomials of order 2 (Columns 5 and 6) or order 3 (Columns 7 and 8). Again,
the estimates remain essentially unchanged and statistically significant.
For completeness, in Panel A of Figure 2 I report the estimates of β for all possible values
of the bandwidth h between 0.02 and 0.5, based on the linear specification. I report in different
colors the estimate based on the optimal bandwidth proposed by Imbens and Kalyanaraman
(2012) (IK, h = 0.11) as well as the optimal bandwidth proposed by Calonico, Cattaneo and
Titiunik (2014) (CCT, h = 0.12). As expected, the estimates based on smaller bandwidths tend
to be noisier. Reassuringly, however, the point estimates remain relatively stable for different
The results reported in Tables 2 and 3 correspond to reduced-form estimates of winning or losing
the first election by a small margin. Nonetheless, some candidates who lose their first election
may run again and eventually win. In this case, the reduced-form regressions underestimate
the causal effect of incumbency since I am classifying losing candidates who eventually serve as
non-incumbent. To address this issue, I use a fuzzy regression discontinuity design (see Imbens
and Lemieux 2008). Essentially, this consists of using the outcome of the first close election
as an instrument for whether the candidate serves in elected office. The first-stage regression
corresponds to:
Servedijt == µ + τ W innerijt + f (xijt ) + uijt (2)
where Servedijt is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if candidate i eventually serves in Congress
or as provincial governor, and W innerijt , as before, is a dummy variable for whether candidate
where Served
d ijt is the predicted value from Equation 2.
Given that most candidates who lose their first election never run again, the first-stage
estimates are very strong (not reported). The estimate of τ on the winner dummy ranges
between 0.7 and 0.75 and is always statistically significant at the 1% level.
The two-stage-least-square (2SLS) estimates of γ are reported in Table 4 for the benchmark
linear regression specification reported in Table 2 and for the alternative bandwidth and control
functions reported in Table 3. I include province and year fixed effects in all regressions, and
standard errors are clustered at the province level. As predicted, the point estimates are higher
than the reduced-form estimates. The estimate in Column 1 suggests that candidates who
serve in Congress or as provincial governors are 17 percentage points more likely to have their
relatives become congressmen or governors in the future than candidates who run for these
positions but do not serve. The estimated effect is remarkably large. Given the average value of
Post Relatives Recent for losing candidates who never serve (roughly 4%), the estimates imply
that incumbency makes a candidate 5 times more likely to have a relative serve in office in the
In Panel B of Figure 2 I also report the 2SLS estimates of β for all possible bandwidth values
between 0.02 and 0.5. Reassuringly, the point estimates are robust to bandwidth choice and are
always statistically significant.
4.1.3 Intensive Margin Estimates
In their seminal paper, Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009) focus on the sample of incumbent
congressmen and compare those who barely win their first reelection attempt and serve for more
than one term to those who barely lose their first reelection attempt and serve for only one term.
In this respect they can only test the causal effect of incumbency on having future relatives in
office on the intensive margin (those who serve longer relative to those who serve for a shorter
period). In this paper, being able to trace relatives of winning and losing candidates allows me
to focus on the effect of incumbency on the extensive margin and compare incumbents to those
who never served in office. For the purposes of comparing my estimates with those of Dal Bo,
Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009), I also estimate the causal effect of incumbency on the intensive
margin by focusing on incumbents whose first reelection attempt was decided by a close margin.
The estimates are reported in Appendix Table A1.17 . In the 2SLS regressions in Columns 4-5
the variable Longterm is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the incumbent serves for two or
more terms. Interestingly, and in contrast to Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009), the estimates
on the intensive margin are small and are never statistically significant. This suggests that the
effect of incumbency on the extensive and intensive margins can be quite different. In the case
of the Philippines, it seems that it is access to office, rather than tenure length, which affects
dynastic persistence. I return to this issue in Section 5.2. However, the estimates in Appendix
Table A1 should be interpreted cautiously. Incumbents in the Philippines tend to win reelection
with very large margins of victory (this explains why sample sizes are noticeably smaller in
these regressions). Thus, the sample of incumbents whose first reelection attempt is decided by
a narrow margin may not be representative of the broader sample of incumbents.
