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Witchcraft Used Anda Rare Books

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The catalogue provides an overview of a collection of books related to Western witchcraft traditions from the 15th century to modern day, including some rare titles. It also provides information about subscribing to receive notifications of new catalogues.

The catalogue mostly features modestly priced used books from the second half of the 20th century but also includes some rarities. The oldest book is from 1568 while more recent rare titles include first editions from the 1960s.

Rare books mentioned include a 1568 dual volume on witchcraft, two important UK Acts related to witchcraft from the 18th century, and two scarce works on the Salem witch trials. Recent rarities include first books by Patricia and Arnold Crowther and a biography of Gerald Gardner.

Weiser Antiquarian Books Catalogue # 152

Witchcraft. Used and Rare Books.

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Welcome to the one-hundred-and-fifty-second of our on-line catalogues. This is another of our

Witchcraft catalogues, with most of the works relating to "The Western Witchcraft Tradition," spanning
the period from the late Middle-Ages, through the European
and American witch trials, to the modern witchcraft revival.
Most of the works listed are modestly priced used books from
the second half of the twentieth century, although there are
some rarities scattered throughout. The oldest volume in the
catalogue dates from 1568, and is a dual volume comprising
JohannesWeier's De Praestigiis Daemonum, alongside the
Theatrum De Veneficis by Abraham Saur. It is an extraordinary
looking volume: younger readers would immediately identify it
as the type of book that they'd expect to see gracing the shelves
of Hogwart's!

Other rarities include two historically important Parliamentary

Acts: An Act to repeal an Act, made in the Parliament of Ireland in the Twenty-eighth Year of the
Reign of Queen Elizabeth, against Witchcraft and Sorcery (1821) and "An Act to repeal the Statute
made in the First Year of the Reign of King James, the First, instituted, An Act againft Conjuration,
Witchcraft, and dealing with evil and wicked Spirits ......" (1736), and two scarce works on the Salem
witch-trials by George Henry Moore: Notes on the History of Witchcraft (1883) and Final Notes on
Witchcraft in Massachusetts (1885). More recent rarities include the first book by the "Queen of the
Sabbat and the Highpriest of the Sheffield Coven of Witches" - Patricia & Arnold Crowther, The Witches
Speak (1965), the First Edition of the biography of Gerald Gardner by "J. L. Bracelin," Gerald Gardner:
Witch (1960), and an exceptional copy of the Montague Summers edition of Richard Bovet's
Pandaemonium [or the Devil's Cloyster] (1951) with both dust-jacket variants.

As usual we have a variety of other catalogues in preparation including lists on Alchemy and Hermetica,
Magick and Grimoires, Mythology, Theosophy, and other of our specialties, with a few surprises along
the way. Of course we will also continue to regularly issue our Aleister Crowley, Spiritualism and
"Miscellany"catalogues. We also continue to add fresh titles to our website on a weekly basis, so don't
forget to click the "new arrivals" link at the left side of our homepage regularly.
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Further details about this catalog, and how to purchase books from it, can be found at the end of the

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Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druid, Goddess-Worshippers,
and Other Pagans in America Today. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1986. Revised
edition. ISBN: 0-8070-3253-0. Softcover. Large octavo. xviii + 596pp. B/w frontis.
& illustrations. Index. Adler's well known study of witches, druids, goddess-
worshippers and other neo-pagans in late twentieth century America. A few
small creases to wrappers, else a clean, tight VG+ copy. (52073) $20.00

Anonymous. "The Old Witchcrafts" an essay extracted

from "Chambers Repository of Instructive and Amusing
Tracts", (Volume II). NP (London and Edinburgh): NP
(William and Robert Chambers), ND (circa 1850).
Hardcover. Small octavo. 32pp. Privately bound in brown
cloth with black printed title label applied to upper board. Two steel engravings.
The author of the anonymous essay, "The Old Witchcrafts," looks with some
incredulity at the history of witch trials, particularly in Scotland and New England.
The essay was published in Volume II of "Chambers Repository of Instructive and
Amusing Tracts" (circa 1850). The pages have been extracted, and neatly bound in
stiff brown cloth boards. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-
libris seal blind-stamped on the first blank. A little light browning and foxing - but still Near fine
condition. (55413) $40.00

Anonymous. The Wonderful Discoverie of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and

Phillip Flower, daughters of Joan Flower neere Beuer Castle: Executed at
Lincolne, March 11, 1619 Who were Specially Arraigned & Condemned before
Sir Henry Hobert and Sir Edward Bromley, Judges of Assize, for Confessing
Themselves Actors in the Destruction of Henry, Lord Rosse, with their
Damnable Practises Against Others the Children of the Right Honourable Francis
Earle of Rutland. Together with the Severall Examinations and Confessions of
Anne Baker, Ioan Willimot and Ellen Greene, Witches in Leicestershire.
Leicester: Vance Harvey Publishing, 1970. Limited Edition Facsimile. Hardcover.
Octavo. 26pp + 16pp reproduction of the catalogue of publisher John Russell
Smith at rear. Printed paper covered boads. Edition limited to 500 copies. A
facsimile reprint of a nineteenth century reprint of this charming witch-craft pamphlet from 1619. A
tight clean Near fine copy. (no dust jacket issued). (55410) $30.00

Anonymous [Marion Green?]. A Hundred Questions on Witchcraft answered by

a Member of the Craft. London: Quest / Spook Enterprises, 1970. First Edition.
Softcover. 9.5 x 11. Quarto. 35pp. Staple bound. The first edition of this
publication presenting a series of "100 Questions" (and more importantly the
answers) posed to a representative or representatives of neo-pagan witchcraft.
It was published by the Editors of "Quest" magazine, under the rubric of "Spook
Enterprises" - both of which were run by Marian Green, who most likely edited
and/or contributed to the publication. Two pieces of related contemporary
ephemera loosely inserted. Homely "fanzine" type production values. Covers a
bit rubbed, staples a bit rusty, still a clean VG copy. (55412) $40.00
Anonymous [Parliament of Ireland]. An Act to repeal an Act, made in the
Parliament of Ireland in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of Queen
Elizabeth, against Witchcraft and Sorcery. London: George Eyre and
Andrew Strahan, 1821. First Edition. Two conjoined leaves. Folio (12 x 7 ½
inches) Two conjoined leaves, disbound. Text on the recto of the first leaf
only (verso and conjoined leaf blank). Disbound: extracted from a collection
of Parliamentary Acts. Royal coat of arms at head of page, then "Anno
Primo & Secundo Georgii IV. Regis.," then the name of the act, plus a brief
(ten line) description of its purpose, followed by the printer's details.
This act - which passed - was entitled "An Act to repeal an Act, made in the
Parliament of Ireland in the Twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of Queen
Elizabeth, against Witchcraft and Sorcery." It referred to a 1586 Statute
"against the practices of the wicked offences of conjurations, and of
invocations of evill spirites, and of sorceries, enchantments, charms and witchcrafts" was passed by the
Irish Parliament, which allowed for the execution of anyone found guilty of causing death by spells or
charms, with lesser penalties for other offences. Although very seldom used it remained on the Statute
Books until this legislation was passed in 1821. A few light marks, but overall VG+, an attractive and
historic item that would display nicely if framed. (55455) $150.00

Anonymous [Parliament of Westminster]. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminister, the
Fourteenth Day of January, Anno Dom. 1734 .... ["An Act to repeal the Statute made in the First Year
of the Reign of King James, the First, instituted, An Act againft Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing
with evil and wicked Spirits ......"]. London: John Baskett, 1736. First Edition. Three leaves. Folio (12 x 7
½ inches). Disbound but complete in themselves. Three folio leaves extracted from a collection of
Parliamentary Acts. With printed coat of arms and one highly decorative initial. The first leaf is
effectively the title page, and is printed on the recto only, the second leaf is
printed on both sides, and the third leaf is blank.
The first leaf is headed "Anno Regni, Georgii II. Regis Magna Britannio,
Francio, & Hibernio, Nono," followed by two paragraphs giving formal
announcement of the sitting of Parliament, beneath which are the Royal coat
of arms. The second and the third leaf describe the purpose of the act which
is outlined in the first paragraph:
An Act to repeal the Statute made in the First Year of the Reign of King James,
the First, intituled, An Act againft Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing with
evil and wicked Spirits, except fo much thereof as repeals an Act of the Fifth
Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Againft Conjurations, Inchantments, and
Witchcrafts, and to repeal an Act paffed in the Parliament of Scotland in the
Ninth Parliament of Queen Mary, intituled, Anentis Witchcrafts, and for
punifhing fuch Perfons as pretent to exercife or ufe any kind of Witchcraft,
Sorcery, Inchantment, or Conjuration."
As suggested the aim of the Act was to repeal the existing Acts which governed laws concerning
witchcraft in England. The most notorious of these was the Witchcraft Act of 1562 which decreed that
anyone who did "use, practise, or exercise any Witchcraft, Enchantment, Charm, or Sorcery, whereby
any person shall happen to be killed or destroyed," would be condemned a felon and put to death. This
act had been revised by Elizabeth's successor, James I, whose 1604 "Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft
and dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits" extended its stretch in a number of ways, including that
anyone who "invoked evil spirits or communed with familiar spirits," was also guilty of a capital offence.
The two Acts fundamentally changed the laws pertaining to witchcraft in England, removing them from
the jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical to that of the common courts. Whilst making witchcraft an ordinary
crime gave the condemned the dubious benefit that they would be hung rather than burned, it also
brought in to play civil penalties such as forfeiture of property which meant that some local officials now
had a financial stake in the number of witches that they brought to trial and saw convicted. It might not
be overly cynical to observe that it was no co-incidence that that there followed the greatest period of
witch-hunting in English history.
The "Witchcraft Act 1735" which was promulgated in this document, represented a complete change of
attitude. Capital punishment, and the crime of Witchcraft, as such, was done away with. Instead
anyone claiming to have the powers of a witch, or the ability to cast spells, see the future etc., was
simply to be treated as a swindler, and fined or imprisoned according to the extent of their fraud.
A little discolored but overall near fine. An important and attractive document in the history of
Witchcraft. (55454) $200.00

N. F. Armstrong, Sussex Witchcraft (Viewing Sussex Series). Cornwall: James Pike,

1976. First Edition. ISBN: 0859321711. Softcover. Booklet. 32pp. Stapled pamphlet.
B/w map & illustrations. A short monograph on witchcraft from the historical
"Viewing Sussex" series done by James Pike. Small crease to top-edge of front
cover, else a clean near-Fine copy. (52065) $6.00

