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Siprotec 4 7sa522 Distance Protection Relay For Transmission Lines

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Distance Protection Relay for Transmission Lines
Function overview

Protection functions
• Non-switched distance protection with
6 measuring systems (21/21N)
• High resistance ground (earth)-fault
protection for single- and three-pole
tripping (50N/51N/67N)
• Tele (pilot) protection (85)
• Fault locator (FL)
• Power swing detection/tripping (68/68T)

• Phase-overcurrent protection (50/51/67)

• STUB bus overcurrent protection
(50 STUB)
• Switch-onto-fault protection (50HS)
• Over/undervoltage protection (59/27)
• Over/underfrequency protection (81O/U)
• Auto-reclosure (79)
Fig. 6/48 SIPROTEC 4 • Synchro-check (25)
7SA522 distance protection relay • Breaker failure protection (50BF) 6
Control functions
• Commands f. ctrl of CB and isolators
Monitoring functions
The SIPROTEC 4 7SA522 relay provides • Trip circuit supervision (74TC)
full-scheme distance protection and incor-
• Self-supervision of the relay
porates all functions usually required for
the protection of a power line. The relay is • Measured-value supervision
designed to provide fast and selective fault • Event logging/fault logging
clearance on transmission and subtrans- • Oscillographic fault recording
mission cables and overhead lines with or • Switching statistics
without series capacitor compensation.
The power system star point can be solid Front design
or resistance grounded (earthed), reso- • User-friendly local operation with nu-
nant-earthed via Peterson coil or isolated. meric keys
The 7SA522 is suitable for single-pole and • LEDs for local alarm
three-pole tripping applications with and • PC front port for convenient
without tele (pilot) protection schemes. relay setting
The 7SA522 incorporates several protective • Function keys
functions usually required for transmission
Communication interfaces
line protection.
• Front interface for connecting a PC
− High-speed tripping time • System interface for connecting to a
− Suitable for cables and overhead lines control system via various protocols
with or without series capacitor compen- – IEC 61850 Ethernet
sation – IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
− Self-setting power swing detection for
– DNP 3.0
frequencies up to 7 Hz
• 2 serial protection data interfaces for
− Digital relay-to-relay communication for tele (pilot) protection
two and three terminal topologies • Rear-side service/modem interface
− Adaptive auto-reclosure (ADT) • Time synchronization via IRIG B or
DCF77 or system interface
• Binary inputs: 8/16/24
• Output relays: 16/24/32
• High-speed trip outputs: 5 (optional)

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Cost-effective power system management

Application ANSI Protection function
The SIPROTEC 4 units are numerical re- 21/21N Distance protection
The 7SA522 relay provides full-scheme dis- lays which also provide control and moni-
tance protection and incorporates all func- toring functions and therefore support the FL Fault locator
tions usually required for the protection of user in view of a cost-effective power sys- 50N/51N Directional earth(ground)-fault
a power line. The relay is designed to pro- tem management. The security and reli- protection
vide fast and selective fault clearance on ability of power supply is increased as a
transmission and subtransmission cables result of minimizing the use of hardware. 50/51/67 Backup overcurrent protection
and overhead lines with or without series 50 STUB STUB-bus overcurrent stage
capacitor compensation. This contributes The local operation has been designed ac-
towards improved stability and availability cording to ergonomic criteria. Large, 68/68T Power swing detection/tripping
of your electrical power transmission sys- easy-to-read backlit displays are provided.
85/21 Teleprotection for distance protec-
tem. The power system star point can be The SIPROTEC 4 units have a uniform de- tion
solid or impedance grounded (earthed), sign and a degree of functionality which 27WI Weak-infeed protection
resonant-earthed via Peterson coil or represents a benchmark-level of perfor-
isolated. The 7SA522 is suitable for single mance in protection and control. If the re- 85/67N Teleprotection for earth(ground)-
and three-pole tripping applications with fault protection
quirements for protection, control and in-
and without tele (pilot) protection terlocking change, it is possible in the 50HS Switch-onto-fault protection
schemes. majority of the cases to implement such 50BF Breaker failure protection
The effect of apparent impedances in changes by means of parameterization us-
ing DIGSI 4 without having to change the 59/27 Overvoltage/undervoltage protec-
unfaulted fault loops is eliminated by a so- tion
phisticated and improved method which hardware.
6 uses pattern recognition with symmetrical The use of powerful microcontrollers and
81O/U Over/underfrequency protection
components and load compensation. The the application of digital measured-value 25 Synchro-check
correct phase selection is essential for se- conditioning and processing largely sup- 79 Auto-reclosure
lective tripping and reliable fault location. presses the influence of higher-frequency
transients, harmonics and DC compo- 74TC Trip circuit supervision
During network power swings, an im-
proved power swing blocking feature pre- nents. 86 Lockout (CLOSE command
vents the distance protection from
unwanted tripping and optionally provides Features
controlled tripping in the event of loss of • High speed tripping time
synchronism (out of step). This function • Suitable for cables and overhead lines with
guarantees power transmission even under or without series capacitor compensation
critical network operating conditions. • Self setting power swing detection fo fre-
quencies up to 7 Hz
• Digital relay-to-relay communication for
two and three terminal topologies
• Adaptive auto-reclosure (ADT)

Fig. 6/49
Single-line diagram

6/46 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522


Connection techniques and housing with

many advantages
1/2 and 1/1-rack sizes
These are the available housing widths of
the SIPROTEC 4 7SA522 relays, referred to
a 19" module frame system. This means
that previous models can always be re-
placed. The height is a uniform 245 mm
for flush-mounting housings and 266 mm
for surface-mounting housings for all
housing widths. All cables can be con-
nected with or without ring lugs. Plug-in
terminals are available as an option.

It is thus possible to employ prefabricated
cable harnesses. In the case of surface
mounting on a panel, the connection ter-
minals are located above and below in the
form of screw-type terminals. The com-
munication interfaces are located in a
sloped case at the top and bottom of the 6
housing. Fig. 6/50
Housing widths 1/2 x 19” and 1/1 x 19”

Fig. 6/51
Rear view with screw-type terminals and
serial interfaces

Fig. 6/52
Rear view with terminal covers and

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Protection functions

Distance protection (ANSI 21, 21N)

The main function of the 7SA522 is a
full-scheme distance protection. By parallel
calculation and monitoring of all six im-
pedance loops, a high degree of sensitivity
and selectivity is achieved for all types of
faults. The shortest tripping time is less
than one cycle. Single-pole and three-pole
tripping is possible. The distance protec-
tion is suitable for cables and overhead
lines with or without series capacitor com-
Mho and quadrilateral characteristics
The 7SA522 relay provides quadrilateral as
well as mho zone characteristics. Both Fig. 6/53
characteristics can be used separately for Distance protection:
phase and ground (earth) faults. Resistance quadrilateral characteristic
ground (earth) faults can, for instance, be
covered with the quadrilateral characteris-
6 tic and phase faults with the mho charac-
Load zone
In order to guarantee a reliable discrimina-
tion between load operation and short-cir-
cuit - especially on long high loaded lines -
the relay is equipped with a selectable load
encroachment characteristic. Impedances
within this load encroachment characteris-
tic prevent the distance zones from un-
wanted tripping.
Absolute phase-selectivity
The 7SA522 distance protection incorpo-
rates a well-proven, highly sophisticated Fig. 6/54
phase selection algorithm. The pickup of Distance protection:
unfaulted loops is reliably eliminated to mho characteristic
prevent the adverse influence of currents
and voltages in the fault-free loops. This
phase selection algorithm achieves single-
pole tripping and correct distance mea-
surement in a wide application range. The quadrilateral tripping characteristic Mho
permits separate setting of the reactance X The mho tripping characteristic provides
Parallel line compensation and the resistance R. The resistance section sound phase respectively memory polariza-
The influence of wrong distance measure- R can be set separately for faults with and tion for all distance zones. The example in
ment due to parallel lines can be compen- without earth involvement. This character- this figure shows the characteristic for a
sated by feeding the neutral current of the istic has therefore an optimal performance forward fault where the mho circle ex-
parallel line to the relay. Parallel line com- in case of faults with fault resistance. The pands to the source impedance but never
pensation can be used for distance protec- distance zones can be set forward, reverse more than the selected impedance reach.
tion as well as for the fault locator. or non-directional. Sound phase polariza- This mho circle expansion guarantees safe
tion and voltage memory provides a dy- and selective operation for all types of
6 distance zones namically unlimited directional sensitivity. faults, even for close-in faults.
Five independent distance zones and one
separate overreach zone are available. Each
distance zone has dedicated time stages,
partly separate for single-phase or
multi-phase faults. Ground (earth) faults
are detected by monitoring the neutral
current 3I0 and the zero-sequence voltage

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Protection functions

Elimination of interference signals

Digital filters render the unit immune to
interference signals contained in the mea-
sured values. In particular, the influence of
DC components, capacitive voltage trans-
formers and frequency changes is consider-
ably reduced. A special measuring method
is employed in order to assure protection
selectivity during saturation of the current
Measuring voltage monitoring

Tripping of the distance protection is
blocked automatically in the event of fail-
ure of the measuring voltage, thus prevent-
ing spurious tripping.
The measuring voltage is monitored by the Fig. 6/55
integrated fuse failure monitor. Distance Power swing current and voltage wave forms
protection is blocked if either the fuse fail-
ure monitor or the auxiliary contact of the
voltage transformer protection switch op- 6
erates and, in this case, the EMERGENCY
definite-time overcurrent protection can
be activated.

Fault locator
The integrated fault locator calculates the
fault impedance and the distance-to-fault.

The result is displayed in ohms, miles, kilo-
Fig. 6/56
meters or in percent of the line length. Par-
allel line and load current compensation is Power swing
circle diagram
also available.

Power swing detection (ANSI 68, 68T)

Dynamic transient reactions, for instance
short-circuits, load fluctuations, − PUTT, permissive underreaching zone 7SA522 also permits the transfer of
auto-reclosures or switching operations transfer trip phase-selective signals. This feature is par-
ticularly advantageous as it ensures reliable
can cause power swings in the transmission − POTT, permissive overreaching zone single-pole tripping, if two single-pole
network. During power swings, large cur- transfer trip
rents along with small voltages can cause faults occur on different lines. The trans-
unwanted tripping of distance protection − UNBLOCKING mission methods are suitable also for lines
with three ends (three-terminal lines).
relays. To avoid uncontrolled tripping of − BLOCKING
the distance protection and to achieve con- Phase-selective transmission is also possi-
− DUTT, direct underreaching zone trans-
trolled tripping in the event of loss of syn- ble with multi-end applications, if some
fer trip (together with Direct Transfer
chronism, the 7SA522 relay is equipped user-specific linkages are implemented by
Trip function)
with an efficient power swing way of the integrated CFC logic. During
detection function. Power swings can The carrier send and receive signals are disturbances in the transmission receiver
be detected under symmetrical load condi- available as binary inputs and outputs and or on the transmission circuit, the tele-
tions as well as during single-pole auto- can be freely assigned to each physical relay protection function can be blocked by a bi-
reclosures. input or output. At least one channel is re- nary input signal without losing the zone
quired for each direction. selectivity. The control of the overreach
Tele (pilot) protection for distance protec- zone Z1B (zone extension) can be switched
tion (ANSI 85-21) Common transmission channels are
over to the auto-reclosure function. A
power-line carrier, microwave radio and
A teleprotection function is available for transient blocking function (Current re-
fiber-optic links. A serial protection data
fast clearance of faults up to 100 % of the versal guard) is provided in order to sup-
interface for direct connection to a digital
line length. The following operating modes press interference signals during tripping
communication network or fiber-optic
may be selected: of parallel lines.
link is available as well.

