Siprotec 4 7sa522 Distance Protection Relay For Transmission Lines
Siprotec 4 7sa522 Distance Protection Relay For Transmission Lines
Siprotec 4 7sa522 Distance Protection Relay For Transmission Lines
Distance Protection Relay for Transmission Lines
Function overview
Protection functions
• Non-switched distance protection with
6 measuring systems (21/21N)
• High resistance ground (earth)-fault
protection for single- and three-pole
tripping (50N/51N/67N)
• Tele (pilot) protection (85)
• Fault locator (FL)
• Power swing detection/tripping (68/68T)
Fig. 6/45
Single-line diagram
It is thus possible to employ prefabricated
cable harnesses. In the case of surface
mounting on a panel, the connection ter-
minals are located above and below in the
form of screw-type terminals. The com-
munication interfaces are located in a
sloped case at the top and bottom of the 6
housing. Fig. 6/46
Housing widths 1/2 x 19” and 1/1 x 19”
Fig. 6/47
Rear view with screw-type terminals and
serial interfaces
Fig. 6/48
Rear view with terminal covers and
Protection functions
Protection functions
Tripping of the distance protection is
blocked automatically in the event of fail-
ure of the measuring voltage, thus prevent-
ing spurious tripping.
The measuring voltage is monitored by the Fig. 6/51
integrated fuse failure monitor. Distance Power swing current and voltage wave forms
protection is blocked if either the fuse fail-
ure monitor or the auxiliary contact of the
voltage transformer protection switch op- 6
erates and, in this case, the EMERGENCY
definite-time overcurrent protection can
be activated.
Fault locator
The integrated fault locator calculates the
fault impedance and the distance-to-fault.
The result is displayed in ohms, miles, kilo-
Fig. 6/52
meters or in percent of the line length. Par-
allel line and load current compensation is Power swing
circle diagram
also available.
Protection functions
If the fault current is not interrupted after • RDT
a time delay has expired, a retrip com- Reduced dead time is employed in con-
mand or the busbar trip command will be junction with auto-reclosure where no
Overvoltage protection, undervoltage pro-
generated. The breaker failure protection tele-protection method is employed:
tection (ANSI 59, 27)
can be initiated by all integrated protection When faults within the zone extension, but
A voltage rise can occur on long lines that functions as well as by external devices via external to the protected line, are switched
are operating at no-load or that are only binary input signals. off for rapid auto-reclosure (RAR), the
lightly loaded. The 7SA522 contains a RDT function decides on the basis of mea-
number of overvoltage measuring ele- Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79) surement of the return voltage from the re-
ments. Each measuring element is of mote station which has not tripped
The 7SA522 relay is equipped with an
two-stage design. The following measuring whether or not to reduce the dead time.
auto-reclose function (AR). The function
elements are available:
includes several operating modes: Synchronism check (ANSI 25)
• Phase-to-earth overvoltage
• 3-pole auto-reclosure for all types of Where two network sections are switched
• Phase-to-phase overvoltage faults; different dead times are available in by control command or following a
• Zero-sequence overvoltage depending the type of fault 3-pole , it must be ensured that both net-
The zero-sequence voltage can be con- • 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults, work sections are mutually synchronous.
nected to the 4th voltage input or be de- no reclosing for multi-phase faults For this purpose, a synchronism-check
rived from the phase voltages.
• 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults function is provided. After verification of
• Positive-sequence overvoltage of the local and for 2-phase faults without earth, no the network synchronism the function re-
end or calculated for the remote end of reclosing for multi-phase faults leases the CLOSE command. Alternatively,
the line (compounding). reclosing can be enabled for different crite-
• 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase and
• Negative-sequence overvoltage 3-pole auto-reclosing for multi-phase ria, e.g., checking that the busbar or line is
not carrying a voltage (dead line or dead 6
Tripping by the overvoltage measuring ele- faults
ments can be effected either at the local cir- • 1-pole auto-reclosure for 1-phase faults
cuit-breaker or at the remote station by and 2-phase faults without earth and
Fuse failure monitoring and other
means of a transmitted signal. 3-pole auto-reclosure for other faults
supervision functions
The 7SA522 is fitted, in addition, with
• Multiple-shot auto-reclosure
three two-stage undervoltage measuring • Interaction with an external device for The 7SA522 relay provides comprehensive
auto-reclosure via binary inputs and out- monitoring functions covering both hard-
puts ware and software. Furthermore, the mea-
• Phase-to-earth undervoltage • Control of the integrated AR function by sured values are continuously checked for
• Phase-to-phase undervoltage external protection plausibility. Therefore the current and
• Positive-sequence undervoltage voltage transformers are also included in
• Interaction with the internal or an exter-
this monitoring system.
The undervoltage measuring elements can nal synchro-check
be blocked by means of a minimum cur- • Monitoring of the circuit-breaker auxil- If any measured voltage is not present due
rent criterion and by means of binary in- iary contacts to short-circuit or open circuit in the volt-
puts. age transformer secondary circuit, the dis-
In addition to the above-mentioned oper- tance protection would respond with an
ating modes, several other operating prin- unwanted trip due to this loss of voltage.