Henry Boguet, Translated by E. Allen Ashwin. Edited by Montague Summers. An Examen of Witches:
Drawn from various trials of many of this sect in the district of Saint Oyan De Joux commonly of
Burgundy including the procedure necessary to a judge in trials for witchcraft. Great Britian: John
Rodker, 1929 . First Edition Thus. Hardcover. Octavo. 328pp. Original green parchment covered boards.
Rubricated headings and margin notes. Green top edge. Limited to 1275 numbered
copies, of which this copy is number 484. The first English edition of one of the
most notorious of the early witch-hunting texts. The author of the work, Henri
Boguet (1550-1619), was a respected judge and the President of the Tribunal in St
Claude in the Jura region of France. He gained a reputation for the cruelty and zeal
of his persecutions, and is personally said to have pronounced or confirmed the
death sentence on over six hundred 'witches.' His Examen of Witches [Discours
Sorciers] became one of the standard text books of witch-hunting in France. The
book contains a significant amount of witch lore, much obtained under torture, with
much on the Sabbat and the sexual relations that allegedly took place between
witches and their demonic masters - a subject which seemed to hold a particular
fascination for Boguet. The work is also famous as one of the earliest published
sources on werewolves - based on Boguet's first hand observations. Boards slightly discolored & lightly
bowed (as often), light bumps to corners, page-edges slightly darkened and pages lightly browned,
otherwise a solid, internally-clean better than VG copy (no dust jacket). (48910) $85.00
Richard Bovet, Introduction & notes by Montague Summers. Pandaemonium [or the Devil's Cloyster].
Kent, UK: The Hand and Flower Press, 1951. First Edition Thus. Hardcover. Large
octavo. xxviii + 192pp. Original red cloth lettered in gilt on spine, multi-colored title
design on front board. B/w frontis. Facsimile title page. Notes. A limited edition of
1000 copies (not individually numbered) printed on rag paper. AN EXCEPTIONAL
First published in 1684 with the subtitle "Being a further Blow to Modern
Sadduceism, Proving the Existence of
Witches and Spirits in a Discourse
deduced from the Fall of the Angels, the
Propagation of Satans Kingdom before
the Flood: The Idolatry of the Ages after,
greatly advancing Diabolical
Confederacies. With an Account of the Lives and Transactions
of several Notorious Witches. Also; A Collection of several
Authentick Relations of Strange Apparitions of Dæmons and
Spectres, and Fascinations of Witches, never before Printed."
The book is a striking refutation of the scepticism of Scot and
Webster: Bovet fervently argues the reality of witchcraft both
on theological grounds and by citing a number of supposed recent
examples. His work is at least as much an attack on the Papacy and its supporters, which like witchcraft
he saw as evidence of the Devil's work. Summers who provided the new Introduction never got to see
the completion of this volume, as it was in press at the time that he died. Spine ends bruised, page-
edges lightly browned, endpapers a little darkened, otherwise a clean near Fine copy in VG examples of
both the original printed dust jacket, and original glassine underjacket. (Printed paper dust jacket a bit
darkened at spine and outer margins, slightly grubby, edges a bit chafed and chipped). Unusual,
especially in such lovely condition. (55369) $250.00

Robin Briggs, Witches & Neighbors: The Social and Cultural Context of European
Witchcraft. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1996. First UK Edition. ISBN:
0002158442. Hardcover. Large octavo. xviii + 456pp. Black papered boards
lettered in gilt on spine. B/w illustrations. Notes, list of further reading & index. An
important and meticulously researched modern study that stresses the
importance of the local context - particular regional petty-politics and
scapegoating - at the time of the witch hunts. From the collection of Dr. M. H.
Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the front free endpaper. Page-
edges toned, offsetting from an old invoice has left an extensive "ghost" of printed
text on the otherwise blank front free endpaper, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy
in VG+ dust jacket. (52051) $12.00

David C. Brown, A Guide to the Salem Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692. NP

[Massachusetts]: Privately published, 1984. First Edition. Softcover. Octavo. 132pp.
Printed wrappers. Maps, bibliograpy, b&w photographs. A nicely-produced self-
published guide to the witchcraft hysteria in Salem Massachusetts. Includes a
history, chronology, maps, photos taken by the author and a bibliography. Edges
lightly chafed, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy. (55400) $15.00
George Lincoln Burr, (Editor). Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases 1648-1706. New
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. xviii + 468pp.
Original green cloth lettered in gilt on spine. Index. The first edition of a significant
collection of narratives and testimonies from the New England witchcraft trials. Cloth
lightly rubbed, spine ends bruised and lightly rubbed, page-edges & endpapers evenly
toned, still a tight, clean, solid VG + copy (no dust jacket). (49377) $75.00

Isabel Cameron, A Highland Chapbook. Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1928. First Edition.
Hardcover. Octavo. 134pp. White cloth spine with paper title-label, grey papered boards. A collection
of essays, many previously published in newspapers and magazines, on the folklore etc. of the
Scottish Highlands. In fact the majority of the book is on the occult, as can be seen from the chapter
headings: The Chapbook Man; Hoarded Household Words; The Pure box; By Tuck O' Drum and the
Harden Goun; Concerning Curses; Concerning Charms; Omens, The Evil Eye, Mascots; Witches and
Warlocks; Mediums of Magic, White and Black; Shape Shifting; The Brotherhood of the Horse-Man’s
Word; Water Kelpies; The Religion of the Highlander. Curiously the chapter on "The Brotherhood of
the Horse-Man’s Word" quotes J. W. Brodie-Innes, a prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the
Golden Dawn, on the subject. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-
stamped on the front free endpaper. Boards discolored around edges, small bump to fore-edge of
front board, page-edges foxed & browned, another previous owner's name blind-stamped on front free
endpaper, excised flap blurb from original (now missing) dust jacket tipped to front pastedown, else a
solid, internally-clean near-VG copy (no dust jacket). (51830) $20.00

John Gregorson Campbell, Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of
Scotland. Tales and Traditions collected entirely from Oral Sources. Glasgow,
Scotland: James MacLehose, 1902. First edition. Hardcover. Octavo. xii & 314pp &
(i-colophon). Original dark blue cloth with gilt title and author to spine. The first
edition of this classic collection of material on "witchcraft, second sight, hobgoblins,
and other kindred subjects', collected entirely from oral tradition. The accounts are
divided under six main chapter or subject headings: Black Witchcraft, White
Witchcraft, Death Warnings, Second Sight, Hobgoblins, & The Celtic Year. Cloth a
little rubbed, mostly at corners and spine ends. Armorial bookplate on front
pastedown, gift inscription dated 1902 on front blank, endpapers and three
conjunct leaves of the Index unevenly browned, page edges a bit browned and foxed. Overall a tight
clean VG copy (no dust jacket). (55382) $200.00

John C. Chadwick, (Illustrated by Kate Mayely / Lindsey Greenhill). Folklore and

Witchcraft in Dorset and Wiltshire. Dorset: N.J. Clarke Publications, nd ( circa
1984 ). First Edition. ISBN: 0907683126. Softcover. Small octavo. 38pp. Stapled
illustrated card covers; b&w illustrations. A popular account. Chapters include:
"Local Customs", "Ghosts", "Superstitions", "Witchcraft" "Traditional Cures and
Herbs" etc. Very light rubbing and darkening to covers otherwise a tight and
clean VG+ copy. (55402) $10.00
William Crawford, Tales of Auld Kirk and its Witches. NP [ Scotland ]: Telegraph
Printing Works, 1949. First Edition. Hardcover. Small octavo. 68pp. Original green
cloth with gilt lettering to upper board. An unusual work on the history of witchcraft
in the Inverkip area of Scotland. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his
ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the first blank. Light chafing to extremities, a few
light bumps to edges, otherwise a tight bright VG+ copy (no dust jacket if called for).
(55396) $125.00

Patricia & Arnold Crowther, (Special Chapter by J. Insall-Mason). The Witches Speak.
Isle of Mann: Athol Press, 1965. First Edition. Softcover. Standard paperback. 152 pp.
Illustrated covers, b&w illustrations. The scarce first book by the "Queen of the
Sabbat and the Highpriest of the Sheffield Coven of Witches" Patricia Crowther (b.
1927) and her then-husband Arnold Crowther (1909-1974). Patricia Crowther was
initiated into witchcraft by Gerald Gardner in 1960 and became the High Priestess of
the Sheffield Coven which she and her then-husband founded in 1961. Covers a bit
rubbed, edges chafed, spine chafed & creased with a bit of chipping at edges and
ends, page edges darkened and thumbed, pages lightly toned. Still, a Good unmarked
copy. Genuinely hard to find in any condition. (53351) $185.00

Lucy De Bruyn, Woman and the Devil in Sixteenth Century Literature. Wiltshire:
Bear Books/Compton Press, 1979. First Edition. ISBN: 0900193727. Hardcover. Tall
octavo. xii + 180pp. Red cloth lettered in gilt on spine. B/w illustrations.
Bibliography & index. A detailed study in comparative literature on the subject of
women and the devil, using English, Dutch, German and other European sources.
Spine ends and bottom-edges of boards rubbed, corners bumped, otherwise a
clean VG copy in near-VG dust jacket (dust jacket lightly worn, discolored, a few
small edge-tears). (52081) $15.00

Jack De Lissa, (editor).

"Witchcraft in England" article in
"Squire: The New Magazine for
Modern Men," Vol. 3, No. 11,
September 1967. Sydney, AU: D.B
Publications, 1967. First Edition.
Softcover. Small quarto. Magazine
format. 46pp. Illustrated stapled
wrappers. B/w & some color
illustrations. Australian vintage
"Esquire" type magazine. This issue contains a 4-page article by Robert
Eddison, 'Witchcraft in England', a contemporary appraisal of Wiccan practises in England, with some
focus on Alex Sanders; the article is accompanied by b/w & color photos, mostly of Alex Sanders and
Maxine Morris (later Maxine Sanders) nude in various ritual activities. This issue also contains a short
story by Frank Moorhouse and a 'girly' pictorial photographed by Rennie Ellis. Wrappers lightly worn,
large tear to front wrapper has been crudely repaired on verso with plastic tape (which is now
browned), price blacked out on front wrapper, tiny fore-edge nick to back wrapper, still a solid Good+
copy. (53098) $40.00

C. L'Estrange Ewen, Some Witchcraft Criticisms. A Plea for the Blue Pencil. London:
Privately published, 1938. First Edition. Softcover. Small octavo. 6pp. + iipp listing of
other titles by the author. Printed stapled wrappers. An interesting and compelling
rebuttal by C. L'Estrange Ewen, of the criticisms that Margaret Murray levelled
against his books "Witch Hunting and Witch Trials" (1929) and "Witchcraft and
Demonianism" (1933). From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris
seal blind-stamped on the first blank. Cover slightly darkened; a few small creases,
pages toned. A clean VG+ copy. Unusual. (55407) $45.00

A. Farquharson-Coe, Hants & Dorset Witchcraft. St. Ives, Cornwall, England: James
Pike, 1975. First Edition. ISBN: 0859321630. Softcover. Small octavo. 32pp. Stapled
pamphlet; glossy printed wrappers, map, b&w illustrations. A short monograph on
witchcraft from the historical "Viewing Hants & Dorset" series done by James Pike of
Cornwall. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-
stamped on the first blank. A little light rubbing and creasing to covers, otherwise a
tight and bright VG copy. (55390) $10.00

Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches' Goddess. The Feminine Principle of
Divinity. Blaine WA: Phoenix Publishing, ND ( Circa 2008 ). Reprint. ISBN:
9780919345911. Softcover. Large octavo. 320 pp. b&w line illustrations by
Stewart Farrar, photographs by Stewart Farrar, biblio and index. A study by the
late Stewart Farrar, and his wife Janet, both stalwarts of the Alexandrian tradition
of witchcraft. Covers lightly rubbed, price sticker on rear cover - otherwise a
tight clean, Fine copy (appears unread). (54800) $15.00

Janet and Stewart Farrar, (Appendix by Doreen Valiente). The Witches Way: Principles, Rituals
and Beliefs of Modern Witchcraft. Custer, WA: Phoenix Publishing, 1984. First US Edition. ISBN:
0919345719. Hardcover. Large octavo. [x] + 350pp. Brown boards gilt-lettered on spine. Glossary,
bibliography & index. B/w plates & illustrations. The authors, Janet Farrar (b. 1950) and Stewart
Farrar (1916 – 2000) met when they were initiated into Alexandrian witchcraft by the tradition's
founders, Alex and Maxine Sanders in the early 1970s. They went on to marry and co-author a
number of books on witchcraft and modern neo-paganism. "The Witches Way" continues along
the lines of "Eight Sabbats for Witches' It "gives in full the first, second and third degree intiation
rites, the consecration rites, and the many non-ritual passages of the "Book of Shadows" with
detailed notes and comments." Light bump and tiny tear at lower spine otherwise a tight, clean near
Fine copy in mylar protected VG+ dust jacket.. (54999) $20.00
Ian Ferguson, The Philosophy of Witchcraft. London: George G. Harrap, 1924. First
edition. Hardcover. Small octavo. 220pp.+2pp. ads., cloth, bibliography. Original
black cloth with gilt title etc to spine. An unusually sympathetic study for its time,
which largely foreshadows the modern view of witchcraft as the survival of pre or
non-Christian spiritual belief system. Chapters include 'The Origins of the Witch,'
'Early Christianity and the Witch,' 'Magic and Medicine,' 'Folk-lore - The Refuge of
Dreams,' 'The Triumph of Theology,' 'etc. etc. From the collection of Dr. M. H.
Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the first blank. Cloth lightly rubbed,
upper board lightly bowed, corners and spine ends lightly bumped & chafed, page
edges and endpapers a bit browned, paper toned, owner's details on front
pastedown, otherwise a tight, clean VG copy (lacks dustwrapper). (55381) $60.00

