Hed 510 Week 4 Presentation
Hed 510 Week 4 Presentation
Hed 510 Week 4 Presentation
HED 510
Presentation - Week 4
Three Citeria for Framing Kohlberg’s Stage Theory
• Structure Criterion: Individuals exhibit a similar reasoning pattern regardless of the content or situation.
• Sequence Criterion: Indicates that stages appear in a specific order, regardless of setting or experience.
⚬ Not all individuals advance through all stages, nor will they move through stages at the same rate.
⚬ The Sequence stage is fixed.
• Hierarchy Criterion: Each successive stage is more highly developed than the previous one because it incorporates aspects
of all earlier stages.
⚬ Individuals understand and use all stages of thinking below the stage at which they are currently functioning, but never
at higher stages.
Prerequisites for Moral Stage Conditions Facilitating Moral Stage Kohlberg’s Stages for Moral
Development Development Reasoning
• The ability to understand another person’s • Two Factors: exposure to higher stage thinking • Six-stage sequence grouped into three levels. Each
perspective. and disequilibrium. level is two stages and represents relationships
• Mediates between cognitive and moral • Disequilibrium or cognitive conflict occurs between the self & society’s rules & expectations.
development. when individuals are faced with situations that • Level I- Preconventional: Individual focused and
• Cognitive structures & Perspective are not contradict their moral reasoning or when the not understanding social rules & expectations.
sufficient for moral development. reasoning is different. • Level II- Conventional: "Member of Society.”
• Growth in both cognitive & social • Exposure to conflict, in both opinions and Individuals identify with societal rules and
perspective= a state of readiness. reasoning, also leads to moral development. expectations.
• Level III: Postconventional or Principal: “Prior to
Society.” Individuals separate from rules and
expectations and base their decisions on self-chosen
01 - Heteronomous Morality 02 - Individualistic Instrumental 03 - Interpersonally Normative
Morality Morality
• Preconventional Level. • Second Stage of Preconventional Level. • Conventional Level.
• Obey rules, avoid punishment, & • Follows the rules if it is in their best • Right is defined as meeting the expectations
refrain from harming others & their interest. of someone close.
property. • Understands that others have their own • Concerns centers on their image and
• Justify actions based on avoidance needs that may conflict with theirs. gaining others approval.
of punishment & power of • Right is defined by what is fair, an equal • Shared feelings, agreements, and
authority. exchange, or agreement. expectations take precedence over
• They do not consider the rights or • Ensures self-satisfaction while minimizing individual interests.
concerns of others. possible negative consequences. • Generalized social system perspective does
not yet exist.
Structuring of Knowing
• Enabled Fowler to find and describe structural features of faith and allow for comparison across a wide range of differing
Structural Stages
• Fowler’s theory has 6 stages that are similar to Kohlberg’s in that they are meant to be moved through in order, each one
building on the previous stage.
Interactional Process
• Fowler states that growth and development in faith is a result of life challenges which is similar to Kohlberg’s theory
which shows a relationship to structural development and environmental challenges
Philosophical Psychologies
• Fowler believes, just as Kohlberg, that the there are more developed structural or faith stages that make it possible to
understand things more clearly
How might a higher education administrator have applied any of the theories of Moral Development to assist the
characters in navigating the moral conflict?
In this case, Eduardo and Zukerberg did not engage in any conflict that interfered with academics. However, if the situation would arise as it did with
the twins, higher education administrators could refer them to the Harvard College Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct Office, using
the Conditions Facilitating Moral Stage Development. Which facilitates exposure to conflict for both parties to voice their opinions and reasoning,
leading to moral development and conflict resolution.