Frequency protection (ANSI 81O/U) ciples can be employed by means of the This secondary voltage interruption can be
Frequency protection can be used for over- integrated programmable logic (CFC). detected by means of the integrated fuse
frequency and underfrequency protection. Integration of auto-reclosure in the feeder failure monitor. Immediate blocking of
Unwanted frequency changes in the net- protection allows evaluation of the distance protection and switching to the
work can be detected and the load can be line-side voltages. A number of volt- backup-emergency protection is provided
removed at a specified frequency setting. age-dependent supplementary functions for all types of secondary voltage failures.
Frequency protection can be used over a are thus available:
wide frequency range (45 to 55, 55 to Additional measurement supervision func-
65 Hz). There are four elements (selectable • DLC tions are
as overfrequency or underfrequency) and By means of dead-line check, reclosure is • Symmetry of voltages and currents
each element can be delayed separately. effected only when the line is deenergized
• Broken-conductor supervision
(prevention of asynchronous breaker clo-
Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF) sure). • Summation of currents and voltages
• ADT • Phase-sequence supervision
The 7SA522 relay incorporates a two-stage
The adaptive dead time is employed only
circuit-breaker failure protection to detect
if auto-reclosure at the remote station was
failures of tripping command execution,
successful (reduction of stress on equip-
for example due to a defective circuit-
breaker. The current detection logic is
phase-segregated and can therefore also be
used in single-pole tripping schemes.
Fig. 6/56
Bus structure: RS485 copper conductor connec-
1) Available as of mid 2004. tion
Time synchronization
The time synchronization interface
is a standard feature in all units.
The supported formats are IRIG-B
and DCF77.
Reliable bus architecture
• RS485 bus
With this data transmission via
copper conductors, electromag- Fig. 6/57 Fig. 6/58
netic fault influences are largely Fiber-optic communication module Fiber-optic double ring communication module
eliminated by the use of
twisted-pair conductors. Upon
failure of a unit, the remaining
system continues to operate
without any problems.
• Fiber-optic double ring circuit
The fiber-optic double ring cir-
cuit is immune to electromag-
netic interference. Upon failure
of a section between two units,
the communication system con-
tinues to operate without distur-
bance. It is usually impossible to
communicate with a unit that Fig. 6/59
has failed. Should the unit fail, Electrical communication module
there is no effect on the commu-
nication with the rest of the sys-
Because of the standardized interfaces, • Display of the operational measured
SIPROTEC units can also be integrated values of the opposite terminal(s) with
PROFIBUS-FMS into systems of other manufacturers or in phase-angle information relative to a
SIMATIC. Electrical RS485 or optical in- common reference vector
PROFIBUS-FMS is an internationally stan- terfaces are available. The optimum physi- • Clock synchronization: the clock in only
dardized communication system cal data transfer medium can be chosen one of the relays must be synchronized
thanks to opto-electrical converters. Thus, from an external so called “Absolute Mas-
(EN 50170) for communication problem-
the RS485 bus allows low-cost wiring in ter” when using the serial protection data
solving. PROFIBUS is supported interna-
the cubicles and an interference-free opti- interface. This relay will then synchronize
tionally by several hundred manufacturers
cal connection to the master can be estab- the clock of the other (or the two other re-
and has to date been used in more than
lished. lays in 3 terminal applications) via the
1,000,000 applications all over the world.
Connection to a SIMATIC programmable For IEC 61850, an interoperable system so- protection data interface.
controller is made on the basis of the data lution is offered with SICAM PAS. Via the • 7SA522 and 7SA6 can be combined via
obtained (e.g. fault recording, fault data, 100 Mbits/s Ethernet bus, the units are the protection data interface.
measured values and control functionality) linked with PAS electrically or optically to The communication possibilities are iden-
via the SICAM energy automation system. the station PC. The interface is standard- tical to those for the line differential pro-
ized, thus also enabling direct connection tection relays 7SD5 and 7SD610. The
PROFIBUS-DP of units of other manufacturers to the following options are available:
PROFIBUS-DP is an industrial communi- Ethernet bus. With IEC 61850, however,
the units can also be used in other manu- • FO51), OMA12) module: Optical 820 nm,
cation standard and is supported by a 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to
number of PLC and protection relay man- facturers’ systems. Units with an IEC
60870-5-103 interface are connected with 1.5 km for link to communication net-
ufacturers. works via communication converters or
6 PAS via the Ethernet station bus by means
for direct FO cable connection
DNP 3.0 of serial/Ethernet converters. DIGSI and
the Web monitor can also be used via the • FO61), OMA22) module: Optical 820 nm,