Gavin and Yvonne Frost, The Magic Power of Witchcraft. West Nyack, NY: Parker
Publishing Company, Inc., 1982. Reprint. ISBN: 0135453763. Hardcover. Large octavo.
203pp. Original yellow papered boards with purple titling to spine. A hardcover
reprint edition of this guide to rituals and white magic techniques written by Gavin
and Yvonne Frost, pioneering and sometimes controversial members of the American
Wiccan community who in 1968 founded the Church and School of Wicca. Very light
rubbing to edges and shelf dust, boards a bit darkened at extreme edges, otherwise a
tight and clean VG+ copy in VG dust jacket. (Dust jacket lightly chafed at edges, not
clipped). (55363) $20.00

Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft. York Beach, ME: WeiserBooks, 2004.
Reprint. ISBN: 9781578633098. Softcover. Large octavo.xii + 272pp, glossy pictorial
card covers, b&w illustrations. First published in 1959 this book is effectively a
sequel to the author's "Witchcraft Today," and draws from his extensive historical
researches, as well as practical experience in his own Covens. Chapter titles: The
Witch Cult in Britain; Witch's Memories and Beliefs; The Stone Age Origins of
Witchcraft; Some Religious Ideas of Early Britain; Druidism and the Aryan Celts;
Witchcraft in Roman and Saxon Times; Magic Thinking; Curious Beliefs about
Witches; Signs and Symbols; The Black Mass; Some Allegations Examined; The
Future, Appendixes. Includes a number of references to Aleister Crowley. Price
sticker on rear cover, otherwise appears unused - thus in near Fine condition. (54801) $16.00

[Gerald Gardner: related work ] Philip Heselton. Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of
Inspiration: An Investigation into the Sources of Gardnerian Witchcraft. Milverton,
Somerset, England: Capall Bann Publishing, 2003. First Edition. ISBN: 1861631642.
Softcover. Octavo. 438pp. Glossy pictorial card covers, B/w illustrations. An important
study of the origins of Gardnerian witchcraft - with much fresh information on
Gardner's relationship with contemparies such as Ross Nichols, Dion Fortune and
Aleister Crowley. Slight crease and a couple of minor scratches to title-page,
otherwise a clean, tight VG+ copy. (53821) $30.00
[Gerald Gardner: related work ] J. L. Bracelin, (pseud. of Idries Shah). Gerald
Gardner: Witch. London: Octagon Press, 1960. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo.
224pp. Original red cloth with gilt titling to spine, b&w illustrations, select
bibliography, index. First edition of this scarce early biography of Gerald Gardner.
Although attributed to Jack L. Bracelin, the book was apparently actually written by
Idries Shah (1924 – 1996), a well known writer and teacher on Sufism, and founder
of the Octagon Press. Bracelin was a friend of Gerald Gardner's, and had been
initiated into the craft by Doreen Valiente, later serving as High Priest of the
Bricket Wood coven. Bracelin introduced Shah to Gardner, with the result being
this book, more-or-less the "authorised" biography of Gerald Gardner. Shah
apparently used Bracelin's name as Bracelin was publically identified with Gardner,
and Shah did not want his own Sufi students confused as to his allegiances. Boards
a bit rubbed and darkened overall, some light bumps to edges and extremities, points lightly chafed,
page edges a bit darkened and thumbed, pages lighty toned. Still overall a tight, unmarked VG copy in
near near VG dust jacket. (Dust jacket a bit darkened and rubbed overall with a bit of chafing and
chipping to edges and points, not clipped) (55367) $200.00

Gemma Gary, Traditional Witchcraft. A Cornish Book of Ways. London: Troy Books,
2011. Revised Second Edition. ISBN: 9780956104366. Hardcover. Octavo. 224pp &
[xxxiipp full page b&w photographs]. Red cloth with silver lettering to spine and
silver labyrinth device to upper board. This copy inscribed & signed by the author
on the half title page. In this second revised edition much of the text has been re-
written, with the introduction and the chapter exploring 'The Bucca" being much
expanded from the first edition. Also includes an additional 37 plates not in the 1st
printings. "Traditional Witchcraft" is a 21st century version of traditional Cornish
witchcraft: a drawing into modern times of the ancient practices of lore and magic
of the white witches, charmers, conjurers and pellars of the Cornish villages. Ms
Gary sources not only from published material, but also from the experiences and
workings of 'wise women' and country witches living today. Topics include the Cunning Path, the Dead
and the Underworld (Fairy Faith), the Bucca, Places of Power in the villages and landscape, the Tools
used by Cunning Folk (working versions of what can be seen, for example, in the Museum of Witchcraft),
Village cunning, substances and charms, and Rites of the Year's Round. This book gathers much material
together, some of which has not been seen in print before, and thus provides a sourcebook of magical
workings in Cornwall today, which will be an invaluable reference. Very light bumps to corners -
otherwise appears unused. Thus near Fine condition. (no dust jacket issued) (52314) $250.00

Malcolm Gaskill, Hellish Nell: Last of Britain's Witches. London: Fourth Estate,
2001. First Edition. ISBN: 1841151092. Hardcover. Octavo. xiv + 402pp. Black cloth
lettered in silver on spine. B/w illustrations. A biography of Scottish-born Helen
Duncan the spiritual medium who in 1944 became the last person in England to be
jailed under the Witchcraft Act of 1735. Page-edges age-toned, else a sharp, clean
Fine copy in Fine dust jacket. (52032) $12.00
Migene Gonzalez-Wippler, Book of Shadows. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn
Publications, 2014. Reprint. ISBN: 9780738702131. Softcover. Octavo. xx + 218pp +
adverts. b&w illustrations, bibliography. Gloss pictorial wrappers. The author,
Migene González-Wippler, is an anthropologist and Santeria initiate, who has
written a number of books on different aspects of Santeria and the occult including
"The Santería Experience"; "The Complete Book of Amulets & Talismans"; "A
Kabbalah for the Modern World" and others. In this volume González-Wippler
explains both practical and spiritual aspects of Wiccan traditions including the
significance of Moon phases, herbs, colors, crystals, common magical tools, and
other implements in ceremonies and rituals. Price sticker on rear cover otherwise
appears new thus near Fine condition. (54984) $12.00

Raven Grimassi, Spirit of the Witch. Religion and Spirituality in Contemporary

Witchcraft. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2003. First Edition, Second
printing. ISBN: 9780738703381. Softcover. Octavo. xiv + 244pp. + adverts.
Endnotes, appendices, glossary, bibliography and index. From the publisher:
"Award-winning Wiccan author and scholar Raven Grimassi presents an insightful
portrait of the spirit of the Witch. He explores the spiritual element of the rituals,
practices, and beliefs of Witchcraft, and how these elements apply not only to
the seasons of nature, but also to the mystical seasons of the soul. Literate and
positive, Spirit of the Witch examines the oral tradition of Witches, as well as the
cultural, literary, anthropological, and historical roots of Witchcraft. Revealed
within these pages is the fascinating secret life of the Witch-guardian of the
sacred mysteries, channel of magical forces, and keeper of the doorway between worlds." Price sticker
on rear cover, otherwise appears unused thus near Fine condition. (54992) $12.00

Peter Haining, Anatomy of Witchcraft. London: Souvenir Press, 1972. First UK

edition. ISBN: 0285620479. Hardcover. Octavo. [vi] + 212pp. Original black cloth
gilt-lettered on spine. B/w illustrations & photos. Bibliography. A broad ranging
study drawing from historical and modern sources: amongst those who the author
acknowledges as having "made specific contributions" to the work are Gerald
Gardner, Monique Wilson, Patricia Crowther, Alex Sanders, Sybil Leek, etc. In the
'Frontiers of the Unknown' series. Corners and spine ends lightly bruised and
chafed, clean VG+ copy in VG dust jacket (dust jacket a little chafed and creased at
edges and folds, price clipped). (49395) $30.00

Michael Harrison, (Foreword by Colin Wilson). The Roots of Witchcraft. Secaucus,

NJ: Citadel, 1974. First US Edition. ISBN: 0806504447. Hardcover. Large octavo.
278pp. White cloth spine lettered in red, black papered boards. Title page vignette.
B/w illustrations. Bibliography & index. Errata slip. As the title suggests, the author
seeks to trace and examine the very beginnings of the phenomenon that became
known as witchcraft. Like Murray he sees it as the offspring of an ancient fertility
cult, but narrows his focus, even speculating as to the origin of the 'language of the
witches.' Light bumping and rubbing to lower spine and lower corners, slight
discoloration to page-edges, otherwise a clean, tight VG+ copy in near VG dust jacket
(dust jacket, panels rubbed and a bit discoloured, edges lightly chafed & chipped,
price-clipped). (55374) $20.00
Christina Hole, Witchcraft In England. London: B. T. Batsford , 1945. First Edition.
Hardcover. Large octavo. 168pp. Original red cloth gilt-lettered on spine. B/w (&
sepia) frontis. & illustrations by Mervyn Peake; the dust jacket also features an
atmospheric Peake illustration. A study of the history and beliefs about witchcraft
in England by the well-known folk-lorist Christina Hole. Spine ends and corners
lightly bruised and chafed, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy in near VG dust
jacket (dust jacket rubbed, chipping to edges, slight loss at top of spine, tape
repair on verso at upper spine, not clipped). (49378) $40.00

Ronald Holmes, Witchcraft in History. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1977. First US
Softcover Edition. ISBN: 0806505753. Softcover. Large octavo. 272pp. Bibliography
& index. Map. An exploration of the relationship between British witchcraft beliefs
and broader political and social developments within the UK. Previously published
under the title 'Witchcraft in British History.' Page-edges toned, a few small creases
to wrappers, else a clean, tight VG copy. (52076) $10.00

Michael Howard, Welsh Witches and Wizards. Richmond Vista,

CA: Three Hands Press, 2009. First Edition, limited. Hardcover.
Octavo. 182pp. Deep navy cloth with gilt titing to spine and device to upper board.
Black endpapers. Title page illustration, bibliography. A limited edition of 300 hand
numbered copies. The first in what is to be a four book series, the author looks at
the widespread belief in witches and wizards in Wales, which reflects a land steeped
in legend and myth since ancient times. This popular belief in witchcraft bears little
relation to modern neo-pagan Wicca, and there is little evidence of its linkage to a
nature religion based on a pre-Christian fertility cult. This book describes the
historically-attested Welsh practitioners of folk magic and witchcraft –the Dark
Sisters and the Toadmen, the Druids and Wizards, the Cunning Men and Faery
Doctors – and the charms and spells they used. Also examined are surviving pagan beliefs associated
with holy wells and the cult of the sacred head, and the mysterious and sometimes sinister ‘creatures of
the night’ such as faeries, lake monsters, dragons and Black Dogs. Light bruising to spine ends and
corners, otherwise appears unused. Near fine condition. (no dust jacket as issued) (52595) $200.00

