Building Over Sewer
Building Over Sewer
Building Over Sewer
1. Zone Of Influence 7
2. Foundations In Zone Of Influence 8
3. Building Over Pipeline 9
4. Reinforced Concrete Pool Adjacent To Pipeline 10
5. Maintenance Hole – Minimum Clearances 11
These Guidelines are intended to assist property owners, developers and consultants with
the Building Plan Approval Process and advise of Sydney Water requirements when building
over or adjacent to a Sydney Water asset.
When you submit building plans for approval, one of Sydney Water’s principal considerations
is the location of your proposed building works in relation to Sydney Water assets.
Generally, the only assets which can be built over are smaller size sewers. Larger sewers
may be built over but you will first need to contact Sydney Water on 13 20 92 and, if
necessary, arrange a meeting with Customer Connections staff to discuss Sydney Water’s
requirements. As a rule, construction is not permitted over water mains.
In many cases, determining the location of your proposed building works in relation to
Sydney Water’s assets will simply involve checking the location of the proposed works
against Sydney Water’s records. Service Location Prints, Sewer Service Diagrams and
plans are available at all Sydney Water Quick Check Agents (see
¾ Building Developing and Plumbing ¾ QuickCheck ¾ Quick Check Agents).
asset includes but is not limited to water, sewer and stormwater pipes,
chambers, maintenance structures, vent shafts and pumping
building works includes but is not limited to buildings, additions, garages and
carports, outhouses, swimming pools, retaining walls and hard
Prior to commencement of any work, your building works plans must be presented to your
local Council for approval and to a Sydney Water Quick Check Agent for approval.
Sydney Water recommends that you contact several WSCs to ensure you choose the one
most appropriate for you. They are located across Sydney Water’s area of operations and
service all areas.
Prior to approving your building plans, the WSC can assist you in various ways, including:
• reviewing your proposed building/structure plans and discussing options with you;
• advising you whether a Service Protection Report is required to accurately determine the
location and depth of Sydney Water’s pipes;
• advising you whether structural engineering detail is required;
• arranging supervision of concrete encasement and piering; and
• specifying asset protection requirements and/or alternate options.
To assist in your selection of a WSC, Sydney Water recommends that you ask:
If your proposed building works are in close proximity to a Sydney Water asset, your WSC
can advise on options and alternatives for your building words and the impact on Sydney
Water assets. Your WSC will advise you if you require a Service Protection Report or a
Work As Constructed plan of Sydney Water’s assets, which enables accurate determination
of the location of the building works in relation to the asset. These documents must not be
greater than 24 months old and must be valid when the building plan is approved.
If you require a Service Protection Report, your WSC can facilitate you engaging the services
of an accredited supplier. For a list of Accredited Suppliers of Service Protection Reports,
see Sydney Water’s website at ¾ Building Developing and
Plumbing ¾ Supplier Information ¾ List of Accredited Suppliers ¾ Service Protection Report
Your WSC can order a copy of a Work As Constructed plan for you or you can lodge a
“Request for Asset Construction Details” application at a Quick Check Agent.
Commencing 9 October 2006, all building plan approvals where the proposed
building/structure/works are within a distance equivalent to twice the depth of Sydney
Water’s existing and proposed assets must have the assets accurately plotted on the
building plan (site plan). This includes existing and proposed assets within the subject
property, adjoining properties and dedicated road reserve (including footpath area).
To enable the accurate plotting of Sydney Water assets on building plans, changes to the
requirements for Service Protection Reports will also commence as of 9 October 2006 (see
Sydney Water web site ¾ Building Developing and Plumbing ¾
Supplier Information ¾ Supplier Instructions ¾ Service Protection Report).
The person or company producing the building plan must accept full responsibility for the
accuracy of Sydney Water’s assets shown on the plan, utilising the information supplied on
the Service Protection Report.
If a building plan is produced after the 9 October 2006 utilising a valid Service Protection
Report dated prior to the 9 October 2006, the person or company producing the building plan
should, if possible plot Sydney Water assets on the building plan (site plan).