DNP 3.0 (Distributed Network Protocol, same station bus. 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to
Version 3) is an internationally recognized 3.5 km, for direct connection via multi-
protection and bay unit communication Serial protection data interface mode FO cable
protocol. SIPROTEC 4 units are Level 1
The tele (pilot) protection schemes can be • FO71), OMA32) module: Optical 1300 nm,
and Level 2 compatible. 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to
implemented using digital serial communi-
cation. The 7SA522 is capable of remote 10 km, for direct connection via mono-
IEC 61850 Ethernet1) mode FO cable
relay communication via direct links or
The Ethernet-based IEC 61850 protocol multiplexed digital communication net- • FO81), OMA42) module: Optical 1300 nm,
will be the worldwide standard for protec- works. The serial protection data interface 2 FC connectors, FO cable length up to
tion and control systems used by power has the following features: 35 km, for direct connection via mono-
utilities. Siemens is one of the first manu- mode FO cable
facturers to support this standard. By • Fast phase-selective teleprotection signal-
means of this protocol, information can ing for distance protection, optionally New fiber-optic interfaces, series FO1x4)
also be exchanged directly between IEDs. with POTT or PUTT schemes
• FO171): for direct connection
Access to the units via the Ethernet bus will • Signaling for directional ground(earth)-
up to 25 km3), 1300 nm, for mono-mode
also be possible with DIGSI. fault protection – directional comparison
fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector
for high-resistance faults in solidly earthed
systems. • FO181): for direct connection
System solutions for protection and station
up to 60 km3), 1300 nm, for mono-mode
control • Echo-function
fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector
• Two and three-terminal line applications
Together with the SICAM power automa- • FO191): for direct connection
tion system, SIPROTEC 4 can be used with can be implemented without additional
up to 100 km3), 1550 nm, for mono-mode
PROFIBUS-FMS. Over the low-cost elec- fiber 9/125 µm, LC-Duplex connector
trical RS485 bus, or interference-free via • Interclose command transfer with the
the optical double ring, the units exchange auto-reclosure “Adaptive dead time” The link to a multiplexed communication
information with the control system. Units (ADT) mode network is made by separate communica-
equipped with IEC 60870-5-103 interfaces • Redundant communication path tion converters (7XV5662). These have a
can be connected to SICAM in parallel via switchover is possible with the 7SA522 fiber-optic interface with 820 nm and 2 ST
the RS485 bus or connected in star by fi- when 2 serial protection data interfaces connectors to the protection relay. The
ber-optic link. Through this interface, the are installed link to the communication network is op-
system is open for the connection of units • 28 remote signals for fast transfer of tionally an electrical X21 or a G703.1 inter-
of other manufacturers (see Fig. 6/60). binary signals face.
Fig. 6/61
Communication topologies for the serial protection data interface on a two-terminal line
Ring topology
Chain topology
Fig. 6/62
Ring or chain communication topology
Typical connection
Typical connection
Typical connection
Technical data
General unit data Output contacts
Analog input Quantity 8 or 16 or 24 (refer to ordering code)
Rated frequency 50 or 60 Hz (selectable) Function can be assigned
Technical data
Service/modem interface (operating interface 2) Relay communication equipment
(refer to ordering code) For DIGSI 4 / modem / service External communication converter 7XV5662-0AA00 with X21/RS422 or
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector G703.1 interface
Dielectric test 500 V/ 50 Hz External communication converter Electrical X21/RS422 or G703.1 inter-
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m for linking the optical 820 nm inter- face settable by jumper
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m face of the unit (FO5/OMA1 with Baud rate settable by jumper
Fiber-optic Integrated ST connector clock recovery) to the
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm X21/RS422/G703.1 interface of the
Permissible attenuation Max. 8 dB for 62.5/125 µm fiber communication network
Distance max. 1.5 km FO interface with 820 nm with clock Max. 1.5 km with 62.5/125 µm multi-
System interface recovery mode fiber to protection relay
Electrical X21/RS422 interface 64/128/512 kbit (settable by jumper)
(refer to ordering code) IEC 60870-5-103
PROFIBUS-FMS max. 800 m, 15-pin connector to the
PROFIBUS-DP communication network
DNP 3.0 Electrical G703.1 interface 64 kbit/s max. 800 m, screw-type ter-
IEC 61850 Ethernet minal to the communication network
Isolated RS232/RS485 9-pin subminiature connector External communication converter 7XV5662-0AC00 for pilot wires
Baud rate 4800 to 38400 baud External communication converter Typical distance: 15 km
Dielectric test 500 V/50 Hz for linking the optical 820 nm inter-
Distance for RS232 Max. 15 m face of the unit (FO5/OMA1 option
Distance for RS485 Max. 1000 m w. clock recovery) to pilot wires.