Michael Howard and Daniel A. Schulke (Edited by) Various authors, including
Andrew Chumbley, David Rankine, and Raven Grimasse, among others. Hands of
Apostasy. Essays on Traditional Witchcraft. Richmond Vista, CA: Three Hands
Press, 2014. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 384 pages. Pewter cloth with red
lettering to spine, black endpapers, 26 b&w illustrations, index. Edition limited to
1,000 copies. "Hands of Apostasy" is a groundbreaking witchcraft anthology
presenting nineteen articles written by both scholars and practitioners, addressing
such crucial Old Craft topics the Devil, Initiation, the relation of witchcraft to the
grimoire corpus, the mysticism and magic of herbs, folk-charming, the nocturnal
flight, the Romantic movement, the witches’ cauldron, and the powers of moon
and tide. Representing widely-varying witchcraft traditions and perspectives, the
book is a sound testament to the Craft’s history, diversity and strength, as well as the characteristic
marks of an evolving and contemplative tradition. Contents are: The Magic of History: Some
Considerations by Andrew Chumbley; A Family Craft Tradition by Douglas McIlwain; Killing the Moon:
Witchcraft Initiations in the Mountains of the Southern United States by Corey Hutcheson; Pentacles of
Wood by David Rankine; Moon-Raking in the Old Craft by Cecil Williamson; The Cauldron of Pure
Descent by Martin Duffy; Spirits and Deific Forms: Faith and Belief in British Old Craft by Melusine Draco;
Waking the Dead: The Ancient Magical Art of Necromancy by Michael Howard; The Witching Hour by
Peter Hamilton Giles; The Man in Black by Gemma Gary; Origins and Rationales of Modern Witch Cults
by Andrew Chumbley; Mirror, Moon and Tides by Levannah Morgan; The Traditional Witchcraft of Ellan
Vannin by Manxwitch; Unchain the Devil! by Radomir Ristic; Where the Three Roads Meet: Oneiric
Praxis in the Sabbatic Craft by Jimmy Elwing; Pharmakeute: Witches as the Plant People of Old Europe
by Raven Grimassi; Conjure-Charms of the Welsh Marches by Gary St. Michael Nottingham; The
Blasphemy of Things Unseen by Daniel A. Schulke and Romantic Age Roots of Traditional Witchcraft by
Lee Morgan. Appears new, thus Fine in lightly rubbed, near fine dust jacket. (54902) $50.00

Michael Howard, Illustrated by Gemma Gary. Liber Nox: A Traditional Witch's

Gramarye. Cheltenham, UK: Skylight Press, 2014. First Edition. ISBN:
9781908011855. Softcover. Octavo. 218pp. Gloss pictorial wrappers. B&w
illustrations by Gemma Gary. Appendix, bibliography, index. From the cover:
"Michael Howard delineates between various modern neo-pagan Wiccan
traditions, cunning folk traditions, heathen folk or the 'pagani,' and an assortment
of ritual magicians and pathworkers in order to present a 'gramarye' distinctly for
those who aspire to the 'Old Craft.' An experienced practitioner, writer, researcher,
folklorist and magazine editor of the respected witchcraft magazine, The Cauldron
(since 1976), Howard elucidates important elements of the Traditional Craft,
including preparation rituals, tools of 'the Arte,' fellowship of the coven and the casting of circles, finally
taking us through the Great Wheel of the Year and the assortment of sacred rites as performed within.
The seasonal rituals are based on traditional witchcraft and folklore sources and have been specially
written for this book." As new - Fine condition. (54987) $15.00

Oliver Madox Hueffer, The Book of Witches. London: Eveleigh Nash, 1908. First
edition. Hardcover. Large octavo, xii+ 336pp. Original black cloth illustrated in blind
with gilt titling to spine, bibliography. An often humorous popular history and
overview of witchcraft by Oliver Madox Hueffer (1876 - 1931), a prolific writer and
journalist who was renowned for his sexual and other exploits. His legacy is now
largely overshadowed by that of his older brother, the modernist author Ford Madox
Ford. One contemporary reviewer described "The Book of Witches," as "combining
some erudition with much whimsical entertainment." Presumably it was one or the
other - or possibly both - that caused Gerald Gardner to acquire a copy, as one is
recorded as having been in his library. Cloth well rubbed with chafing to all edges and
points, a number of short closed tears to spine ends, corners bumped, a few bumps and snags to cloth
at edges of boards, endpapers darkened and a bit grubby, half a dozen witch-related news clippings
affixed to front endpapers and half title pages with considerable offsetting, page edges thumbed, paper
toned. Still a solid and unmarked Good copy of a scarce book. (no dust jacket). (55395) $95.00
Pennethorne Hughes, Witchcraft. Middlesex England etc: Penguin, 1965. Reprint.
Softcover. Pocket sized. viii + 220 pp. Illustrated wrappers, b&w illustrations, biblio
and index. A reprint of this interesting if tendentious history. It was supposedly
written in response to what he perceived as misrepresentations of 'the craft' in this
book that Gerald Gardner published his 'Witchcraft Today' two years later. Covers a
bit worn, chafed and creased, edges darkened and thumbed, paper well browned. Still
overall a clean serviceable Good copy. (55397) $6.00

Paul Huson, Mastering Witchcraft. A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks, and
Covens. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1970 . Book Club Edition. Hardcover. Octavo.
254pp. Black faux leather with blind stamp design on front cover, red title, etc. to
spine. With illustrations by the author. A book club edition of this popular guide to
non-Wiccan witchcraft written in 1969. Everything from first steps through
divination, love spells, magical attack and defence, and how to form your own coven.
Corners and and spine ends lightly bumped and chafed, page edges very slightly
darkened, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy in VG dust jacket (dust jacket a bit
chafed and creased at all extremities, a few tiny chips and tears, not clipped) (55366)

Ronald Hutton, The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Reprint. ISBN: 9780198207443. Hardcover.
Octavo. xvi + 486pp. Illustrated papered boards. Notes, index. From the publisher:
"The Triumph of the Moon is the first full-scale study of the only religion England has
ever given the world--modern pagan witchcraft, otherwise known as wicca. ... For
centuries, pagan witchcraft has been linked with chilling images of blood rituals,
ghostlike druids, and even human sacrifices. But while Robert Hutton explores this
dark side of witchery, he stresses the positive, reminding us that devotion to art, the
natural world, femininity, and the classical deities are also central to the practice of
wicca. Indeed, the author shows how leading figures in English literature--W.B. Yeats, D.H. Lawrence,
and Robert Graves, just to name a few--celebrated these positive aspects of the religion in their work,
thereby softening the public perception of witchcraft in Victorian England. From cunning village folk to
freemasons and from high magic to the black arts, Hutton chronicles the fascinating process by which
actual wiccan practices evolved into what is now a viable modern religion. He also presents compelling
biographies of wicca's principal figures, such as Gerald Gardner, who was inducted into a witch coven at
the age of 53, and recorded many clandestine rituals and beliefs." Covers lightly rubbed, price sticker on
rear, otherwise a tight, bright near Fine copy. (no dust jacket issued). (54991) $35.00

Aldous Huxley, The Devils of Loudun. London: Chatto & Windus, 1952. First Edition.
Hardcover. Octavo. 376pp. Orange cloth lettered in gilt on spine. B/w frontis. & b/w
illustrations. Bibliography. Huxley's penetrating study of the madness and mayhem
that followed the tales of sorcery and demonic possession in a seventeenth century
Loudun convent. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal
blind-stamped on the front free endpaper. Spine ends rubbed, boards slightly
discolored, page-edges lightly browned, offsetting to free endpapers, otherwise a
solid, clean VG copy in about VG dust jacket (dust jacket price-clipped, rear panel
foxed, several edge nicks). (52042) $20.00
John of Monmouth with Gillian Spraggs and Shani Oates. Genuine Witchcraft is
Explained: The Secret History of the Royal Windsor Coven and the Regency.
Somerset, UK: Capall Bann Publishing, 2012. First Edition. ISBN: 1861633343.
Softcover. Octavo. 486pp. Gloss pictorial wrappers. With b&w plates of a rare
letters and documents. Illustrated. Material on the Royal Windsor Coven & the
Clan of Tubal Cain, plus "The New Pagan's Handbook" by Ron White. Appears
unused thus in near Fine condition. (55016) $30.00

Alexander Keiller, The Personnel of the Aberdeenshire Witchcraft Covens in the

Years 1596-7. London: Privately printed, 1922. First Edition Thus. Softcover. Small
octavo. 52pp. Original beige wrappers printed in black. Footnotes, errata. A study
of the alleged members of covens in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in the late
sixteenth century. This appears to be the first separate publication of an essay
that may previously have been published in the journal "Folk-Lore.". Wrappers a
little darkened at spine and outer edges, spine ends lightly chipped. A tight,
clean internally fresh VG+ copy. An unusual title. (55379) $125.00

Theda Kenyon, Witches Still Live. A Study of the Black Art Today. New York: Ives
Washburn, 1929. Hardcover. Octavo. 379 pp. Original blind ruled black cloth with gilt
titling to spine, biblio and index. An under-rated but surprisingly comprehensive and
well-researched account. Hint of rubbing to edges, a very faint ripple to cloth at fore-
edge of boards, a few faint pale marks to cloth. Page edges darkened, paper very
slighty browned, pencil notes to endpapers and underlining scattered through text
(all pencil, but too much too erase unless truly obsessive). Still, this is overall an
outwardly clean, tight near VG copy. No dust jacket. (33374) $95.00

Olive Knott, (Additional material by Rodney Legg & Amanda Allsop). Witches of
Dorset. Sherborne, Dorset, England: Dorset Press, 1974. First Edition. Softcover.
Booklet. 60pp. Stapled pictorial wrappers. B/w illustrations. A small collection of
witch lore from Dorset, England. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his
ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the title page. A clean VG+ copy. (51818) $6.00

William La Moy, Edited by. Perspectives On Witchcraft,

Rethinking the Seventeenth-Century New England Experience.
A Collection of Papers From the Tenth Salem Conference Vol. 129 January 1993 No.
1 Essex Institute Historical Collections. Salem MA: Privately published, 1993. First
Edition. Softcover. Octavo. 118pp. + x. Illustrated wrappers, b&w illustrations. Errata
slip. A quarterly periodical which includes the following essays: "Eros, the Devil and
the Cunning Woman: Sexuality and the Supernatural in European Antecedents and in
the Salem Witchcraft Case" by Louis J. Kern; "Spreading the News of Satan's
Malignity in Salem: Benjamin Harris Printer and the Publisher of the Witchcraft
Narratives" by Mary Rhinelander Carl; "Defending Against the Indefensible: Spectral Evidence in the
Salem Witchcraft Trials" by Daniel G Payne; "Ordinary Preaching and the Interpretation of the Salem
Witchcraft Crisis by Boston Clergy" by Mark A Peterson; and "Witches, Sinners and the Underside of
Covenant Theology" by Elizabeth Reis. Edges a little chafed with a few light creases to covers, upper
corner bumped - otherwise a tight clean VG+ copy. (55401) $10.00

Sybil Leek, Diary of a Witch. New York: Prentice Hall, 1968. Hardcover. Octavo. (vi)
182pp. Red cloth with black titling to spine. The "diary" or autobiography of Sybil
Leek (1917 - 1982) an English witch, astrologer, psychic, and occult author - who
wrote more than forty books on occult and esoteric subjects. "Diary of a Witch"
was first published in the US in 1968, and includes numerous references to Aleister
Crowley, who she claims to have first met in childhood. There is no statement of
edition in this volume, and nothing to identify it as a reprint or book-club edition,
however as the dust jacket is clipped (where either the price or the statement
"book-club edition" would be) we cannot identify the printing with certainty. Light
bumping to corners and spine ends, page edges and endpapers slighty browned,
old price sticker on front blank, pages toned, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy in near VG dust jacket.
(Dust jacket is a bit darkened at spine and outer edges, light rubbing & chafing to all extremities,
clipped) (55375) $20.00