The regression discontinuity estimates presented in Tables 2-4 are only valid to the extent that
some basic identification assumptions are satisfied. The underlying assumption is that the
For the regressions in Columns 1 and 4 I use the Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2012) optimal bandwidth,
which for this sample is slightly larger (h = 0.16) than for the sample of winning and losing candidates used in
Tables 2-4
outcome of close elections is as good as random and does not depend on any other underlying
characteristics of the candidates. In this section I present some basic validity checks of this
One useful exercise, proposed by McCrary (2008), consists of testing for discontinuity in the
density of observations around the threshold. For example, to the extent that close elections are
manipulated and candidates in the sample lose more than 50% of the close races, one should
observe a larger fraction of observations concentrated to the left of the threshold. In Figure 3 I
plot the density of observations, averaged over equally sized bins. There is no evidence of sorting
around the threshold. This is confirmed by a formal test reported at the bottom of the figure,
which estimates the magnitude of the discontinuity. The estimate is very close to zero and is
not statistically significant.
Another important validity check is to test for the balance of candidate characteristics across
the threshold. Unfortunately, very little information is available on candidate characteristics.
Nonetheless, for every election for the period 1995-2007 I have information on the party of every
single candidate. This allows me to test whether candidates from certain parties are more or
less likely to win close races. I also compute a coalition dummy that takes a value of 1 if the
candidate’s party belongs to the president’s coalition at the time of the election.18 For the period
1988-2007 I also use electoral data for other offices and create a previous experience dummy that
takes a value of 1 if the candidate held a different provincial or local elected office prior to the
election. Finally, for the whole sample (1946-2007) I use first names to create a female dummy
on elections in the 1995-2007 period. There is no evidence that candidates from parties in the
president’s coalition or with previous political experience are more or less likely to win close
races. The estimates are small and not statistically significant. Similarly, in Column 3, I find no
Coalition parties for the different election years are: LAKAS and LDP for 1995; LAKAS for 1998; LAKAS,
NPC, LP, AKSYON and PDP for 2001; LAKAS, KAMPI, NP, LP and NPC for 2004; and LAKAS, KAMPI and
LDP for 2007.
evidence of sorting based on the candidate’s gender. In Appendix Table A2 I report estimates
using dummies for each individual party as a dependent variable. All estimates are small and
discontinuity estimates after controlling for a full set of party dummies, as well as the coalition,
previous experience and female dummies. Naturally, sample sizes fall considerably since these
candidate characteristics are only available for 1995-2007.19 Reassuringly, the magnitude and
able to increase the electoral success of their relatives in a relatively short span of time. I return
to this issue in the discussion.
Another potential concern is whether the outcome of close races depends on the identity of
the opponent. Non-dynastic candidates in my sample who are running for these offices for the
first time may be less likely to win a close race when facing an incumbent, a dynastic opponent
or a seasoned candidate who has run for these provincial offices in the past.21 In Table 5, I
rule out this concern and find no evidence of sorting around the threshold for candidates facing
an incumbent (Column 4), a dynastic candidate (Column 5) or a seasoned candidate (Column
6). All estimates are small and statistically insignificant. This suggests that candidates in my
sample win, on average, 50% of close races, irrespective of the opponent they face. Nonetheless,
in Table 7 I show the robustness of the results to considering alternative subsamples based on
the type of opponent. In Panel A, I exclude races in which the candidates in my sample face
I do not report specifications based on a 2.5% bandwidth, since sample sizes become prohibitively small.
The regressions in Table 6 differ from those in Tables 2-4 in terms of both the sample and the inclusion
of control variables. Thus, in Appendix Table A3 I report the estimates from regressions based on the same
smaller samples used in Table 6 (for the period 1995-2007) but without including controls. Point estimates in
this subsample without controls are roughly similar to those from Tables 2-4.
For the U.S. case, recent papers by Snyder (2005), Caughey and Sekhon (2011) and Carpenter et al. (2011)
criticize regression discontinuity design studies, arguing that incumbents and candidates from the party in control
of state offices win noticeably more than 50% of close races.
an incumbent or a dynastic candidate in their first race. Both the OLS and 2SLS estimates are
very similar to those reported in Tables 2-4 for the whole sample. In Panel B, perhaps the most
demanding specification, I restrict the analysis to races in which both the winner and runner-up
are non-dynastic candidates running for the first time. By construction, exactly 50% of the
individuals in this sample win the race, while the remaining 50% lose. The estimates are in line
to a 20-year window following the election). The estimates remain very similar (magnitude of
the coefficients is slightly larger), showing that the coding of the dependent variable does not
affect the results.