When a Service Protection Report is required, the supplier of the Report shall locate and
peg/mark (Asset Indicators) Sydney Water assets and tie the peg/marks into property
boundaries, permanent structures or recovery marks, that must remain in place and
unaltered until all building works are completed. The supplier of the Service Protection
Report shall accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided on the
Service Protection Report.
If a detail survey is not required, the applicant must provide a copy of the Service Protection
Report to the company or person preparing the building plan. The company or person
preparing the building plan shall locate the pegs/marks (Asset Indicators) and the property
boundaries, permanent structures or recovery marks shown on the Service Protection Report
and accurately tie them into the proposed building works.
If structural engineering plans are required for the building plan approval, they must show
Sydney Water’s existing and proposed assets on plan and cross sections, in accordance with
the building plan. The structural plans must be produced in accordance with the
specifications in this document.
When you lodge your building plans for approval with a Quick Check Agent, you will need to
submit your building plan (including site plan to scale).
If your proposed building works are in close proximity to a Sydney Water asset, the Quick
Check Agent will advise you to engage the services of a WSC for the building plan approval.
When you select a WSC you must provide them with your Building Plans and the Application
Lodgement Summary for the Building Plan Approval Application (from the Quick Check
Note: In the event of plans being varied after approval, the revised plans must be submitted to your
local Council and the Quick Check Agent.
Where it is determined that the proposed building works are within the Zone of Influence of a
Sydney Water asset, approval of plans is usually conditional on your meeting certain
requirements intended to safeguard both Sydney Water’s asset(s) and your building works.
Proposed driveway crossings and/or any proposed works within dedicated road reserves
(including footpath area) may impact on Sydney Water assets. If any building works are
within the road reserve area, the builder/consultant/engineer shall ensure the finished
surface levels do not impact or affect any Sydney Water asset. Any precautions or
adjustment to Sydney Water assets shall be carried out in accordance with Sydney Water’s
requirements and all associated costs shall be the responsibility of the customer/applicant.
For building over/adjacent to sewer assets, refer to Appendix 1 Sewers - Permitted Building
Works and Technical Requirements.
The precautions you will need to take can only be determined after your proposed building
works plans have been reviewed. However, the more usual precautions to be taken when
building over/adjacent to a Sydney Water asset include maintaining adequate access to
assets and extending foundations, piers etc below the Zone of Influence of a pipeline asset
(refer to Figures) or to solid rock and concrete encasement of pipes.
This ensures that no part of the weight of the building works is transmitted to Sydney Water’s
asset and so eliminates, as far as practicable, possibility of the asset being damaged by the
building works. Refer to Figures 2 and 5 for further details.
All Sydney Water pipeline assets that are to be built over must be concrete encased unless
otherwise determined by your WSC or Sydney Water. This serves to strengthen the pipes
and to make the need for further maintenance unlikely. It also minimises the chances of
leakages from pipelines.
All sewer pipelines requiring concrete encasement must be removed and replaced in-situ
with pipe of approved material prior to encasing unless, once excavated, your WSC or
Sydney Water’s Field Inspector verifies that retention of the existing pipes are satisfactory.
Note: A Sydney Water accredited Constructor must be engaged to carry out the concrete
encasement of pipes. Prior to works commencing, the Constructor must enter into an
agreement with Sydney Water.
Minimum clearances between the foundations of your building works and Sydney Water’s
asset will be specified. Clearances may also be specified from any concrete encasement
surrounding a pipeline.
Minimum clearances enable Sydney Water to access its asset, should the need arise,
without affecting the structural integrity of your works.
Sydney Water may consider other forms of practical access to its assets. Such access
should be clearly indicated on your building/engineering plans.
Maintenance structures are designed to provide Sydney Water with 24 hour unrestricted
access to its assets for both operation and maintenance purposes. For that reason, Sydney
Water does not generally permit building works to be constructed over or near a
maintenance structure.