T. C. Lethbridge, Witches. Investigating an Ancient Religion. London: Routledge &

Kegan Paul, 1962. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. x + 162pp. Blue cloth lettered in
gilt on spine. Index. B/w illustrations. Thomas Charles Lethbridge (1901-1971) was a
well-known British author, archaeologist and psychic researcher, who was
committed to investigating occult subjects, such as dowsing, ghosts, witchcraft, etc
in a scientific manner. Says the author of this work: "The whole book is really an
essay in detection drawing on Archaeology, History, Heraldry and other kindred
subjects" in search of the origins of the worship of Diana, the Witch Cult, and the
Goddess. Minor rubbing to top of spine, page-edges lightly toned, small blue pen
lines in fore-edge margins scattered throughout, final (blank) leaf has extensive ink
notes by a previous owner, otherwise a VG copy in G dust jacket (dust jacket
slightly rubbed & discolored, nicks at spine ends). (52045) $65.00

Marion Lochhead, Magic and Witchcraft of the Borders. London: Robert Hale,
1984. First Edition. ISBN: 0709015488. Hardcover. Octavo. 222pp. Original
black cloth with gilt lettering to upper board, b&w illustrations, bibliography.
Lochhead introduces and retells 31 tales of magic and witchcraft in Scotland
which were first collected by 19th century folklorists, including Walter Scott,
James Hogg and William Henderson. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman,
with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the first blank. Spine ends lightly
bruised, otherwise a bright clean near Fine in near Fine dust jacket. (55398)
C. E. Loseby, Witches, Mediums, Vagrants and the Law. Manchester: Spiritualists
National Union, 1946. First Edition. Softcover. Booklet. 32pp. Stapled printed
wrappers with paper dust jacket. An unusual essay arguing for the abolition of the
parts of the Vagrancy Act of 1824 which still, in 1946, made the practice of
mediumship prosecutable. The author makes a study of the history of the legal
aspects of witch trials, and argues that by its very nature such legislation is
incapable of delivering just outcomes. Page-edges foxed & browned, otherwise a
clean VG copy in VG dust jacket (dust jacket a little rubbed). (51836) $35.00

J. MacLeay, Cornish Witchcraft. Viewing Cornwall Series. St. Ives, Cornwall, England:
James Pike, 1977. First Edition. ISBN: 0859321924. Softcover. Small octavo. 32pp.
Stapled pamphlet; glossy printed wrappers, map, b&w illustrations. A short
monograph on witchcraft from the historical "Viewing Cornwall" series done by James
Pike of Cornwall. A little light rubbing and creasing to covers, otherwise a tight and
bright VG+ copy. (55389) $10.00

Robert Mandrou, Magistrats et Sorciers en France au XVII Siècle. Un Analyse de

Psychologie Historique (Civilisations et Mentalitès). [Paris]: Plon, 1968. First
Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 584pp. Original cloth with gilt titling to spine, index. The
first edition (in the French language) of Robert Mandrou's classic work "Magistrates
and witches in France in the seventeenth century. An Analysis of Historical
Psychology," in which he explores, in intricate detail, the shift in consciousness
within the French legal profession during the seventeenth century, which witnessed
them change from burning accused witches alive, to treating them as not much
more than inconvenient charlatans or lunatics at the end of the period. A few light
crease-lines to first and last few leaves (these appear to be an artefact of the
printing process), otherwise a tight, bright VG + copy in VG + dust jacket (jacket has a hint of chafing to
the edges). (55403) $50.00

Increase Mather, (Introductory Preface by George Offor). Remarkable Providences

Illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonisation. London: Reeves & Turner,
1890. Hardcover. Small octavo. xxxvi + 264pp. Original decorated cloth lettered in
gilt on spine. Frontis. portrait (lacking tissue-guard). A work originally published in
1684. Increase Mather 1639-1723 was a Puritan clergyman and educator who played
a prominent role in life in colonial New England who was closely involved with the
Salem Witch Trials. This book gives examines many curiosities relating to New
England life at the time - but includes three chapters "Concerning Things
Preternatural Which Have Happened in New England" "That There Are Daemons and
Possessed Persons" and "Concerning Apparitions" are of particular relevance to
those interested in the history of the occult and witchcraft. Spine slightly faded,
spine-ends slightly rubbed, small bumps to corners of boards, page-edges browned, endpaper hinges
split but holding, offsetting to free-endpapers, faint toning to page-margins, otherwise a solid, clean
near-VG copy. (52054)
W. R. Mitchell, The Lancashire Witches. West Yorkshire, UK: Dalesman Books, 1988.
Reprint. ISBN: 0852067763. Softcover. Small octavo. 32pp. Glossy printed wrappers,
b&w illustrations. A short monograph on the "Lancashire Witches" and the Lancaster
trials. Covers lightly rubbed, price sticker on rear cover - Otherwise, a tight and clean
VG+ copy. (55392) $8.00

E. William Monter, European Witchcraft. Major Issues in History

Series. New York, NY: John Wiley , 1969. First Edition. ISBN: 0471614017. Hardcover.
Octavo. xiv + 178pp. Original red cloth lettered in gilt on spine & front board. An
interesting and often over-looked scholarly study that stresses the importance of the
context in which the European witch persecutions took place - the general belief in
and fear of witches. Small library stamp on verso of title-page - no other markings.
Spine ends rubbed, a few tiny nicks to cloth onedges of boards, cover gilt dulled and
boards a little darkened, otherwise a solid, internally-clean near-VG copy (no dust
jacket). (52050) $20.00

E. William Monter,. Witchcraft in France and Switzerland. The Borderlands

During the Reformation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1976. First edition.
ISBN: 0801409632. Hardcover. Octavo. 232pp. Black cloth with silver title, etc. to
spine, b&w illustrations, appendices and index. A study of alleged witchcraft
practices, and prosecutions, in the 'Jura' region of the French-Swiss border, during
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. From the library of esoteric scholar,
Joscelyn Godwin with his bookplate on front pastedown. A bit of light shelfwear
and dust, black endpapers slightly faded, page edges lightly foxed. Still overall a
solid and unmarked VG+ copy in VG dust jacket. (Dust jacket lightly chafed &
creased at all edges, a few short closed tears, not clipped). (55384) $20.00

George Henry Moore, Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts: A Summary

Vindication of the Laws and Liberties concerning attainders with corruption of
blood, escheats, forfeitures for Crime, and Pardon of Offenders in reply to
"Reasons," etc., of Hon. Abner C. Goodell, Jr. New York NY: Privately printed,
1885. First Edition. Softcover. Large octavo. 120pp. Original printed wrappers. A
study by the great authority on New England witch-trials, George Henry Moore
(1823-1892). This particular study has as its focus a debate between Moore and
another authority, Abner C. Goodell, as to whether or not an act supposedly
passed in 1711, which would have reversed the attainders of several of those
condemned for witchcraft in 1692 actually became a law, althogh of course it
broadens considerably beyond that point. Wrappers a bit chafed and chipped at
edges, professional repairs to interior edges of wrappers, pages uncut. Overall tight, clean, VG copy -
rare in this condition due to the fragile wrappes. (55378) $75.00
George Henry Moore, Notes on the History of Witchcraft. Worcester, MA:
Charles Hamilton, 1883. First Edition. Softcover. Small quarto. 32pp. Original
printed wrappers. A short work by the great authority on New England witch-
trials, George Henry Moore (1823-1892). In it, he seeks to correct a number of
errors in the accepted history of the Massachusetts witch trials, in particular the
idea that were "no colonial or provincial laws against witchcraft in force at the
time of the witchcraft proceedings in 1692, in Massachusetts" and that the
prosecutions took place under English law. This thesis was hotly contested by
another authority, Abner C. Goodell in a booklet "Reasons for concluding that the
Act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of witchcraft in
Massachusetts in the year 1692, became a law" (1884), and a vigorous debate
ensued, which Moore addressed in a sequel: "Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts" (1885).
Wrappers a little darkened at spine and margins, professionally reinforced, text block overlaps wrappers
(as issued?). Edges of wrappers and some leaves a little chipped, still clean and largely unopened. A VG
or better copy of a very unusual work. (55414) $125.00

Glyn H Morgan, Essex Witches: The Witches, Enchantments, Charms and Sorcerers of
Essex. Bucks: Spurbooks Limited, 1973. First Edition. ISBN: 0902875396. Softcover.
Slim small octavo. 64pp. Pocket-sized paperback. B/w frontis. & illustrations.
Bibliography. A brief recounting of the stories of some of the more notable of the
many Essex witches, and what befell them at the hands of the "Witchfinder-General"
Matthew Hopkins and others of his ilk. A tight, clean & sharp near-Fine copy. (52064)

Margaret Alice Murray,The God of the Witches. London: Sampson Low, Marston
& Co., ND [circa 1933]. First Edition. Hardcover. Large octavo. xii + 214pp. Original
black cloth lettered in gilt on spine. B/w illustrations. References & index. An
unusually good copy of Murray's controversial second study of the origins of
European witchcraft. Chapters: The Horned God; The Worshippers; The
Priesthood; The Rites; Religious and Magical Ceremonies; The Divine Victim. This
copy is undated but our reference works suggest that it is nonetheless the first
edition (circa 1933) and that Sampson Low were not in the habit of dating or
including other printed indicators (such as statements) of their first editions at the
time this was published. Some sources (apparently all drawing on a British Library
listing) suggest that the first edition was published by Faber in 1931, however we
have never seen, a copy, and until we can get into the BL and confirm that this isn't a mistaken listing,
we are selling this as a "probable" first edition. Some darkened sections (shadowing) to endpapers,
edges dusty, else a tight, square, clean VG + copy in a near-VG example of the extremely scarce dust
jacket (dust jacket has a finger-pad sized chip from the top of the spine, and a few other much smaller
chips and tears around the edges, lightly rubbed & spine a little darkened) (48106) $125.00
Margaret Alice Murray,The God of the Witches. London: Faber & Faber , 1952.
New edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 212pp. Original black cloth with gilt titling to
spine. Color frontis. B/w plates. References & index. An attractive new edition of
this influential work in which . Murray explored her thesis that witchcraft is the
survival of an ancient Pagan horned god cult. From the collection of Dr. M. H.
Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the front free endpaper. Light
bumps and rubbing at spine ends & bottom-corners of boards, page-edges slightly
discolored, else an internally-clean near-VG copy in near-VG dust jacket (dust
jacket price-clipped, chipped & rubbed, slight loss at top of spine). (52034)

[Rosaleen Norton]. Short contemporary

article reporting on the launch of 'The
Art of Rosaleen Norton', in "The New
Australasian Post", October 16, 1952.
Melbourne: Argus & Australasian Ltd.,
1952. First Edition. Softcover. Large
quarto. Magazine format. 38pp.
Illustrated stapled wrappers. B/w & color
illustrations. A popular Australian
magazine of the period. In the "That's
Australia all over" column, there is a half-
page contemporary report on the launch
of the controversial book 'The Art of
Rosaleen Norton' in Sydney; the piece is accompanied by a small b/w photograph of Rosaleen Norton.
This issue also contains a 3-page article on Spiritualism, entitled "Survival after Death." Wrappers slightly
rubbed & discolored, minor chips & creases to edges of a few pages, else a solid near-VG copy. (53097)

Edgar Peel & Pat Southern, The Trials of the Lancashire Witches: A Study of 17th
Century Witchcraft. Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1969. First UK Edition. ISBN:
0715346652. Hardcover. Octavo. 192pp. Grey cloth boards gilt-lettered on spine.
B/w illustrations by Pat Southern. Index. A detailed examination of the most
famous of the the witch trials of England. Lower spine lightly bumped and faded,
light foxing to page-edges, otherwise a solid, internally-clean VG+ copy in Good
dust jacket (Dust jacket a little rubbed and discoloured, edges lightly chafed, price-
clipped). (49370) $12.00