6 Dielectric test 500 V/50 Hz
FO interface for 820 nm
with clock recovery
Max. 1.5 km with 62.5/125 µm multi-
mode fiber to protection relay,
Baud rate Max. 12 Mbaud 128 kbit
Distance 1000 m at 93.75 kbaud; Electrical interface to pilot wires 5 kV-isolated
100 m at 12 Mbaud
External communication converter 7XV5662-0AB00 for ISDN connections
PROFIBUS fiber-optic2)
Only for flush-mounting housing ST connector External communication converter
For surface-mounting housing Optical interface with OLM5) to interface between relays optical
Baud rate Max. 1.5 Mbaud 820 nm interf. and ISDN telep. line
Optical wavelength λ = 820 nm Input: fiber-optic 820 nm Max. 1.5 km with 62.5/125 µm
Permissible attenuation Max. 8 dB for 62.5/125 µm fiber with clock recovery multi-mode FO cable to device side
Distance 500 kbit/s 1.6 km 1500 kbit/s 530 m Output: ISDN electrical interface 64/128 kbit (selectable by jumper)
Protection data relay interfaces max. 800 m, 15-pin connector
Permissible time delay (duration of data transmission)
Quantity Max. 2 (refer to ordering code)
Delay of telegrams due to transmis- Max. 30 ms per transmission path
FO51), OMA12): Fiber-optic interface For multi-mode fiber 62.5/125 µm, sion for one unit to the other. Permissible max. value can be
with clock recovery for direct con- ST connectors Delay constantly measured/adjusted selected
nection up to 1.5 km or for connec-
tion to a communication converter,
820 nm Electrical tests
FO6 , OMA2 : Fiber-optic interface For multi-mode fiber 62.5/125 µm,
1) 2) Specifications
for direct connection up to 3.5 km, ST connectors Standards IEC 60255 (product standards)
820 nm ANSI/IEEE C37.90.0/.1/.2; UL 508
FO71), OMA32): Fiber-optic interface For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, DIN 57435 Part 303
for direct connection up to 10 km, ST connectors Further standards see “Individual tests”
1300 nm Insulation tests
FO81), OMA42): Fiber-optic interface For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, Standards IEC 60255-5 and 60870-2-1
for direct connection up to 35 km, FC connectors Voltage test (100 % test)
1300 nm All circuits except for auxiliary 2.5 kV (r.m.s.), 50/60 Hz
New fiber-optic interfaces, series FO1x supply, binary inputs and
FO171): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, communication interfaces
25 km3), 1300 nm LC-Duplex connector Auxiliary voltage and binary 3.5 kV DC
inputs (100 % test)
FO18 : for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, RS485/RS232 rear side communi- 500 V (r.m.s.), 50/60 Hz
60 km3), 1300 nm LC-Duplex connector cation interfaces and time syn-
FO191): for direct connection up to For mono-mode fiber 9/125 µm, chronization interface (100 % test)
100 km3), 1550 nm LC-Duplex connector Impulse voltage test (type test)
All circuits except for communi- 5 kV (peak); 1.2/50 µs; 0.5 J
cation interfaces and time syn- 3 positive and 3 negative impulses at
chronization interface, class III intervals of 5 s
1) For flush-mouting housing.
2) For surface mounting housing. 5) Conversion with external OLM
For fiber-optic interface please complete order number at 11th position
3) For surface mounting housing the internal fiber-optic module OMA1 with 4 (FMS RS485) or 9 and Order Code L0A (DP RS485) and addi-
will be delivered together with an external repeater. tionally order:
4) Available approx. 10/2004. For single ring: SIEMENS OLM 6GK1502-3AB10
Technical data
EMC tests for noise immunity; type tests Mechanical stress test
Standards IEC 60255-6, 60255-22 (product Vibration, shock stress and seismic vibration
standards) During operation
EN 50082-2 (generic standard)
DIN 57 435 part 303 Standards IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068-2
High frequency test 2.5 kV (peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 ms; Vibration Sinusoidal
IEC 60255-22-1, class III and 400 surges per s; test duration 2 s IEC 60255-21-1, class 2 10 to 60 Hz: ±0.075 mm amplitude;
DIN 57435 part 303, class III IEC 60068-2-6 60 to 150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
frequency sweep 1 octave/min
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air 20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
IEC 60255-22-2 class IV discharge; both polarities;
EN 61000-4-2, class IV 150 pF; Ri = 330 W Shock Half-sinusoidal
IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 Acceleration 5 g,
Irradiation with RF field, 10 V/m; 27 to 500 MHz IEC 60068-2-27 duration 11 ms,
non-modulated 3 shocks on each of the 3 axes in both
IEC 60255-22-3 (report), class III directions
Irradiation with RF field, 10 V/m; 80 to 1000 MHz; Seismic vibration Sinusoidal
amplitude-modulated 80 % AM; 1 kHz IEC 60255-21-2, class 1 1 to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude (hori-
IEC 61000-4-3, class III IEC 60068-3-3 zontal axis)
Irradiation with RF field, 10 V/m; 900 MHz; repetition 1 to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude (verti-
pulse-modulated, IEC 61000-4-3/ frequency 200 Hz; duty cycle 50 % cal axis)
ENV 50204, class III 8 to 35 Hz: 1g acceleration
Fast transient disturbance, bursts 4 kV; 5/50 ns; 5 kHz; (horizontal axis)
8 to 35 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration
IEC 60255-22-4 and burst length = 15 ms;
(vertical axis)
IEC 61000-4-4, class IV repetition rate 300 ms; both
polarities; Frequency sweep 1 octave/min
Ri = 50; test duration 1 min 1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
