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(EE 1 Asst) 1ay17me035 - J Guru Kiran

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st gnmend Ay19MEO35 pate-

herg Engingesdn
Atokee CO+ 0,tNa t H,o
Flame Seuondany 01
reen t VM+CO+(0,tN+H
LandesCent AA CO+COtNat Ht+H20
Cek 4


Primary O
A Jully built up Oveoed stokea ill hae a bd
grean coal, fncadescent Cok ouh ouor h geot
n H i t peumauy airenteou u qrate mu
bettom, ehith cenla grat odkilk mevvia t
udud a it pasu -thetbugh øt ash bed.

he hot as hon Das oeugh e bad incandstent

Ceka h ygen aacta e, -te caabri n he ltke
einL , o H aoutg Co mad ualta th
Casusen in -tu fual to fbm Co. Th gasu kadine he
bed _intandescent ceks Corsua N , lo,LO,H,¢
H0To he qous, thun an addtonal a tcUni tu
BeLerndasy ab uwpplid pem -e sides te bren the
Cembus qa ike C0, H, otho volatill_mattrs

Undealesd tokui
ftom CO+02+N,+H0
Incandastant Seuondooy dr

Eneen Cooo VM+C0 C0,+NatH

Poumouy 9umarY
bellm, f he
coal is tharged em -dho
n H u heves m oillemtheogh
pr alo
Deimasy aik wde stokr has tha loyess
giat. This
u holsn e he
Coku loed aus eal, n
ash, ncanoescuut that y he evealced
gveesk lisec" as cnpartd to
aB 4ntering o
Strkusn epcsatien , the pelinaty Cento refh tu
lhe qrai holes ceres
botem eOugk

k bed ef incandescent cok.

Leal.h u passs thoeugh
t a l y a i eac 1Ah casken n
he ceke Th feim
to helkose O
C0 h meistusein thi an uat

2 a Spray ponde The spmy C2oling_Pend is e e thu sinples

hvds conting i londuder H0

Dusl deik nstay ends

SygtmBprmy nozls ane aOanged (@ dieoont
aleutions as heion "contg ect i mete han trgk deck
Btem au Ho comes in Certact_h_aá(aude tenp

boing ooe
Thaoutignceu a cesighid Khen te entr| en he
temp HO A hqhd, eEpaca Oupled ley te cortng
Sptum Lonsiderable_lacter e lant is huatd ua
ead cutiu a ausay aen the adequat Lateal

NatuwalDratSpray led tocer

The aooangemint mh type
den s Ahenon ink
The a entor onuh he oeddSides 1 oret atres
tha unit ín _a Toankyece d i , Thu a Ctalalim
Ahoonugh Th "lonses dpndk em oind wlocity. The tapacity

himoca Vasies to 1e0 L/un w

rem base ana
dependng upen the a velocty Thwe Toueeu aL utd eny
diesdl planta khue podvallng efndk a net cut

Afr in Air

H0 out

A%tionomizer Eas i

H0 in
Used t aLov sme huat beig caund by exhaust

Hoat u Loend s utilial m raaing The kanp -He ecd

Peed tho alud mp 8upplied b e hetler
thus leus heat s ea,ed euession inle ean

Pauent thermal shock

CA phehuater TIL
expomsto , Tubes

Air td air

Plu gas
Exponsen foint
Dust 0 wosh hop pe
>Used eLeve huat iem the exchaustlue
Tustalud n bollu ecenomixerChimnuy.
]enp the uged a tontbustion s assed ewgh
e an peccheaty ehL tnp nalsed to x, Then
hst a pased the onace

Ah a)rcd deaught Bystom

Inaiced deaugkt syttem a teces i nntalled
Mlcar tha de -hu oiler añ k foed e pas tmuyh
the ganae fluks, 2wnemider ,air-paiheatir i o the
Stvk. i s draught dystem knem a e deanglt
SAstom beLauehe pr _di Toteugkeut he systm k
àeeve atbnesplevi pr a k fed flen tezergh
h Ktan. Th arangiment fhi system mn.
Stack clanotey is due uued n his system a1 Sheon in
b u t its tut s ta dåchasge yau hioh h the atmaphere
Pagt 6
tpwvent the (entuminatlen. Lt is net much
opeeducing deaught thonuohe ht q th ignllicant
bvey mdth chiranay may net
To exhaust


usunate Bonemiser

Grat Stack
o Chimney
Air preuater
nduced Draught
In tkAystom he blonser lotatdneai hees
h chimnty muteod e_hcas tu grate The air i uked
fn the system by e duchhg th pr hoough te kyshem
atmespherThe induced duaught {an Auck the buand
gasus em he uenate hipr hslde the fueunate i uduted
belae atbmesphure hduces the atnesplesie aik T leue
toengh h penaceThu actien t h u hduced doaught
Sinmila o the attien f the chinney The daught predueed
indeperndent g/ h p at geLes othi goss
mayl dkchasged as celd al posfbu ater SuLerering
math heat at pessiba in ai, -paahroatu ecenemitéa
Sofle Iohaust