The estimates in Tables 2-7 provide robust evidence of the existence of dynastic persistence in
the Philippines. A natural question in light of this result regards the mechanisms by which an
incumbent is able to reproduce his or her political power and enhance the electoral performance
of other relatives. In this section I explore some of the potential channels that may explain this
phenomenon. In doing so, I also highlight the differences in the process of dynastic persistence
in the Philippines vs. the U.S. as studied by Dal Bo, Dal Bo and Snyder (2009).
A simple channel through which incumbency may affect the political success of future relatives
is occupational choice. As with many other occupations, a politician’s son or daughter may be
more likely to follow the same career as his/her parents. Relatedly, it is plausible that relatives
of former incumbents can inherit the experience, political knowledge and skills required to run
a province. This would make dynastic candidates better suited for public office in the eyes of
and functional forms where the dependent variable is a dummy Posterior Candidate that takes a
value of 1 if the candidate has a future relative running for Congress or the provincial governor-
ship in the 20 years following the election. All estimates are positive and statistically significant,
and are larger in absolute value than the baseline estimates in Tables 2-4. This could be consis-
tent with occupational choice because it suggests that relatives of former incumbents are more
likely to participate and attempt to become politicians in the first place than are relatives of
previous election losers who never served. Moreover, in Panel B of Appendix Table A5 I re-run
a subset of the OLS and 2SLS regressions reported in Tables 2-4, but controlling for whether
the candidate has a future relative running for office. In other words, Panel B explores whether
(conditional on participating in elections) relatives of previous election winners are more likely
to win than relatives of previous election losers. The estimates in this case, while positive, be-
come noticeably smaller and are only statistically significant in Columns 4, 5 and 8. Thus, the
evidence in Appendix Table A5 suggests that the causal effect of incumbency on future relatives
in office documented in Tables 2-4 is mainly driven by relatives of former incumbents being more
likely to participate in the first place. However, these estimates must be interpreted cautiously,
since participation decisions (related to occupational choice) are also driven by expectations of
electoral success.
While occupational choice and interest in politics may play an important role in explaining
dynastic persistence, other evidence suggests that this is not the only (or the most important)
mechanism in the Philippines. A mechanism based on occupational choice or the acquisition
of experience/skills tends to operate in the long run. However, results that focus on the most
recent 1995-2007 sub-period, reported in Table 6, suggest that incumbents are able to bring
their relatives into politics a couple of years after entering office for the first time. Moreover,
case studies reported by Coronel et al. (2007) and interviews I conducted with members of
Congress in the Philippines show that dynastic candidates are very diverse in their professions
and occupations prior to running for office, and often run reluctantly to secure the family’s
political dominance. Thus, many relatives of incumbents enter politics after their occupational
choice has been made, and after years of experience in non-political occupations. The distribution
of family links for election winners documented in the first column of Table 1 further supports
this finding. Almost half (47.78%) of the future relatives are from the same generation as the
winning candidate (spouse, sibling, brother or sister-in-law, or cousin). This contrasts with the
U.S. case, in which siblings, cousins and spouses account for less than 30% of future relatives.22
Thus, many of the subsequent relatives in the Philippines are often relatively old (and thus in
documented for the United States by Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009). For the 1995-2010
period, 24% of dynastic candidates have previous experience in other offices (mayor, vice-mayor,
councilor, vice-governor or provincial board). The corresponding proportion for non-dynastic
candidates is essentially identical, 25%. This may simply reflect that dynastic candidates are
able to run directly for higher office without having to go through local positions. Nonetheless,
this is inconsistent with the theory that dynastic candidates are advantaged due to greater formal
Perhaps the mechanism most often cited in the media and academic literature is the use of
office, in particular patronage and public resources, to entrench an incumbent’s family in politics.
Incumbency and access to public resources are fundamental for funding the clientelistic networks
and machinery that deliver votes. A politician can then bequeath these networks to his relatives
in order to expand the political dominance of the family. In fact, clientelistic networks enjoy
substantial economies of scale, and can support two or more members of the same family who
run for different offices (i.e., Congress and provincial governor). Consistent with this, I find that
a large majority (72%) of election winners with future relatives in office have their relative first
enter office while they are still an incumbent. Moreover, half of the incumbents who are replaced
by relatives remain in either the same or another office after their future relatives enter office.
The difference is particularly large for spouses, who represent 20% of future relatives in the Philippines but
only 4% in the United States.