Technical data
Certifications Tolerances For sinusoidal quantities
UL listing 7SA522*-*A* ∆X
Models with threaded terminals 7SA522*-*C* ≤ 5 % for 30 ° ≤ ϕ SC ≤ 90 °
UL recognition 7SA522*-*J* ∆R
≤ 5 % for 0 ° ≤ ϕ SC ≤ 60 °
Models with plug-in terminals 7SA522*-*L* R
≤ 5 % for -30 ° ≤ (ϕ SC - ϕline) ≤ +30 °
Timer tolerance ± 1 % of set value or 10 ms
Distance protection (ANSI 21, 21N)
Operating times
Distance protection zones 6, 1 of which as controlled zone, all
Minimum trip time Approx. 17 ms at 50 Hz
zones can be set forward or/and
with fast relays Approx. 15 ms at 60 Hz
Minimum trip time Approx. 12 ms at 50 Hz
Time stages for tripping delay 6 for multi-phase faults with high-speed relays Approx. 10 ms at 60 Hz
Setting range 0 to 30 s or deactivated 3 for single-phase faults Reset time Approx. 30 ms
(steps 0.01 s)
Fault locator
Characteristic (refer to ordering code)
Output of the distance to fault X, R (secondary) in Ω
Selectable separately for phase and quadrilateral and/or
X, R (primary) in Ω
ground (earth) faults MHO
Distance in kilometers or miles
Time range 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated Distance in % of line length
6 Line angle ϕ L 30 ° to 89 ° (step 1 °) Start of calculation With trip, with pickup reset
Inclination angle for quadrilateral 30° to 90° (step 1°) Reactance per unit length 0.005 to 6.5 Ω / km(1A) /
characteristic 0.001 to 1.3 Ω / km(5A) or
Quadrilateral reactance reach X 0.05 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω(5A) 0.005 to 10 Ω / mile (1A) /
(step 0.001 Ω) 0.001 to 2 Ω / mile (5A)
(step 0.0001 Ω / unit)
Quadrilateral resistance reach R
for phase-to-phase faults and 0.05 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 120 Ω(5A) Tolerance For sinusoidal quantities
phase-to-ground(earth) faults (step 0.001Ω) ≤ 2.5 % line length for
30 ° ≤ ϕSC ≤ 90 ° and VSC/VN > 0.10
MHO impedance reach ZR 0.05 to 200 Ω(1A) / 0.01 to 40 Ω(5A)
(step 0.01 Ω) BCD-coded output of fault location
Minimum phase current I 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A) Indicated value Fault location in % of the line length
(step 0.01 A) Output signals Max. 10:
Ground(earth)-fault pickup d[1 %], d[2 %], d[4 %], d[8 %],
Neutral (residual) current 3 I0 0.05 to 4 A (1A) / 0.25 to 20 A (5A) d[10 %], d[20 %], d[401 %], d[80 %],
(Ground current) (step 0.01 A) d[100 %], d[release]
Zero-sequence voltage 3V0 1 to 100 V (step 1V) or deactivated Indication range 0 % to 195 %
Zero-sequence compensation Power swing detection (ANSI 68, 68T)
selectable input formats RE/RL and XE/XL Power swing detection principle Measurement of the rate of impedance
k0 and ϕ(k0) vector change and monitoring of the
Separately selectable for zones Z1 vector path
higher zones (Z1B, Z2 to Z5) Max. detectable power swing fre- Approx. 7 Hz
RE/RL and XE/XL -0.33 to 7 (step 0.01) quency
k0 0 to 4 (step 0.001) Operating modes Power swing blocking and/or power
ϕ(k0) -135 to 135 ° (steps 0.01 °) swing tripping (out-of-step tripping)
Parallel line mutual compensation (refer to ordering code) Power swing blocking programs All zones blocked
RM/RL and XM/XL 0.00 to 8 (step 0.01) Z1/Z1B blocked
Z2 to Z5 blocked
Load encroachment Z1, Z1B, Z2 blocked
Minimum load resistance 0.10 to 600 Ω(1A) / 0.02 to 120 Ω(5A)
(step 0.001 Ω) or deactivated Detection of faults during power Reset of power swing blocking for all
swing blocking types of faults
Maximum load angle 20 to 60 ° (step 1 °)
Directional decision for all types of With sound phase polarization
faults and/or voltage memory
Directional sensitivity Dynamically unlimited
Technical data
Tele (pilot) protection for distance protection (ANSI 85-21) Inverse-time stage
Operating modes POTT Current starting 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A)
PUTT, DUTT inverse-time stage 3I0 (step 0.01 A)
Directional comparison: Blocking With normal neutral (residual)
Directional comparison: Unblocking current CT (refer to ordering code)
Directional comparison hybrid 0.003 to 4 A(1A) / 0.015 to 20 A(5A)
(POTT and echo with weak-infeed (step 0.001 A)
protection) With high sensitive neutral (residual)
Transient blocking logic For overreaching schemes current CT (refer to ordering code)
(current reversal guard) Characteristics according Normal inverse, very inverse,
Send and receive signals Suitable for 2- and 3- terminal lines, to IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse, long time inverse,
phase-segregated signals for selective Time multiplier for Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01s) or deacti-
single-phase tripping selectable IEC T characteristics vated
Direct transfer trip (DTT) Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x I / Ip
Direct phase-selective tripping Alternatively with or without Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x I / Ip
via binary input auto-reclosure
Trip time delay 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated Operating time for 2 £ I / Ip £ 20 £ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Timer tolerance ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Characteristics according Inverse, short inverse, long inverse,
Directional ground(earth)-fault overcurrent protection (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N) to ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse, very inverse,
extremely inverse, definite inverse
Characteristics 3 definite-time stages / 1 inverse-time