Person access from the street to all maintenance structures must be maintained. A minimum
one metre horizontal distance is required between building works and the outer edge of
maintenance structures and other assets. Refer to Figure 5 and Appendix 1 for further
A property owner who proposes to build over/adjacent to a Sydney Water pipe or structure
may be required to provide a letter indemnifying Sydney Water against any claims arising out
of the presence, operation and/or maintenance of a Sydney Water asset within the subject
No building operations should commence before your building plans have been approved
and you satisfy all Sydney Water’s requirements. The Sydney Water Act provides for
demolition of structures not approved by Sydney Water.
You will be responsible for meeting the cost of any building over/adjacent precautions. As
such precautions can add to the cost of your project, you may be well served by taking time
to reassess your proposal to determine whether it can be located in a position which does
not span or encroach on the Zone of Influence of a Sydney Water asset.
By protecting Sydney Water’s assets when you build you will ensure, as much as possible,
that your development will not be affected at some future time by Sydney Water activities.
Ascertaining and complying with Sydney Water’s requirements before carrying out building
works should also obviate possible problems when endeavouring to sell a property.
Note: The Zone of Influence of a pipeline depends on the nature of the ground (“strata”) in
which the pipeline is located.
Zone of Influence
Zone of Influence
Ground Level
Zone of Influence
Zone of Influence
Ground Level
Zone of Influence
Ground Level
Zone of Influence
Ground Level
FIGURE 4.1 Pool Base Below Pipeline Invert and Zone of Influence
Water Level
of Sewer
Zone of
Sydney Water
FIGURE 4.2 Pool Base Above Pipeline Invert and Zone of Influence
Zone of
of Sewer
Outer edge of
Hole cover
and frame
2.0 m minimum
clearance from
centre of
Maintenance Hole
to edge of piers Pier
Outer wall
(face) of
building Building
These Requirements are to be read in conjunction with Guidelines for Building Over/Adjacent to
Sydney Water Assets. They describe building works permitted to be located over and/or adjacent
to Sydney Water sewers and associated structures, as well as detailing technical requirements
pertaining to such proposals.
A Shed ≤10 m2 in Construction over and/or adjacent Construction over maintenance Construction over ventshaft not
area, Open permitted provided supports/piers not structure not permitted. permitted.
Carport, Open directly over sewer.
Construction adjacent: Construction adjacent:
Indemnity letter required. • Minimum 1 m horizontal clearance • Minimum 1 m horizontal clearance
Gazebo, Deck, from face of building works to outside between face of building works and
Peg out required if piers/support within
Sail rim of maintenance structure entry outside edge of ventshaft base
Zone of Influence
point • Minimum 1 m all-round clear access to
No other special requirements. • Minimum 1 m all-round clear access to be maintained between structure and
be maintained nearest edge of ventshaft base
• Level of maintenance structure cover
to be adjusted to match any altered
adjoining ground level (5)
• Subject to approval, maintenance
structure cover may be incorporated in
• Person access from the street to
maintenance structure to be
• If vertical clearance between top of
maintenance structure and underside
of building works is ≥2.8 m, refer to
Type E works
B Garage, Shed or Construction over and/or adjacent As for Type A works Construction over ventshaft not
Workshop >10 permitted subject to: permitted.