This contrasts with the U.S. case documented by Dal Bo, Dal Bo, and Snyder (2009), where a
majority of relatives enter office after the initial incumbent (dynasty founder) has retired from
office.23 Thus, the process of dynastic persistence in the Philippines involves incumbents having
relatives run for office while they are still in power (and can benefit from their relative’s access
to public resources), which often leads the dynasty to spread its control over several offices.
To illustrate the importance of having a relative in office at the time of the election, in Table
8 I report standard OLS regressions of a candidate’s vote share against the two measures of
dynastic status introduced in Section 3.2 – Dynastic Recent and Incumbent Relative. Regressions
include a full set of province and year fixed effects. I focus only on each candidate’s first election
attempt, and thus the regressions exclude all incumbents running for reelection. The coefficient
on the dynastic dummy in Column 1 shows that dynastic candidates enjoy a substantial electoral
advantage and obtain vote shares that are 15 percentage points higher on average. In Column
2, I differentiate between dynastic candidates with and without a relative in office at the time
of the election. The estimates reveal a substantial electoral advantage for all types of dynastic
candidates, but particularly for incumbent relatives. Candidates whose relative is the incumbent
at the time of the election receive an average vote share that is 25 percentage points larger relative
to other non-dynastic candidates – more than twice the advantage observed for other dynastic
candidates without a relative in office at the time of the election. These estimates from Table
8 are presented only for descriptive purposes, in order to illustrate the electoral advantage of
dynastic candidates. They do not necessarily provide evidence that incumbency at the time of
election has a causal effect on the electoral success of an incumbent’s relatives. Nonetheless,
they point to potential incumbency advantages from office that spill over to other relatives of
the incumbent. The incumbent’s relatives are particularly likely to win elections and enter office
if they run while their relative is the sitting incumbent and has at his or her disposal all the
This is not directly reported by the authors, but can be inferred from the descriptive statistics reported in
the paper. Roughly 57% percent of family links in their dataset involve relatives from a different generation - i.e.,
parent-child, uncle-nephew, grandfather-grandchild, etc. The average age at entry is 44, and congressmen serve
on average four terms (8 years) for an average retirement age from Congress of 52. At the age of retirement,
the children of the average congressman are younger than 44, the average age at entry. This suggests that the
majority of subsequent relatives enter office after their previous relative has retired and therefore do not have a
relative in office when they first run.
resources that fund the patronage and clientelistic practices that characterize Filipino politics.
The use of office to further the family’s private economic interests is also widely cited as a
channel behind dynastic entrenchment. In the context of a renowned dynasty in the province of
Cebu, Cullinane (1994, 187) mentions, “all the assets of the family’s domain – revenues, land,
agricultural commodities, industries, power and influence – were derived from success at the
polls.” He then argues that “much of the profits from their enterprises were invested in elections
to guarantee the family’s continued dominance.” In the context of the 2007 elections, Fafchamps
and Labonne (2015) also show that an incumbent’s relatives are disproportionately more likely
to be employed in the public sector. Similarly, they find that relatives of unsuccessful candidates
are disproportionately less likely to work in the public sector. This illustrates how patronage
can be used to benefit an incumbent’s relatives and punish members of the opposition.
Finally, incumbents can also bequeath to their relatives their connections to the central
bureaucracy, which allow them to secure the flow of pork barrel funds to their provinces and
districts. In this sense, voters may find themselves stuck in an equilibrium in which electing
dynastic politicians is the best strategy when other districts are also electing dynastic (and
connected) politicians. Otherwise, they risk losing their connections to the central bureaucracy
and cutting the flow of funds to their district. This argument is similar to the one made by
6 Conclusions
In this paper I present evidence of dynastic persistence in the Philippines. Incumbent congress-
men and governors are roughly 5 times more likely to have a relative serve in these offices in
the future, relative to similar candidates who run but do not serve. A large majority of these
dynastic successions occur while the first family incumbent (dynasty founder) is still in office.
Similarly, relatives of sitting incumbents enjoy a large electoral advantage, almost twice as large
as that enjoyed by other dynastic candidates whose relative has already retired. I argue that
access to office and public resources – important in clientelistic democracies like the Philippines
– allows incumbents to give relatives an electoral advantage.