[Gayot De Pitaval]. Causes Célèbres et Intéressantes, avec Les

Jugemens. Qui Les Ont Décideés. Tome XI. Paris: Chez Jean de
Nully, 1743. Hardcover. Small Octavo. (iv) xvi, 588 pp.
Contemporary patterned calf boards; spine with raised bands and
gilt titled labels; marbled endpapers, page edges tinted red. Text
in French. The eleventh volume of a series collecting together
accounts of celebrated and curious trials. The largest part of the
book is devoted to a study of the "Histore du Connetable de
Bourbon, juge comme regelle au Roi & a l'Etat" however there is a
long chapter (84pp.) on "Condamnation d'une Fille accusée d'être
Sorciere." This deals briefly with the trial of one Magdelaine Hodoul and at more length with that of
Magdelaine de la Palud, a young woman who experienced convulsions and bouts of profanity, during
which she confessed to having given herself to the devil "body and soul" and who in the process
implicated a Priest, who confessed under torture and was subsequently burned alive.
Contents: "Histore du Connetable de Bourbon, juge comme regelle au Roi & a l'Etat", "Condamnation
d'une Fille accusée d'être Sorciere," "Le Spectre, ou l'Illusion reconnuë", "Mariage fait à l'extrêmité,
reprouvé", "Reclamation contre des Vouex." Boards rubbed with some light chafing, spine appears to
have been reaffixed at some stage (an old and very professionally executed repair). Just a few spots of
foxing. Overall a clean, solid copy, VG+ antiquarian condition. (55380) $95.00

William Frederick Poole, Cotton Mather and Salem Witchcraft. Boston: NP

(University Press: Welch, Bigelow & Co., Cambridge Massachusetts), 1869. First
Edition Thus. Softcover. Large octavo. 64pp. Original printed wrappers, string
bound. Edition limited to 100 copies. This copy inscribed by the author: "A.
Smith Esq. / with the respects of W. M. Poole." The first separate printing of a
long essay originally published in the North American Review for April, 1869. It
comprises reflections - largely on the historiography of Salem Witchcraft - by
William Frederick Poole (1821 - 1894), the Salem (Massachusetts) born historian,
bibliographer and librarian, whose career began in the Boston Athenaeum and
ended with him holding the position of librarian at the renowned Newberry
Library in Chicago. An extremely scarce, fragile, publication. Worldcat locates
only one copy of this edition: in the British Library. Wrappers a bit browned, lightly chafed and chipped
at edges, page edges darkened. Overall a complete and clean VG copy. (55377) $325.00

Thomas Potts, (Preface by Arthur R. D. Studdard). The Wonderfull Discoverie of

Witches in the Countie of Lancaster. Lancaster: Carnegie, 2003. Reprint. ISBN:
1859361005. Softcover. Small octavo. viii + 188pp. + 12pp. ads. The Lancaster
Witch trials of 1612 were especially significant as one of the earliest sources into
the alleged activities of covens in England. The whole of the original
arraignement and trial, together with the findings were published in 1613 under
the title 'The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster.' The
present volume is a facsimile reprint of a 1929 edition which contained the whole
of 'The Wonderfull Discoverie' along with a scholarly Introduction by G. B.
Harrison. A tight, clean near-Fine copy. (49445) $12.00

Ken Radford (editor). Fire Burn: Tales of Witchery. London: Michael O'Mara Books,
1989. First UK Edition. ISBN: 094839773X. Hardcover. Octavo. 208pp. Black papered
boards lettered in gilt on spine. B/w illustrations. Bibliography. A collection of
accounts of witchcraft, drawn from a wide variety of sources from the narratives of
the European witchcraft trials, to mid-twentieth century oral history. From the
collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his name written in pen & ex-libris seal blind-
stamped on the front free endpaper. Page-edges toned, else a tight, clean VG+ copy
in VG+ dust jacket. (52038) $10.00
Ariadne Rainbird, and David Rankine. Magick Without Peers. Chieveley,
England: Capall Bann Publishing, [1997]. Reprint. ISBN: 1-898307-99-7. Softcover.
Octavo. iv + 304pp. Gloss pictorial wrappers. From the publisher: "A book about
progressive witchcraft which the authors see as being more eclectic and universal
than Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca. Witchcraft is composed of three main
elements - Magic, Mysticism and Religion - each treated in depth, and integrated
in this excellent, practical book. ... Techniques and teaching from many different
countries and cultures are integrated and used to great effect, drawn from the
courses and teachings carried out by the authors. The book gives a solid
grounding in personal magical work, aimed primarily at the sole practitioner,
though members of groups will also benefit from the teachings given." Appears unused, thus a near fine
copy. (55012) $15.00

Nicholas Remy, Translated by E. A. Ashwin. Edited and with an Introduction by

Montague Summers. New introduction by Leslie Shepherd. Demonolatry.
Secaucus, NJ: University Books, 1974. Reprint. Hardcovers. Small quarto. xliv +
188 pp. Blue cloth with gilt title, etc. to spines, b&w illustrations, double-column
printing. A reprint of this English language translation of this major early guide
used by church and legal authorities to define and detect witchcraft, and oversee
its prosecution and punishment. "Demonolatry" was an important late sixteenth
century text on witchcraft "drawn from the capital trials of 900 persons, more or
less, who within the last fifteen years have in Lorraine paid the penalty of death
for the crime of witchcraft" by Nicholas Remy, 'Privy Councillor to the Most
Serene Duke of Lorraine, and Public Advocate to his Duchy.' Translated by the
remarkable Revd Montague Summers, and originally published as limited editions in Rodker's "Church &
Witchcraft" series, in 1929. Includes a new Preface by Leslie Shepard (1917-2004). Light rubbing to
edges, light bruising to spine ends and corners, page edges slightly darkened and pages lightly browned,
otherwise a tight clean VG+ copy in near VG dust jacket (dust jacket a bit creased and chafed at edges, a
few short closed tears and some light chipping, not clipped). Published as a set along with "Compendium
Maleficarum", but this volume offered alone - and complete in itself. (52307) $45.00

Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology. New

York, NY: Bonanza, 1981. Reprint. ISBN: 0517362457. Hardcover. Large octavo.
572pp. Black composite boards gilt-lettered on spine. B/w illustrations. "An
historical and human compendium, from original sources in the world's great
libraries, describing the witches' sabbat and pact, incubi and succubi, eyewitness
reports of trials, werewolves, and vampires, sexual relations with the devil,
demoniacal possessions and exorcism, poltergeists, barbarous tortures, and the
theological and legal theories of the inquisition, witchcraft, and demonology.
Clarified by hundreds of illustrations, many reproduced for the first time in
several centuries." Despite the hyperbole, a quite comprehensive and intelligent
gathering. Light rubbing to edges, light bruising and chafing spine ends and
corners, page edges a bit darkened, patch of browning to front pastedown and
front endpaper, otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy in Good dust jacket. (Dust jacket a bit chafed and
creased at edges, laminate alligatored, not clipped). (55386) $15.00
Hyder Edward Rollins, Edited by. The Pack of
Autolycus or Strange and Terrible News of Ghosts,
Apparitions, Monstrous Births, Showers of Wheat,
Judgments of God, and other Prodigious and Fearful
Happenings as Told in Broadside Ballads of the
Years 1624-1693. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1927. First Edition. Hardcover. Quarto. xviii +
270 pp. Red cloth spine with tan cloth boards, gilt
titling and rules to spine, top edge gilt, b&w
illustrations, indexes. The texts, often accompanied
by the original woodcut illustrations, of some 40
seventeenth century broadside ballads, relating all
manner of strange events, from witchcraft and devillment, apparitions, and
ghosts, to freak weather, and disasters. This copy inscribed by the editor on the front free endpaper:
"Hyder E. Rollins. 'I am of this minde, that the making of rime, should not make a Poet use naughtie
words'! George Pettie, 1581." Tipped onto the dedication page is
an autograph letter, signed, from Rollins, to the recipient of the
book, John S. Mayfield. The letter is dated September 8, 1927 and
reads: "Dear Mr. Mayfield, Yesterday I mailed you (in a Harvard
Press cover) a copy of the Pack of Autolycus inscribed as you
requested. I hope that it will reach you safely, and will prove more
amusing than the ballad-index which somewhat ruefully I recall
that you bought. Sincerely yours, Hyder E. Rollins." The original
envelope in which it was sent is tipped in at the rear of the book. John S. Mayfield (1904-1983) was a
well-known bibliophile, who in later years was curator of the rare book collection at Syracuse
University. Signed by Mayfield on the rear pastedown, dated 13 September, 1927. A hint of bruising
to the corners, inside hinge shows signs of cracking, but holding firm, overall a tight, bright VG + copy in
a G+ example of the scarce dust jacket (the dust jacket has internal tape repairs, is overall darkened, and
has a few significant, and some smaller, chips and tears. Now protected in a removable mylar sleeve)
(52300) $50.00

Barbara Rosen (Edited by). Witchcraft (Stratford-upon-Avon Library 6). London:

Edward Arnold, 1969. First Edition. Hardcover. Large octavo. xii + 408pp. Black cloth
with gilt title, etc. to spine, b&w illustrations, bibliography and indexes. Presents
scholarly transcriptions of a number of pamphlets, reports, accounts of trials and
other material describing the experience, interpretation, and punishment of
witchcraft in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. From the collection of Dr. M. H.
Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the first blank. Corners and lower
spine lightly bumped, otherwise VG+ in VG dust jacket (Dust jacket light rubbed
overall, very lightly chafed at edges, not clipped). (55383) $20.00
Jeffrey Burton Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, 1972. First edition. ISBN: 0801406978. Hardcover. Large octavo.
xiv + 396pp. Green cloth lettered in gilt on spine, black decoration on spine,
blind-stamped design on front board. Index. A scholarly study of witchcraft in
Europe from the fifth to fifteenth century, in which the author examines it as "a
product of Christianity with its roots more in heresy than in the magic and
sorcery that have existed in other societies." From the collection of Dr. M. H.
Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the front free endpaper. Small
bump to top-corner of front board, else a clean, tight VG+ copy in VG+ dust
jacket (one short closed tear in top edge of front panel, otherwise unmarked).
(52044) $12.00

Jeffrey Burton Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages. Secaucus, NJ: Citadel
Press, 1972. Reprint. ISBN: 0806505044. Softcover. Large octavo. xii + 394pp.
Bibliography & index. A scholarly study of witchcraft in Europe from the fifth to
fifteenth century, in which the author examines it as "a product of Christianity
with its roots more in heresy than in the magic and sorcery that have existed in
other societies." Minor rubbing to edges of wrappers, page-edges toned, else a
clean, tight VG+ copy. (52074) $8.00

[SATANISM]. Article "Satan" in Life Magazine, Vol.