m2 in area • Peg out to confirm location of sewer
Construction adjacent:
• Sewer to be made maintenance free
• Minimum 1 m horizontal clearance
• Certified design of foundations if works between face of building works and
are within Zone of Influence (design outside edge of ventshaft base
may incorporate concrete encasement
• Minimum 1 m all-round clear access to
of sewer) (6)
be maintained between structure and
nearest edge of ventshaft base
Certified foundation design required in
respect of impact on sewer as well as
C Residences As for Type B works As for Type A works As for Type B works except that ventshaft
For multi-storey additions that do not may be attached to external wall of works
For multi-storey additions that do not
increase the original foundation area, any increase the original foundation area, any
existing approval to build over/adjacent to existing approval to build over/adjacent to
a sewer remains valid a maintenance structure remains valid
If no building over/adjacent approval for
ground floor construction, indemnity letter
D Commercial / As for Type B works As for Type C works As for Type B works except that ventshaft
Industrial may be attached to external wall of works
E Eave and/or As for Type B works except that sewer Construction over and/or adjacent to As for Type B works
Cantilever on does not have to be made maintenance maintenance structure permitted subject
Building free if minimum 2.8 m vertical clearance to:
between finished surface level and • Minimum 1 m horizontal clearance
underside of eave/cantilever between face of building works at
finished surface level and outside rim
of maintenance structure entry point
• Minimum 2.8 m vertical clearance
between top of maintenance structure
cover and underside of eave/cantilever
• Level of maintenance structure cover
to be adjusted to match any altered
adjoining ground level (5)
• Certified design of foundations
F Fence Construction over and/or adjacent Construction over maintenance Construction over ventshaft not
permitted structure not permitted. permitted.
Construction adjacent: Construction adjacent:
• Minimum 1 m clear access to be • Minimum 1 m all-round clear access to
maintained except on boundary fences be maintained between structure and
• Maintenance structure cover level to nearest edge of ventshaft base
be adjusted to match any altered
ground level (5)
G Retaining Wall As for Type B works except concrete As for Type F works As for Type F works
encasement not required if:
Subject to approval, maintenance structure
• wall has no structural footing e.g.
cover may be incorporated into wall
Koppers log wall or
• any structural footing is ≤1m wide and
wall intersects sewer within an arc of
90° ± 45°
H Driveway, Construction over and/or adjacent Construction over or covering of To be protected against vehicular impact
Paving permitted. maintenance structure access cover (e.g. by bollards)
not permitted.
Depth to top of sewer to comply with WSA Ventshaft base may be integrated into
02 (7) Construction adjacent and/or around: paving or driveway
• Maintenance structure access cover
Driveways designed for heavy traffic load
may be incorporated into driveway /
are to incorporate construction joints at
paving subject to approval
maximum 2 m intervals to minimise
driveway/paving damage if need to • Maintenance structure access cover
excavate sewer level to be adjusted to match finished
driveway / paving level (5)
I Above-ground As for Type A works As for Type A works As for Type A works
Depth to top of sewer to comply with WSA
Swimming Pool /
02 (7)
Water Tank ≥
10,000 L
J In-ground As for Type B works As for Type A works As for Type B works
Swimming Pool /
In addition, maintain following minimum Additionally, foundation design to be
clearances between centreline of sewer certified
Detention Tank
and edge of pool coping:
• 600 mm for sewer <2.5 m depth to
• 900 mm for sewer ≥2.5 m depth to
K Excavation Cut not to reduce pipe cover to less than Maintenance structure cover level to be Stability of ventshaft base not to be
(cut/fill) and that specified in WSA 02 (7) adjusted to match altered ground level (5) compromised by cut/fill
Fill not to increase depth to invert to > 6 m Person access from the street to Ventshaft may be integrated into
maintenance structure to be maintained landscaping provided minimum 1 m all-
round clear access to be maintained
1. Minimum horizontal clearance of 600 mm from centre line of sewer to edge of piers/structure required for sewers ≤2.5 m depth to invert and 900 mm
clearance for sewers >2.5 m depth to invert.
2. Vertical clearance between top of sewer concrete encasement and underside of any slab/footing/structure etc to be minimum 150 mm. Minimum clearance
may be reduced to absolute minimum of 50 mm with use of 50 mm thick compressible membrane.
3. Concrete encasement of sewers to extend minimum of 600 mm beyond face of building works.
4. Nearest face of piers to be ≥2 m from centre of maintenance structure. Refer Guidelines Figure 5.
5. Adjustment of maintenance cover level may be carried out only by Sydney Water or under a Minor Works Agreement by a Sydney Water accredited S1 or
S2 Constructor.
6. Concrete encasement is deemed to render a sewer essentially “maintenance free” i.e. need for future access not anticipated.
7. Sewerage Code of Australia (Sydney Water Edition) WSA 02.