stage or 4 definite-time stages Time dial 0.50 to 15 s (step 0.01) or deactivated
Phase selector Permits 1-pole tripping for single- Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x M
phase faults or 3-pole tripping for Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x M
multi-phase faults
Inrush restraint Selectable for every stage Operating time for 2 £ M £ 20 £ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Instantaneous trip after switch- Selectable for every stage Characteristic according to
onto-fault 3I 0
logarithmic inverse characteristic t = T3I 0 P max - T3I 0 P × ln
Influence of harmonics 3 I 0p
Stages 1 and 2 (I>>> and I>>) 3rd and higher harmonics are com- Pickup threshold 1.1 to 4.0 x I / Ip (step 0.1)
pletely suppressed by digital filtering
Stages 3 and 4 2nd and higher harmonics are com- Polarizing quantities for directional 3I0 and 3V0 or
(I> and inverse 4th stage) pletely suppressed by digital filtering decision 3I0 and 3V0 and IE (grounded
Definite-time stage (earthed) power transformer) or
3I2 and 3V2 (negative sequence) or
Pickup definite-time stage 1, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A)
zero-sequence power Sr or automatic
(step 0.01 A)
selection of zero-sequence or nega-
Pickup definite-time stage 2, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) tive-sequence quantities dependent
(step 0.01 A) on the magnitude of the component
Pickup definite-time stage 3, 3I0 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) voltages
(step 0.01 A) Min. zero-sequence voltage 3V0 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
With normal neutral (residual) cur-
rent CT (refer to ordering code) Ground (earth) current IE of 0.05 to 1 A(1A) / 0.25 to 5 A(5A)
0.003 to 25 A(1A) / 0.015 to 125 A(5A) grounded (earthed) power trans- (step 0.01 A)
(step 0.01 A) former
With high sensitive neutral (residual) Min. negative-sequence voltage 3V2 0.5 to 10 V (step 0.1 V)
current CT (refer to ordering code) Min. negative-sequence current 3I2 0.05 to 1 A(1A) / 0.25 to 5 A(5A)
Pickup definite-time stage 4, 3I0 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A) (step 0.01 A)
(step 0.01 A)
With normal neutral (residual) cur- 2nd harmonic ratio 10 to 45 % of fundamental (step 1 %)
rent CT (refer to ordering code) for inrush restraint
0.003 to 4 A(1A) / 0.015 to 20 A(5A) Maximum current, overriding in- 0.5 to 25 A(1A) / 2.5 to 125 A(5A)
(step 0.01 A) rush restraint (step 0.01 A)
With high sensitive neutral (residual)
current CT (refer to ordering code) Tele (pilot) protection for directional ground(earth)-fault overcurrent pro-
tection (ANSI 85-67N)
Time delay for definite-time stages 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Operating modes Directional comparison: Pickup
Tolerances Directional comparison: Blocking
Current starting £ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom Directional comparison: Unblocking
Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Transient blocking logic For schemes with parallel lines
Pickup times
Definite-time stages 1 and 2 Approx. 30 ms Send and receive signals Suitable for 2- and 3- terminal lines
Definite-time stages 3 and 4 Approx. 40 ms
Technical data
Weak-infeed protection with undervoltage (ANSI 27WI) STUB bus overcurrent protection (ANSI 50(N)STUB)
Operating modes with carrier Echo Operating modes Active only with open isolator posi-
(signal) reception Echo and trip with undervoltage tion (signaled via binary input)
Undervoltage phase – ground 2 to 70 V (step 1 V) Characteristic 1 definite-time stage
(earth) Instantaneous trip after switch-onto- Selectable
Time delay 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) fault
Echo impulse 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) Pickup phase current 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A)
Tolerances (step 0.01 A)
Voltage threshold ≤ 5 % of setting value or 0.5 V Pickup neutral (residual) current 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A)
Timer ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms (step 0.01 A)
Backup overcurrent protection (ANSI 50N, 51N) Time delay, separate for phase and 0.00 to 30 s (step 0.01 s)
Operating modes Active only with loss of VT secondary ground (earth) stage or deactivated
circuit or always active Reset ratio Approx. 0.95
Characteristic 2 definite-time stages /1 inverse-time Tolerances
stage Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom
Instantaneous trip after switch-onto- Selectable for every stage Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
fault Instantaneous high-speed switch-onto-fault overcurrent protection
Definite-time stage (ANSI 50HS)
Pickup definite-time stage 1, phase 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A) Operating mode Active only after CB closing;
current (step 0.01 A) instantaneous trip after pickup
6 Pickup current 1 to 25 A(1A) / 5 to 125 A(5A)
Pickup definite-time stage 1, neutral 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A)
(residual) current (step 0.01A) (step 0.01 A)
Pickup definite-time stage 2, phase 0.1 to 25 A(1A) / 0.5 to 125 A(5A) Reset ratio Approx. 0.95
current (step 0.01A) Tolerances
Pickup definite-time stage 2, neutral 0.05 to 25 A(1A) / 0.25 to 125 A(5A) Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom
(residual) current (step 0.01 A) Operating time
Time delay for definite-time stages 0.0 to 30 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated With fast relays Approx. 13 ms
