(Bore Holes Considered at 100m C/C Spacing) : Monarch Surveyors Pune Rate 01-09-2017 (28.35% Higher Than Estimated Rate)
(Bore Holes Considered at 100m C/C Spacing) : Monarch Surveyors Pune Rate 01-09-2017 (28.35% Higher Than Estimated Rate)
(Bore Holes Considered at 100m C/C Spacing) : Monarch Surveyors Pune Rate 01-09-2017 (28.35% Higher Than Estimated Rate)
Monarch Monarch
Surveyors Pune Surveyors Pune
S.No Item Unit Qty Rate 01-09-
Rate with 15% Amount(in Rs) Amount(in Remarks
2017(28.35% Crores)
higher than Escalation for
estimated rate) 3-years
a) Vertical boring 150mm dia. through all kinds of soil and weathered /soft & hard
rock having RQD <=50% with adequate/ suitable equipment for a depth measured
below existing ground upto a depth of 20mts.
b) Collecting un-disturbed soil samples in 100mm dia, 450 mm long thin-walled 7)Quantity for Item No.3= (187 x 5) =935m
tube sampler at every 3.00 m interval or at change of strata whichever occurs
3 earlier & sealing the container. Conducting standard penetration test as per IS: RMT 935.00 ₹ 5,134.00 ₹ 5,904.10 ₹ 4,800,290 ₹ 0.48
213-1962 at 3 m interval change or at change of strata and collecting the disturbed
sample, packaging and labelling the same.
5 Restoration of road surface to its original position on completion of drilling work Nos. 150.00 ₹ 4,107.20 ₹ 4,723.28 ₹ 616,080 ₹ 0.06
including cleaning of site etc.. complete
Xi Hi ∑XiHi ∑XiHi/∑Xi
0 20200 0
1 C-4/1 20260 650 10.5 6825
2 C-4/2 20850 650 12 7800
3 C-4/2(A) 21500 1038 12 12456
4 C-4/3 22538 1012 16 16192
5 C-4/4 23550 900 10.5 9450
6 C-4/5 24450 1050 13.5 14175
7 C-4/6 25500 1000 7.5 7500
8 C-4/7 26500 850 10.5 8925
9 C-4/8 27350 1150 7.5 8625
10 C-4/9 28500 775 12 9300
11 C-4/10 29275 800 10.5 8400
12 C-4/11 30075 1210 15 18150 13.18
13 C-4/12 31285 1140 9 10260
14 C-4/13 32425 1055 12 12660
15 C-4/14 33480 280 10.5 2940
16 C-4/15 33760 630 10.5 6615
17 C-4/16 34390 725 10.5 7612.5
18 C-4/17 35115 518 30 15540
19 C-4/17(A) 35633 292 21 6132
20 C-4/18 35925 1525 25.5 38887.5
21 C-4/19 37450 1030 12 12360
22 C-4/20 38480 488 13.5 6588
23 38968
Drilling through hydraulic machine of 100/150mm * Total Length of all reaches in Phase-2----43.791 KM
1 dia borehole using NX size diamond bits, RMT 4,380.00 ₹ 2,880.00 ₹ 12,614,400 ₹ 1.26 *Assuming Bore Holes to be drilled at 25m Spacing,
conducting standard penetration tests alternate at Total No. of Bore holes to be drilled--(43,791/25)=1751 Nos.
an internal of 1.5 to 2mtr depth, collecting UDS,SPT *50% of Total Bore Hole Locations =(1751/2)=876 Nos.
alternatively, conducting necessary laboratory
tests like grain size analysis, liquid limit, plastic * Average Depth of Bore hole considered to be drilled = 20m
limit, water content, field density, specific gravity, (Weighted Average of Avg.Borehole Depths of all Reaches +
shear & consolidation parameters for soil strata 10% Extra---Based on DPR of Phase-2).
* Assuming 5m depth boring for Nx< 100, Total Drilling