Full Name Grade and Section Date Submitted: QUARTER 4. MODULE 15. Sports Officiating Activities
Full Name Grade and Section Date Submitted: QUARTER 4. MODULE 15. Sports Officiating Activities
Full Name Grade and Section Date Submitted: QUARTER 4. MODULE 15. Sports Officiating Activities
Involves oneself in community service through sports officiating and physical activity programs
Community service by athletic one that benefits community individuals and causes as
well as the student-athletes themselves. Consider the relationship with the community
as family. Katipunan ng Kabataan(SK) provides opportunity for young people to directly
participate in local basketball, volleyball league; then as student-athletes is provide a
range opportunities or various ages to participate in sport and physical activity as well
as helping and served the community through sports.
Supporting local (or even national) organizations by fundraising and service project
gives the students a chance to learn about giving and teaches them that teamwork
happens both on and off the field.
You will be given activities to display and enhance your skills in sports officiating at the
same time formulate your understandings as regards the benefits of such activities to
your fitness and well-being. As you go on and overcome the challenges provided for
you, you will learn that together, sports officiating activities will be more fun and exciting,
without knowing that you are at the same time improving your fitness and your sense of
. Qualities of an Officiating Official:
The role of an official is very crucial in a sporting endeavor. He defines the success or
failure of a certain physical activity. It is therefore necessary for an aspiring officiating
official to possess a number of qualities for him to meet the goal of having a satisfying,
complain-free, impartial, and successful game.
The following are some of the qualities to be considered:
• Physical Qualities
• Emotional Qualities
These qualities refer to the emotional readiness of an officiating official to
perform his or her role in a game. He or she might have mastered all the rules and
possesses a high level of fitness but if the emotional attributes don’t warrant him or her
to perform the duties and responsibilities of an officiating official, failure is expected.
Emotional attributes that an officiating official should possess include confidence. It is
having belief in oneself. Confidence can be situation-specific, but practicing it through
actual game immersions and observations of game officiating activities can help
improve it.
• Mental Qualities
Just as physical and emotional qualities are essential, mental characteristics are
also equally necessary. Mental toughness is the term used to refer to all of the qualities
pertaining to one’s mental preparations in officiating a game. To be mentally tough
requires one to stay focused, regulate one’s performance, ability to handle pressure,
awareness and control of thoughts and feelings and one’s command and control of the
environment. This can be achieved by having a thorough knowledge on the rules of the
game, alertness, vigilance which result to timely, decisive, honest and impartial
judgment. Decisiveness results to integrity of the result of the game leading to a
satisfying result and acceptance of success and failure for both competiting teams or
• Social Qualities
Social qualities refer to the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
Complaints are inevitable in a game. It is the ability of an officiating official to settle
disputes without sacrificing the integrity of a game and the officiating team. To develop
such qualities requires practice just as the emotional qualities do. Surrounding oneself
with people who make wise decisions especially in officiating endeavors might help one
improve his or her decision-making skills.
Referees’ Hand Signals:
B. Volleyball
Explore Understanding
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
A. Sports Officiating C. Sports Science
B. Sports Psychology D. Sports Youth
2. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component
should the
official possess?
A. Balance B. Endurance C. Power D. Strength
3. For sports officials to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Iron D. Protein
4. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long
minutes. Sports
officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what's
the best
drink to take?
A. Energy Drinks
B. Soft drinks
C. Sports Drink
D. Water
5. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and
eat without
cholesterol-rich foods?
A. Cancer
B. Diabetes
C. Heart Disease
D. Stroke
6. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be
with this regular movement?
A. Cardio Vascular Endurance35
B. Muscular Endurance
C. Flexibility
D. D. Muscular Strength
7. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
A. Genetics B. Jogging C. Environment D. Sedentary Lifestyle
8. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, volleyball
and combative sports. What should the referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating
A. Warm up
B. Dynamic Stretching
C. Static Stretching
D. Instantly proceed with officiating
9. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our
A. Save money during sports competition
B. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
C. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
D. All of the above
10. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
A. Fairness C. Unjust
B. Punctuality D. All of the above
Firm Up
Master the hand signals of the referees.
Listed are the characteristics and values of an official
1. If you were an official, which of the values and characteristics should you
possess for the rest of your life? Why?
2. Which of the values and characteristics is the most important for an
official to possess? Why?
Take a video of yourself and execute the Hand Signal of Basketball or Volleyball follow
the illustration given above.