With high-speed trip outputs Approx. 8 ms
Current starting ≤ 3 % of setting value or 1 % of Inom Voltage protection (ANSI 59, 27)
Delay times ± 1 % of setting value or 10 ms Operating modes Local tripping and/or carrier trip im-
Operating time Approx. 25 ms pulse for remote end, only indication
Phase current starting 0.1 to 4 A(1A) / 0.5 to 20 A(5A) Pickup values VPH-Gnd>>, VPH-Gnd> 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V)
for inverse-time stage (step 0.01 A) (phase-earth overvoltage)
Neutral (residual) current starting 0.05 to 4 A(1A) / 0.25 to 20 A(5A) Pickup values VPH-PH>>, VPH-PH> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
for inverse-time stage (step 0.01 A) (phase-phase overvoltage)
Characteristic according Normal inverse, very inverse, Pickup values 3V0>>, 3V0> 1 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
to IEC 60255-3 extremely inverse, long time inverse (3V0 can be measured via V4 trans-
Time multiplier Tp = 0.05 to 3 s (step 0.01 s) or deacti- formers or calculated by the relay)
vated (zero-sequence overvoltage)
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x I / Ip Pickup values V1>>, V1> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
(positive-sequence overvoltage)
Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x I / Ip
Measured voltage Local positive-sequence
Tolerances voltage or calculated
Operating time for 2 ≤ I / Ip ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms remote positive-sequence
Characteristics according Inverse, short inverse, long inverse, voltage (compounding)
to ANSI/IEEE moderately inverse, very inverse, Pickup values V2>>, V2> 2 to 220 V (step 0.1 V)
extremely inverse, definite inverse (negative-sequence overvoltage)
Time dial DIP 0.50 to 15 s (step 0.01) or deacti-
Reset ratio (settable) 0.5 to 0.98 (step 0.01)
Pickup threshold Approx. 1.1 x M (M = I/Ip)
Reset threshold Approx. 1.05 x M
Operating time for 2 ≤ M ≤ 20 ≤ 5 % of setpoint ± 15 ms
Technical data
Undervoltage protection Auto-reclosure (ANSI 79)
Pickup values VPH-E<<, VPH-E< 1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V) Number of auto-reclosures Up to 8
(phase-earth undervoltage) Operating mode Only 1-pole; only 3-pole, 1- or 3-pole
Pickup values VPH-PH<<, VPH-PH< 1 to 170 V (step 0.1 V) Operating modes with line voltage DLC – dead-line check
(phase-phase undervoltage) check ADT – adaptive dead time
Pickup values V1<<, V1< 1 to 100 V (step 0.1 V) RDT – reduced dead time
(positive-sequence undervoltage) Dead times T1-PH, T3-PH, TSeq 0 to 1800 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Blocking of undervoltage protection Minimum current; binary input Action times 0.01 to 300 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Reclaim times 0.5 to 300 s (step 0.01 s)
Reset ratio 1.05
Start-signal monitoring time 0.01 to 300 s (step 0.01 s)
Time delays
Additional functions Synchro-check request
Time delay for 3 V0 stages 0 to 100 s (step 0.01 s)or deactivated 3-phase intertripping
Time delay for all other over- and 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated InterCLOSE command
undervoltage stages to the remote end
Command / pickup time Approx. 30 ms Check of CB ready state
Blocking with manual CLOSE
Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 0.5 V Voltage limit values for DLC, ADT,
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms RDT
Healthy line voltage 30 to 90 V (step 1 V)
Frequency protection (ANSI 81) Dead line 2 to 70 V (step 1 V)
Number of frequency elements 4 Tolerances 6
Setting range 45.5 to 54.5 Hz Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
(in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 50 Hz Voltage limit values ≤ 3 % of setting value or 0.5 V
55.5 to 64.5 Hz Synchro-check (ANSI 25)
(in steps of 0.01) at fnom = 60 Hz
Initiate options Auto-reclosure;
Delay times 0 to 600 s or ∞ (in steps of 0.01 s) Manual CLOSE control
Operating voltage range 6 to 230 V (phase-to-earth) Control commands
Pickup times Approx. 80 ms Operating modes
Dropout times Approx. 80 ms with auto-reclosure Synchro-check
Hysteresis Approx. 20 mHz Line dead/busbar live
Dropout condition Voltage = 0 V and current = 0 A Line live/busbar dead
Line and busbar dead
Tolerances Bypassing
Frequency 12 m Hz for V = 29 to 230 V For manual closure
Delay times 1 % of the setting value or 10 ms and control commands As for auto-reclosure
Breaker failure protection (ANSI 50BF) Permissible voltage difference 1 to 60 V (step 0.1 V)
Number of stages 2 Permissible frequency difference 0.03 to 2 Hz (step 0.01 Hz)
Pickup of current element 0.05 to 20 A(1A) / 0.25 to 100 A(5A) Permissible angle difference 2 to 80 ° (step 1 °)
(step 0.01 A)
Max. duration of synchronization 0.01 to 600 s (step 0.01 s) or deactivated
Time delays T11phase, T13phase, T2 0 to 30 s (steps 0.01 s) or deactivated
Release delay with synchronous 0 to 30 s (step 0.01 s)
Additional functions End-fault protection networks
CB pole discrepancy monitoring
Reset time 12 ms, typical; 25 ms max. Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Tolerances Voltage limit values ≤ 2 % of setting value or 2 V
Current limit value ≤ 5 % of setting value or 1 % Inom Trip circuit supervision (ANSI 74TC)
Time stages 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Number of supervisable trip circuits Up to 3
Number of required binary inputs 1 or 2
per trip circuit
Indication relay 1 to 30 s (step 1 s)
Technical data