12, No. 7, June 1989. New York: The Time Inc.
Magazine Co., 1989. First Edition. Softcover. Quarto. Magazine format.
124pp. Illustrated stapled wrappers. Color illustrations. This issue contains a
7-page illustrated article by Jane Furth and Mimi Murphy entitled 'Satan'
which explores the
mythology and
folklore of, and
modern interest in,
Satan. Previous
owner's pen
annotation on front
wrapper, spine rubbed, short tears at spine
staples, slight edge creases to wrappers,
otherwise a solid, internally-clean near-VG copy.
(53099) $20.00

Geoffrey Scarre, Witchcraft and Magic in 16th and 17th Century. Europe Studies in
European History Series. London: Macmillan Education, 1987. First Edition. ISBN:
0333399331. Softcover. Small octavo. 76pp. glossy printed wrappers. Extensive
bibliography, index. "The author argues that while the witch prosecutors were
tragically mistaken, their activities were far from being irrational or unjustifiable - a
'witch-craze' - given the prevailing 16th and 17th century view of reality." From the
collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the first
blank. Price sticker on rear cover - Otherwise, a tight and bright Near Fine copy.
(55391) $20.00
A. F. Scott, Witch, Spirit, Devil. London: White Lion Publishers, 1974. First edition.
ISBN: 0727400509. Hardcover. Octavo. 190pp. Original black boards lettered in gilt
on spine. B/w frontis. & illustrations. Bibliography & index. An anthology of writings
on witchcraft. Chapters include: What is Witchcraft?, Witchcraft in the Bible, Malleus
Maleficarum, Witch-Hunts, The White Witch, Trials of Witches, The Sabbat, Familiars,
Poltergeists, Spells & Charms, Witchcraft in Drama and Poetry, The Decline of Witch
Mania, and Witchcraft Today. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-
libris seal blind-stamped on the front free endpaper. Page-edges lightly browned,
else a sharp, clean VG+ copy in VG+ dust jacket. (52037) $10.00

Ronald Seth, Witches and Their Craft. London: Odhams Books, 1967. First Edition.
Hardcover. Octavo. 256pp. Red textured papered boards lettered in gilt on spine.
Index. B/w illustrations. Better known for his books on the history and techniques
of espionage, the author is inspired to delve into the subject of witchcraft as a
result of witnessing an hostile attack of "black magic" at a young age. A brief
historical account is followed by chapters on the Devil, the Coven, the Sabbat,
Familiars - etc, and concludes with a detailed account of a number of famous witch
trials. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-
stamped on the front free endpaper. Spine ends lightly rubbed, page-edges toned,
corners of a few pages "dog-eared", otherwise a solid, internally-clean VG copy in
near-VG dust jacket (dust jacket price-clipped, rubbed, with some creasing at edges). (52033) $12.00

St. John D. Seymour, Irish Witchcraft and Demonology. Dublin: Hodges, Figges &
Co., 1913. First UK Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. viii + 256pp. Green cloth lettered in
gilt on spine & front board. Index. Top-edge-gilt. An interesting collection of accounts
of witchcraft and the supernatural in Ireland. Spine ends slightly chafed, bump to
upper board leaving vertical crease and some light inward bowing (sounds worse
than it is), offsetting to free endpapers, else a solid, clean VG copy (no dust jacket).
(47367) $85.00

James Sharpe, The Bewitching of Anne Gunter: A horrible and

true story of Football, Witchcraft, Murder, and the King of
England. London: Profile Books, 1999. First Edition. ISBN: 186197048X. Hardcover.
Large octavo. xxvi + 238pp. Deep red cloth gilt-lettered on spine. Pictorial endpapers.
notes & references, index. A work of historical detection, investigating the case of
Anne Gunter, who, in league with her father, levelled accusations of witchcraft
against two other local women, in a small village near Oxford in England, in 1604. A
sharp, clean VG+ copy in VG+ dust jacket. (46889) $25.00

L. Simmonds, Welsh Witchcraft. Ofergoeliaeth Cymru. Viewing Wales Series. St. Ives,
Cornwall, England: James Pike, 1975. First Edition. ISBN: 0859321398. Softcover. Small
8vo. 32 pp. Stapled pamphlet; glossy printed wrappers, map, b&w illustrations. A short
monograph on witchcraft from the historical "Viewing Cornwall" series done by James
Pike of Cornwall. From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-
stamped on the first blank. Wrappers slightly faded, rubbed and creased. Otherwise, a
tight and clean VG copy. (55388) $12.00
R.W. Frater F.H. Slingsby, Some Further Witchcraft Trials. NP [London]: Printed by
T. G. Norris & Son, ND [circa 1954]. Softcover. Octavo. 32pp. Stapled printed
wrappers. The first separate publication: apparently an off-print from the
Transactions of Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA).
In a previous paper the author examined witch trials in England, in the present
paper he gives "some account of a few cases from what is now South Eastern
France, from Scotland, and from New England." Almost certainly only a small
number of copies were produced for private distribution. Most unusual, no copies
recorded on Worldcat, or anywhere else. Covers a little darkened, staples slightly
rusty. Still a clean VG+ copy. Very unusual. (55409) $125.00

Ruth E. St. Leger-Gordon, Witchcraft and Folklore of Dartmoor. London: Robert

Hale, 1965. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 192pp. Original red cloth gilt-lettered
on spine. B/w illustrations. Index. An historical study of the folklore - including
witch lore - and pagan heritage of the Dartmoor region of England. Spine ends
rubbed, small bumps to top-corners of boards, page-edges foxed & browned,
otherwise a solid, internally-clean near-VG copy in near-VG udst jacket (dust jacket
price-clipped, rear panel discolored, two tape-repairs on verso at top of spine).
(52049) $8.00

C.R. Straton, Witches' Brooms. London: Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural

History Magazine, 1897. First Edition. Softcover. Octavo. 20pp. Original sewn
printed wrappers. An off-print of a paper originally read at the Salisbury
Meeting of the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society in 1896.
The author discusses the curious plant growths known as "witches' brooms"
and their relationship to the folklore of witchcraft. The talk was then published
in the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, Vol. xxix, p. 147,
June 1897 - this is an off-print from that journal, thus the first separate
publication. Rare. Worldcat locates only one other copy, in the Harry Price
Collection, Senate House Library, University of London. Covers a little darkened
and lightly creased, short tear at upper spine. Still a clean VG copy. (55408)

Montague Summers, The Geography of Witchcraft. London: Kegan Paul, Trench,

Trubner & Co., 1927. First UK edition. Hardcover. Large octavo. [x] + 624pp. +
16pp. ads. Original navy cloth lettered in gilt on spine, gilt symbol on front board.
B/w frontis. & illustrations. Index. Regarded by Summers as a "complementary
volume" to his 'History of Witchcraft and Demonology,' he offers a detailed
region by region survey of the "witchcraft epidemic" or witch craze as it effected
Greece and Rome, England, Scotland, New England, France, Germany, Italy and
Spain. Cloth a bit rubbed and darkened overall, some chafing & tiny tears at spine
ends, corners bumped and chafed, page-edges browned, endpapers unevenly
browned, otherwise a solid, internally-clean VG copy (no dust jacket). (49375)
Montague Summers, (Series editor C.K. Ogden). The History of Witchcraft and
Demonology History of Civilization Series. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner
& Co. , 1926. First edition. Hardcover. Large octavo. xvi + 354pp + 16pp
publisher's catalog. Original navy blue cloth lettered in gilt on spine, gilt device to
upper board. B/w frontis. & plates. Bibliography & index. This classic, popular
study explores witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, damnation, Satanism, and every
variety of magic, and features colorful, little-known anecdotes about witches,
devils, and their arts - as well as numerous historical accounts of witch trials and
the role of witches in literature. Cloth a bit rubbed and darkened with a few light
spots, spine ends and corners bumped and a bit chafed, spine a little faded, page-
edges browned, text unmarked, page browned, otherwise a solid unmarked VG
copy (no dust jacket). (55376) $75.00

John M. Taylor, The Witchcraft Delusion In Colonial Connecticut (1647 - 1697). New
York: The Grafton Press, 1908. First edition. Hardcover. Small octavo. xvi+ 174pp.
Original green cloth lettered in gilt on spine. Top-edge-gilt. Index. B/w frontis with
printed tissue-guard. The first edition of this examination of the witchcraft hysteria in
Connecticut, in the 'Grafton Historical Series.' The author presents original materials
from the period: colonial records, trial documents and transcripts, etc. as part of a
new analysis of this painful interlude in American history. Edges and extremities
lightly bumped and rubbed, spine ends a little bruised and chafed, page-edges
browned, otherwise a solid, clean VG+ copy (no dust jacket). (49388) $35.00

Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science Volumes V and

VI, The Sixteenth Century (2 Volumes: complete within themselves). New
York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1941. First Editions. Hardcovers. Large
octavos. Two volumes (of eight but complete in themselves). Vol. V: xx +
694pp, Vol. VI: xviii + 766pp. Original green cloth with gilt titles, etc. to spines,
blind stamp emblems on front covers, appendix (vol. V), index (vol VI). The two
volumes of Thorndike's classic "History of Magic" series - complete within
themselves - that cover the sixteenth century. Cloth lightly rubbed overall,
spines a bit darkened and slightly canted, corners and spine ends lightly bruised
and chafed, page edges darkened and lightly thumbed, pages toned, owner's
name in pencil on front blanks and a few scattered pencil marks in tables of
contents - otherwise unmarked. Overall tight, clean VG set. (55387) $125.00

Gillian Tindall, A Handbook on Witches. London: Arthur Barker, 1965. First

Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 156pp. Red textured papered boards gilt-lettered on
spine. B/w illustrations. Bibliography & index. Directed at the general reader, the
author presents the subject of witches in as wide and interesting way as possible
and includes the historical witch persecutions, as well as general folk and fairy
lore as it relates to witchcraft. Spine ends a little rubbed, page-edges a little
toned, otherwise a solid, internally-clean VG copy in VG dust jacket (dust jacket
discolored, slightly rubbed, small top-edge tear to rear panel). (52039) $8.00
Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, [Frank Kermode & Melvin Lasky (Editors)].
Witches and Witchcraft. [an Essay extracted from "Encounter" magazine,
issues for May & June 1967. Volume XXVIII. Nos. 5 & 6]. New York:
Encounter/Open Court, 1967. First Edition. Hardcover. Small quarto. Privately
bound in black cloth with gilt lettering to upper board, publication details for
both magazine issues tipped onto a rear blank. The complete text of the 44
page historical essay "Witches and Witchcraft" by British historian - then
Regius Professor of History at Oxford - H.R. Trevor-Roper (1914 – 2003). The
essay was serialized in two parts in the May & June 1967 issues of "Encounter"
magazine, from which these pages were extracted and professionally bound up.
From the collection of Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped
on the first blank. Near fine condition. (55411) $30.00

Doreen Valiente, Introduction by John and Julie Belham-

Payne, Foreword by Ronald Hutton. Where Witchcraft Lives.
Copenhagen: Whyte Tracks, 2010. First Edition Thus. ISBN:
9788792632098. Hardcover. Octavo. xxii + 128pp. Original
green cloth with gilt title etc to spine, bibliography & index.
Edition limited to 1,000 numbered copies (although the
actual limitation was likely much smaller as copies are very
seldom encountered). A scarce memorial edition of the first
book by Doreen Valiente (1922 – 1999), who was initiated into
witchcraft by Gerald Gardner in 1953 and was for a time High
Priestess of the Bricket Wood coven, and in later life she
became a leading figure in the Neopagan movement. "Where Witchcraft Lives" embodies her original
research into folklore and history of witchcraft in Sussex - a county with which she was personally very
familiar - viewed through the prism of her experience in Gardnerian witchcraft. Appears unused, thus
near Fine in lightly rubbed near Fine dust jacket. (55373) $175.00

Gerald Verner, (Editor & Introducer) (Essays by Algernon Blackwood, Montague

Summers, Sax Rohmer, Saki, et al). Prince of Darkness: A Witchcraft Anthology.
Witchcult, Satanism, Sorcery, Lycanthropy. London: John Westhouse , 1946. First
Edition. Hardcover. Small octavo. 250 pp. Original black cloth gilt-lettered on spine.
B/w lustrations. A collection of fact and fiction on Witchcraft, Satanism, Sorcery, and
Lycanthropy (werewolves), with stories and essays by Montague Summers, Algernon
Blackwood, Sax Rohmer, Saki, Dorothy L. Sayers. Illustrated with some unusual - and
rather funny - seventeenth century engravings of demons etc. From the collection of
Dr. M. H. Coleman, with his ex-libris seal blind-stamped on the front free endpaper.
Pen numbers written before each entry on Contents page, otherwise a tight, clean
VG+ copy in VG dust jacket (dust jacket slightly rubbed & faded). (47420) $45.00

Giles Watson (With illustrations by the author). A Witch's Natural History.