Fnace tenemuse blovoer

al in
n Ar-preheata
o exhaust
cPalanced dpought:

blooer tcondmser
Furnoue Bloe
Gro Clkinay
Air pre heoto

alunys phlesabk to ue a_ tobinaton Liced

g ited t mäucd
doaghtinduted doaught insteod
deauaht alene. 14 the orced deaught ' used alene hn a
HGnace cannet oe epened eter a ing nspegtivm
becaug the high p a nid hkenato ill try to
bone enu Suddnly heu ey chano _blbueing eu
th Lemplr Iy4uenate_sh

AS)D Sustem.2 u stem ach buenei a pulsiseu

wnsletct a wit,T onkit _a saue Ceal bunko,a
d pulvealzing mill lepondto he bunker ehin
teushud o t 9cq'd Afzu, the tauthsd _ceal hn
ed h te pulvesiging niil theegh e ekos h e
eq'ed hat,dependg wpn lhe lonbustten e4 , Het
a 9L_passecl hoengh the eeden Tn deu he Ceal.
aus Coal bnker


Pahuatd Plvertsin TD taM
Coal dryn SLOndasy au9
Ctal Bin uonm
Schomatu annan4mnt u pecnuipla epealuen
aCenctnal o Uhcna.ing pulveiked lceal. e
SushudS a Cealis dded usng het as i kue
9as m d the pulveise.Thu pulvektd
Coal m th pulueiAing ELA_Doktd to he
CytlonlcSepamato en eozd pasticks aue

SepOsatud fd batk to hu mill.

The puweusnd ceol is hen ranferred gmth
tponati tb ho centaal bunke -hoengh a Lenuey
kstom hpressusizid ab kem u ud drolt an
upplies the stried teal to tha bwne. Thi oir nt ey
Copeuies the o
ul, t o.lso acta as thu peéimasy e th
Lombuwtien t uul. Seuondary


To FanA bunwr

hotafr Palverizer Cntral
kuel Bwnkur
FD Fan

Dry bank Air dr

Ab) Surge

bngtn =4urator

lubriatin o
Lue il
Ol toolr

Stoding stording
ain tompbuor
or tonk
Por Cooring
Punp Strainer

Mon fuel 1onk

Raue H0
AL he asu { engin poat in the samu penesol
LaD kngutd wdegoos eptotid eloA. H
thowmedynanie oyel Cempesd a bouis Seqwttial
uwnts a clusad Aonp on Pv n Ts dogran. A typtal
Cycle has Jollowin disknct cpeoalien
DCulnde s Chad
R) &tinder (enten a wmpAaAsRd
Cmlouttn o honge
u) Exhauut pent oeduct _cmbusben t atrepho

0latr Jfo tmiogn us vathod t cylinder 1oalls

huads ae useieunded tdth teelfng H,0fockea.The
H0 shi ciaculat thoaughack tak the hiat lm
Cylnder wnlb by tenvecttom eThe hratid Hoe
eelad by ciculating It hoeugk ain serkd adiates Systin

Open eles singl au Aystom

H0 spumped m Copinq pend to he main enofn
Sackabr. ALter chculatien,tHao %utuensd to the Coelrg md
8phaingoug no2ales The dessatnd aau in
oling O may eoode heylnda fa tk.

ECletd deule dècit_Aystm

Sugtom hwa ekhangea ustd in
engna Covting pmd. he th0 pem the pord
pnped tooueh The beat ezchanger ,oe t take he
huat omjacket H20 { 9Tintd he
Conlirg pm

tvopdatie cerllng Dni method, a lorge Selace g th

AtgH0 expeste e an a loie , huely hubridles
ha a étenf lhe cmaino9 Ho, }hec_edn loe dent by


Teoensevapolatue Hh0 ete. The covling

Doovdng Cenlng ë mlrhuru
le atmesplasu
actien J u "h alld hom
ainho vap n poepatiènal h i
deesibd by haumi
ett et Jhe
By-pa lter? "he filher sll frheat
he fad fles
qranulos ohteh tannt be eriolatd y B
Beanse thu ors Kkieh
ol pases thu Jltor
Rter. beof-h
voRy 8mall. Tt k allouoaldlo that fhe ustafe
7tiu may geatr han lull letier,

ale taled primay

ulloo r u l l lons i)fdter k ei/ pump 4he
t e r mainly onnectig
is heneve
Lulnieating_mah oil thamel, thu pwpese lubticetng l
pastieulat pellutorn. All Hu hcdlating
g8 as to puebol-
- h diesul engine i ylter thoegh ,
d a oamage
he dieul pai em allerdirg