This result is closely related to the literature on incumbency advantage, that argues that
candidates from an incumbent party enjoy an electoral advantage and are more likely to win. I
argue that in dynastic democracies like the Philippines such advantage can often spill over to
other family members and allow the family to consolidate its power and often control several
offices simultaneously. However, the consequences in the case of dynasties are, potentially,
very different than in the case of parties. A crucial difference between dynasties and parties is
that membership in the former, by definition, is restricted to those related by blood (the one
exception being marriage). Thus, a political system organized around dynasties creates tighter
entry barriers into the political system and creates the potential for capture by an even narrower
set of interests.
These results also provide important insights regarding the persistence of political elites over
time. Political power does not flow uniquely from sources of power outside the political system
such as land ownership or wealth. De jure political power – that is, control of elected office
– is an important determinant of the electoral success of other members of the family. Access
keep winning at the polls in order to stay in that circle. At the same time, older dynasties fail
in elections and they fade out of the political scene sooner or later.”
Future research should study in more depth the exact channels behind dynastic persistence.
In this article I have focused on estimating carefully the causal effect of incumbency on the like-
lihood of future relatives in office, but have only offered a brief discussion on the driving mech-
anisms of this phenomenon. Similarly, future work should attempt to study the consequences
of dynastic persistence on policy outcomes and public goods provision. This is important for
determining whether reforms aimed at curbing political dynasties are desirable.
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Figure 1
Future Relatives in Office and Win Margin in First Election
Posterior Relative in Office
0.1 0.0 0.2
Horizontal axis shows the winning margin of non-dynastic candidates (winners and runners-up) in their first race. Candidates with a positive winning margin
win the election, while those with negative winning margins are runners-up. The figure focuses on candidates who won or lost the election by a margin of
30% or less. The dots show the fraction of candidates with future relatives in office, averaged in 2% bins of the winning margin. Local polynomial smoothing
regressions using the raw (unbinned) data are shown (solid lines), together with 95% confidence intervals (dotted lines), at both sides of the threshold.
Figure 2
Robustness to Alternative Bandwidths
Panel A: OLS Panel B: 2SLS
Each sub-figure plots the point estimates for different bandwidth values between 0.02-0.5 in 0.01 increments. In Panel A the coefficients are OLS estimates
based on Equation 1 using a linear polynomial. In Panel B the coefficients are 2SLS estimates based on Equation 3 also using a linear polynomial. Thin
lines stemming from the point estimates show 95% confidence intervals while the slightly thicker lines show 90% confidence intervals. Estimates shown in
blue are for the optimal bandwidth proposed by Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2012) (h=0.11) while the estimates shown in orange are for the optimal
bandwidth proposed by Calonico, Cattaneo and Titiunik (2014) (h=0.12).
Figure 3
McCrary Density Test
The figure shows the McCrary (2008) test for discontinuity in the density of observations around the threshold. The sample includes the first race of non-
dynastic congressional and gubernatorial candidates for the period 1946-2007. The figure focuses on candidates that won or lost the election by a margin of
30% or less.
Table 1: Percentage Distribution of Family Links to Posterior Relatives
Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors in Columns 1 and 2 clustered at the candidate level. Standard errors in
Columns 3-4 clustered at the province level. Sample in Columns 1 and 2 includes all congressional and gubernatorial
candidates for the period 1946-2007. Sample in Columns 3 and 4 includes only the first race of all non-dynastic
congressional and gubernatorial candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1946-2007. Dependent variable is a
dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate has any relatives entering Congress or the provincial governorship in the 20
years following the election. Winner is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate wins the election.
Table 3
OLS Reduced-Form Regressions
Alternative Bandwidth and Control Functions
Dependent Variable is Posterior Relatives Dummy
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Winner 0.114 0.120 0.115 0.152 0.124 0.131 0.126 0.136
(0.033) (0.038) (0.052) (0.070) (0.027) (0.027) (0.033) (0.034)
Bandwidth (h) 0.05 0.05 0.025 0.025 1 1 1 1
Control Function f(Win Margin) None None None None Order=2 Order=2 Order=3 Order=3
Province Fixed Effects NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES
Year Fixed Effects NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES
Observations 403 403 203 203 1,919 1,919 1,919 1,919
R-squared 0.030 0.266 0.030 0.437 0.061 0.124 0.061 0.124
Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at the province level. Sample includes the first race of all non-dynastic congressional and gubernatorial
candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1946-2007. Dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate has any relatives entering Congress
or the provincial governorship in the 20 years following the election. Winner is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate wins the election.