London: Troy Books, 2008. First Edition. ISBN: 9781909602014. Hardcover. Octavo.
174pp. Green cloth with gilt lettering to spine and gilt ouroborus device to upper
board, bibliography and suggested reading list, index. "A Witch’s Natural History"
was originally published as a series of essays in "The Cauldron", and is a
"meditation on the relationship between folklore and nature", drawing on
scientific, folkloric and experiential sources. Watson explores the lore, legends and
life-histories of a selection of animals which are commonly employed as motifs in the history of
witchcraft: such as reptiles, amphibians, crows and rats. He also explores the magical significance of
other, commonly neglected birds, spiders, insects, snails, as well as examining whole ecosystems which
have cultural associations with witchcraft. He combines a call for a new reverence for nature with a
fascination for some of folklore’s strangest representations of our dependence upon it: from the toad-
bone amulet in East Anglian witchcraft to the seductive Queen Rat of the Toshers in Bermondsey. This is
a book not only for those practitioners of the Craft who wish to be more informed in their response to
the natural world. Fine condition. (52313) $125.00

Weier [Weir, Weyer, Wierus], Johannem [Johannes / Ioannis] [and] Abraham

Saur. De Praestigiis Daemonum, by Johannem Weier [bound with] Theatrum De
Veneficis by Abraham Saur. Frankfurt am Mayn: Nicolaum Basseum, 1586. First
Edition & Reprint. Hardcover. Thick folio. Two Volumes in One. Text in German.
Superb contemporary binding. Heavily decorated (blind-stamped) pig-skin over
thick wooden boards. Raised bands, original paper title labels (titling handwritten
in ink), heavy triangular shaped metal guards on corners, remains of metal clasps.
Title pages in red and blank. Various woodcut initials, head and tail pieces
throughout. Two significant works on witchcraft published by Nicolaum Basseum
during the height of the witch-hunts. Basseum was a major Frankfurt publisher of
works on witchcraft - six years earlier, in 1580, he had republished the Malleus
Maleficarum - and his edition of "De Praestigiis Daemonum," was the last German
language edition of the work to be published during Weyer's lifetime. "De Praestigiis Daemonum et
Incantationibus ac Venificiis" ("On the Illusions of the Demons and on Spells and Poisons") is of course
the most famous work written by the Dutch physician Johann Weyer (c. 1515 – 1588). It was arguably
the first significant work to seriously question the witch persecution that was then taking place, and
although Weyer was not quite as radical as some have uggested, and did allow for some demonic
agency in human affairs, he also argued strongly that most
cases of apparent witchcraft were probably the consequence
of mental illness. His work was first published in 1563 in Latin,
and Weyer kept revising and enlarging it through six editions -
the final revision being completed only two years before this
German language translation appeared. Weyer's work is here
bound with a First Edition of the "Theatrum de Veneficis,"
("Theatre of the Witches") edited by Marburg lawyer Abraham
Saur, an important compendium of demonological tracts (listed
below) which represented a wide variety of early modern views on witchcraft. The contents includes:
Reinhard Lutz, Von Den Hexen zu Schletstadt appended essay with D. Martinus Lutherus, Von den
Hexen/ und Wechselkindern; D. Lambert Daneau, Von den Zäuberern; Jacob Vallick, Von Hexen und
Unholden; Ulrich Molitoris, trans./ ed. Conrad Lautenbach, Von Hexen und Unholden; Adrian
Rheynmann, Von den bösen Geistern; Ludwig Lavater, Von Gespensten; Leonhardt Thurnheysser Zum
Thurn, Bedencken; Abraham Saur, Von Hexen und Unholden; Paul Friese, Von deß Teuffels
Nebelklappen; Hermann Neuwaldt, trans./ed. M. Heinrich Meiborn, Von erforschung der Zäuberinnen
durchs kalte Wasser; Augustin Lerchheimer aka Hermann Wilken, Christlich Bedencken unnd Erinnerung
von Zauberey; Heinrich Bullinger, Wider die Schwartzen Künst; Jacob Freiherr von Liechtenberg, Johann
Jakob Wecker, Ware Entdeckung vnd Erklärung aller fürnembster Artickel der Zauberey; Johann von
Ewich, Von Hexen; Johannes Trithemius, Johannis
Trithemij zu Spanheim Antwort auff etliche fragen ihm von weilandt Keyser Maximiliano I.
Hochlöblichster Gedächtnuß fürgehalten; Various authors, Consilia und Bedencken etllicher zu unsern
zeiten Rechtsgelehrten Juristen von Hexen und Unholden; Johann Weyer, Book 6 of De præstigiis
dæmonum. De Praestigiis Daemonum, Frankfurt am
Mayn / Nicolaum Basseum, 1586. (xxiv), 575 (1)
(xx)pp. Collation: )(4, (?x2)4, (?x3)4, A-BBB6, CCC4,
3D6 Full title: De Praestigiis Daemonum. Von
Teufelsgespenst, Zauberern und Gifftbereytern/
Schwarzkünstlern/ Hexen und Unholden/ darzu irer
Straff/ auch von den Bezauberten/ und wie ihnen
zuhelffen sey/ Ordentlich und eigentlich mit
sonderm fleiß in VI. Bücher getheilet: Darinnen
gründlich und eigentlichdargethan/ was von solchen
jeder zeit disputiert/ und gehalten worden. Erstlich
durch D. Johannem Weier in latein beschrieben/
nachmals von Johanne Fuglino verteutscht/ jetzund aber nach dem letzten Lateinischen aussgangenen
Original auffs neuw ubersehen, unnd mit vielen heilsamen nützlichen Stücken: Auch sonderlich
hochdienlichen newen Zusätzen/ so im Lateinischen nicht gelesen/ als im folgenden Blat zufinden/ so
der Bodinus mit gutem grundt nicht widerlegen kan/ durchauß gemehrte und verbessert. Sampt zu endt
angehencktem newen und vollkommenen Register. No blanks at front or rear. First gathering detached.
Title page creased and somewhat soiled,corners rounded and edges chipped, following three leaves
similar but less so. Contemporary marginalia in bottom margin of p. 52, small cluster of worm holes in
left margin of pp. 107-149 (starting at a pin hole, spreading to the size of a small finger nail, and then
back to pin hole size again). A rectangular section - about 10 x 11.5 centimeters - has been excised from
pp. 351/352 taking with it one paragraph of text from the outer column on each side. There is also a
light, finger sized ink rub across one column of p. 553. It is quite light and only three or four words are
actually obscured by it. Theatrum De Veneficis. Frankfurt am Mayn / Nicolaum Basseum, 1586.(xii) 396
(x)pp. Collation: )(6, A-Z6, Aa-Ll6, Mm4. [this copy lacks kk6] [as usual there is a misnumbering of the
pages following p. 365] Full title: Theatrum De Veneficis. Das ist: Von Teufelsgespenst, Zauberern und
iftbereitern, Schwarzkünstlern, Hexen und Unholden / vieler fürnemmen Historien und Exempel/ be-
wärten/ glaubwirdigen/ Alten und Newen Scribenten / was von solchen jeder zeit disputiert und
gehalten worden / mit sonderm fleiß (derer Verzeichnuß am folgenden Blat zu finden ) an Tag geben.
Sampt etlicher hingerichten Zäuberischer Weiber gethaner Bekanntnuß / Examination, Prob / Urgicht
und Straff / etc. Vieler ungleicher Frage und Meynung halben / so in dieser Materi fürfallen mögen /
jetzt auffs neuw zusammen in ein Corpus bracht. Allen Vögten / Schuldtheissen / Amptleuthen deß
Weltlichen Schwerdis / etc sehr nützlich vnd dienstlich zu wissen / und keines wegs zu verachten. A
little light damp staining to the margins, a few old marginal notes, last four leaves (index) fragile, with
corners rounded. Lacks gathering kk6 (ie pages 375 -386) affecting the essay "Consilia und Bedencken
etllicher zu unsern zeiten Rechtsgelehrten Juristen von Hexen und Unholden." Engaraved Masonic
bookplate on the front paste-down (note there are no stamps or other library markings). The book is
somewhat splayed (hardly surprising given its age and contents), inner hinges split but although shaky
the boards are still firmly attached to the pigskin and ropes underneath. Clasps broken and missing
arms, pigskin has some tears and chips and there is generally modest wear commensurate with age to
both the binding and the book itself (note specific comments about the condition of the text sections of
the volumes above). If anything the wear is such that it enhances the "authentically antiquarian" feel of
this book - which is quite magnificent and original in its presentation. Either volume in itself is scarce -
the two together in contemporary binding the utmost of rarities. (37360) $5,750.00
Ben Whitmore, Trials of the Moon: Reopening the Case for Historical
Witchcraft. A critique of Ronald Hutton's The Triumph of the Moon: A History
of Modern Pagan Witchcraft. Auckland, New Zealand: Briar Books , 2010. First
Edition. ISBN: 9780473174583. Softcover. Octavo. 112pp. b&w frontis,
bibliography and index. Gloss pictorial wrappers. From the cover: "The 'creation
myths' of modern witchcraft and Paganism were decisively toppled at the turn
of this century in Ronald Hutton's celebrated book, Triumph of the Moon. But
did Hutton topple more than just myths? Are some truths also hidden in the
rubble? Did paganism really die out centuries ago? Was witchcraft really no
more than a fantasy? Were the Gods of Wicca really born out of the Romantic
movement? Did Gerald Gardner lie about his initiation into witchcraft? Ben
Whitmore has retraced many of Hutton's steps, critically evaluating the evidence, and he now suggests
that the truth may be quite different and even more fascinating. Drawing on a wealth of scholarly
material, Whitmore demonstrates that the field of Pagan history is anything but barren ground - it is rich
and fertile, and we have barely begun to cultivate it." Very light shelf wear otherwise in near Fine
condition. (54890) $10.00

J. W. Wickwar, Witchcraft and the Black Art: A Book Dealing with the Psychology
and Folklore of the Witches. London: Herbert Jenkins, ND (1927). Second Edition.
Hardcover. Octavo. 320pp. Green cloth, lettered in darker green on spine & front
board. Appendix & index. "A Book Dealing with the Psychology and Folklore of the
Witches." Chapters include: Witchcraft a Primitive Cult, Initiation and Ceremony,
Spells, The Evil Eye and Possession, Practical Witchcraft, Witchcraft on the
Continent, Werewolves and Vampires, Blood and Fire in England, Demons and
Mascots, Witch-hunting Cameos, A Typical English Witch-Trial, Witchcraft in
America, Witchcraft Phantasmagoria, A Typical Witch-Tract, The Last Phase. Spine
ends rubbed, small mark on front board, foxing to page-edges & endpaper gutters,
otherwise a tight, clean VG+ copy (no dust jacket). (47208) $45.00

Harry B. Wright, Witness to Witchcraft. New York, NY: Funk & Wagnalls Company,
1957. First Edition. Hardcover. Octavo. 218pp. Red cloth with gilt titling to spine and
gilt device to upper board; b&w illustrations. The author's experiences traveling
amongst witch doctors and sorcerers in Africa, South America, Asia and the Pacific.
Not a scholarly survey, but a good old fashioned narrative of adventure and
exploration where he recounts passing time with the ju-ju men of the Niger, "a
b'unga among the cannibals of the Fang nations, on the Slave Coast a gree-gree
doctor, and in the Gabun country a Ngombo ... As a curious and roving observer
Harry Wright has gone from the headwater of the Maranon and the Amazon to the
jungles of New Guinea and the villages of the ancient Slave Coast of Africa. He has
witnessed the exotic "Taro Cult" in Papua; the "Jackal Dance" of the Bapende in the Belgian Congo; the
weird workings of the "Vivala Madness" in Dutch New Guinea; and the almost incredible evidence of
extra-sensory perception and communication among the primitive peoples of these continents." Cloth
lightly shelfworn, page edges a little darkened, paper browned, otherwise a clean unmarked better than
VG copy in Fair dust jacket (Dust jacket well worn and rubbed with a considerable amount of chipping at
all edges and extremities, price clipped). (55371) $8.00

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