AA). Mei
0Rencwable hergy ovnk un eut
Maictaine ualonuta a lovo
Renenables eyer neliancu Bn ole4n energy 8oULteS
Ronabls s0u nenty
t h o s nmeseu htalth f nvehormuntal benfilt

r upint lest
egnphie" Jmihaluens
Stiage Capelitites

A10)a) Hydkeegmaph t uwr

a gmph 91opaenting he diasthasge tlonoing
HhO 0-rt tine e a speefle perind. hu tme uxis miay


have ulh h e n , doy , oeek t modh.Jhe dethasoc

unli may bl ms, knisnhr harge hdpmphd 2
alw hneon a
fond ch aun-
hydacg npa.
ove duolip
Cuve hmet he aelation h fleres, plelted a he
ehdbrat kvgthu tuy ere aailobli i_pletted on Gbsca.
Th CURve upheunta tha uni n the uther form
obrtoi'ned2em a hydavgraph The Houo dueatén bho
lono availobte dauodng a eilod heanen tim

Hh0-hammer ert
dolmud as he clhange in pr apidly aleve t
9eoertmal pr Cauud by kudden chanoes"n the eatt
Ho eo thongh the pipe ausding tr dk tinmel q tushke
oding tuobine oveming, he gatti Supp ho t u
tabnas ase sucdenly_cloked 1ohsh he liad o turbihe 4

AApp dulpoor plant

1 cabe uwed as péok loud o kaudlhy unt for hydcl

9 can be used as mebil_plantafor tempeiasy ti ehryy


sThese_lan e sed n neagene oses ofhere poroer

fnternup fen_wvuld usult inancal oil d danger

u ean be uud a a hUSsery 8tüluen.

S can also e wed a

stasting staton hu pla
un tho auxiliaies f staating Thu lasege therma

9Guality4 tho auallabe
n-o 'iv0s plarts ithout pendoge
Sfth pendege
humped stoage planta

adee plant
LModim huád plant
h hod plakt

) Natu rod
a) Bas lpad plont
Peok lood plont

Capusk Part
NsN cblpaliy lontf
b) Medem .
Hih M

unp toge Poueer PlanE

Such panth ae mest suitalb oiAugnlyng Juddn
peak ood Pagiromanth .Houoeer, kuch diandt tan bk
mt cne f a s i t dusratien. nhe ntimal
epnalierm -hey tan aelt e aug demand enly.The
upttream Aelavoîr thu main &age Aueuo te htch
h ftous u thu tatthment ada,

r u e r d ostver the desigh- denon sean

9nesewet, in ohlith hu usd o pem vhe upstrram
celluetrd . T th0 h in he deren strrarh s0serusi
pumped back o main upsbeam Rseveir.
Head Ho

Ponatvck owoah tuse ith


H PUnd

As ypes Asge tonks

a)Simplu 2se tonk A mpl Auogc tank a o plain
CyEndoutal tak cemecbd by yegHta bronch
pipe h pehstock Dn pe 1 ONe Loo&
dlowd UninotuA pr în pfpe but euerlog
Ausg Tonk eLenem[tolu1e tonk obult in

h expanien Chambe9L&9ally peAa Tonk

Expansien Chambes


h e &uge ank hauing a Vaniask Cls th_ ezpankien
tank th operph galleny hu betem. The
Resveir abseilss the iings buds 1ehil s looer
Ene peovicks rage H0 em &iaating u tuabine

ing he eod m the tubire

es9 rolt Huke

) Conlal dralt ube: Tha i kuen at topeud dealt tuhe
Ad K all Axn tualolhsz shu ond peimlt The
on c" ang f this doral tube ihd t r
coue menkiennd baslfer, Tu hydhaulic uh yp/
dealt tub G0%.

(2-5 to 3D

aHdren Moo Drel u:Th yp d doalt tke

alo kreun as bell-meuth dalt tube The eh
ConpenunF h H,0 lage hen he wnei udks a
pat load nd. Tuabh Suis h spccd lader lanc head
he high 4paed uwmer under le huad has hegh hirlig
Compenent, A Ho turs the balt tuhe fm h high4d
unne, t whih inHu disan h whlih he sumnoaetat.

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