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Alternatively, the direction can be deter-

Protection functions
mined by evaluation of zero-sequence
power. Each overcurrent stage can be set in
Direct transfer tripping
forward or reverse direction or for both di-
Under certain conditions on the power rections (non-directional).
system it is necessary to execute remote
As an option, the 7SA522 relay can be pro-
tripping of the circuit-breaker. The 7SA522
vided with a sensitive neutral (residual)
relay is equipped with phase-selective
current transformer. This feature provides
intertripping signal inputs and outputs.
a measuring range for the neutral (resid-
Weak-infeed protection: echo and/or trip ual) current from 5 mA to 100 A with a
(ANSI 27 WI) nominal relay current of 1 A and from
5 mA to 500 A with a nominal relay
To prevent delayed tripping of permissive current of 5 A. Thus the ground(earth)-
schemes during weak or zero infeed situa- fault overcurrent protection can be applied
tions, an echo function is provided. with extreme sensitivity.
If no fault detector is picked up at the
weak-infeed end of the line, the signal The function is equipped with special digi-
received here is returned as echo to allow tal filter algorithms, providing the elimina-
accelerated tripping at the strong infeed tion of higher harmonics. This feature
end of the line. It is also possible to initiate is particularly important for low zero-
tripping at the weak-infeed end. A phase- sequence fault currents which usually have
selective 1-pole or 3-pole trip is issued if a a high content of 3rd and 5th harmonics.
Inrush stabilization and instantaneous 0.14
6 permissive trip signal (POTT or Unblock-
switch-onto-fault trip can be activated sep- t= Tp
(I I p )
ing) is received and if the phase-earth volt- −1
age drops correspondingly. As an option, arately for each stage as well.
the weak infeed logic can be equipped ac- Different operating modes can be selected. Fig. 6/57 Normal inverse
cording to a French specification. The ground(earth)-fault protection is suit-
able for three-phase and, optionally, for The application can be extended to a direc-
Directional ground(earth)-fault protection single-phase tripping by means of a sophis-
for high-resistance faults tional overcurrent protection (ANSI 67) by
ticated phase selector. It may be blocked taking into account the decision of the
(ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N) during the dead time of single-pole auto- available direction detection elements.
In grounded (earthed) networks, it may reclose cycles or during pickup of the dis-
happen that the distance protection sensi- tance protection. Two operating modes are selectable. The
tivity is not sufficient to detect high-resis- function can run in parallel to the distance
tance ground (earth) faults. The 7SA522 Tele (pilot) protection for directional protection or only during failure of the
protection relay therefore has protection ground(earth)-fault protection voltage in the VT secondary circuit (emer-
functions for faults of this nature. (ANSI 85-67N) gency operation).

The ground (earth)-fault overcurrent pro- The directional ground(earth)-fault The secondary voltage failure can be de-
tection can be used with 3 definite-time overcurrent protection can be combined tected by the integrated fuse failure moni-
stages and one inverse-time stage (IDMT). with one of the following teleprotection tor or via a binary input from a VT
A 4th definite-time stage can be applied in- schemes: miniature circuit-breaker (VT m.c.b. trip).
stead of the one inverse-time stage. • Directional comparison Inverse-time characteristics according to
Inverse-time characteristics according to • BLOCKING IEC 60255-3 and ANSI/IEEE are provided
IEC 60255-3 and ANSI/IEEE are provided • UNBLOCKING (see “Technical data”).
(see “Technical data”). An additional loga-
rithmic inverse-time characteristic is also The transient blocking function (current STUB bus overcurrent protection
available. reversal guard) is also provided in order to (ANSI 50(N)-STUB)
suppress interference signals during trip-
The direction decision can be determined ping of parallel lines. The STUB bus overcurrent protection is
by the neutral current and the zero- a separate definite-time overcurrent stage.
sequence voltage or by the negative- The pilot functions for distance protection It can be activated from a binary input
sequence components V2 and I2. In addi- and for ground(earth)-fault protection can signalling the open line isolator (discon-
tion or as an alternative to the directional use the same signaling channel or two sep- nector) is open.
determination with zero-sequence voltage, arate and redundant channels. Settings are available for phase and
the star-point current of an grounded ground(earth)-faults.
(earthed) power transformer may also be Backup overcurrent protection
used for polarization. Dual polarization (ANSI 50, 50N, 51, 51N, 67)
applications can therefore be fulfilled. The 7SA522 provides a backup overcurrent
protection. Two definite-time stages and
one inverse-time stage (IDMTL) are avail-
able, separately for phase currents and for
the neutral (residual) current.

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Frequency protection (ANSI 81O/U) In addition to the above-mentioned oper-

Protection functions
ating modes, several other operating prin-
Frequency protection can be used for over-
ciples can be employed by means of the
Instantaneous high-speed switch-onto- frequency and underfrequency protection.
integrated programmable logic (CFC).
fault overcurrent protection (ANSI 50HS) Unwanted frequency changes in the net-
work can be detected and the load can be Integration of auto-reclosure in the feeder
Instantaneous tripping is possible when
removed at a specified frequency setting. protection allows evaluation of the
energizing a faulty line. In the event of
Frequency protection can be used over a line-side voltages. A number of volt-
large fault currents, the high-speed
wide frequency range (45 to 55, 55 to age-dependent supplementary functions
switch-onto-fault overcurrent stage can
65 Hz). There are four elements (selectable are thus available:
initiate very fast 3-pole tripping.
as overfrequency or underfrequency) and
With lower fault currents, instantaneous
each element can be delayed separately.
By means of dead-line check, reclosure is
tripping after switch-onto-fault is also pos-
Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF) effected only when the line is deenergized
sible with the overreach distance zone Z1B
(prevention of asynchronous breaker clo-
or just with pickup in any zone.
The 7SA522 relay incorporates a two-stage sure).
The switch-onto-fault initiation can be de- circuit-breaker failure protection to detect • ADT
tected via the binary input “manual close” failures of tripping command execution, The adaptive dead time is employed only
or automatically via measurement. for example due to a defective circuit- if auto-reclosure at the remote station was
breaker. The current detection logic is successful (reduction of stress on equip-
Overvoltage protection, undervoltage pro- phase-segregated and can therefore also be ment).
tection (ANSI 59, 27) used in single-pole tripping schemes. • RDT
A voltage rise can occur on long lines that If the fault current is not interrupted after Reduced dead time is employed in con-
are operating at no-load or that are only a time delay has expired, a retrip com- junction with auto-reclosure where no 6
lightly loaded. The 7SA522 contains a mand or the busbar trip command will be tele-protection method is employed:
number of overvoltage measuring ele- generated. The breaker failure protection When faults within the zone extension, but
ments. Each measuring element is of can be initiated by all integrated protection external to the protected line, are switched
two-stage design. The following measuring functions as well as by external devices via off for rapid auto-reclosure (RAR), the
elements are available: binary input signals. RDT function decides on the basis of mea-
surement of the return voltage from the re-
• Phase-to-earth overvoltage Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79) mote station which has not tripped
• Phase-to-phase overvoltage whether or not to reduce the dead time.
• Zero-sequence overvoltage The 7SA522 relay is equipped with an
The zero-sequence voltage can be con- auto-reclose function (AR). The function Synchronism check (ANSI 25)
nected to the 4th voltage input or be de- includes several operating modes:
Where two network sections are switched
rived from the phase voltages. • 3-pole auto-reclosure for all types of in by control command or following a
• Positive-sequence overvoltage of the local faults; different dead times are available 3-pole , it must be ensured that both net-
end or calculated for the remote end of depending the type of fault work sections are mutually synchronous.
the line (compounding). • 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults, For this purpose, a synchronism-check
• Negative-sequence overvoltage no reclosing for multi-phase faults function is provided. After verification of
Tripping by the overvoltage measuring ele- • 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults the network synchronism the function re-
ments can be effected either at the local cir- and for 2-phase faults without earth, no leases the CLOSE command. Alternatively,
cuit-breaker or at the remote station by reclosing for multi-phase faults reclosing can be enabled for different crite-
means of a transmitted signal. • 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase and ria, e.g., checking that the busbar or line is
3-pole auto-reclosing for multi-phase not carrying a voltage (dead line or dead
The 7SA522 is fitted, in addition, with faults bus).
three two-stage undervoltage measuring
• 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults
and 2-phase faults without earth and
• Phase-to-earth undervoltage 3-pole auto-reclosure for other faults
• Phase-to-phase undervoltage • Multiple-shot auto-reclosure
• Positive-sequence undervoltage • Interaction with an external device for
auto-reclosure via binary inputs and out-
The undervoltage measuring elements can puts
be blocked by means of a minimum cur-
• Control of the integrated AR function by
rent criterion and by means of binary in-
external protection
• Interaction with the internal or an exter-
nal synchro-check
• Monitoring of the circuit-breaker auxil-
iary contacts

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Protection functions Negative active jQ Positive active

power (-P) power (+P)

Fuse failure monitoring and other

supervision functions
The 7SA522 relay provides comprehensive
monitoring functions covering both hard-
ware and software. Furthermore, the mea- jA
sured values are continuously checked for
plausibility. Therefore the current and P
voltage transformers are also included in
this monitoring system. jB

If any measured voltage is not present due S1

to short-circuit or open circuit in the volt-

LSA_5018a en eps
age transformer secondary circuit, the dis-
tance protection would respond with an
unwanted trip due to this loss of voltage.
This secondary voltage interruption can be Fig. 6/58 Monitoring of active power direction
detected by means of the integrated fuse
failure monitor. Immediate blocking of
distance protection and switching to the jQ Inductive (+Q)
backup-emergency protection is provided
6 for all types of secondary voltage failures.
Additional measurement supervision func-
tions are
• Symmetry of voltages and currents
• Broken-conductor supervision jA
• Summation of currents and voltages P
• Phase-sequence supervision

Directional power protection

The 7SA522 has a function for detecting
LSA_5019a en eps

the power direction by measuring the

phase angle of the positive-sequence sys- Capacitive (-Q)
tem's power. Fig. 6/58 shows an applica-
tion example displaying negative active Fig. 6/59 Monitoring of reactive power
power. An indication is issued in the case
when the measured angle ϕ (S1) of the
positive-sequence system power is within One or two binary inputs for each circuit
the P - Q - level sector. This sector is be- breaker pole can be used for monitoring
tween angles ϕ A and ϕ B. the circuit-breaker trip coils including the
Via CFC the output signal of the direc- connecting cables. An alarm signal is is-
tional monitoring can be linked to the sued whenever the circuit is interrupted.
"Direct Transfer Trip (DTT)" function and
thus, as reverse power protection, initiate Lockout (ANSI 86)
tripping of the CB. Under certain operating conditions, it is ad-
Fig.6/59 shows another application dis- visable to block CLOSE commands after a
playing capacitive reactive power. In the TRIP command of the relay has been issued.
case of overvoltage being detected due to Only a manual “Reset” command unblocks
long lines under no-load conditions it is the CLOSE command. The 7SA522 is
possible to select the lines where capacitive equipped with such an interlocking logic.
reactive power is measured.

Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)

6/52 Siemens SIP · 2006
6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Protection functions

Commissioning and fault event analyzing

Special attention has been paid to commis-
sioning. All binary inputs and outputs can
be displayed and activated directly. This
can simplify the wiring check significantly
for the user. The operational and fault
events and the fault records are clearly ar-
ranged. For applications with serial protec-
tion data interface, all currents, voltages
and phases are available via communica-
tion link at each local unit, displayed at the
front of the unit with DIGSI 4 or with
WEB Monitor.
A common time tagging facilitates the

comparison of events and fault records.

WEB Monitor - Internet technology simpli- Fig. 6/60 Web Monitor: Display of the protection direction
fies visualization
In addition to the universal DIGSI 4 oper-
ating program, the relay contains a WEB 6
server that can be accessed via a telecom-
munication link using a browser (e.g.
Internet Explorer). The advantage of this
solution is to operate the unit with stan-
dard software tools and at the same time
make use of the Intranet/Internet infra-
structure. Apart from numeric values,
graphical displays in particular provide
clear information and a high degree of op-
erating reliability. Of course, it is also pos-
sible to call up detailed measured value
displays and annunciation buffers. By em-
ulation of the integrated unit operation on
the PC it is also possible to adjust selected
settings for commissioning purposes.


Fig. 6/61 Web monitor: Supported commissioning by phasor diagram

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Time synchronization
The time synchronization interface is a
With respect to communication, particular standard feature in all units. The supported
emphasis is placed on the customer re- formats are IRIG-B and DCF77.
quirements in energy automation:
Reliable bus architecture
• Every data item is time-stamped at the
source, i.e. where it originates. • RS485 bus
• The communication system automatically With this data transmission via copper
handles the transfer of large data blocks conductors, electromagnetic fault influ-
(e.g. fault recordings or parameter data ences are largely eliminated by the use of
files). The user has access to these features twisted-pair conductors. Upon failure of
without any additional programming ef- a unit, the remaining system continues to
fort. operate without any problems.
• For the safe execution of a control com-
• Fiber-optic double ring circuit
mand the corresponding data telegram is
initially acknowledged by the device The fiber-optic double ring circuit is im-
Fig. 6/62
which will execute the command. After mune to electromagnetic interference.
IEC 60870-5-103 star type RS232 copper conduc-
the release and execution of the command Upon failure of a section between two
tor connection or fiber-optic connection
a feedback signal is generated. At every units, the communication system con-
stage of the control command execution tinues to operate without disturbance.
particular conditions are checked. If these It is usually impossible to communicate
are not satisfied, command execution may with a unit that has failed. Should the
6 be terminated in a controlled manner. unit fail, there is no effect on the com-
munication with the rest of the system.
The units offer a high degree of flexibility
by supporting different standards for con- Retrofitting: Modules for every type of
nection to industrial and power automa- communication
tion systems. By means of the Communication modules for retrofitting
communication modules, on which the are available for the entire SIPROTEC 4
protocols run, exchange and retrofit is pos- unit range. These ensure that, where differ-
sible. Therefore, the units will also in fu- ent communcation protocols (IEC 61850,
ture allow for optimal adaptation to IEC 60870-5-103, PROFIBUS, DNP, etc)
changing communication infrastructure are required, such demands can be met.
such as the application of Ethernet net- For fiber-optic communication, no exter-
works (which will also be used increasingly nal converter is required for SIPROTEC 4.
in the power supply sector in the years to
come). IEC 61850 protocol

Local PC interface As of mid-2004, the Ethernet-based

IEC 61850 protocol is the worldwide stan- Fig. 6/63
The serial RS232 PC interface accessible dard for protection and control systems Bus structure: Fiber-optic double ring circuit
from the front of the unit permits quick used by power supply corporations.
access to all parameters and fault event Siemens is the first manufacturer to sup-
data. The use of the DIGSI 4 operating port this Standard. By means of this proto-
program is particularly advantageous dur- col, information can also be exchanged
ing commissioning. directly between bay units so as to set up
simple masterless systems for bay and sys-
Service/modem interface tem interlocking. Access to the units via
By means of the RS 485/RS 232 interface, it the Ethernet bus will also be possible with
is possible to efficiently operate a number DIGSI. It will also be possible to retrieve
of protection units centrally via DIGSI 4. operating and fault messages and fault re-
Remote operation is possible on connec- cordings via a browser. This Web monitor
tion of a modem. This offers the advantage will also provide a few items of unit-
of rapid fault clarification, especially in the specific information in browser windows.
case of unmanned power plants. With the
optical version, centralized operation can
be implemented by means of a star

Fig. 6/64
Bus structure for station bus with Ethernet and
IEC 61850

6/54 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522


IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
IEC 60870-5-103 is an internation-
ally standardized protocol for effi-
cient communication with
protection relays.

IEC 60870-5-103 is supported by a
number of protection relay manu-
facturers and is used world-wide.
Supplements for the control func-
tion are defined in the manufac-
turer-specific part of this standard. Fig. 6/65 Fig. 6/66
Fiber-optic communication module Fiber-optic double ring communication module
PROFIBUS-FMS is an internation-
ally standardized communication

(EN 50170) PROFIBUS is sup-
ported internationally by several
hundred manufacturers and has to

date been used in more than 6
1,000,000 applications all over the
world. Connection to a SIMATIC
programmable controller is made
on the basis of the data obtained
(e.g. fault recording, fault data, Fig. 6/67 Fig. 6/68 Fiber-optic Ethernet communication module
measured values and control func- Electrical communication module for IEC 61850 with integrated Ethernet switch
tionality) via the SICAM energy
automation system.

PROFIBUS-DP is an industrial
communication standard and is
supported by a number of PLC and
protection relay manufacturers.

DNP 3.0
DNP 3.0 (Distributed Network
Protocol, Version 3) is an interna-
tionally recognized protection and
bay unit communication protocol.
SIPROTEC 4 units are Level 1 and
Level 2 compatible.

System solutions for protection and

station control
Together with the SICAM power
automation system, SIPROTEC 4
can be used with PROFIBUS-FMS.
Over the low-cost electrical RS485
bus, or interference-free via the
optical double ring, the units
exchange information with the
control system. Units equipped Fig. 6/69 Communication
with IEC 60870-5-103 interfaces
can be connected to SICAM in par-
allel via the RS485 bus or con- Through this interface, the system is open for
nected in star by fiber-optic link. the connection of units of other manufacturers
(see Fig. 6/69).

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/55

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

• 28 remote signals for fast transfer of For operation via copper wire communica-
binary signals tion (pilot wires), a modern communica-
Because of the standardized interfaces, • Flexible utilization of the communication tion converter for copper cables is
SIPROTEC units can also be integrated channels by means of the programmable available. This operates with both the
into systems of other manufacturers or in CFC logic two-wire and three-wire copper connec-
SIMATIC. Electrical RS485 or optical in- • Display of the operational measured tions which were used by conventional
terfaces are available. The optimum physi- values of the opposite terminal(s) with differential protection systems before. The
cal data transfer medium can be chosen phase-angle information relative to a communication converter for copper ca-
thanks to opto-electrical converters. Thus, common reference vector bles is designed for 5 kV insulation voltage.
the RS485 bus allows low-cost wiring in • Clock synchronization: the clock in only An additional 20 kV isolation transformer
the cubicles and an interference-free opti- one of the relays must be synchronized can extend the field of applications of this
cal connection to the master can be estab- from an external so called “Absolute Mas- technique into ranges with higher insula-
lished. ter” when using the serial protection data tion voltage requirements. With
interface. This relay will then synchronize SIPROTEC 4 and the communication con-
For IEC 61850, an interoperable system so- verter for copper cables a digital follow-up
the clock of the other (or the two other re-
lution is offered with SICAM PAS. Via the technique is available for two-wire protec-
lays in 3 terminal applications) via the
100 Mbits/s Ethernet bus, the units are tion systems (typical 15 km) and all
protection data interface.
linked with PAS electrically or optically to three-wire protection systems using exist-
the station PC. The interface is standard- • 7SA522 and 7SA6 can be combined via
ing copper communication links.
ized, thus also enabling direct connection the protection data interface.
of units of other manufacturers to the Communication data:
The communication possibilities are iden-
Ethernet bus. With IEC 61850, however, tical to those for the line differential pro- • Supported network interfaces G703.1 with
the units can also be used in other manu- tection relays 7SD5 and 7SD610. The 64 kbit/s; X21/RS422 with 64 or 128 or
6 facturers’ systems. Units with an IEC following options are available: 512 kbit/s
60870-5-103 interface are connected with
• FO51), OMA12) module: Optical 820 nm, • Max. channel delay time 0.1 ms to 30 ms
PAS via the Ethernet station bus by means (in steps of 0.1 ms)
of serial/Ethernet converters. DIGSI and 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to
1.5 km for link to communication net- • Protocol HDLC
the Web monitor can also be used via the
works via communication converters or • 32-bit CRC-check according to CCITT
same station bus.
for direct FO cable connection and ITU
Serial protection data interface • FO61), OMA22) module: Optical 820 nm, • Each protection relay possesses a unique
2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to relay address
The tele (pilot) protection schemes can be 3.5 km, for direct connection via multi- • Continuous communication link supervi-
implemented using digital serial communi- mode FO cable sion: Individual faulty data telegrams do
cation. The 7SA522 is capable of remote
• FO171): for direct connection not constitute an immediate danger, if
relay communication via direct links or they occur only sporadically. The statisti-
up to 25 km3), 1300 nm, for mono-mode
multiplexed digital communication net-
fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector cal availability, per minute and hour, of
works. The serial protection data interface
has the following features: • FO181): for direct connection the serial protection data interface can be
up to 60 km3), 1300 nm, for mono-mode displayed.
• Fast phase-selective teleprotection signal- fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector Figure 6/70 shows four applications for
ing for distance protection, optionally • FO191): for direct connection the serial protection data interface on a
with POTT or PUTT schemes up to 100 km3), 1550 nm, for mono-mode two-terminal line.
• Signaling for directional ground(earth)- fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector
fault protection – directional comparison
for high-resistance faults in solidly earthed The link to a multiplexed communication
systems. network is made by separate communica-
tion converters (7XV5662). These have a
• Echo-function
fiber-optic interface with 820 nm and 2 ST
• Two and three-terminal line applications connectors to the protection relay. The
can be implemented without additional link to the communication network is op-
logic tionally an electrical X21 or a G703.1 inter-
• Interclose command transfer with the face.
auto-reclosure “Adaptive dead time”
(ADT) mode
• Redundant communication path
switchover is possible with the 7SA522
when 2 serial protection data interfaces
are installed

1) For flush-mounting housing.