Table 4
2SLS Regressions
Dependent Variable is Posterior Relatives Dummy
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Served 0.174 0.172 0.156 0.163 0.163 0.218 0.181 0.169 0.180 0.169
(0.024) (0.024) (0.045) (0.050) (0.074) (0.101) (0.017) (0.019) (0.017) (0.019)
Bandwidth (h) 0.11 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.025 0.025 1 1 1 1
Control Function f(Win Margin) Linear Linear None None None None Order=2 Order=2 Order=3 Order=3
Province Fixed Effects NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES
Observations 808 808 403 403 203 203 1,919 1,919 1,919 1,919
R-squared 0.038 0.171 0.048 0.294 0.032 0.444 0.055 0.122 0.055 0.122
Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at the province level. Sample includes the first race of all non-dynastic congressional and gubernatorial
candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1946-2007. Dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate has any relatives entering Congress
or the provincial governorship in the 20 years following the election. Served is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate ever serves in Congress or as provincial
Table 5
OLS Reduced Form Regressions
Balance on Covariates
Dependent Variable is:
Coalition Previous Exp. Female Against Incumb. Against Dynast. Against Seasoned
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Winner 0.061 -0.065 -0.015 -0.052 -0.007 -0.028
(0.185) (0.177) (0.041) (0.053) (0.046) (0.052)
Bandwidth (h) 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
Control Function f(Win Margin) Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear
Province Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Observations 224 224 808 808 808 808
R-squared 0.314 0.354 0.129 0.377 0.273 0.341
Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at the province level. Sample in Columns 1-2 includes the first race of all non-dynastic congressional
and gubernatorial candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1995-2007. Sample in Columns 3-6 includes the first race of all non-dynastic congressional and
gubernatorial candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1946-2007. Dependent variable in Column 1 is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate's party
is part of the president's coalition at the time of the election. Dependent variable in Column 2 is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate held a provincial or
local elected office prior to the election. Dependent variable in Column 3 is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate is female. Dependent variable in Columns 4-
6 is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate is running against an incumbent, a dynastic candidate or a seasoned candidate, respectively. The independent
variable, Winner, is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate wins the election.
Table 6
Robustness Checks I
Controlling for Candidate Characteristics
Dependent Variable is Posterior Relatives Dummy
OLS Regressions 2SLS Regressions
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Winner 0.130 0.170 0.196
(0.094) (0.082) (0.061)
Served 0.255 0.229 0.191
(0.073) (0.110) (0.034)
Bandwidth (h) 0.11 0.05 1 0.11 0.05 1
Control Function f(Win Margin) Linear None Order=3 Linear None Order=3
Province Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Observations 223 110 710 223 110 710
R-squared 0.407 0.536 0.226 0.357 0.537 0.198
Robust standard errors in parentheses. Standard errors clustered at the province level. Sample includes the first race of all non-dynastic
congressional and gubernatorial candidates (winners and runners-up) for the period 1995-2007. All regressions control for a female dummy,
a full set of party dummies, a dummy for whether the candidate served prior to the election in a provincial or local office, and a dummy for
whether his party belongs to the president's coalition at the time of the election. Dependent variable is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the
candidate has any relatives entering Congress or the provincial governorship in the 20 years following the election. Winner is a dummy that
takes a value of 1 if the candidate wins the election. Served is a dummy that takes a value of 1 if the candidate ever serves in Congress or as
provincial governor.
Table 7
Robustness Checks II: Alternative Samples
Dependent Variable is Posterior Relatives Dummy
OLS Regressions 2SLS Regressions
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Panel A. Excluding races with an incumbent or a dynastic candidate as winner or runner-up
Winner 0.144 0.145 0.152
(0.071) (0.054) (0.051)
Served 0.180 0.181 0.169
(0.038) (0.067) (0.027)
Bandwidth (h) 0.11 0.05 1 0.11 0.05 1
Control Function f(Win Margin) Linear None Order=3 Linear None Order=3
Province Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Observations 402 200 784 402 200 784
R-squared 0.263 0.408 0.179 0.264 0.408 0.182
Panel B. Keeping races in which both the winner and runner up are non-dynastic candidates running for the first time.
Winner 0.112 0.127 0.155
(0.078) (0.059) (0.061)
Served 0.184 0.167 0.176
(0.052) (0.077) (0.040)
Bandwidth (h) 0.11 0.05 1 0.11 0.05 1
Control Function f(Win Margin) Linear None Order=3 Linear None Order=3
Province Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES
Year Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES YES YES