First Masterclass: Unit Test 8: Name: 1 Change These Sentences / Questions To Reported Speech
First Masterclass: Unit Test 8: Name: 1 Change These Sentences / Questions To Reported Speech
First Masterclass: Unit Test 8: Name: 1 Change These Sentences / Questions To Reported Speech
2 Rewrite each sentence using the word given in bold, so that the second sentence has a
similar meaning.
a ‘Let’s eat something healthy tonight,’ said Mike. suggested
Mike something healthy that night.
b ‘Don’t walk along the railway track,’ the official said to me. warned
The official along the railway track.
c ‘If I were you, Jane, I’d forget about him,’ said Sally. advised
Sally about him.
d ‘Close your book, Tom,’ the teacher said. told
The teacher his book.
e ‘I’ll pick Sally up from the station,’ said Mary. offered
Mary from the station.
/ 10 marks
4 Use the words below to make compound nouns then match them with a description a–j.
Some may need hyphens.
book break case card credit
down key lecturer
make music off shop site take university up shop web
a You can use this to pay for things in shops.
b This is someone who teaches things.
c The moment when a plane leaves the ground.
d You get information from this on a computer.
e This is something you keep books on.
f This is someone who works in a shop.
g The part of a computer you type on.
h The failure of a marriage is an example of this.
i Mascara and lipstick are examples of this.
j You can buy CDs and DVDs from here.
/ 10 marks
Total / 50