2) For surface-mounting housing.
3) For surface-mounting housing the internal
fiber-optic module = OMA1 will be delivered
together with an external repeater.

6/56 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522


Fig. 6/70
Communication topologies for the serial protection data interface on a two-terminal line

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522


Three-terminal lines can also be protected

with a tele (pilot) protection scheme by us-
ing SIPROTEC 4 distance protection re-
lays. The communication topology may
then be a ring or a chain topology, see Fig.
6/71. In a ring topology a loss of one data
connection is tolerated by the system. The
topology is re-routed in a chain with less
than 100 ms. To reduce communication
links and to save money for communica-
tions, a chain topology may be generally

Ring topology

Chain topology

Fig. 6/71
Ring or chain communication topology

6/58 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Typical connection

Connection for current

and voltage transformers
3 phase current transformers with neutral
point in the line direction, I4 connected as
summation current transformer (=3I0):
Holmgreen circuit
3 voltage transformers, without connection
of the broken (open) delta winding on the
line side; the 3V0 voltage is derived inter-

Fig. 6/72 Example of connection for current and voltage transformers

Alternative current measurement

The 3 phase current transformers are con- 6
nected in the usual manner. The neutral
point is in line direction. I4 is connected to
a separate neutral core-balance CT, thus
permitting a high sensitive 3I0 measure-
Note: Terminal Q7 of the I4 transformer
must be connected to the terminal of the
core-balance CT pointing in the same di-
rection as the neutral point of the phase
current transformers (in this case in line
direction). The voltage connection is ef-
fected in accordance with Fig. 6/72, 6/76 or

Fig. 6/73 Alternative connection of current transformers for sensitive

ground(earth)-current measuring with core-balance current transformers

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/59

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Typical connection

Alternative current connection

3 phase current transformers with neutral
point in the line direction, I4 connected to
a current transformer in the neutral point
of a grounded (earthed) transformer for
directional ground(earth)-fault protection.
The voltage connection is effected in ac-
cordance with Fig. 6/72, 6/76 or 6/77.

Fig. 6/74 Alternative connection of current transformers for measuring

neutral current of a grounded (earthed) power transformer

Alternative current connection

6 3 phase current transformers with neutral
point in the line direction, I4 connected to
the summation current of the parallel line
for parallel line compensation on overhead
lines. The voltage connection is effected in
accordance with Fig. 6/72, 6/76 or 6/77.

Fig. 6/75 Alternative connection of current transformers for measuring

the ground (earth) current of a parallel line

6/60 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Typical connection

Alternative voltage connection

3 phase voltage transformers, V4 connected
to broken (open) delta winding (Ven) for
additional summation voltage monitoring
and ground(earth)-fault directional pro-
tection. The current connection is effected
in accordance with Fig. 6/72, 6/73, 6/74
and 6/75.

Fig. 6/76 Alternative connection of voltage transformers for measuring the

displacement voltage (e-n voltage)

Alternative voltage connection

3 phase voltage transformers, V4 connected
to busbar voltage transformer for synchro-
Note: Any phase-to-phase or phase-to-
ground(earth) voltage may be employed as
the busbar voltage. Parameterization is car-
ried out on the unit. The current connec-
tion is effected in accordance with
Fig. 6/72, 6/73, 6/74 and 6/75.

Fig. 6/77 Alternative connection of voltage transformers for measuring the

busbar voltage

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
General unit data Output contacts
Analog input Quantity 8 or 16 or 24 (refer to ordering code)
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) Function can be assigned

Rated current Inom 1 or 5 A (selectable) Switching capacity

Make 1000 W/VA
Rated voltage 80 to 125 V (selectable) Break, high-speed trip outputs 1000 W/VA
Power consumption Break, contacts 30 VA
In CT circuits with Inom = 1 A Approx. 0.05 VA Break, contacts (for resistive load) 40 W
In CT circuits with Inom = 5 A Approx. 0.30 VA
In the CT circuit for high sensitive Break, contacts 25 VA
ground(earth)-fault protection (for τ = L/R ≤ 50 ms)
(refer to ordering code) at 1 A Approx. 0.05 VA Switching voltage 250 V
In VT circuits Approx. 0.10 VA
Permissible current 30 A for 0.5 s
Thermal overload capacity 5 A continuous
In CT circuits 500 A for 1 s
150 A for 10 s Operating time, approx.
20 A continuous NO contact 8 ms
In the CT circuit for high sensitive 300 A for 1 s NO/NC contact (selectable) 8 ms
ground(earth)-fault protection Fast NO contact 5 ms
(refer to ordering code) 100 A for 10 s High-speed NO trip outputs < 1 ms
In VT circuits 15 A continuous LEDs
230 V continuous per phase Quantity
6 Dynamic overload capacity RUN (green) 1
In CT circuits 1250 A (one half cycle) ERROR (red) 1
In the CT circuit for high sensitive 750 A (one half cycle) Indication (red), 14
ground(earth)-fault protection function can be assigned
(refer to ordering code) Unit design
Auxiliary voltage Housing 7XP20
Rated auxiliary voltage 24 to 48 V DC Dimension 1/2 x 19” or 1/1 x 19”
60 to 125 V DC Refer to ordering code, and see
110 to 250 V DC dimension drawings, part 16
and 115 V AC with 50/60 Hz
Degree of protection acc. to EN 60529
Permissible tolerance of the rated -20 % to +20 %
auxiliary voltage Surface-mounting housing IP 51
Flush-mounting housing
Max. superimposed AC voltage ≤ 15 % Front IP 51
(peak-to-peak) Rear IP 50
Power consumption For the IP 20 with terminal cover put on
During normal operation Approx. 8 W terminals
During pickup with all inputs and Approx. 18 W Weight
outputs activated Flush-mounting housing
Bridging time during auxiliary 1/2 x 19” 6 kg
voltage failure 1/1 x 19” 10 kg
Vaux = 48 V and Vaux ≥ 110 V ≥ 50 ms Surface-mounting housing
1/2 x 19” 11 kg
Binary inputs
1/1 x 19” 19 kg
Quantity 8 or 16 or 24 (refer to ordering code)
Functions are freely assignable
Serial interfaces
Pickup/Reset voltage thresholds 19 V DC/10 V DC or 88 V DC/44 V DC
Ranges are settable by means of or 176 V DC/88 V DC, bipolar Operating interface, front of unit for DIGSI 4
jumpers for each binary input (3 nominal ranges 17/73/154 V DC)
Maximum permissible voltage 300 V DC Connection Non-isolated, RS232,
Current consumption, energized Approx. 1.8 mA 9-pin subminiature connector
Input impulse suppression 220 nF coupling capacitance at
220 V with a recovery time > 60 ms. Baud rate 4800 to 115200 baud
setting as supplied: 38400 baud;
parity 8E1
Time synchronization
DCF77/IRIG-B signal (Format IRIG-B000)
Connection 9-pin subminiature connector (SUB-D)
(terminal with surface-mounting
Voltage levels 5 V, 12 V or 24 V (optional)

6/62 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Service/modem interface (operating interface 2) Relay communication equipment
(refer to ordering code) For DIGSI 4 / modem / service External communication converter 7XV5662-0AA00 with X21/RS422 or
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector G703.1 interface
Dielectric test 500 V/ 50 Hz External communication converter Electrical X21/RS422 or G703.1 inter-
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m for linking the optical 820 nm inter- face settable by jumper
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m face of the unit (FO5/OMA1 with Baud rate settable by jumper
Fiber-optic Integrated ST connector clock recovery) to the
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm X21/RS422/G703.1 interface of the
Permissible attenuation Max. 8 dB for 62.5/125 µm fiber communication network
Distance max. 1.5 km FO interface with 820 nm with clock Max. 1.5 km with 62.5/125 µm multi-
System interface recovery mode fiber to protection relay
Electrical X21/RS422 interface 64/128/512 kbit (settable by jumper)
(refer to ordering code) IEC 61850 Ethernet
IEC 60870-5-103 max. 800 m, 15-pin connector to the
PROFIBUS-FMS communication network
PROFIBUS-DP Electrical G703.1 interface 64 kbit/s max. 800 m, screw-type ter-
DNP 3.0 minal to the communication network
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector External communication converter 7XV5662-0AC00 for pilot wires
Baud rate 4800 to 38400 baud External communication converter Typical distance: 15 km
Dielectric test 500 V/50 Hz for linking the optical 820 nm inter-
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m face of the unit (FO5/OMA1 option
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m w. clock recovery) to pilot wires.
Dielectric test 500 V/50 Hz
FO interface for 820 nm
with clock recovery
Max. 1.5 km with 62.5/125 µm multi-
mode fiber to protection relay,
Baud rate Max. 12 Mbaud 128 kbit
Distance 1000 m at 93.75 kbaud; Electrical interface to pilot wires 5 kV-isolated
100 m at 12 Mbaud
PROFIBUS fiber-optic2) Electrical tests
Only for flush-mounting housing ST connector
For surface-mounting housing Optical interface with OLM4) Specifications
Baud rate Max. 1.5 Mbaud Standards IEC 60255 (product standards)
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm IEEE Std C37.90.0/.1/.2; UL 508
Permissible attenuation Max. 8 dB for 62.5/125 µm fiber VDE 0435
Distance 500 kbit/s 1.6 km 1500 kbit/s 530 m Further standards see “Individual func-
tions ”
Protection data relay interfaces
Insulation tests
Quantity Max. 2 (refer to ordering code)
Standards IEC 60255–5 and 60870-2-1
FO51), OMA12): Fiber-optic interface For multi-mode fiber 62.5/125 µm,
with clock recovery for direct con- ST connectors High-voltage test (routine test)
nection up to 1.5 km or for connec- All circuits except for power 2.5 kV (r.m.s.), 50 Hz
tion to a communication converter, supply, binary inputs,
820 nm high-speed outputs,
FO61), OMA22): Fiber-optic interface For multi-mode fiber 62.5/125 µm, communication and time
for direct connection up to 3.5 km, ST connectors synchronization interfaces
820 nm Auxiliary voltage, binary 3.5 kV DC
FO171): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, inputs and high-speed outputs
25 km3), 1300 nm LC-Duplex connector (routine test)
FO181): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, only isolated communication 500 V (r.m.s.), 50 Hz
60 km3), 1300 nm LC-Duplex connector interfaces and time synchroniza-
tion interface (routine test)
FO191): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm,
100 km3), 1550 nm LC-Duplex connector Impulse voltage test (type test)
All circuits except for communi- 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 Ws,
cation interfaces and time 3 positive and 3 negative impulses in
synchronization interface, class III intervals of 5 s

1) For flush-mouting housing.

