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Therapeutic Touch

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T h e r a p e u t i c T o u c h

Therapeutic Basic
“The Benefits “
An Integrative Medicine
Touch Therapeutic Touch Program Offering
“The Benefits “ April 2nd and 3rd, 2011
From 8:30 am – 5: 30 pm Basic
Research/Clinical Practice
Location: Therapeutic Touch
Demonstrates Therapeutic Touch:
425 East 25th Street,
Promotes Relaxation and Brookdale Campus,
Hunter - Bellevue
Stress Reduction New York, New York 10010 School of N u r s i n g
Continuing Education
Reduces Pain Re g i s t r a t i o n i s l i m i t e d t o
15 par ticipants presented by
Eloise Monzillo, PhD, RN, AHN-BC,QTTT
Reduces Anxiety Pr og ram fee: $185
plus $20 registration fee Target Audience
Contributes to a Sense of
for this two-day wo r k s h o p i n
Peacefulness and Well-being Discounts: 20% for Hunter Students &
Employees; Basic Therapeutic Touch is open to:

Decrease Behavioral Symptoms 10% for Hunter Alumni  All nurses caring for all client
Associated with Dementia populations, and
Call 212.650.3850 or 212.772.4292
 In all Healthcare Settings,
Promotes Rest and Sleep Online: www.hunter.cuny.edu/ce
 All healthcare professionals who
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by would have contact with client
Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing, Hunter College, City Uni-
versity of New York an approved provider of continuing nursing populations, such as:
education by New York State Nurses Association, an accredited Social Workers. & Physical Therapists.
approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Com-
mission on Accreditation for 13 contact hours.
Integrative Medicine combines Basic TT Program Goal: energy, rebalancing and re-assessment.
treatments from conventional The goal of this Basic Therapeutic Touch π
professional healthcare practice's, program, is to provide an opportunity for
Upon the successful completion of this
i.e., medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc., healthcare professionals to be introduced
program’s requirement, i.e., ability to
and Evidence-Based Complementary to the basic concepts , and techniques in- demonstrating the successes phases of
Alternative Modalities ( C A M ) t o herent in the practice of Therapeutic TT, participants will receive a
provide the best possible healthcare. Touch (TT), with an equal opportunity in
This integration allows us too “Certificate of Attendance”
hands-on practice experience with this heal-
develop healing partnerships w i t h ing modality. meeting Therapeutic Touch International’s
our patients and their families in the guidelines for Basic Therapeutic Touch.
promotion of wellness. One of these Basic TT Program Objectives: π
integrative therapies is Therapeutic At the completion of this two-day
Touch. program in TT participants will be About your Program Presenter
able to:
Therapeutic Touch is categorized by Eloise Monzillo PhD, AHN-BC, QTTT,
 Discuss the basic Philosophical &
the National Center for Complementary w a s o n e of the first health care
Theoretical assumptions underlying
and Alternative Medicine of the practitioners in America to learn TT
the practice of TT.
over 30 years ago from its founders
National Institute of Health as an  Discuss the attitudes & practices D. Krieger and D. Kunz. She has been a
E n e r g y M e d i c i n e modality. inherent in the TT practitioner student of TT since 1975 & a teacher of
when administrating TT: t h i s h e a l i n g m o d a l i t y s i n c e 1 9 7 6.
π Centeredness, Intentionality, Eloise was one of the first health care
wholness, Compassionation, providers to incorporate TT into her
Therapeutic Touch Defined: Non-attachment. delivery of care in acute care settings in
Therapeutic Touch (TT) is a contemporary  Discuss consideration and impli- the US, and pioneered its use in Hospice
cations of TT in clinical practice and Palliative Care settings at major
healing modality, in which the practitioner health care institutions. She is a consultant,
based on the current research.
e n g a g e s in the consciously directed educator and practitioner in integrative
 Discuss and demonstrate the
process of energy exchange, facilitating the modalities, with the intension of
successive phases of the TT
individual’s own natural restorative powers. stimulating, supporting and strengthening
methodology of treatment.
the client’s innate healing potential.
It is based on the assumptions that human Ample time will be provided for the She has a private practice in both NYC
beings are fields of vital energy, and in illness demonstration and hands on practice and NJ.
there is an imbalance or block in the flow of experience of TT, which will include:
energy in the individual. Facility Disclosure: Eloise Monzillo, has declared no
Centering; Assessment; T r e a t m e n t : commercial support has been used towards this
π unruffling, directing/ modulating of program .

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