Additional functions Control
Operational measured values Number of switching units Depends on the number of binary /
Representation Primary, secondary and percentage indication inputs and indication /
referred to rated value command outputs
Currents 3 x IPhase ; 3I0; IGnd sensitve; I1; I2; IY; 3I0PAR Control commands Single command / double command
1, 1 plus 1 common or 2 pole
Tolerances ≤ 0.5 % of indicated measured value
or 0.5 % Inom Feed back CLOSE, TRIP, intermediate position
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8 9 7 – 1/2 n A
8 9 7 – 1/2 n E
8 9 7 – 1/2 n J
16 17 7 – 1/1 n C
16 17 7 – 1/1 n G
16 17 7 – 1/1 n L
16 16 3 5 1/1 n N
16 16 3 5 1/1 n Q
16 16 3 5 1/1 n S
24 25 7 – 1/1 n D
24 25 7 – 1/1 n H
24 25 7 – 1/1 n M
24 24 3 5 1/1 n P
24 24 3 5 1/1 n R
24 24 3 5 1/1 n T
22 37 7 – 1/1 n U 5)
Port C
Empty 0
DIGSI/modem, electrical RS232 1
DIGSI/modem, electrical RS485 2
DIGSI/modem, optical 820 nm, ST connector 3
Port D
Optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 1.5 km
For communication networks3) or direct connection via multi-mode FO cable A
Optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 3.5 km
For direct communication via multi-mode FO cable B
Optical 1300 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 10 km
For direct communication via mono-mode FO cable C
Optical 1300 nm, 2 FC connectors, FO cable length up to 35 km
For direct communication via mono-mode FO cable D
New FO options4)
Protection and data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 25 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable5) G
Protection and data interface: optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 60 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable5) H
Protection and data interface: optical 1550 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 100 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable5) J
With Port E 9 N oo
Functions 1
Trip mode 3-pole 0
Trip mode 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location 1
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole 4
Trip mode 1 and 3-pole; BCD-coded output for fault location 5
Port E
Optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 1.5 km
For communication networks1) or direct connection via multi-mode FO cable A
Optical 820 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 3.5 km
For direct communication via multi-mode FO cable B
Optical 1300 nm, 2 ST connectors, FO cable length up to 10 km 6
For direct communication via mono-mode FO cable C
Optical 1300 nm, 2 FC connectors, FO cable length up to 35 km
For direct communication via mono-mode FO cable D
New FO options2)
Optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 25 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable3) G
Optical 1300 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 60 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable3) H
Optical 1550 nm, LC-Duplex connector
FO cable length up to 100 km for direct connection via mono-mode FO cable3) J
Functions 2
Distance protection characteristic Power swing detection Parallel line
(ANSI 21, 21N) (ANSI 68, 68T) compensation
Quadrilateral C
Quadrilateral and/or MHO E
Quadrilateral n F
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n H
Quadrilateral n1) K
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n1) M
Quadrilateral n n1) N
Quadrilateral and/or MHO n n1) Q
Functions 3
Auto-reclosure Synchro-check Breaker failure protection Over-/undervoltage
(ANSI 79) (ANSI 25) (ANSI 50BF) protection (ANSI 27, 59)
protection (ANSI 81)
6 n B
n C
n n D
n E
n n F
n n G
n n n H
n J
n n K
n n L
n n n M
n n N
n n n P
n n n Q
n n n n R
Functions 4
Direction ground(earth)-fault Measured values, extended
protection, grounded (earthed) Min, max, mean
networks (ANSI 50N, 51N, 67N)
n 1
n 4
n n 5
(generally contained in DIGSI Professional, but can be ordered additionally)
Software for graphic visualization, analysis and evaluation of fault records.
Can also be used for fault records of devices of other manufacturers
(Comtrade format). Running under MS Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP Professional.
Incl. templates, electronic manual with license for 10 PCs. 6
Authorization by serial number. On CD-ROM. 7XS5410-0AA00
Connector 2-pin C73334-A1-C35-1 1 Siemens 6/70
3-pin C73334-A1-C36-1 1 Siemens 6/71
AMP 1)
Crimp CI2 0.5 to 1 mm 0-827039-1 4000
connector 0-827396-1 1 AMP 1)
Fig. 6/69 Mounting rail for 19" rack
CI2 1 to 2.5 mm2 0-827040-1 4000 AMP 1)
0-827397-1 1 AMP 1)
Fig. 6/74
Housing 1/2 x 19”, basic version 7SA522*-*A, 7SA522*-*E and 7SA522*-*J
with 8 binary inputs and 16 binary outputs
Fig. 6/75
Serial interfaces
Fig. 6/76
Housing 1/1 x 19”, medium version 7SA522*-*C, 7SA522*-*G, 7SA522*-*L, 7SA522*-*N, 7SA522*-*Q and
7SA522*-*S with 16 binary inputs and 24 binary outputs
Fig. 6/78
Housing 1/2 x 19”, basic version 7SA522*-*A, 7SA522*-*E and 7SA522*-*J
with 8 binary inputs and 16 binary outputs
Fig. 6/79
Housing 1/1 x 19”, medium version 7SA522*-*C, 7SA522*-*G, 7SA522*-*L, 7SA522*-*N, 7SA522*-*Q and
7SA522*-*S with 16 binary inputs and 24 binary outputs
Side view 1 Side view 2 Panel cutout
Fig. 16/24
1/2 x 19" flush-mounting housing
Fig. 16/26
in 1/1 x 19" flush-mounting housing
Front view Side view
1/2 x 19" surface-mounting
housing 7XP20
Front view
1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing 7XP20
(without sloped FO case)
Fig. 16/27
1/2 and 1/1 x 19" surface-mounting housing