2) For surface mounting housing.
3) For surface mounting housing the internal fiber-optic module OMA1
will be delivered together with an external repeater.
4) Conversion with external OLM
For fiber-optic interface please complete order number at 11th position
with 4 (FMS RS485) or 9 and Order Code L0A (DP RS485) and addi-
tionally order:
For single ring: SIEMENS OLM 6GK1502-3AB10
For double ring: SIEMENS OLM 6GK1502-4AB10

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6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data

Electrical tests (cont'd) Mechanical stress test

EMC tests for noise immunity; type tests Vibration, shock stress and seismic vibration
Standards IEC 60255-6/-22 (product standard) During operation
EN 61000-6-2 (generic standard), Standards IEC 60255–21 and IEC 60068–2
VDE 0435 part 301
Oscillation Sinusoidal
DIN VDE 0435-110
IEC 60255–21–1, class 2 10 to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm amplitude;
High-frequency test 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 µs; IEC 60068–2–6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
IEC 60255-22-1 class III and 400 surges per s; test duration 2 s, frequency sweep 1 octave/min
VDE 0435 Section 303, class III Ri = 200 Ω 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air Shock Semi-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-22-2 class IV discharge; both polarities; 150 pF; IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 5 g, duration 11 ms,
and IEC 61000-4-2, class IV Ri = 330 Ω IEC 60068–2–27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both
Irradiation with HF field, frequency 10 V/m; 80 to 1000 MHz: 80 % AM; directions
sweep 1 kHz Seismic vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-22-3 (report) class III 10 V/m; 800 to 960 MHz: 80 % AM; IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude
1 kHz IEC 60068–3–3 (horizontal axis)
IEC 61000-4-3, class III 10 V/m; 1.4 to 2 GHz: 80 % AM; 1 kHz 1 to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude
Irradiation with HF field, single fre- 10 V/m; 80, 160, 450. 900 MHz; (vertical axis)
quencies 80 % AM; 1 kHz; duty cycle > 10 s 8 to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration
IEC 60255-22-31, IEC 61000-4-3, 900 MHz; 50 % PM, repetition fre- (horizontal axis)
class III quency 200 Hz 8 to 35 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration
(vertical axis)
6 amplitude/pulse modulated
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
Fast transient disturbance/bursts 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz;
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
IEC 60255-22-4 and burst length = 15 ms;
IEC 61000-4-4, class IV repetition rate 300 ms; both polarities; During transport
Ri = 50 Ω; test duration 1 min Standards IEC 60255–21 and IEC 60068–2
High-energy surge voltages Impulse: 1.2/50 µs
Oscillation Sinusoidal
IEC 60255–21–1, class 2 5 to 8 Hz: ± 7.5 mm amplitude;
IEC 61000-4-5 installation class III
IEC 60068–2–6 8 to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration
Auxiliary supply Common mode: 2 kV; 12 Ω; 9 µF
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
Differential mode:1 kV; 2 Ω; 18 µF
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
Analog measurement inputs, binary Common mode: 2 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF
inputs, relays output Differential mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 µF Shock Semi-sinusoidal
IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 15 g, duration 11 ms,
Line-conducted HF, amplitude- 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80 % AM; IEC 60068–2–27 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both
modulated, IEC 61000-4-6, class III 1 kHz directions
Power system frequency magnetic 30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s;
Continuous shock Semi-sinusoidal
IEC 60255–21–2, class 1 Acceleration 10 g, duration 16 ms,
IEC 61000-4-8, class IV; 50 Hz
IEC 60068–2–29 1000 shocks on each of the 3 axes in
IEC 60255-6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
both directions
Oscillatory surge withstand capabil- 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz
ity, IEEE Std C37.90.1 τ = 50 µs; 400 surges per second,
test duration 2 s, Ri = 200 Ω Climatic stress tests
Fast transient surge withstand capa- 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; burst length = 15 ms Standard IEC 60255-6
bility, IEEE Std C37.90.1 repition rate 300 ms, ; both polarities; Temperatures
test duration 1 min; Ri = 50 Ω
Type-tested acc. to IEC 60068-2-1 -25 °C to +85 °C / -13 °F to +185 °F
Radiated electromagnetic interfer- 35 V/m; 25 to 1000 MHz,
and -2, test Bd
ence IEEE Std C37.90.2 amplitude and pulse-modulated
Damped oscillations 2.5 kV (peak value); polarity alternat- Temporarily permissible operating -20 °C to +70 °C / -4 °F to +158 °F
IEC 60694, IEC 61000-4-12 ing 100 kHz; 1 MHz; 10 and 50 MHz; temperature, tested for 96 h
Ri = 200 Ω (Legibility of display may be im-
paired above +55 °C / +131 °F)
EMC tests for noise emission; type test
Recommended permanent operat- -5 °C to +55 °C / +23 °F to +131 °F
Standard EN 61000-6-3 (generic standard) ing temperature acc. to
Radio noise voltage to lines, only 150 kHz to 30 MHz IEC 60255-6
auxiliary voltage Limit class B – Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +55 °C / -13 °F to 131 °F
IEC-CISPR 22 permanent storage
Radio interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz – Limiting temperature during -25 °C to +70 °C / -13 °F to +158 °F
IEC-CISPR 22 Limit class B transport
Permissible humidity stress: Annual average on ≤ 75 % relative hu-
It is recommended to arrange the midity; on 56 days per year up to 93 %
units in such a way that they are not relative humidity; condensation is not
exposed to direct sunlight or pro- permitted.
nounced temperature changes that
could cause condensation.

6/64 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Certifications Tolerances For sinusoidal quantities
UL listing 7SA522*-*A* ∆X
Models with threaded terminals 7SA522*-*C* ≤ 5 % for 30 ° ≤ ϕ SC ≤ 90 °
UL recognition 7SA522*-*J* ∆R
≤ 5 % for 0 ° ≤ ϕ SC ≤ 60 °
Models with plug-in terminals 7SA522*-*L* R
≤ 5 % for -30 ° ≤ (ϕ SC - ϕline) ≤ +30 °
Timer tolerance ± 1 % of set value or 10 ms
Distance protection (ANSI 21, 21N)
Operating times
Distance protection zones 6, 1 of which as controlled zone, all
Minimum trip time Approx. 17 ms at 50 Hz
zones can be set forward or/and
with fast relays Approx. 15 ms at 60 Hz
Minimum trip time Approx. 12 ms at 50 Hz
Time stages for tripping delay 6 for multi-phase faults with high-speed relays Approx. 10 ms at 60 Hz
Setting range 0 to 30 s or deactivated 3 for single-phase faults Reset time Approx. 30 ms
(steps 0.01 s)
Fault locator
Characteristic (refer to ordering code)
Output of the distance to fault X, R (secondary) in Ω
Selectable separately for phase and quadrilateral and/or
X, R (primary) in Ω
ground (earth) faults MHO
Distance in kilometers or miles
Time range 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated Distance in % of line length
Line angle ϕ L 10 ° to 89 ° (step 1 °) Start of calculation With trip, with pickup reset 6
Inclination angle for quadrilateral 30° to 90° (step 1°) Reactance per unit length 0.005 to 6.5 Ω / km(1A) /
characteristic 0.001 to 1.3 Ω / km(5A) or
Quadrilateral reactance reach X 0.05 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω(5A) 0.005 to 10 Ω / mile (1A) /
(step 0.001 Ω) 0.001 to 2 Ω / mile (5A)
(step 0.001 Ω / unit)
Quadrilateral resistance reach R
for phase-to-phase faults and 0.05 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω(5A) Tolerance For sinusoidal quantities
phase-to-ground(earth) faults (step 0.001Ω) ≤ 2.5 % line length for
30 ° ≤ ϕSC ≤ 90 ° and VSC/VN > 0.10
MHO impedance reach ZR 0.05 to 200 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 40 Ω(5A)
(step 0.01 Ω) BCD-coded output of fault location
Minimum phase current I 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A) Indicated value Fault location in % of the line length
(step 0.01 A) Output signals Max. 10:
Ground(earth)-fault pickup d[1 %], d[2 %], d[4 %], d[8 %],
Neutral (residual) current 3 I0 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A) d[10 %], d[20 %], d[401 %], d[80 %],
(Ground current) (step 0.01 A) d[100 %], d[release]
Zero-sequence voltage 3V0 1 to 100 V (step 1V) or deactivated Indication range 0 % to 195 %
Zero-sequence compensation Power swing detection (ANSI 68, 68T)
selectable input formats RE/RL and XE/XL Power swing detection principle Measurement of the rate of impedance
k0 and ϕ(k0) vector change and monitoring of the
Separately selectable for zones Z1 vector path
higher zones (Z1B, Z2 to Z5) Max. detectable power swing fre- Approx. 7 Hz
RE/RL and XE/XL -0.33 to 7 (step 0.01) quency
k0 0 to 4 (step 0.001) Operating modes Power swing blocking and/or power
ϕ(k0) -135 to 135 ° (steps 0.01 °) swing tripping (out-of-step tripping)
Parallel line mutual compensation (refer to ordering code) Power swing blocking programs All zones blocked
RM/RL and XM/XL 0.00 to 8 (step 0.01) Z1/Z1B blocked
Z2 to Z5 blocked
Load encroachment Z1, Z1B, Z2 blocked
Minimum load resistance 0.10 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.02 to 120 Ω(5A)
(step 0.001 Ω) or deactivated Detection of faults during power Reset of power swing blocking for all
swing blocking types of faults
Maximum load angle 20 to 60 ° (step 1 °)
Directional decision for all types of With sound phase polarization
faults and/or voltage memory
Directional sensitivity Dynamically unlimited

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/65

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Tele (pilot) protection for distance protection (ANSI 85-21) Inverse-time stage
Operating modes POTT Current starting 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A)
PUTT, DUTT inverse-time stage 3I0 (step 0.01 A)
Directional comparison: Blocking With normal neutral (residual)
Directional comparison: Unblocking current CT (refer to ordering code)
Directional comparison hybrid 0.003 to 4 A(1A) / 0.015 to 20 A(5A)
(POTT and echo with weak-infeed (step 0.001 A)
protection) With high sensitive neutral (residual)
Transient blocking logic For overreaching schemes current CT (refer to ordering code)
(current reversal guard) Characteristics according Normal inverse, very inverse,
Send and receive signals Suitable for 2- and 3- terminal lines, to IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse, long time inverse,
phase-segregated signals for selective Time multiplier for Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01s) or deacti-
single-phase tripping selectable IEC T characteristics vated
Direct transfer trip (DTT) Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x I / Ip
Direct phase-selective tripping Alternatively with or without Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x I / Ip
via binary input auto-reclosure
Trip time delay 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated Operating time for 2 ≤ I / Ip ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Timer tolerance ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Characteristics according Inverse, short inverse, long inverse,
Directional ground(earth)-fault overcurrent protection (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N) to ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse, very inverse,
extremely inverse, definite inverse
Characteristics 3 definite-time stages / 1 inverse-time
stage or 4 definite-time stages Time dial 0.50 to 15 s (step 0.01) or deactivated
6 Phase selector Permits 1-pole tripping for single- Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x M
phase faults or 3-pole tripping for Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x M
multi-phase faults selectable for every
stage Tolerances
Operating time for 2 ≤ M ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Inrush restraint Selectable for every stage
Characteristic according to 3I 0
Instantaneous trip after switch- Selectable for every stage logarithmic inverse characteristic t = T3I 0 P max − T3I 0 P ln
onto-fault 3 I 0p
Influence of harmonics Pickup threshold 1.1 to 4.0 x I / Ip (step 0.1)
Stages 1 and 2 (I>>> and I>>) 3rd and higher harmonics are com-
pletely suppressed by digital filtering Characteristic according to compen- Sr = 3I0 ⋅ 3V0 ⋅ cos (ϕ - ϕ comp.)
Stages 3 and 4 2nd and higher harmonics are com- sated zero-sequence power
(I> and inverse 4th stage) pletely suppressed by digital filtering
Polarizing quantities for directional 3I0 and 3V0 or
Definite-time stage decision 3I0 and 3V0 and IE (grounded
Pickup definite-time stage 1, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) (earthed) power transformer) or
(step 0.01 A) 3I2 and 3V2 (negative sequence) or
Pickup definite-time stage 2, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) zero-sequence power Sr or automatic
(step 0.01 A) selection of zero-sequence or nega-
tive-sequence quantities dependent
Pickup definite-time stage 3, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) on the magnitude of the component
(step 0.01 A) voltages
With normal neutral (residual) cur-
rent CT (refer to ordering code) Min. zero-sequence voltage 3V0 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
0.003 to 25 A(1A) / 0.015 to 125 A(5A) Ground (earth) current IE of 0.05 to 1 A(1A) / 0.25 to 5 A(5A)
(step 0.01 A) grounded (earthed) power trans- (step 0.01 A)
With high sensitive neutral (residual) former
current CT (refer to ordering code) Min. negative-sequence voltage 3V2 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
Pickup definite-time stage 4, 3I0 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A) Min. negative-sequence current 3I2 0.05 to 1 A(1A) / 0.25 to 5 A(5A)
(step 0.01 A) (step 0.01 A)
With normal neutral (residual) cur-
rent CT (refer to ordering code) 2nd harmonic ratio 10 to 45 % of fundamental (step 1 %)
0.003 to 4 A(1A) / 0.015 to 20 A(5A) for inrush restraint
(step 0.01 A)
With high sensitive neutral (residual) Maximum current, overriding in- 0.5 to 25 A(1A) / 2.5 to 125 A(5A)
current CT (refer to ordering code) rush restraint (step 0.01 A)
Time delay for definite-time stages 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated Tele (pilot) protection for directional ground(earth)-fault overcurrent pro-
tection (ANSI 85-67N)
Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom Operating modes Directional comparison: Pickup
Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Directional comparison: Blocking
Directional comparison: Unblocking
Pickup times
Definite-time stages 1 and 2 Approx. 30 ms Transient blocking logic For schemes with parallel lines
Definite-time stages 3 and 4 Approx. 40 ms Send and receive signals Suitable for 2- and 3- terminal lines

6/66 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Weak-infeed protection with undervoltage (ANSI 27WI) STUB bus overcurrent protection (ANSI 50(N)STUB)
Operating modes with carrier Echo Operating modes Active only with open isolator posi-
(signal) reception Echo and trip with undervoltage tion (signaled via binary input)
Undervoltage phase – ground 2 to 70 V (step 1 V) Characteristic 1 definite-time stage
(earth) Instantaneous trip after switch-onto- Selectable
Time delay 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) fault
Echo impulse 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) Pickup phase current 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A)
Tolerances (step 0.01 A)
Voltage threshold ≤ 5 % of setting value or 0.5 V Pickup neutral (residual) current 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A)
Timer ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms (step 0.01 A)
Backup overcurrent protection (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67) Time delay, separate for phase and 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s)
Operating modes Active only with loss of VT secondary ground (earth) stage or deactivated
circuit or always active Reset ratio Approx. 0.95
Characteristic 2 definite-time stages /1 inverse-time Tolerances
stage Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom
Instantaneous trip after switch-onto- Selectable for every stage Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
fault Instantaneous high-speed switch-onto-fault overcurrent protection
Definite-time stage (ANSI 50HS)

Pickup definite-time stage 1, phase 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A) Operating mode Active only after CB closing;
current (step 0.01 A) instantaneous trip after pickup
Pickup current 1 to 25 A(1A) / 5 to 125 A(5A) 6
Pickup definite-time stage 1, neutral 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A)
(residual) current (step 0.01A) (step 0.01 A)

Pickup definite-time stage 2, phase 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A) Reset ratio Approx. 0.95
current (step 0.01A) Tolerances
Pickup definite-time stage 2, neutral 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom
(residual) current (step 0.01 A) Operating time
Time delay for definite-time stages 0.0 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated With fast relays Approx. 13 ms
With high-speed trip outputs Approx. 8 ms
Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom Voltage protection (ANSI 59, 27)
Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Operating modes Local tripping and/or carrier trip im-
Operating time Approx. 25 ms pulse for remote end, only indication

Inverse-time stage Overvoltage protection

Phase current starting 0.1 to 4 A(1A) / 0.5 to 20 A(5A) Pickup values VPH-Gnd>>, VPH-Gnd> 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V)
for inverse-time stage (step 0.01 A) (phase-earth overvoltage)
Neutral (residual) current starting 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A) Pickup values VPH-PH>>, VPH-PH> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
for inverse-time stage (step 0.01 A) (phase-phase overvoltage)
Characteristic according Normal inverse, very inverse, Pickup values 3V0>>, 3V0> 1 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
to IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse, long time inverse (3V0 can be measured via V4 trans-
Time multiplier Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01 s) or deacti- formers or calculated by the relay)
vated (zero-sequence overvoltage)
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x I / Ip Pickup values V1>>, V1> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
(positive-sequence overvoltage)
Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x I / Ip
Measured voltage Local positive-sequence
Tolerances voltage or calculated
Operating time for 2 ≤ I / Ip ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms remote positive-sequence
Characteristics according Inverse, short inverse, long inverse, voltage (compounding)
to ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse, very inverse, Pickup values V2>>, V2> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
extremely inverse, definite inverse (negative-sequence overvoltage)
Time dial DIP 0.50 to 15 s (step 0.01) or deacti-
Reset ratio (settable) 0.5 to 0.98 (step 0.01)
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x M (M = I/Ip)
Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x M
Operating time for 2 ≤ M ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/67

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Undervoltage protection Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79)
Pickup values VPH-E<<, VPH-E< 1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V) Number of auto-reclosures Up to 8
(phase-earth undervoltage) Operating mode Only 1-pole; only 3-pole, 1- or 3-pole
Pickup values VPH-PH<<, VPH-PH< 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V) Operating modes with line voltage DLC – dead-line check
(phase-phase undervoltage) check ADT – adaptive dead time
Pickup values V1<<, V1< 1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V) RDT – reduced dead time
(positive-sequence undervoltage) Dead times T1-PH, T3-PH, TSeq 0 to 1800 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Blocking of undervoltage protection Minimum current; binary input Action times 0.01 to 300 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Reclaim times 0.5 to 300 s (step 0.01 s)
Reset ratio (settable) 1.01 to 1.20 (step 0.01)
Start-signal monitoring time 0.01 to 300 s (step 0.01 s)
Time delays
Additional functions Synchro-check request
Time delay for 3 V0 stages 0 to 100 s (step 0.01 s)or deactivated 3-phase intertripping
Time delay for all other over- and 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated InterCLOSE command
undervoltage stages to the remote end
Command / pickup time Approx. 30 ms Check of CB ready state
Blocking with manual CLOSE
Command/pickup time for 3V0 Approx. 30 ms or 65 ms (settable)
stages Voltage limit values for DLC, ADT,
Tolerances Healthy line voltage 30 to 90 V (step 1 V)
Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 0.5 V Dead line 2 to 70 V (step 1 V)
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
6 Frequency protection (ANSI 81)
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Number of frequency elements 4 Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 0.5 V
Setting range 45.5 to 54.5 Hz Synchro-check (ANSI 25)
(in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 50 Hz Initiate options Auto-reclosure;
55.5 to 64.5 Hz Manual CLOSE control
(in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 60 Hz Control commands
Delay times 0 to 600 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s) Operating modes
Operating voltage range 6 to 230 V (phase-to-earth) with auto-reclosure Synchro-check
Pickup times Approx. 80 ms Line dead/busbar live
Line live/busbar dead
Dropout times Approx. 80 ms Line and busbar dead
Hysteresis Approx. 20 mHz Bypassing
Dropout condition Voltage = 0 V and current = 0 A For manual closure
Tolerances and control commands As for auto-reclosure
Frequency 15 mHz for VPH-PH: 50 to 230 V Permissible voltage difference 1 to 60 V (step 0.1 V)
Delay times 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms
Permissible frequency difference 0.03 to 2 Hz (step 0.01 Hz)
Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF)
Permissible angle difference 2 to 80 ° (step 1 °)
Number of stages 2
Max. duration of synchronization 0.01 to 600 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Pickup of current element 0.05 to 20 A(1A) / 0.25 to 100 A(5A)
(step 0.01 A) Release delay with synchronous 0 to 30 s (step 0.01 s)
Time delays T11phase, T13phase, T2 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated
Additional functions End-fault protection Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
CB pole discrepancy monitoring Voltage limit values ≤ 2 % of setting value or 2 V
Reset time 12 ms, typical; 25 ms max. Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)
Tolerances Number of supervisable trip circuits Up to 3
Current limit value ≤ 5 % of setting value or 1 % Inom
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Number of required binary inputs 1 or 2
per trip circuit
Indication relay 1 to 30 s (step 1 s)

6/68 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Technical data
Additional functions Control
Operational measured values Number of switching units Depends on the number of binary /
Representation Primary, secondary and percentage indication inputs and indication /
referred to rated value command outputs

Currents 3 x IPhase ; 3I0; IGnd sensitve; I1; I2; IY; 3I0PAR Control commands Single command / double command
1, 1 plus 1 common or 2 pole
Tolerances Typical 0.3 % of indicated measured
value or 0.5 % Inom Feed back CLOSE, TRIP, intermediate position

Voltages 3 x VPhase-Ground; 3 x VPhase-Phase; 3V0, Interlocking Freely configurable

V1, V2, VSYNC, Ven Local control Control via menu, function keys
Tolerances Typical 0.25 % of indicated measured Remote control Control protection, DIGSI, pilot
value or 0.01 Vnom wires
Power with direction indication P, Q, S Further additional functions
Tolerances Measurement supervision Current sum
P: for cos ϕ = 0.7 to 1 and Typical ≤ 1 % Current symmetry
V/Vnom, I/Inom = 50 to 120 % Voltage sum
Q: for sin ϕ = 0.7 to 1 and Typical ≤ 1 % Voltage symmetry
V/Vnom , I/Inom = 50 to 120 % Voltage phase sequence
S: for V/Vnom, I/Inom = 50 to Typical ≤ 1 % Fuse failure monitor
120 % Power direction
Frequency f Annunciations
Tolerance ≤ 20 mHz Event logging Buffer size 200 6
Power factor p.f. (cos ϕ) Fault logging Storage of signals of the last 8 faults,
buffer size 600
Tolerance for cos ϕ = 0.7 to 1 Typical ≤ 3 %
Switching statistics Number of breaking operations per
Load impedances with directional 3 x RPhase-Ground, XPhase-Ground CB pole
indication 3 x RPhase-Phase, XPhase-Phase Sum of breaking current per phase
Long-term mean values Breaking current of last trip operation
Max. breaking current per phase
Interval for derivation of mean value 15 min / 1 min; 15 min / 3 min;
15 min / 15 min Circuit-breaker test TRIP/CLOSE cycle 3-phase
TRIP/CLOSE cycle per phase
Synchronization instant Every ¼ hour; every ½ hour; every
hour Setting range
Dead time for c.b. TRIP/CLOSE 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s)
Values 3 x IPhase; I1; P; P+; P-; Q; Q+; Q-; S
Minimum/maximum memory
Commissioning support Operational measured values, CB.
Indication Measured values with date and time test, status display of binary indica-
Resetting Cyclically tion inputs, setting of output relays,
Via binary input generation of indications for testing
Via the keyboard serial interfaces
Via serial interface Phase rotation adjustment Clockwise or anti-clockwise
Min./max. of measured values 3 x IPhase; I1; 3 x VPhase-Ground;
CE conformity
3 x VPhase-to-phase; 3V0; V1;
P+; P–; Q+; Q–; S; f; power factor This product is in conformity with the Directives of the European Commu-
(+); power factor (–) nities on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to
Min./max. of mean values 3 x IPhase; I1; P; Q; S electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and
electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits (Council
Energy meters
Directive 73/23/EEC).
Four-quadrant meters WP+; WP–; WQ+; WQ–
This unit conforms to the international standard IEC 60255, and the Ger-
Tolerance man standard DIN 57435/Part 303 (corresponding to VDE 0435/Part 303).
for cos ϕ > 0.7 and V > 50 % 5% Further applicable standards: ANSI/IEEE C37.90.0 and C37.90.1.
Vnom and I> 50 % Inom
This conformity is the result of a test that was performed by Siemens AG in
Oscillographic fault recording accordance with Article 10 of the Council Directive complying with the
Analog channels 3 x IPhase, 3I0, 3I0 PAR generic standards EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2 for the EMC Directive and
3 x VPhase, 3V0, VSYNC, Ven standard EN 60255-6 for the “low-voltage Directive”.
Max. number of available recordings 8, backed-up by battery if auxiliary
voltage supply fails
Sampling intervals 20 samplings per cycle
Total storage time > 15 s
Binary channels Pickup and trip information; number
and contents can be freely configured
by the user
Max. number of displayed binary 40
Siemens SIP · 2006 6/69
6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Selection and ordering data Description Order No.

7SA522 distance protection relay
for transmission lines 7SA522 - ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨
"- ¨oo¨
"! oo¨
Current transformer see following
IPH = 1 A1), IGnd = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A) 1 pages
IPH = 1 A1), IGnd = high sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 2
IPH = 5 A1), IGnd = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A) 5
IPH = 5 A1), IGnd = high sensitive (min. = 0.003 A) 6
(Order code position 7 = 2 or 6 not available
with position 14 = K, M, N, Q)

Rated auxiliary voltage (power supply, binary inputs)

24 to 48 V DC, binary input threshold 17 V DC3) 2
60 to 125 V DC2), binary input threshold 17 V DC3) 4
110 to 250 V DC2), 115 V AC, binary input threshold 73 V DC3) 5
220 to 250 V DC2), 115 V AC, binary input threshold 154 V DC3) 6



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g- un nal g/



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m ou

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scr ce- inal usi




ter g h

ter ho

rfa rm g ho
ou l/co ion i


ew mo s
pe tin
Fa s, in and

Flu type ting
rel l. liv

te tin

-ty un

ut m

- n

tp m

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scr h-m

plu -m









8 9 7 – 1/2 n A
8 9 7 – 1/2 n E
8 9 7 – 1/2 n J
16 17 7 – 1/1 n C
16 17 7 – 1/1 n G
16 17 7 – 1/1 n L
16 16 3 5 1/1 n N
16 16 3 5 1/1 n Q
16 16 3 5 1/1 n S
24 25 7 – 1/1 n D
24 25 7 – 1/1 n H
24 25 7 – 1/1 n M
24 24 3 5 1/1 n P
24 24 3 5 1/1 n R
24 24 3 5 1/1 n T
22 37 7 – 1/1 n U
24 22 – 10 1/1 n W

Region-specific default settings/language settings (language selectable)

Region DE, language: German; selectable A
Region World, language: English (GB); selectable B
Region US, language: English (US); selectable C
Region FR, language: French; selectable D
Region World, language: Spanish; selectable E
Region World, language: Italian; selectable F

Regulation on region-specific presettings and function versions:

Region DE: preset to f = 50 Hz and line length in km, only IEC,
directional ground-(earth) fault protection: no logarithmic inverse characteristic,
no direction decision with zero-sequence power Sr
Region US: preset to f = 60 Hz and line length in miles, ANSI inverse characteristic only,
1) Rated current can be selected by means
of jumpers.
directional ground-(earth) fault protection: no logarithmic inverse characteristic,
no direction decision with zero-sequence power Sr, no U0 inverse characteristic
2) Transition between the three auxiliary Region World: preset to f = 50 Hz and line length in km, directional ground-(earth) fault protection:
voltage ranges can be selected by
no direction decision with zero-sequence Sr, no U0 inverse characteristic
means of jumpers.
Region FR: preset to f = 50 Hz and line length in km, directional ground-(earth) fault protection:
3) The binary input thresholds can be no U0 inverse characteristic, no logarithmic inverse characteristic,
selected by means of jumpers. weak infeed logic selectable between French specification and World specification.
6/70 Siemens SIP · 2006
6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Selection and ordering data Description Order No. Order Code

7SA522 distance protection relay
for transmission lines 7SA522 -¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨
 ! oo¨
Port B see
Empty 0 following
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS232 1 pages
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, electrical RS485 2
System interface, IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, optical 820 nm, ST connector 3
System interface, PROFIBUS-FMS Slave, electrical RS485 1) 4
System interface, PROFIBUS-FMS Slave, optical, double ring, ST connector 1)2) 6
System interface, PROFIBUS-DP Slave, RS485 9 L 0 A
System interface, PROFIBUS-DP Slave, 820 nm optical, double ring, ST connector2)9 L 0 B
System interface, DNP 3.0, RS485 9 L 0 G
System interface, DNP 3.0, 820 nm optical, ST connector 2) 9 L 0 H
System interface, IEC 61850, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, electrical, duplicate,
RJ45 plug connector 9 L 0 R
System interface, IEC 61850, 100 Mbit/s Ethernet, optical, double, ST connector5) 9 L 0 S

Port C and/or Port D

Empty 0
Port C: DIGSI/modem, electrical RS232; Port D: empty 1
Port C: DIGSI/modem, electrical RS485; Port D: empty 2
Port C: DIGSI/modem, optical 820 nm, ST connector; Port D: empty 3 6
With Port D 9 Moo

Port C
Empty 0
DIGSI/modem, electrical RS232 1
DIGSI/modem, electrical RS485 2
DIGSI/modem, optical 820 nm, ST connector 3

Port D
Protection data interface: optical 820 nm, two ST connectors, FO cable length up to 1.5 km
For direct connection via multi-mode FO cable or communication networks3) A
Protection data interface: optical 820 nm, two ST connectors, FO cable length up to 3.5 km
For direct connection via multi-mode FO cable B
Protection data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 25 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable4) G
Protection data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 60 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable4) H
Protection data interface: optical 1550 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 100 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable4) J

1) For SICAM energy automation system.

2) Optical double ring interfaces are not
available with surface-mounting hous-
ings. Please, order the version with
RS485 interface and a separate electri-
cal/ optical converter.
3) Suitable communication converters
7XV5662 (optical to G703.1/X21/
RS422 or optical to pilot wire or optical
to ISDN) see “Accessories”.
4) For surface-mounting housing appli-
cations an internal fiber-optic mod-
ule 820 nm will be delivered in com-
bination with an external repeater.
5) Not available with position 9 = "B"

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/71

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Selection and ordering data Description Order No. Order Code

7SA522 distance protection relay
for transmission lines 7SA522 -¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨
 ! oo¨
Functions 1 and Port E see next
Trip mode 3-pole; Port E: empty 0 page
Trip mode 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location, Port E: empty 1
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole; Port E: empty 4
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location, Port E: empty 5

With Port E 9 N oo
Functions 1
Trip mode 3-pole 0
Trip mode 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location 1
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole 4
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location 5

Port E
Protection data interface optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 1.5 km
For communication networks1) or direct connection via multi-mode FO cable A
Protection data interface optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 3.5 km
For direct connection via multi-mode FO cable B
6 Protection data interface optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 25 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) G
Protection data interface optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 60 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) H
Protection data interface optical 1550 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 100 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable2) J

1) Suitable communication converters

7XV5662 (optical to G703.1/X21/
RS422 or optical to pilot wire) see
2) For surface -mounting housing appli-
cations an internal fiber-optic module
820 nm will be delivered in combina-
tion with an external repeater.

6/72 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Selection and ordering data Description Order No.

7SA522 distance protection relay
for transmission lines 7SA522 -¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ - ¨oo¨ oo¨
Functions 2
Distance protection characteristic Power swing detection Parallel line
(ANSI 21, 21N) (ANSI 68, 68T) compensation
Quadrilateral C
Quadrilateral and/or MHO E
Quadrilateral n F
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n H
Quadrilateral n1) K
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n1) M
Quadrilateral n n1) N
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n n1) Q

Functions 3
Auto-reclosure Synchro-check Breaker failure protection Over-/undervoltage
(ANSI 79) (ANSI 25) (ANSI 50BF) protection (ANSI 27, 59)
protection (ANSI 81)
n B 6
n C
n n D
n E
n n F
n n G
n n n H
n J
n n K
n n L
n n n M
n n N
n n n P
n n n Q
n n n n R

Functions 4
Direction ground(earth)-fault Measured values, extended
protection, grounded (earthed) Min, max, mean
networks (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N)
n 1
n 4
n n 5

1) Only with position 7 of Order No. = 1 or 5.

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/73

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Accessories Description Order No.

Software for configuration and operation of Siemens protection units
running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional,
device templates, Comtrade Viewer, electronic manual included
as well as “Getting started” manual on paper, connecting cables (copper)
Full version with license for 10 computers, on CD-ROM
(authorization by serial number) 7XS5400-0AA00
DIGSI 4 Basis and additionally SIGRA (fault record analysis),
CFC Editor (logic editor), Display Editor (editor for default
and control displays) and DIGSI 4 Remote (remote operation) 7XS5402-0AA00
Professional + IEC 61850
DIGSI 4 Basis and additionally SIGRA (fault record analysis),
CFC Editor (logic editor), Display Editor (editor for default
and control displays) and DIGSI 4 Remote (remote operation)
+ IEC61850 system configurator 7XS5403-0AA00

IEC 61850 System configurator

Software for configuration of stations with IEC 61850 communication under
DIGSI, running under MS Windows 2000 or XP Professional Edition
6 Optional package for DIGSI 4 Basis or Professional
License for 10 PCs. Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM 7XS5460-0AA00

(generally contained in DIGSI Professional, but can be ordered additionally)
Software for graphic visualization, analysis and evaluation of fault records.
Can also be used for fault records of devices of other manufacturers
(Comtrade format). Running under MS Windows 2000/XP Professional.
Incl. templates, electronic manual with license for 10 PCs.
Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM. 7XS5410-0AA00

Connecting cable (copper)

Cable between PC/notebook (9-pin connector) and protection unit (9-pin connector)
(contained in DIGSI 4, but can be ordered additionally) 7XV5100-4
Voltage transformer miniature circuit-breaker
Rated current 1.6 A; thermal overload release 1.6 A;
overcurrent trip 6 A 3RV1611-1AG14
Manual for 7SA522
English, V4.61 and higher C53000-G1176-C155-5

Opto-electric communication converters

Optical to X21/RS422 or G703.1 7XV5662-0AA00
Optical to pilot wires 7XV5662-0AC00

Additional interface modules

Protection data interface FO 5, OMA1, 820 nm, multi-mode FO cable,
ST connector, 1.5 km C53207-A351-D651-1
Protection data interface FO 6, OMA2, 820 nm, multi-mode FO cable,
ST connector, 3.5 km C53207-A351-D652-1
Protection data interface FO 17, 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 25 km C53207-A322-B115-3
Protection data interface FO 18, 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 60 km C53207-A322-B116-3
Protection data interface FO 19, 1550 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 100 km C53207-A322-B117-3

Optical repeaters
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 25 km 7XV5461-0BG00
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1300 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 60 km 7XV5461-0BH00
Serial repeater (2-channel), opt. 1550 nm, mono-mode FO cable,
LC-Duplex connector, 100 km 7XV5461-0BJ00

6/74 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Accessories Description Order No. Size of Supplier Fig.


Connector 2-pin C73334-A1-C35-1 1 Siemens 6/79
3-pin C73334-A1-C36-1 1 Siemens 6/80
AMP 1)
Crimp CI2 0.5 to 1 mm 0-827039-1 4000
connector 0-827396-1 1 AMP 1)
Fig. 6/78 Mounting rail for 19" rack
CI2 1 to 2.5 mm2 0-827040-1 4000 AMP 1)
0-827397-1 1 AMP 1)


Type III+ 0.75 to 1.5 mm2 0-163083-7 4000 AMP 1)

0-163084-2 1 AMP 1)
Crimping For Type III+ 0-539635-1 1 AMP 1)
tool and matching female 0-539668-2 AMP 1)
Fig. 6/79 Fig. 6/80 For CI2 0-734372-1 1 AMP 1)
2-pin connector 3-pin connector and matching female 1-734387-1 AMP 1)

19"-mounting rail C73165-A63-D200-1 1 Siemens 6/78



Short-circuit links For current terminals C73334-A1-C33-1 1 Siemens 6/81

For other terminals C73334-A1-C34-1 1 Siemens 6/82
Safety cover for Large C73334-A1-C31-1 1 Siemens 6/52
terminals Small C73334-A1-C32-1 1 Siemens 6/52
Fig. 6/81 Fig. 6/82 6
Short-circuit link Short-circuit link
for current con- for voltage con-
tacts tacts

1) Your local Siemens representative can inform you on local suppliers.

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/75

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, IEC

Fig. 6/83
Housing 1/2 x 19”, basic version 7SA522x-xA, 7SA522x-xE and 7SA522x-xJ
with 8 binary inputs and 16 binary outputs, hardware version .../FF

Fig. 6/83a Fig. 6/84

Additional setting by jumpers: Serial interfaces
Separation of common circuit of BO8 to BO12 with
jumpers X80, X81, X82. Switching of BO13, BO14,
BO15 as NO contact or NC contact with jumpers.

6/76 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, IEC

Fig. 6/85a
Additional setting by jumpers:
Separation of common circuit of BO8
to BO12 with jumpers X80, X81, X82. 6
Switching of BO13, BO14, BO15 as NO
contact or NC contact with jumpers.

Fig. 6/85
Housing 1/1 x 19”, medium version 7SA522x-xC, 7SA522x-xG, 7SA522x-xL, 7SA522x-xN, 7SA522x-xQ and
7SA522x-xS with 16 binary inputs and 24 binary outputs, hardware version .../FF

1) High-speed trip outputs in versions

7SA522x-xN, 7SA522x-xQ, 7SA522x-xS.
Note: For serial interfaces see Figure 6/84.

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/77

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, IEC

Fig. 6/86a
Additional setting by jumpers:
Separation of common circuit of BO8
6 to BO12 with jumpers X80, X81, X82.
Switching of BO13, BO14, BO15 as NO
contact or NC contact with jumpers.

1) High-speed trip outputs in

versions 7SA522x-xP,
7SA522x-xR, 7SA522x-xT.
Fig. 6/86
Note: For serial interfaces Housing 1/1 x 19”, maximum version 7SA522x-xD, 7SA522x-xH, 7SA522x-xM, 7SA522x-xP, 7SA522x-xR and
see Figure 6/84. 7SA522x-xT with 24 binary inputs and 32 binary outputs, hardware version .../FF

6/78 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, ANSI

Fig. 6/87a
Additional setting by jumpers:
Separation of common circuit of BO8
to BO12 with jumpers X80, X81, X82. 6
Switching of BO13, BO14, BO15 as NO
contact or NC contact with jumpers.

Fig. 6/87
Housing 1/2 x 19”, basic version 7SA522x-xA, 7SA522x-xE and 7SA522x-xJ
with 8 binary inputs and 16 binary outputs, hardware version .../FF

Note: For serial interfaces see Figure 6/84.

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/79

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, ANSI

Fig. 6/88a
Additional setting by jumpers:
Separation of common circuit of BO8
6 to BO12 with jumpers X80, X81, X82.
Switching of BO13, BO14, BO15 as NO
contact or NC contact with jumpers.

Fig. 6/88
Housing 1/1 x 19”, medium version 7SA522x-xC, 7SA522x-xG, 7SA522x-xL, 7SA522x-xN, 7SA522x-xQ and
7SA522x-xS with 16 binary inputs and 24 binary outputs, hardware version .../FF

1) High-speed trip outputs in versions

7SA522x-xN, 7SA522x-xQ, 7SA522x-xS.
Note: For serial interfaces see Figure 6/84.

6/80 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Connection diagram, ANSI

Fig. 6/89a
Additional setting by jumpers:
Separation of common circuit of BO8
to BO12 with jumpers X80, X81, X82.
Switching of BO13, BO14, BO15 as NO 6
contact or NC contact with jumpers.

1) High-speed trip outputs in

versions 7SA522x-xP,
7SA522x-xR, 7SA522x-xT. Fig. 6/89
Note: For serial interfaces Housing 1/1 x 19”, maximum version 7SA522x-xD, 7SA522x-xH and 7SA522x-xM
see Figure 6/84. with 24 binary inputs and 32 binary outputs, hardware version ../FF

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/81

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Dimension drawings in mm / inch

Dimension drawings for SIPROTEC 4

1/2 x 19" flush-mounting housings (7XP20)

Side view 1 Side view 2 Panel cutout

Rear view 1 Rear view 2 Rear view 3 Rear view 4

7SA61/63, 7UM621, 7UM623 7SJ63, 7UM612 7SA522, 7SD52/53 7UT613

Fig. 16/24
1/2 x 19" flush-mounting housing

6/82 Siemens SIP · 2006

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Dimension drawings in mm / inch

Dimension drawings for SIPROTEC 4

1/1 x 19" flush-mounting housings (7XP20)

Side view 1 Side view 2

* Terminals M and L additionally for 7UT635 only

Panel cutout Rear view 1

7SA6, 7UM622, 7SJ64, 7UT633, 7UT635

Rear view 2 Rear view 3

7SJ63, 6MD63 7SA522, 7SD52/53

Fig. 16/26
in 1/1 x 19" flush-mounting housing

Siemens SIP · 2006 6/83

6 Distance Protection / 7SA522

Dimension drawings in mm / inch

Dimension drawings for SIPROTEC 4

1/2 and 1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housings

Front view Side view
1/2 x 19" surface-mounting
housing 7XP20

Front view
1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing 7XP20
(without sloped FO case)

Fig. 16/27
1/2 and 1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing

6/84 Siemens SIP · 2006

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